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Hosting passbolt container on server using nginx reverse proxy

I'm trying to host passbolt on my server using container setup; on this server I also have to host multiple websites, each with a different domain; so I thought of configuring an nginx reverse proxy ...
mic f's user avatar
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Docker/WordPress in Sub-Path Redirects to Root

I installed WordPress+OpenLiteSpeed in Docker using this script, adapting it for my needs. I'm hosting the blog in /blog sub-path here. I added this to wp-config.php define('WP_HOME', 'https://www....
Etienne Charland's user avatar
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Nginx as reverse proxy , rewrite or proxy pass request to docker container

I'm trying to use nginx as reverse proxy in front of a few applications which are on the same machine(Docker containers). As a test, I tried to connect PHPmyAdmin to a URI like: ...
Hadi h's user avatar
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Apache Guacamole + Portainer + Nginx Proxy Manager + Cloudflare

maybe somebody could help with this... My setup: Qnap TS-664 Docker containers (Portainer managed) Domain at porkbun (lets call it Cloudflare DNS: A Name: C Name: Name: nginx, ...
John Smith's user avatar
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Apace Reverse Proxy to Docker Container - CSF Breaking Container App

I've been at this all day now and can't seem to figure it out. I installed listmonk on my server and set up an Apache Reverse Proxy to it: <VirtualHost> ServerName ...
GenesisBits's user avatar
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Why does nginx as a reverse proxy not send Referrer-Policy header?

A bit of context : I'm using nginx as a reverse-proxy for a bunch of apps running in Docker containers. Among those apps there is Nextcloud (fpm), and the settings page complains about HTTP Referrer-...
Manumie's user avatar
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How to serve static files for Docker Nextcloud-fpm behing nginx reverse proxy?

I have a similar problem to NextCloud FPM Docker Image behind an NGinX Docker Container as Proxy Reverse I have multiple web apps running in Docker containers behing a Nginx reverse-proxy. I'm trying ...
Manumie's user avatar
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NGINX reverse proxy not working as expected

I'm trying to deploy an app through docker containers and reverse proxy it to my destination endpoint. My docker compose file looks like this: version: '3.4' services: monitor.api: image: ${...
maaajo's user avatar
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Docker phpMyAdmin reverse proxy using Apache - assets not loading

I am running a phpMyAdmin container that I'd like to access via Apache reverse proxy. When I try to access it, it seems like the site itself is loading, i.e. the title of the page shows "...
antikbd's user avatar
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FastAPI is masking Apache2 inside Docker

I setup a webserver and a FastAPI in a single docker container. Here are the relevant parts of the Dockerfile: FROM ubuntu/apache2:2.4-22.04_beta [...] # Apache conf RUN echo '<VirtualHost *:80>\...
Gabriel Cretin's user avatar
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Dockerized Nginx Reverse Proxy - Real IP

I have following problem. I have a docker compose setup which spins up a frontend service using Nuxt3 and a backend API based on golang.This two containers are exposed via an Nginx reverse proxy ...
Sol's user avatar
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Ngnix Reverse Proxy Setup SSL For Localhost In Docker

Using below docker compose.yml I am creating 2 containers and a reverse proxy container.. version: '3' services: # SSGTM Tag Server Container tagging_server_container: image:
Sajjad Hossain Sagor's user avatar
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docker registry behind nginx reverse proxy with authentication and ssl

I'm trying to push images remotely to my private docker registry, which fails like this: $ podman push Getting image source signatures ...
Yaroslav Alexeevich's user avatar
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Change the script path in an Apache proxy handler

I'm developing my application with 2 containers: apache and php-fpm. Apache serves requests, and delegates PHP execution to the php-fpm container in its vhost: <FilesMatch .php$> ...
amacrobert's user avatar
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NGINX proxy pass to docker container's login page [duplicate]

Using nginx, im trying to set an endpoint for /test to redirect to a docker container i have running on the network on port 5000 I gets the the page correctly, however is unable to load the necessary ...
justinlime's user avatar
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Setting up SSL in Apache2 with backend docker app

I'm running Ubuntu server (18.04) on an Azure VM, with Apache2 (2.4.29). I have a backend app running in docker on the same host that is called by my site. This works easy enough without SSL. I added ...
TonyD's user avatar
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Proxy apache2 to container gives 404 error

I am new to apache2 I've followed every tutorial on the internet, I think I've seen every question but it didnt help. The problem is that My container contains flask app. Container listens to 45654 ...
Innokesha's user avatar
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2 answers

nginx reverse proxy with docker containers and specific nested locations

I would like to set up nginx as a reverse proxy with multiple apps on docker containers permanently residing under specific locations, e.g.: ...
user21101711's user avatar
3 votes
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Docker NGINX reverse proxy does not work with one docker service, but works with another

I'm trying to run a service Mautic ( behind NGINX reverse proxy in Docker and can't figure out what I am doing wrong. A little preamble to introduce my setup: ...
Polynook's user avatar
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How to solve "An invalid response was received from the upstream server" on Kong Gateway?

I'm using docker with compose and I've created some microservices and I'm trying to connect them through Kong Gateway. To access the MSs with PHP I created in Nginx the reverse proxy where I can ...
Vitor de Sousa's user avatar
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Nginx blocking static files in docker-compose

I'm running docker-compose on internal port 8732, Nginx works as a proxy server, which is listening to the request from 80/443 and forwarding them to internal 8732. The problem is the static files (....
Taras Paslavskyi's user avatar
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Docker and Nginx proxy for production of an angular app

I am working on an app where I am calling a 3rd party API. My API in local and production looks something like the following 1. http://localhost:8090/rest/api/2/search?jql=search_query 2. http://10....
Shuvo Barua's user avatar
5 votes
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connect() failed (111: Connection refused) while connecting to upstream with static website

My goal is to have 2 docker containers: nginx container (based on nginx:latest) to work as reverse proxy container with static website (based on nginx:alpine) Later I will add 1+ .net core backend ...
Goran's user avatar
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Nginx reverse proxy routes subdirectory to root location proxy path on first page visit each browser session

Short: I have two different servers behind an nginx proxy. When I try to reach one of them I will always be redirected to the other one which is located at the root location. This happens ONCE. The ...
aleneum's user avatar
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Traefik don't keep real ip

I have a problem with Traefik, I want to log from a server with syslog-ng (docker). I have logs but I have reverse_proxy name and I want source IP not the name of traefik. I wish to keep source IP ...
warste's user avatar
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How to reverse proxy to a container then through domain name to access the site

I set up a WordPress site with docker composer via Portainer. The site can access by the IP address. How can I set reverses proxy and access the site by domain? I tried to put the proxy block in the ...
Kevin wang's user avatar
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Conteinerized Keycloak behind Nginx reverse proxy requests localhost

Working setup I have a configuration of external VPS with public IP that has Nginx reverse proxy (A) internal server with Nginx (B) standalone application (not containerized) Keycloak 17.0.1 Which ...
hrust's user avatar
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wordpress page, post url on nginx inside docker container automatically redirect to root domain with 301 status

I have successfully setup a wordpress site running on a dockerized nginx. When the wordpress site is up and running, I can go to the home page: or any links or at after wp-admin/....
Kim Mỹ's user avatar
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Nginx reverse proxy + URL rewrite from localhost

I would like to rewrite the URL in a reverse proxy so in my case I would like to change url like below, I ran some containers so they callable now but with port and localhost I add a new container ...
M B's user avatar
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wordpress post, page url redirect to local proxy_pass docker container hostname on nginx

I have successfully setup a wordpress site running on a dockerized nginx. When the wordpress site is up and running, I can go to the home page: or any links or at wp-admin/...(...
Kim Mỹ's user avatar
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wordpress nginx in docker lost css styles, js because embed file hostname in html not updated

We are trying to install wordpress on nginx on docker. The domain pointing to it is ssl enabled and when accessing the website, html is loading well but css, js, images are all lost. The reason is ...
Kim Mỹ's user avatar
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Can NOT bind host port 14433 to container port 433 using localhost, but https works using container IP (for example

When I do lynx localhost:14080 from host, it works. The website is loaded from the container. When I do lynx localhost:14433 from host, it does NOT work. When I do lynx https://localhost:14433 from ...
Martin's user avatar
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Nginx: Disabling request body buffering for a dockerized project

I have Nginx 1.18 (not dockerized) to host a REST API application (running in a Docker Container) on Ubuntu 20.04, and I try to set proxy_request_buffering off to allow uploading large files with ...
Mohamad Mehdi Rajaei's user avatar
4 votes
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Nginx not always serving js and css when load balancing between docker containers - works on refresh

I have Nginx set up as a reverse proxy load balancing between two docker containers running all on the same server. When loading a page for the first time, the page loads but I get lots of 404 errors ...
Andy Baxter's user avatar
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Reverse proxy and domain forwarding [closed]

I'm trying to set up a VPS with a single IP address to run my static homepage and some additional services such as NextCloud. I already have a domain that points to the VPS's IP address. Reading ...
ChrKoenig's user avatar
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Proxy Redirect on NGINX not working as expected

I set up nginx as a reverse proxy for two proxied servers. Each of them (proxy and proxied servers) is running as a container in a docker environment. Proxied server appalpha is simply an nginx:alpine ...
tab269's user avatar
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Get Wordpress+Apache to work behind nginx reverse-proxy

I'm trying to setup the following: docker container with nginx on localhost as a reverse-proxy for Wordpress, listening on localhost:80. It is also used as a reverse-proxy for other microservices. ...
bavaza's user avatar
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nginx local reverse proxy with firewalld

I am running a service on a docker container. The service is exposed on a given port (eg. 12345). On top of it I added a nginx reverse proxy to get extra functionality like HTTPS and HTTP/2. nginx ...
Fylax's user avatar
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On a Debian 10 instance running multiple Docker containers to serve a web application, reverse proxy a URL path to another port

This might be an easy one for experienced folks out there but I am stuck. On a debian 10 machine, I got several containers running to serve a web application ✔ I also have a mailhog server to provide ...
Poutrathor's user avatar
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Docker: Isolate compose stacks on network level, while allowing a single service to be reverse proxied by Traefik

I'm trying to secure containers on my homelab. The main goal is: isolating nginxA and nginxB, so they are not able to talk to each other via (eg. preventing nginxA from reaching nginxB via ...
st00nks's user avatar
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Nginx Docker Container stops working irregularly

The server: I use Nginx as a ingress-proxy for my server. Nginx runs within a Docker container. docker-compose.yml: nginx_ingress: image: nginx:latest ports: - "80:80" - ...
nulldevops's user avatar
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HAProxy - Cannot chroot /var/lib/haproxy

I am trying to run haproxy in docker by following this article from the haproxy blog. I am getting the ...
CodeWeed's user avatar
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Docker+Synapse+Traefik v2 stops working when I make a separate backend network

I'm trying to set up a Matrix Synapse server using Docker and a Traefik v2 reverse proxy. My setup works if I define a single network in my docker-compose file and have Traefik, Synapse and postgres ...
Tim MB's user avatar
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Use multiple dockerized Nginx behind a host Nginx

I have multiple and different dockerized applications, each one comes with its proper Nginx service which sends traffic to its containers based on some rules. I need to put those applications on the ...
mr L's user avatar
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Using apache reverse proxy to send all requests for /blog to internal wordpress server

I have a website written in react, and now I wanted to add a blog section to the site. The blog is going to be based on wordpress. The react app runs in a docker container, and I use the wordpress ...
smac89's user avatar
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Create a containerized reverse proxy with multiple sites on a separate IP Address

I administer a small cluster which has several different services running, including grafana monitoring as a container, cloud file storage as a container (nextcloud), and a FreeIPA server on bare ...
Folshost's user avatar
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Reverse Proxy to local container

I need run Kafka on docker with web UI on some specific domain AND LINK, for example: I am using this docker-compose.yml. version: '3.3' services: zookeeper: image: '...
genderbee's user avatar
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Docker with Traefik reverse proxy under Synology DSM 7 // free port 80 and 443

To run docker with the reverse proxy Traefik v2 on a Synology NAS, I need to be able to use port 80 and 443 on the host system. The Operation System of the NAS DSM uses its own reverse proxy, nginx, ...
Daniel_WW's user avatar
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Using Reverse Proxy Nginx in a docker container

So trying to setting Nginx as a reverse proxy using docker - I have three node js containers (one frontend and two backend services) the frontend service calls the two backend services. So I want ...
Reuben deVries's user avatar
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Nginx handle SSL and proxy pass to HTTP backend in docker but tries to keep serving local content

I try to set up a docker-compose environment in which a Nginx container receives HTTPS requests, handles the SSL and reverse proxies them to a dotnet-core app which only implements HTTP. This topic ...
Benj's user avatar
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