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13 votes
3 answers

Finding how a Linux system was booted

I have a remote server, running Linux 5.19.0-41-generic x86_64, I am trying to find out how it was booted. Apparently, it does not use systemd : PID 1 process is bash. ps -p 1 -o comm= bash ...
0x11111's user avatar
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10 votes
2 answers

How can I make Linux reboot instead of remounting the filesystem as read-only?

Linux systems sometimes remount the root file system as read-only, e.g. if there's an I/O error. I have a machine that becomes useless when this happens, and I end up rebooting it manually. Is there a ...
user541686's user avatar
8 votes
2 answers

Automatic Reboot at specific time if Automatic Upgrade requires Reboot

I have setup automatic updates and it updates automatically. However, there are updates that require a restart and I know Unattended-Upgrade::Automatic-Reboot "true"; will set it to reboot. ...
Abdulsattar Mohammed's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Restart all services in Linux without rebooting kernel?

I have remote machine that has encrypted drives thus each full reboot requires physical access to machine. Machine just experienced issues with lack of disk space so part of running services crashed / ...
Lapsio's user avatar
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NFS shares dissappear after reboot of Windows server

I have a server running Windows Server 2016 with the File Server Role (NFS Server) enabled. On this server an iSCSI disk is mounted as disk S:. One folder on this disk (S:\EXCHANGE) is an NFS Share. ...
Nicotian's user avatar
5 votes
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Windows Server 2012 R2 DC's take almost exactly an hour to reboot after Windows Updates

For several months now, every time any of our 3 Windows Server 2012 R2 domain controllers reboot, they're unreachable for an hour according to our network monitoring software (PRTG). I can see from ...
Matty Brown's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

When is system scheduled for reboot?

Where can I find information about if there is an reboot scheduled and in that case: when, why and by who? I got this in my terminal: Broadcast message from root@my-server (Tue 2017-11-07 09:00:00 ...
UlfR's user avatar
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Windows Server 2016 automatically restart

We've had a 2016 reboot on critical servers after updates! Even worse, during operating hours! We have a group policy to prevent an automatic restart of the servers if a new update(s) is available: ...
Pejvak Javaheripour's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

How can I reboot server when HTTP stop responding on AWS EC2

I have a server on Amazon EC2 and I would like to reboot it whenever it stops responding for HTTP requests. It is a single micro instance. I was thinking about using AWS Lambda but I could not find ...
Koss645's user avatar
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Host key changing during reboot

I have four Azure VM machines running Ubuntu 20.04.3 that I regularly shut down. Yesterday I shut them down, and early today I restarted them. Usually this presents no problems. Today, one of the ...
blueFast's user avatar
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0 answers

Perfmon counters are not restarted after reboot

The question has a long history, and I went through all previous questions (1, 2) but neither of them answers the question why the standard way doesn't work? If I don't want to use logman how can I ...
Suncatcher's user avatar
3 votes
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All methods of making iptables persist are not working

I set rules in iptables a few months back and used iptables-persistent to make the rules persist through reboot. I just updated my rules and am trying to make them persist but nothing is working they ...
Aaron Martin's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

In Debian-based script: how to determine if kernel changed and needs reboot?

How can we (more) easily determine if a kernel-change-reboot is required in Debian, other than doing this in a script (which is a bit cumbersome)? Ubuntu has /var/run/reboot-required and per our ...
Johnny Utahh's user avatar
2 votes
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Order in which Linux services are stopped during reboot/shutdown

On a KVM VM running Centos 7.5, I have a service running that writes to an NFS-mounted file system. When a shutdown or reboot is issued, the service is throwing an exception that indicates that it ...
sizzzzlerz's user avatar
2 votes
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How to make logwatch show a reboot event in the report?

Our environment consists of several workstations and servers, all RHEL (CentOS 7) and with logwatch (currently v7.4.0) installed. A custom cron job sends daily logwatch reports via email. The command ...
egeiter's user avatar
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Safe reboot cron job with fallback on SysRq reset issue

I'm trying to setup a cron job to reboot devices daily. With a safe callback to a SysRq reset if for some reason the reboot does hang (issue being that SSH gets killed and the device never reboots so ...
Olivier's user avatar
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Preserve order of closing services while shutting down the Linux

I defined a Linux systemd service which has few dependencies in unit file using After= and Requires=. My service depends also on SAN filesystems controlled by Veritas. When stopping my service upon ...
Hellraiser's user avatar
2 votes
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What is the time limit for IPMI soft reboot timeout to revert to hard reboot?

Using frucontrol you can specify a soft reboot ipmi request with the command ipmitool picmg frucontrol 0 2 Where the "2" at the end indicates a reboot, as opposed to a "0" which ...
at least 3 characters's user avatar
2 votes
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Automatic reboot of server for no reason

My server has restarted and I can't find a reason for this.. Installed on kvm virtualizor server. I checked the logs but didn't see the reason for the restart. last +x reboot [root@localhost ~]# ...
Nader Moradi's user avatar
2 votes
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Cluster Shared Volume Owner Node After reboot

Problem: In a failover-cluster (Hyper-v) the CSV (iSCSI) gets "pulled" to the node that just restarted (after updates) when i don't want it to. I can not find any setting defining CSV owner ...
MaxSantos's user avatar
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watchdog watchdog0 watchdog did not stop

I have a computer that always has issues restarting/shutting down. I've installed many Linux distributions on it, including Debian 9 and VMware Photon OS, and I always have the same issue. When I ...
aristosv's user avatar
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'reboot' command doesn't work properly after 'cp' command, 'mv' behaves weird, as well

I have compiled C code running as a binary on an ARM. The ARM boots Linux from an SD Card using an old Image that was generated using buildroot. Within the C code I call a shell script that moves the ...
sdepot's user avatar
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2 votes
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Windowns Hyper-V Virtual Machine shutdown instead of restarting as commanded

I am running a Windows 2016 Hyper-V host with the following VM's 2x Windows 2012 R2 2x Ubuntu 16.04 Whenever I carry out a restart of the VM's after an update they nearly always shut down and ...
David's user avatar
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Does crontab @reboot work on debian 7?

I need a simple way to run some script on reboot: I read that @reboot in crontab can work, but looks like some linux does not accept it: Does it work on debian 7 ? Does it work on debian 8 ? Does ...
yarek's user avatar
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2 answers

Any harm in ignoring the `/var/run/reboot-required` flag?

Icinga notified us of the presence of a /var/run/reboot-required file on various servers. i.e. we were getting a SERVICE STATUS: CRITICAL file or directory /var/run/reboot-required exists message in ...
Snowcrash's user avatar
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How often should a WSUS server be rebooted?

I've not been able to find info on this one. All my searches come up with info on rebooting the servers or computers that get their updates from the WSUS server, but not rebooting the WSUS server ...
Mike's user avatar
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PostgreSQL: enable pg_stat_statements without server reload

I'd like to enable extension pg_stat_statements. It was installed as an extension. But I cannot see it until server is rebooted. Is there any way to avoid reboot? I tried: /etc/init.d/pg... reload ...
Eugene Lisitsky's user avatar
1 vote
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Not able to ssh after reboot on aws ec2 instance "Connection timed out"

After rebooting an aws ec2 instance I am not able anymore to ssh into it, putty on Windows is telling me "Network error: Connection timed out" and the same happens from the command line on a Linux ...
Niko Zarzani's user avatar
1 vote
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Cron Running @reboot jobs

I have Debian 8. Sometime when I run command the VPS got offline. From logs I see: Nov 14 07:22:34 localhost cron[386]: (CRON) INFO (Running @reboot jobs)
mark's user avatar
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VM Windows Server 2022 does not start on its own after reboot

I have a VM created in google cloud, where I use a Windows Server 2022 Datacenter, but every time I restart this machine through the remote connection through my windows 11, the VM does not start by ...
AwayShift's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Read-only filesystem => boot hangs

From time to time, I encounter a situation where my remote Ubuntu Linux server (18.04 LTS) experiences disk IO errors, resulting in the filesystem becoming read-only. While I can SSH into the server ...
Michal Oprendek's user avatar
1 vote
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Ubuntu 22.04.1 LTS (Jammy Jellyfish) Hangs On Reboot (sometimes)

I have an Intel NUC NUC8I7HNK which I have installed Ubuntu on. If I reboot the system and then reboot it again everything is fine. Reboots without problem. However, if I let the system sit for a ...
Thomas Campbell's user avatar
1 vote
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How to ensure execution of time consuming task on reboot/shutdown?

I have a bash script that is supposed to execute on reboot/shutdown of a remote Ubuntu server, connected over SSH: ls /etc/rc{0,6}.d/k99* /etc/rc0.d/k99_stop_all /etc/rc6.d/k99_stop_all The script ...
Sergey Bushmanov's user avatar
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Veritas Cluster nodes reboot when another is reset or hard turned off

We are conducting bi-yearly resiliency test on a 4 node VCS cluster. With two applications running on nodes 1-3 and 2-4 resp. in active-standby mode. When making a manual switch over, or a graceful ...
nmajoros's user avatar
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Ubuntu Lenovo Server takes 3 hours to reboot

Since the beginning of the month, automatic reboot after kernel change takes ... 3 hours. It is a Lenovo Thinksystem server in a datacenter. journalctl -b -1 ends with: juil. 23 03:02:25 host systemd-...
Laurent's user avatar
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Planned reboot of Hyper-V guest caused unplanned Hyper-V host reboot

System: Windows Server 2016 Standard, fully patched, both host and guest(s). A strange thing happened today when I rebooted one of my Hyper-V guests (by RDP-ing to the guest and manually triggering a ...
Heinzi's user avatar
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Auditpol gets reset after rebooting

I have created a script that deletes a file and updates some advanced auditing settings using auditpol. However, whenever the computer gets reset, those auditpol changes get reset as well. Is there ...
Dave's user avatar
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ProLiant DL380 G8 restart after shutdown

I've just bought a HP DL360 gen8 server, but the issue is when i shutdown the server it do all its prosess but the led still glows and after 15-20 sec the server automatically starts again, can you ...
Unaib's user avatar
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Windows Server 2016: No network cable detected after reboot

we recently made the 'mistake' to reboot one of our servers (INTEL Server Barebone R2312WFTZS S2600WFT). All went fine but after the system was up and running we could not connect via network. ...
OlafW's user avatar
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Control-C sends control-alt-delete to my Ubuntu server over ssh

On my Ubuntu VM: Linux xxxxxxx 3.19.0-25-generic #26~14.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Fri Jul 24 21:16:20 UTC 2015 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux to which I am connected over SSH, I am running this command: sar ...
Jaor's user avatar
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Different handling of reboot at "identical" Debian 8 servers

We have several servers, all running Debian 8 (up-to-date) and configured exactly the same by ansible. These servers run on different hardware / vps. However, there is a difference between them in ...
rmuller's user avatar
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CENTOS 7 - incrond service doesn't start properly on reboot

I'm having some trouble with incrond not starting properly after a reboot. If I check the service, everything looks ok: $ systemctl is-active incrond.service active $ systemctl is-enabled incrond....
CoAstroGeek's user avatar
0 votes
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Sending graceful shutdown via AMT to intel NUC

I have several intel NUC (NUC5i5MYBE) hosts with AMT support and an up-to-date firmware (2017-05-06). I am able to send power-up and (hard) power-off and get the correct power info using amtc and ...
Chen Levy's user avatar
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Linux symlink does not working after reboot

I have created on our Debian squeeze my own daemon from skeleton where is my application starting (+I add there some logging to my log file). I have put this file to /etc/init.d/ cp /home/ja /etc/...
Roman's user avatar
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Ports not reachable after reboot

after I rebooted my server, I can no longer ssh into it. I am running headless Ubuntu 20.04.5 After investigating the problem, I've noticed, that all ports on my server appear to be closed (using an ...
maddes's user avatar
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SSHd on Fedora 36 doesn't start after boot, even after systemctl enable sshd.service

When I boot my desktop sshd is not running: =$ systemctl status sshd.service ○ sshd.service - OpenSSH server daemon Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/sshd.service; enabled; vendor preset: ...
eijeze's user avatar
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Debian reboot suggested after kernel update since Bullseye

So I've been using Stretch as a production server for a small academic research office. Had a nice ~500 or so days of uptime, and I kept it up to date as updates rolled. This summer, Stretch was ...
marsisalie's user avatar
0 votes
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How to run a shscript on reboot

I am trying to run a script on reboot that enables a port forward to a remote server. I made i script that it works if i run it in terminal. But i am not able to run it on crontab reboot: @reboot ...
Kaf's user avatar
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How to restart centos 6 server from cron

I realize this is frowned upon. Many will suggest they don't recommend doing a server restart from cron because it's not being monitored. In my case I would like to do this, the reason is because ...
FabricioG's user avatar
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Reboot Ubuntu from MSSQL

I've written a stored procedure that I use as a scheduled job in MSSQL to reboot a list of servers, I also log all response messages as errors\warnings in case reboot doesn't go well. All was fine as ...
James's user avatar
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