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Do I need to do anything to manage many outgoing connections to an outside service from a kubernetes cluster?

In my kubernetes cluster I'm running many small pods per node (about 30) and each pod creates a few TCP connections to a single service on the internet to send HTTP requests to. So each node on the ...
uylmz's user avatar
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java.lang.RuntimeException - Internal Server error 500 in Tomcat log

we want to use Sophos WAF (Web Application Firewall) as a reverse proxy to make a sap site accessible from an external. The problem is the following: External access with NAT works however external ...
SapOverflow's user avatar
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How to proxy traffic with failover based on http error codes?

There are two endpoints. I want: proxy / service in front of two endpoints send all requests to a chosen primary endpoint if the primary responds with e.g. 404, a failover happens sending the request ...
Gabriel Stein's user avatar
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Should HTTP load balancer forward bad requests to backend?

If a HTTP client sends a GET request with a body that would generate a 400 Bad Request response, should the load balancer forward that request to the backend or deal with it immediately? Is there any ...
user avatar
5 votes
3 answers

Risks of enabling nginx upstream keepalive

Using nginx as HTTP reverse proxy for Apache with PHP backend (I need .htaccess flexibility for webmasters). Seeing http/1.0 used in Apache logs made me look up on how to enable keep-alive connection. ...
logut's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Use multiple server blocks in NGINX on same host and same port

I want to configure the server such that the root of the server serves some static files, which a specific endpoing, /nextcloud serves nextcloud on the same domain. Here is my nginx.conf - ...
sealionuss's user avatar
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What are NGINX reverseproxy users doing to prevent HTTP Request smuggling?

Since NGINX does not support sending HTTP/2 requests upstream, what are the present NGINX reverseproxy users doing to mitigate HTTP Request Smuggling vulnerability? I understand that the best way to ...
Sai Vishnu's user avatar
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How to make nginx receive and send data to both server1 and server2?

I have nginx as reverse proxy. I want to send data to both server, not just one not load balancing (just send data that it receive from port 80 to server1 and then server2). Server1 will be a web ...
JUDQ's user avatar
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2 answers

Reverse Proxy to local container

I need run Kafka on docker with web UI on some specific domain AND LINK, for example: I am using this docker-compose.yml. version: '3.3' services: zookeeper: image: '...
genderbee's user avatar
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NGINX proxy_pass: dump HTTPS requests as plaintext for debugging

I saw this answer from 10 years ago that's more or less about the same thing, except it involves HTTP rather than HTTPS: nginx: dump HTTP requests for debugging Is there a way to dump the encrypted ...
BangyStudios's user avatar
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1 answer

How to configure HAProxy to ignore client header `Pragma: no-cache`?

We have a web service behind a HAProxy server running in caching reverse proxy configuration. The backend servers send Cache-Control headers correctly for all responses so HAProxy can cache all ...
Mikko Rantalainen's user avatar
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Kemp returning 520 http error when I try to connect to sub that is http using https

I hope you're doing great so; recently, I started using kemp as a load balancer for my server, and everything works fine when the service (real server) comes already with a self-signed SSL from the ...
DeadSec's user avatar
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1 answer

How to accept request with port after domain in nginx

I have a subdomain, I'm running a Nginx server and it's working fine. But I have to accept the request with and redirect to
Shahrear Bin Amin's user avatar
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Apache HTTP proxy work for some destination ip and receive 502 Bad Request from other destinations

I've an HTTP proxy like this: Listen 8240 <VirtualHost *:8240> ProxyRequests On <Proxy "*"> SetEnv force-proxy-request-1.0 1 SetEnv proxy-nokeepalive 1 </Proxy> </...
alex's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Multiple forwardfor commands in HAProxy config

In HAProxy, I would like to forwardfor everything except a few networks like below (multiple networks) frontend main bind myip:5356-60000 mode http option ...
Evyatar Saias's user avatar
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NGINX UDP Proxy Pass to HTTP

I built a NGINX reverse proxy where I listen for UDP traffic on port 53 and pass it on to an HTTP endpoint with modified headers. Once the headers are modified, I send the packet to the target. http....
Brundlfly's user avatar
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2 answers

Forwarding all HTTP/HTTPS from server to another server

I need to forward all traffic(HTTP/HTTPs) to my server (Digital ocean) to a new server (AWS load balancer) basically the solution is to use nginx as this questions: Forward my http requests from my ip ...
newJustme's user avatar
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Single line reverse proxy with HTTP Basic Auth

I am temporarily exposing some HTTP services to the Internet and I would like to password-protect them. Because the exposure is just a few hours, setting up Nginx, Traefik or other heavy-weight ...
Mikko Ohtamaa's user avatar
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1 answer

How to use HTTP headers in Nginx to serve different content?

I noticed that Deno serves html or javascript depending on the HTTP accept header. For example if you simply open in your browser this package you will get HTML back (because the accept header is set ...
Martin Zeltin's user avatar
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letsencrypt on nginx reverse proxy and nextcloud backend

So I have a running nginx as reverse proxy listening on 443 and 80 for my nextcloud backend. The nextcloud VM is running on apache without SSL, all encryptions are done by nginx reverse proxy. For ...
sirhideo's user avatar
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How does nginx handle HTTP/1 to HTTP/2 conversion?

I just read this question about using nginx as a HTTP/2 server that connects to the web app via HTTP/1 proxy_pass. However, I am interested in the specifics of what actually goes on with the ...
CaptainCodeman's user avatar
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2 answers

Kubernetes, http access to app in cluster

I'm pretty new to the kubernetes. I need some suggestions how to access app which is deployed in cluster. I have a docker image with Django app and Gunicorn to run .wsgi. I'm using this image to ...
aFku's user avatar
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Extracting HTTP Host Header from nginx Stream Proxy

I'm looking to use the stream module of nginx to proxy HTTP traffic. This works well for HTTPS, as the ngx_stream_ssl_preread module exists. This allows me to extract the requested server name from ...
John Leuenhagen's user avatar
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Cannot rewrite PUT response body with apache reverse proxy

I'm writing a reverse proxy to a webapp. I need to rewrite some of the webapp responses to match the public URL. It works well for a GET api response ; but not for the PUT api response. For PUT ...
Kiruahxh's user avatar
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Removing one cookie in proxy_pass of nginx

I'm trying to proxy_pass the whole request coming to my nginx to certain base URL to another upstream server removing server cookie. All other cookies, HTTP headers, the URL itself should be kept as ...
Alexey's user avatar
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3 answers

Disable https when Nginx reverse proxy to IP address

I configured Nginx as a reverse proxy on my server for a site, say I want the client to access my site using an IP address, something like The problem is that there is ...
setiawan's user avatar
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Web Proxy to avoid port forwarding

Hello. I wonder if anyone could help me define which solution to use. I need to run a cloud server that acts as a proxy for HTTP requests, but on the web server side, I have no fixed IP or possibility ...
Diego Oliveira's user avatar
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Apache ReverseProxy, SSL on Proxy, noSSL on backend-server, page manipulation

I use an Apache2 as proxy for several backend-server. The proxy holds the Let´s-Encrypt-SSL-Certificates for all servers, http-traffic is redirected to https and then proxyed to the http-backend-...
wepp's user avatar
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1 answer

Nginx - disable POST data caching

I noticed that when someone sends big file to Apache website proxied by Nginx, disk usage on Nginx machine goes up. It's especially noticeable when someone uploads file that is big comparing to disk ...
Lapsio's user avatar
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How to Nginx upstream on single server with additional IP addresses added to NIC?

I am having a single dedicated server (static IP) with two additional IP addresses added. When I run SSH with command: cat /etc/network/interfaces I got this result: auto lo iface lo inet loopback ...
Ho Thanh Cyberdelia Nhan's user avatar
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1 answer

Content being blocked by browser - Reverse Proxy NGINX

I have an iFrame that's making a request to a HTTPS URL. I'm using NGINX to catch this request and proxy is to the correct URL, which is an HTTP backend Spotfire Server. The HTTPS URL request: https:/...
Colt Street's user avatar
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http to https redirection - apache2

I have a odoo instance running in an ubuntu16 server. Apache is acting as the front end server and is proxypassing the request to the odoo instance. I have now configured the virtualhost to enable SSL ...
Kishor N's user avatar
3 votes
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nginx returns 302 FOUND with http instead of https

I try to access, which is a proxied application. The application will return 302, but with HTTP instead of HTTPS. Should this be fixed in Nginx or the application (Seafile ...
user3549596's user avatar
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access specific server behind reverse proxy

I have multiple devices that are all behind a private network. I have a WAN facing server that I can call into. Is there any way for me to be able to send an HTTP request through the WAN server to a ...
zlb323's user avatar
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How do I set up HAProxy Behind Cloudfront for Jenkins

Ok the network so far is end user (https)-> cloudfront (http)-> haproxy (http)-> jenkins My jenkins install mostly works but I see the error about proxy not being set up correctly, and I ...
xenoterracide's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Should the reverse proxy or the server itself resolve https

The situation is the following: I have two servers running on my machine. One being an outwards facing server while being a reverse proxy for the second one, which only listens on localhost and ...
hgiesel's user avatar
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HTTP 400 Bad Request on Apache/Windows whenever I use ProxyPass

I can't figure this one out! Been googling it for days, trying a bunch of different things. Whenever I put any Proxy forward, I get HTTP Error 400. This is Apache 2.4.25 running on Windows 2012 R2 ...
Jay Imerman's user avatar
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Use proxy_pass based if special header set otherwise use static files in Nginx

Is there a way in Nginx to serve always static file specified in root except for the case when request is matched according to some criteria (i.e. specified header) in which case it would be passed to ...
ps-aux's user avatar
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HAProxy frontend managing both layer 4 and layer 7

I am using HAProxy as a reverse-proxy to route all my domain names into various servers in a private computer cluster. Most of the times, the traffic represents web apps or APIs and it makes sense to ...
RooSoft's user avatar
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Keep the host name requested by the client to pass to remote backend when using Varnish cache and proxy pass

I am having some trouble configuring Varnish and the online documentation is not very clear (for me at least). I currently have Varnish cache setup on a Ubuntu server. I tested varnish with a local ...
David_kav's user avatar
4 votes
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HTTP 502 response generated by a proxy after it tries to send data upstream to a partially closed connection (reset packet)

I'm getting sporadic 502s returned by a proxy server. When inspecting the packet flow I see nginx sending a POST request to a socket that the origin server already sent a [FIN,ACK]. I want to ...
Mindaugas Bernatavičius's user avatar
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Reverse proxy to force UTF8 requests upstream

I'm trying to debug a problem to a web application that I didn't write and that I cannot alter, that seems to have serious encoding problems whenever it receives requests not in UTF8. Now, to prove ...
Matteo Italia's user avatar
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Serving dynamic website to multiple domains

I have created a website with a tiny administration panel that lets the owners change attributes about the site (primary color, background image, some content etc). Their changes are stored in a ...
Olav Gundersen's user avatar
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Apache redirects behind SSL terminating proxy

I have the following redirects in the <VirtualHost *:80>: RewriteRule ^/old-url$ /new-url [R=301,L] RewriteRule ^/foo$ /bar [R=301,L] ... In front of apache I've got haproxy, ...
cherouvim's user avatar
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How to set custom headers for 400 and 500 proxy_pass backend response in Nginx?

I need to set different values of custom response header based on response from the proxy_pass backend response code. I tried many different ways, but still can't figure out how this can be done. ...
vgrinko's user avatar
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Any good solution to deliver private HTTP service to public with reverse connection?

I am looking for a solution to let a private LAN HTTP service accessible from WAN with minimal configuration. For example, I have more than 1000 deployments of HTTP service across nation running in ...
Chau Chee Yang's user avatar
3 votes
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No Response on NGINX when using upstream

I'm trying to load balance a web application through nginx, It works fine for all will my web application calls a service with sub-path. for example it works but not for ...
Karthick Radhakrishnan's user avatar
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Should proxy_buffering be disabled in NGINX to support SockJS XHR Streaming?

I have a "single page" web application which requires bi-directional communication between client and server. The application was originally designed to rely on WebSockets, but has been modified to ...'s user avatar
4 votes
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reconfiguring haproxy backend dynamically

My requirement is to have ~50 haproxy http backends, which will be added and removed dynamically (without my involvement) anywhere on the internal network. I can assume that each http backend knows ...
Adam Kurkiewicz's user avatar
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Nginx in reverse-proxy : Content-length mismatch for bigger CSS files

I have a web application (developped with the java framework Play) behind a nginx reverse-proxy. When I request the pages, the bigger CSS files (Bootstrap.min.css and easyui.css) don't load. Chrome ...
Pierre-Yves Le Dévéhat's user avatar