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Questions tagged [resources]

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19 votes
14 answers

What are some good resources for learning PowerShell scripting? [closed]

Are there online resources or books that you would recommend as an introduction to PowerShell scripting? The resources I've found primarily focus on interactive use.
dmo's user avatar
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17 votes
4 answers

Something eats all memory (I suspect memory leak on some app). How to detect what?

I have server which runs liquidsoap+icecast bundle and simple website (httpd+mysqld). Nothing special. Visitors around 2000+ per day, with around 50 being online simultaneously on average. Server has ...
jayarjo's user avatar
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16 votes
4 answers

Referring to an existing resource in CF Template

We have multiple CloudFormation scripts to create our stack. Now, we want to write (automate) new scripts which will be used just to updated 1 specific resource (business requirement). The thing ...
Em Ae's user avatar
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15 votes
4 answers

Cannot switch, ssh to specific user: su: cannot set user id: Resource temporarily unavailable?

/var/log/secure: su: pam_keyinit(su-l:session): Unable to change UID to 500 temporarily su: pam_keyinit(su-l:session): Unable to change UID to 500 temporarily su: pam_unix(su-l:session): session ...
quanta's user avatar
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12 votes
2 answers

Pricing of Key Pairs and Security Groups on AWS?

My free AWS account expired. I deleted all S3 and EC2 resources, but am wandering if I can leave the Key Pairs and Security Groups without having to pay for them. (My account resources look like this ...
boardrider's user avatar
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12 votes
2 answers

Tomcat 8 org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource

I have just upgraded from 7.0.52 to 8.0.14. I am getting this for lots of static image files: org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/base/1325/WA6144-...
iainmac999's user avatar
10 votes
0 answers

How to find which file is under heavy use/IO [duplicate]

Application on the Linux server is using several large files of 10-20 GB in size. It is constantly writing and reading on all of them, I want to see usage details: which file is under heavy use, see ...
GioMac's user avatar
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9 votes
2 answers

nginx - connect() failed upstream under load testing

I've been doing some load testing with wrk of my nginx reverse proxy -> my web app setup and I noticed that when I get to 1000+ concurrent connections, nginx starts returning 502s and the following ...
Alexandr Kurilin's user avatar
7 votes
8 answers

What great system administrator magazines are out there?

In August 2007, SysAdmin magazine ceased publication after 15 years. Since then, what resources (preferably magazines) have system administrators turned to to stay on top of their game?
KPWINC's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

Why is routing neither CPU nor memory intensive? [closed]

I've recently been examining the performance statistics of my linux-based router, and have been surprised by what I'm seeing. I expected the routing workload to be much more taxing to RAM and CPU than ...
Carbon's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

Ansible performance issues on a huge group

So, I have this host group, which consist of 35k VMs. Aaaand I need to run a playbook over it. If it does matter - playbook is just a call for community role for installing node_exporter. But I'm ...
Anatolii Tk's user avatar
7 votes
3 answers

How to safeguard a shell script against running out of control?

I've recently had an experience of writing a shell script which crashed a server (and damaged a partition) by consuming all resources. It was hooked up to a cron job, and it seems it took longer to ...
Steve Bennett's user avatar
5 votes
6 answers

Monitoring CPU usage in Ubuntu

How to find out what process is using CPU to what extent in Ubuntu? I'd like to have real-time data as well as recorded history. Both console and GUI apps would be great. The situation is that my ...
Alex's user avatar
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5 votes
4 answers

How can I find exactly which PHP scripts are taking up all server resources?

If the web server is running slow, is there a way to see which files are responsible? Edited: Debian OS with Apache2 web server
user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

Which VM needs more resources?

I have a physical server which runs 8 virtual machines with virt-manager and kvm. Since one VM is not needed any more, I want to give the remaining virtual machines more resources. I'm looking for ...
guettli's user avatar
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4 votes
4 answers

BSOD Error codes

Where is the best place to find out information about blue screen of death 'STOP' and other error codes? Technet has a list but it doesn't seem to have the STOP code that I've seen: STOP 0x000000F4 (...
Luke Quinane's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Can I limit user bandwidth/ram usage/CPU usage in Windows 2003/2008/2008 R2?

I would like to limit the resource usage on a per user basis on a Windows Server 2003, 2008, or 2008 R2 machine. Suppose I have four users logged into one machine using TS and they are all using ...
user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Debugging Prometheus OOMkilled despite 6Gi limits

I'm at the end of my patience with a prometheus setup leveraging kube-prometheus-stack 44.3.0 (latest being 45). I have two environments, staging and prod. In staging, my prometheus runs smoothly. In ...
Liquid's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

How do I find out which websites are slowing down my server?

Are there any good tools out there that I can use to find out which websites are the biggest drain on my Windows 2003 web server's resources? The server has been steadily slowing to a crawl and I want ...
jessegavin's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

What is a good way to determine a server's connection usage?

Trying to figure out where my system's connections are being used (i.e. how many connections belong to what processes - could even be filtered by some expression through grep, if it applies). The ...
Juan Carlos Coto's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

logrotate compression parameters

I've been using cstream for a while for many things, for example to reduce the impact that mysqldump has on drives. However, I have always done so by calling the binary directly from a script or ...
john fish's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Windows domain account, expired vs. disabled status

I know that expiration feature in a Windows domain environment for user accounts is useful for automation processes. But I'd like to know if a disabled account is the same than an expired account in ...
fedayn's user avatar
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3 votes
3 answers

Running a process within a limited amount of resources, in Linux

Is there a way to run a process (e.g. ls, du, find .. etc) within a strictly limited amount of resources (i.e. cpu, memory, I/O) aside from using nice & ionice, as I didn't find them effective ...
yalu's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Spec for a Terminal Services box?

Currently, we have a test TS machine at work, which has a dual core Pentium 4 3GHz CPU, and 1.5GB of RAM, running 32bit server2003 (I didn't built it, not my choices). My boss wants to get this using ...
Dentrasi's user avatar
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2 votes
7 answers

how to track down permanent disk accesses on linux

I have a machine that runs few services, but I don't believe they are responsible for sometimes heavy disk access on this server (massive head moving which I can hear, after long periods of almost no ...
user12096's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

CPU Resource pool with and without hyperthreading in vmware esx/esxi

VMWare ESX/ESXI running with AMD 12core @2.2GHz. Intel 6core @2.4GHz In resource pool, with amd cpu I should see 26.4GHz available. Now it's interesting what will be shown with Intel CPU? Am I gonna ...'s user avatar
  • 311
2 votes
1 answer

Does Docker Swarm migrate resource hungry containers to other nodes?

Let's assume a 3 node Docker cluster. One one of these nodes, resources are tight. A couple of services which can be quite greedy in terms of CPU or RAM happened to start on the same host. Will ...
sbrattla's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

MySQL file limit. Error Out of resources

I was benchmarking my database the other day using mysqlslap, and I ran into a "Out of resources when opening file '/tmp/somefile' (Errcode: 24)" error. I with a few click on google, I found a ...
Katafalkas's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

VPS etiquette, and how server resources are meant to be used

I'm renting a tiny Linode to mess around with, host my site and learn more about Linux. It's a VPS with 512MB of RAM and 16GB of storage. I've never owned a computer that wasn't sitting in front of ...
alexmuller's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

pthread_create failed (EAGAIN) with most software

I have a vServer (16GB RAM, 6 vCores) running Ubuntu Server (Linux 4.15.0) with a few docker containers. A few days ago, I deployed a new container, and it would simply refuse to start with weird ...
Twometer's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Where are the attributes for room mailbox stored?

I'm using Exchange 2007 and I've created a room mailbox. I want to know where the settings of the room mailbox are stored? What are the attributes used to store room mailbox information? Are they ...
Giridharan J's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

MS SQL Server: multiple databases on one or more VMs?

We are planning to deploy an eCommerce Solution using three distinct databases, all to be hosted in MS SQL Server 2008 R2. The whole stack will be hosted in a VMWare environment (two physical machines ...
Peter Becker's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

What resources is incrond using? What can make it stop?

Incrontab is set up to monitor approx. 10 directories. The only thing it does is that it starts a Bash script when the new file is received inside one of these directories. Approximately, one file is ...
Muhamed Huseinbašić's user avatar
2 votes
5 answers

Track resource usage on Ubuntu server while I'm sleeping?

I've got a pretty typical LAMP server running a web site but sometimes, during the night, resource usage skyrockets and the site becomes unresponsive. There are a lot of logged errors about being ...
Sean's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

top: What does cpu usage mean?

I have several processes right now running at 100%. Is it 100% of the alloted resources to the process? UPDATE Take a look at this for example: top - 06:01:13 up 5 days, 22:19, 2 users, load ...
gAMBOOKa's user avatar
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2 votes
0 answers

Is there a way to have pacemaker resource groups failover if all floating IP resources are unavailable?

I want to have multiple floating IPs in a resource group that will only failover if all IPs cannot work. Each floating IP is on a different subnet and can be used by the application I have. If a ...
dev4life's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Process has more open sockets than should be allowed by prlimit

Running debian jessie. The following is done as root to avoid any permissions issues. First I find the pid of my program, then I check its open file limit to verify that it is set at 1024. But when I ...
nullUser's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Azure - Is it possible for global administrators to enforce per-subscription resource limits?

My company is moving all its internal production and development servers to Azure, and needs a way to delegate administration while at the same time keeping track of resource usage; thus, we are going ...
Massimo's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Monitoring usage resources per user in Linux

I want to get statistic hourly by used averages resources per user such as cpu and memory. How I can get it?
Devoll's user avatar
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1 vote
3 answers

puppet hash create file

Sooo i have this hash in app1's puppet manifest $applicaton = 'app1' daemontools::build { $application: path => "/opt/supervise/${application}" envvars => { ...
Arenstar's user avatar
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3 answers

Chef 12.5 Custom Resources - Accessing Resources in Recipes

I am writing a cookbook that uses the Custom Resources present in Chef 12.5. I have a custom resource that uses a template resource and as such has a notifies that reloads the associated service. ...
kemra102's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

arrays in puppet

I'm wondering how to solve the following puppet problem: I want to create several files based on an array of strings. The complication is that I want to create multiple directories with the files: ...
paweloque's user avatar
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4 answers

whats the best way to find out how much traffic you have?

Sorry I'm a newbie to this. I'm using a Linux server with Plesk. I just wanted to find out what is the best way to find out how much traffic there is to a website, when resources are running out, and ...
Solomon Saleh's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Monitor/analyze/report resource trends on a single server-- perfmon +?

I'm running a handful of video streaming servers (Win2k3 Ent SP2). As my user base is starting to grow, individual users are beginning to report that they are experiencing less-than-ideal service. ...
crftr's user avatar
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1 vote
3 answers

System monitoring tool via command line in Windows

Is there a command line tool for Windows XP to display system resources, like available memory usage, cpu, diskspace etc... Small and requires a non-install. Best Regards, Anders
Anders's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Why does pacemaker start on the secondary node instead of the primary?

I have two Linux nodes running httpd service. When I try to add the httpd resource on the primary node, the service starts on the second node instead of starting on the primary. What am I missing ...
edotan's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

Linux resource monitoring per user

I am looking for a daemon that logs, the amount of resource, utilized by every user. For every user, I would like to record the cpu-time and memory used over the lifetime of his/her processes. If ...
san's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

Resource usage of mapped drives versus network location shortcuts?

One group within our IT department wants to eliminate all drive mappings from our network and replace them with simple Network Location (UNC) shortcuts. The group claims the drive mappings consume ...
SteveM82's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Organize code in Chef: libraries, classes and resources

I am new to both Chef and Ruby and I am implementing some scripts to learn them. Now I am facing the problem of how to organize my code: I have created a class in the library directory and I have used ...
ColOfAbRiX's user avatar
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1 answer

Measure impact of new software on Windows Server

I'm an admin for a small business. I've been asked to give another company my opinion on whether or not our servers have enough available resources to handle the addition of their software. I've had ...
Digital ink's user avatar