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Questions tagged [requestheader]

RequestHeader is an Apache configuration directive. See also the [http-headers] tag.

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6 votes
1 answer

What is the request line for HTTP/2?

For HTTP/0.9: GET / For HTTP/1.0: GET / HTTP/1.0 For HTTP/1.1: GET / HTTP/1.1 Host: What is the request line for HTTP/2? Is it something like: GET / HTTP/2.0 Or HTTP/2?
ImBoredAllTheTime's user avatar
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Need to add request headers to every request in Apache

I'm trying to add a header value to every request via Apache (ver 2.2). I've edited my VirtualHost to include the following vaiations: (I've tried both RequestHeader and Header, add and set in all of ...
meleager's user avatar
2 votes
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Add a request header on mod_proxy based on the value of another request header

I have a server running mod_proxy and I need to essentially rename a request header. A proxy closer to the origin is stripping off the X-Forwarded-For header, but we need that data to persist, so I ...
Glenn Slaven's user avatar
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2 answers

Where to type RequestHeader in apache?

I need to add to prevent attack: # a2enmod headers RequestHeader unset Range RequestHeader unset Request-Range Where I can add it? This is my htttp.conf, maybe another file? <VirtualHost *> ...
Dracontis's user avatar
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3 answers

Apache2 - mod_rewrite : RequestHeader and environment variables

I try to get the value of the request parameter "authorization" and to store it in the header "Authorization" of the request. The first rewrite rule works fine. In the second rewrite rule the value ...
Guillaume's user avatar
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1 answer

How to add a header using another header's value in Apache HTTP Server

My Apache server is proxying a request in which it receives a header (oidc_access_token). How can I add another header, Authorization, in the forwarded request with value that includes a prefix (...
codependent's user avatar
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Apache2 - Forward a value from URL param OR cookie, whichever is present

I managed to use apache to strip off a url param and stuff it in a header to be passed on to another server. See this question for reference. Now I would like to add to this by getting the value for ...
Samo's user avatar
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How to set a HTTP Request Header to the current date and time with IIS8

I am currently using a Microsoft IIS8 server as a reverse proxy for URL rewriting. Currently there is the issue, that i need to set a HTTP Request Header on the IIS. I already went ahead and created a ...
lt_katana's user avatar
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Nginx - Even after adding the directive 'access control allow origin' the request logs error

I am trying to run nginx infront of my nodejs application (I am using windows machine) My NodeJS Application is running in 3000 port I have started the Nginx at 8070 port When i try to hit http://...
VJohn's user avatar
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1 answer

Setting request header based on URI in an Apache reverse proxy

I'm configuring Apache 2.4 to run as a reverse proxy for several applications. One of these is Artifactory, which says I should use Apache to set a header ( the header is: X-Artifactory-Override-Base-...
Jonathan Michaels's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

UseCanonicalName On applied however host of request header still wasn't change

I had an issue with website redirection and I found that my rewritecond input= '' and my request header host = ''. So I try to apply UseCanonimalName On in vhost where my ...
Petri's user avatar
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AH01225 error reading request entity data while uploading files

Files of more than one GB fail to upload, which results in the following apache error.logs as: [Mon May 13 06:33:27.604183 2024] [cgi:error] [pid 464] (-102)Unknown error -102: [client
Prajwal's user avatar
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1 answer

Apache 2.4 Read from request header and set the same in response header

I am using Apache 2.4.6 I wanted to check if a custom header X-CUSTOM-HEADER is present in the request, if yes then set the same header and same value to the response. If the header is not present in ...
user1081692's user avatar
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browsers (librewolf & chromium tested) won't send if modified since & if none match after receiving one 304 not modified response

localhost development server : Server : Apache/2.4.46 (Unix) OpenSSL/1.1.1j PHP/8.0.3 mod_perl/2.0.11 Perl/v5.32.1 I'm sending etag & last modified response headers with php : "Connection ...
mikakun's user avatar
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Apache X-Authorization request header

I'm using Basic file type authorization in my Apache httpd configuration. And my http request contains X-Authorization request header instead of Authorization. I'm getting unauthorized error. How can ...
Prasaanth G's user avatar
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Apache: No custom headers in environment variables

I've just installed a new webserver (Debian Buster, Apache, Dovecot, ISPConfig) to replace an old webserver. One of my websites uses custom request headers (through Javascript) to pass information to ...
Zippy1970's user avatar
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416 Requested Range error in a Social Engine install

I am unfortunately saddled with a software package called Social Engine. Don't ever, ever buy it. It is extremely buggy and the tech support is beyond awful. Anyway, I asked (paid even) them to do ...
Lynn's user avatar
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