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Postfix sasl_password file and MX resolution

Thanks to @AlexD idea, we'll implement the following transport table in order to simulate a IP failover using the DNS MX resolution (postfix 3.3) Relay for 2 domains, exemple[12].com ...
Déjà vu's user avatar
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Postfix transport map with failover entries?

Postfix relays a few domains to a fixed IP address, or its failover address. and (failover) These two IP addresses are where the relay should occur. Currently, transport_map ...
Déjà vu's user avatar
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Windows DHCP Server does not give correct IP

I have a Windows DHCP Server with many scopes, each one related with a VLAN, and I have a PC connected to a switchport. Then, I am changing the access VLAN on this switchport to see if the PC receives ...
fjulianom's user avatar
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Configuring postfix to use SendGrid SMTP relay with fixed FROM address but need to append REPLY-TO of original sender

I have been trying to resolve for a couple of months using multiple different configurations. The local delivery to a Dovecot mailbox ([email protected]) keeps the original sender (sender@gmail....
kcfez's user avatar
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Postfix - some mails not sent to particular domain and syslog tagging issue

I have a problem with e-mails sent to a particular domain ( Usually the mail is corrected sent and in my postfix log I have this: 06104180AF: to=<**********>,[...
Stefano's user avatar
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Is it legal for a DHCP relay agent to relay RENEWAL requests that were directly unicast to the "Server identifier" server?

I'm observing the following in a packet capture. Client -> Broadcast : DHCP Request Relay -> Client : DHCP Ack (Option 54 == Server) ... After T1 expires ... Client -> Server Identifier ...
user80551's user avatar
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WireGuard policy-based routing

This question is about configuring a WireGuard relay that routes all its peer's traffic to another WireGuard server, but the relay itself does not use that WireGuard server as the default gateway. I ...
Waiho's user avatar
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Using Postfix as relay to upgrade encryption

I have some embedded devices which receive no more firmware upgrades. They are only capable of sending mails with TLSv1.1 which is no longer supported by public mail servers. So my idea is to setup a ...
Hans's user avatar
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How to prevent unauthorized relay of mail in Postfix

It seems that our mail server is being used to send spam. The sender of the email is a spoofed real account on our server. There is no email in the sent history for that account. I would like to ...
adm's user avatar
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How to send email from smtp server1 to smtp server2 (Postfix) via client?

How to make server1 with postfix can send email to server2 with postfix by redirecting DNS query to it (type forward). These servers are on the same local network. Server1 is to receive a non-...
test1's user avatar
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postfix as relay - send to non local domain restrict by ip

we are moving from an old symantec messaging gateway to a debian/postfix machine. rules in symantec are these: -from local domain to the same, accept from all then relay all to server. -...
Walter's user avatar
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How to prevent postfix from sending e-mails without authentication

my first post here. I had a postfix that I'm using as a relay. I configured to use authentication with the following The problem is: when I try to send an e-mail ...
joaoluizmf's user avatar
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Postfix relay denied

I have installed Cyberpanel with postfix installed I am facing Relay Denied error while sending out the emails or any other external I have tried googling and read many posts but not ...
Rizwan's user avatar
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Is it possible with CSF firewall, to forward IP traffic transparently?

In /etc/csf/csf.redirect|*||*|tcp|*||*|udp I have the following config, now when I connect to (nginx+php) with script ...
J Frost's user avatar
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Original DKIM signing is not sent when using SMTP relay

We are using a VPS (ubuntu 18, postfix) to send mails for multiple domains hosted on a server (AlmaLinux 8). For example from the domain "". VPS is Hosting server ...
Denis's user avatar
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Postfix relay mails not from "mynetwork" or "authenticated users"

I have some trouble understanding Postfix-configuration and have the current situation: I had one server with Plesk using Postfix as primary MX for several domains. Now - to reduce spam - I want to ...
Lutz Mahlstedt's user avatar
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Postfix - Forward mail externally through relay

I manage the mail server for Some users have a local IMAP mailbox, but for some their address is an alias and I'd like to forward their message to their external address. I've configured ...
CompuChip's user avatar
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POSTFIX : Relaying all domain users from postfix server to exchange

I deleted my post and re-created it to be as clear as possible. I m a beginner with postfix. So, I have a postfix server relaying mail to my exchange 2016 server. I want all domain users to be allowed ...
Alex Lum's user avatar
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Why is my client server unable to send emails over port 587 while a telnet connection to my mail server is possible?

Host cannot send mail over relay host with port 587. I have two servers. One mail server and one server that uses the mail server as a relay host. The client server should send over Port 587. A telnet ...
Tom Krebs's user avatar
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Postfix - Relay - authentificatin in Mysql

I tryed to manage with a postfix server, my goal is that : When 1 special user ([email protected]) try to send mail, it will use routing (using a relay server is OK) but I don't understand how to send ...
PopFR1's user avatar
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postfix configuration to prevent bounces when relaying to 3rd party (e.g. src -> my@work -> my@gmail)

i have an active mail relay that is using aliases as a main tool, at some point we started to get bounces for some emails. Source: Destination: ...
DrunkMice's user avatar
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Relay emails to another server

I'm hosting all my users websites on server1, it has multiple websites, e.g.,, ... Our upstream provider no longer support reverse DNS, so I need to use server2 to help ...
Mien's user avatar
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postfix relay - send message to a non-existing mail address does not fail

I have a docker-mailserver with a relay on a tiers server (Oracle cloud email delivery). When I send a message to a non-existing address (e.g. to gmail), I get a Code 250 Ok Sent (should not it be a ...
Fnifni's user avatar
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Is it possible to send mails via Postfix on another machine in the same LAN without having to relay it?

I thought this was a quite common situation, but I'm struggling a bit getting this to work in the easiest way possible, and also, I'm not sure if I'm doing it in a good/recommended way by now. I have ...
Tobias Leupold's user avatar
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Fetchmail + Postfix - can't make them work together

Task is the following: There is a mail server in a secure zone with no access to Internet and/or other networks. I need to relay contents of one of the mailboxes to Amazon SES for delivery. I set up ...
Sart's user avatar
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DKIM *seems* to be used as an open relay. Is this possible?

I'm running postfix with opendkim. My opendkim milter is running on port 10029. CORRECTION: My opendkim milter is running on a unix socket, and there is a DKIM content filter set up on port 10029. ...
HippoMan's user avatar
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mail relay routing FROM domain with dkim

Current setup First of all i must say that im so so (read like "nothing know") in things like postfix or open dkim. We have many domains on our exchange (realy a lot). and thats work like &...
Dopler's user avatar
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Separate eMail relay: DNS requirements beyond PTR record?

Some cloud business offers "always-free" VM instances. Not quite big, but enough for me, so I’m going to migrate my infrastructure there, including That machine handles ...
Al Klimov's user avatar
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SMTP send error Client does not have permission to submit mail to this server. The server response was: 4.7.1 : Relay access denied

This error comes on my server when I am sending mail outside my domain like to Google, Microsoft, etc. Below is my Postfix config file. # See /usr/share/postfix/ for a commented, more ...
Maanic Tech's user avatar