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Questions tagged [raspberry]

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2 answers

Predictable network interface names not showing up

I seem to have the opposite problem of the internet. When you search for predictable network names not working all you find for the love of god is how to go back to wlan0, eth0 etc and disable it. I ...
nEmai's user avatar
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pi-hole - syslog messages

Pi-hole is running fine on my RPI. However checking the syslog, I see a returning message every 10 seconds. Apr 19 22:25:50 pi-hole systemd[1]: Started Citadel web service. Apr 19 22:25:50 pi-hole ...
Peter Kassies's user avatar
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How to set up a ptr record to allow my ip for sending email?

I'm trying to set up a raspberrypi 4 as a mail server. Since I own a domain name using a provider (, I use this domain name for my mail server (with mx records, redirection to the raspberry, ...
Bhrol's user avatar
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USB wlan1 Hotspot stops working when eth0 cable is plugged in

I setup successfully an USB wlan1 as AP via hostapd, and isc-dhcpd (it listens only to wlan1-interface) on a Raspberry 4 (using Raspbian). Regardless if wlan0 (the onboard WIFI) is connected to a WAN ...
Arakis's user avatar
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Integrating VLC Playback Trigger from Plex Web Interface on Raspberry Pi

I have a Raspberry Pi setup with Plex Media Server running smoothly, allowing me to stream videos seamlessly through the Plex web interface on various devices. Additionally, I've connected a TV to the ...
Val Petruchek's user avatar
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1 answer

ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'gunicorn.myapp' [closed]

I am trying to make two apps accessible on my LAN server (raspberry pi). lab_app: this one is a very simple app, made with flask from a third party, using a sqlite3 database, which results to be a ...
Tms91's user avatar
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mariadb service: Failed with result 'exit-code'

on my subject, there are several similar questions and answers, but all of them doesn't help MariaDb installated on a Raspberry Pi was running now more than 3 years. Unfortunately I had a power-supply-...
Max Müller's user avatar
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Failed Kasm Workspace installation on Ubuntu Server 23.10 LTS Raspberry Pi 4

I was trying to install Kasm Workspace on Ubuntu Server 23.10 LTS and I received this error: Setting Seed file as /opt/kasm/1.10.0/conf/database/seed_data/default_properties.yaml yaml: unmarshal ...
Plane_guy's user avatar
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Privoxy and openvpn in docker

for one project purpose I want following. On rpi I want make proxy in docker. I install privoxy and openvpn in docker. When I start docker and start privoxy, everything works normally (I configure ...
CROnoob's user avatar
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1 answer

How to make my website SSL secure with Ubuntu 22.04.2 LTS server and Apache

I'm trying to access my website through https://. but all my efforts are in vain. First I will explain how I did everything to get into the context. The server hardware is a Raspberry PI2B. With ...
AlbertoRS's user avatar
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kubernetes cluster cert-manager in crashloopbackoff

I had a kubernetes cluster running on a raspberry pi that had a simple server running on it. It's a small project i'm using to learn kubernetes. After coming back to the project i realised it wasn't ...
lloyd noone's user avatar
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1 answer

Exposing two applications on different external ports using nginx - nginx: [emerg] bind() to failed (98: Address already in use) [closed]

I am trying to make two apps be accessible on my LAN server (raspberry pi). lab_app: this one is a very simple app, made with flask from a third party, using a sqlite3 database, which results to be a ...
Tms91's user avatar
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-3 votes
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DHCP moved from [closed]

After connecting several Raspberry Pis running Ubuntu 23.10 to my switch, they are for some reason stepping on each others DHCP leases. DHCP is running on fpsense 2.7.2... Logs: DHCPREQUEST for 192....
Greg's user avatar
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