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k3s without HA: how to switch master node?

Rancher documentation on k3s is quite nice and its HA support (both with external DB or embedded etcd) look nice, but I don't want/need an HA setup. In case my master node fails, I don't mind having ...
Filipe Pina's user avatar
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Rancher x509 Certificate Expired yet not

When running kubectl, I get the error Unable to connect to the server: x509: certificate has expired or is not yet valid: current time 2021-10-05T11:59:14-04:00 is after 2021-09-29T19:21:40Z So ...
cclloyd's user avatar
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Find out specific Rancher RKE K8s image versions

I am wondering where I can find which containers versions will be deployed when I install a K8s Cluster with the following version combinations: ...
Shurkan2's user avatar
1 vote
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Issues Adding Non-Hetzner Provider Nodes to Rancher Cluster: Stuck at "Waiting for agent to check in and apply initial plan"

I have successfully deployed a Rancher server on one out of five servers obtained from Hetzner. For the cluster configuration, I designated one of the remaining servers for the control plane and etcd ...
humanbeing's user avatar
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Create Rancher API Key with kubectl

Given access to the kubernetes cluster, but no API key, how can I programatically create a API key for rancher server? The method described in documentation here requires a password login an a web ...
d_inevitable's user avatar
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OpenSSL issue with Rancher/Kubernetes cluster on RHEL 8

So we are working on setting up a big Rancher/Kubernetes cluster on a bunch of RHEL 8 servers. We have everything installed and have Rancher running on a 3 node cluster behind a load balancer. The ...
shagrat861's user avatar
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rke2 ingress-nginx default ssl certificate

I asked this here yesterday. Can anyone advise how to apply the default ssl certificate to ingress-nginx on rke2? I followed the doc at I ...
crowne's user avatar
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Controlling Egress calls of kubernetes pods based on intermediate host file

Can I modify and use /etc/host.allow file or something similar to restrict the outgoing (egress) calls from my kubernetes pods. If there is intermediate lookup happening while making an egress call ...
solveit's user avatar
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Coredns ACL plugin for restricting domain from Kubernetes Pod

How can I use use coredns acl plugin for the domain based access [blocking/allowing] the egress calls ? As per my use case I want to control the outgoing calls from my pod. something like this : . { ...
solveit's user avatar
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2 answers

Metrics-server is in CrashLoopBackOff with NEW install by rke

I have installed at least 10 times last one days, but its same every time Everything runs fine but metrics-server is in CrashLoopBackOff what I understand below section are missing from the pods ...
alammd's user avatar
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How can you update the password for an AWS ECR repo in Kubernetes?

I created a private docker registry using AWS ECR. I want to use it with a Kubernetes cluster managed by Rancher, but the password to the registry is changed by AWS every 12 hours. How do I keep it ...
Juan Jimenez's user avatar
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Is it possible to run Rancher on rke2 v1.28.10? If so, which version of nginx-ingress should be used?

I installed v1.28.10+rke2r1 and have three controlplane VMs and four worker node VMs. I wanted to see if Rancher (the web service gui) would work so I added the Rancher helm repo and ran helm install ...
mr.zog's user avatar
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Rancher with AWS LB controller fails health checks

I'm trying to launch Rancher with the AWS LB controller and i'm getting health checks failed for the ingress. Can someone please look at my set up and let me know if something that's obvious? EKS ...
user2051904's user avatar
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404 page not found rancher and k3s, how to resolve?

Step 1 Download k3s curl -sfL | INSTALL_K3S_VERSION=v1.26.11+k3s1 sh -s - server --write-kubeconfig-mode 666 Step 2 Install cert manager. kubectl apply -f
achhainsan's user avatar
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RKE2 All nodes NotReady post installation. Pending canal and cordns

I installed rke2-server and rke2-agent on the control plane machine and worker node machine respectively. (machine-0 is the control-plane, machine-1 and 2 are worker nodes). These machines are ...
Saksham's user avatar
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Struggling with a new Rancher HA RKE2 install, getting a "404 Not Found" page. How can I troubleshoot this?

I've never installed Rancher before, but I am attempting to set up a Rancher environment onto an on-prem HA RKE2 cluster. I have an F5 as the load balancer, and it is set up to handle ports 80, 443, ...
Tony Mitera's user avatar
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Rancher RKE2 Cert-manager's Vault issuer says "permission denied"

Does anyone know what's wrong with Rancher RKE2 clusters, please? I've hit strange problems during the deployment of Cert-manager with Vault issuer where Vault gets "permission denied" (or ...
patok's user avatar
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RKE2 Worker won't connect to server: invalid username/password combination

I'm creating a rancher RKE2 cluster for the first time. I followed the quick start guide and created a server and a worker. Both are Debian 12 Virtual machines on an ESXI hypervisor. Both VMs can ping ...
Nathan Arkxv's user avatar
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k3s fails to parse registries.yaml

I have set up a k3s Kubernetes standalone server with a insecure private registry but k3s fails to pull images from it. The registries.yaml file is set as documentation says. It is below. mirrors: &...
lauksas's user avatar
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Can't access Rancher UI after deploying it on K3S via helm

I deployed Rancher on K3S cluster using steps documented in below guide: The pod is working ...
mwas01's user avatar
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Device /dev/fuse for a container running Rancher in Mac

I'm trying to test in my corporate Mac runnning Ventura 13.5.2 the new container Oracle Autonomous Database I'm running Rancher 1.10.0 I'm following the instructions in
Sourcerer's user avatar
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Establishing a Single Node K8 cluster utilizing Rancher

I'm new to the world of Kubernetes and I'm attempting to work my way through understanding its environment. I've been tasked with installing and spinning up a cluster on a single Ubuntu server. The ...
Michael's user avatar
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How to add configuration for fluent-plugin-prometheus in Fluentd deployed via Fleet in Rancher?

I'm using Rancher to manage my Kubernetes cluster and have added a logging system (cattle-logging-system) via Fleet. I now need to add monitoring for Fluentd using the fluent-plugin-prometheus. Here's ...
Maksim Karibov's user avatar
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Ranchers cattle-cluster-agent-* pod log errors

When deploying rancher onto a downstream cluster the cattle-cluster-agent- pods appear and they show running. The issue is (1) when I try to access the cluster via the UI, the UI displayed " ...
Cody Dacosta's user avatar
0 votes
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Force deployment on Rancher when AWS CodeBuild produces a new container image

I have a Rancher 2.5 cluster running on AWS EKS. My CI is done in CodeBuild via a webhook to a Github repo. The buildspec.yml works fine to run the build, tag the containers and then send them to my ...
Juan Jimenez's user avatar
0 votes
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How to surface a docker-registry secret in Rancher?

I am using Rancher 2.5.8 to run Kubernetes clusters. In my org, we maintain a private docker registry on AWS ECR. I know I can create registry credentials within a project (for use in one or all ...
Juan Jimenez's user avatar
-1 votes
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What is the Path API for kubectl top pods

I use this command "kubectl top pods" using Kubectl command I need path api for this command I need return data from this command "kubectl top pods" via api
uday kiran's user avatar