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Using Traefik, how to expose inner HTTPS errors (like expired certs)?

I'm using Traefik as a reverse proxy to my homelab. I'd like to use HTTPS inside the lab using a custom CA. To do this, I've set up a ServersTransport that trusts my lab CA. This worked well until a ...
Danya02's user avatar
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1 answer

nginx reverse proxy https to http

I have a Linux server, on which I created a public web app (as a test) accessible here: It works as intended. As you can see, it is served on port 9384 with ...
Alexandre Renchon's user avatar
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Connection is not secure, only on mobile Certbot / LetsEncrypt

I have linked a service on my server through this reverse proxy var httpProxy = require('http-proxy'); var fs = require('fs'); httpProxy.createServer({ ...
N00b's user avatar
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Configure SSL for Apache Reverse Proxy

I want to redirect HTTPS connections to my domain towards a unique subdomain using Apache2 reverse proxy. I want all the connections that come to to be redirected towards $random$.b....
Mnemosyne's user avatar
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Squid Reverse Proxy with SSL

I'm trying to use squid as a reverse proxy in front of a single website, to decrypt the SSL on the proxy and then to encrypt the connection to the webserver (this is in order to use squid as an ICAP ...
user3811862's user avatar
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Configuring Nginx and Tomcat to Access HTTPS content

I'm using nginx as a load balancer and reverse proxy for Java spring boot + Angular application on tomcat. I've total 3 servers, 1 has nginx and other two has application hosted on it. I've configured ...
Virendra's user avatar
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Can there be a "TLS Passthrough based on SNI" version of CloudFlare's "orange-cloud"?

My understanding is that the "orange-cloud" [1] is a TLS terminating reverse proxy. Multiple upstream servers share the same Cloudflare Anycast IP. A TLS connection is formed between the ...
Starfish's user avatar
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How does a TLS Passthrough reverse proxy based on SNI work?

There are various articles and questions explaining how to use a given reverse proxy's (e.g. nginx) implementation of this [1] [2] [3] [4], but none explain how this actually works under the hood. By &...
Starfish's user avatar
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frontend HTTPS access to http backend ngix

I have a frontend in Angular which support https,while I have a backend at port 10080 which support http. I try a few way of reverse proxy in the ngix configuration file but it still facing the same ...
Yvonne Cheong's user avatar
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2 answers

Reverse proxy in Apache + CentOS for HTTPS requests to PostgREST webserver [closed]

I would like to make https requests to my postgREST webserver, which by design doesn't support https. I spend several days now I don't know any further... My setup My server is running on CentOS 7.9....
JoeBe's user avatar
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Nginx reverse proxy doesn't work

After configured TheHive incident response platform,I am trying to configure redirection domain to ip adress but not working.when I write ip adress on browser,I can access web page.It is not possible ...
Cebrayil's user avatar
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Lightweight HTTPS reverse proxy [closed]

I have a need similar to this member: Single public IP, multiple HTTPS backends, Certs should stay on the backend servers. The answers to the post list NGINX, haproxy and sniproxy als possible ...
OttoEisen's user avatar
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NGINX proxy_pass: dump HTTPS requests as plaintext for debugging

I saw this answer from 10 years ago that's more or less about the same thing, except it involves HTTP rather than HTTPS: nginx: dump HTTP requests for debugging Is there a way to dump the encrypted ...
BangyStudios's user avatar
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haproxy two applications on the same port with different certificates

I am setting up haproxy. My config is: frontend bothApps bind *:9999 mode http acl prov path_end -i /prov-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT/ acl web path end -i /web-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT/ ...
Michu93's user avatar
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2 answers

Detecting 502 responses in Nginx Load Balancer

I have the following setup - Nginx load balancer that receives https traffic and passes through to nodes. On each node there is a reverse proxy that handles https traffic and passes data to App1, App2 ...
Rapolas K.'s user avatar
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Kemp returning 520 http error when I try to connect to sub that is http using https

I hope you're doing great so; recently, I started using kemp as a load balancer for my server, and everything works fine when the service (real server) comes already with a self-signed SSL from the ...
DeadSec's user avatar
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2 answers

How to do IP canonicalization with Nginx and Certbot

I have multiple services running on my server which will be accessed via nginx and encrypted by certbot. If i want to acess my service with my, I get redirected to http(s)://example....
sergeantSalty's user avatar
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2 answers

Forwarding all HTTP/HTTPS from server to another server

I need to forward all traffic(HTTP/HTTPs) to my server (Digital ocean) to a new server (AWS load balancer) basically the solution is to use nginx as this questions: Forward my http requests from my ip ...
newJustme's user avatar
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How would you connect an Apache Reverse Proxy to a remote server via HTTPS?

I have an Apache Reverse Proxy set up that I'm trying to route to a remote IIS web site via https and its IP address. The website in question is a .Net5.0 website that uses Microsoft's Azure ...
DeveloperLee's user avatar
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2 answers

I can´t redirect HTTP to HTTPS in my Apache server proxy

(Sorry for my bad english) Hi, i know that this is not the first question about redirect to a secure conection in a proxy server but i have no ideas how to resolv it. this is my config ErrorLog ${...
Camilo Fuentes's user avatar
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HTTPS + Nginx Reverse Proxy + URL rewrite

I am trying to direct all HTTPS traffic to Nginx server where it will handle all the requests as HTTP requests to all internal servers. So far, I am able to get the template below to work for most of ...
Ice Drake's user avatar
-1 votes
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Behind the scene of a https web request at server side in Cloud

I have read few posts about behind the scene of processing a web request which is a popular interview question too for SREs/DevOps. There are a lot of good explanation pages about the general flow of ...
Learner's user avatar
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Run two different website in same domain name with nginx

I'm new in server deployment. For my e-commerce app I've two react projects, one is storefront for customers and other is dashboard for admins. I've setup my nginx server with the following ...
Shahrear Bin Amin's user avatar
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HAPROXY : reverse proxy with TLS termination

I'm a newbie with HAProxy, and I want to use it to redirects HTTPS incoming requests to my HTTP backends servers. I know, how it is possible to do it with Nginx, like this : #SSL for all server { ...
outstore's user avatar
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reverse-proxy with nginx: using an existing https site as backend

I have one site somewhere that's accessible on the internet as "". I also have one another site accessible on the internet as "". I ...
ZioByte's user avatar
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Convert HTTP to HTTPS

I'm having an HTTPS WordPress website. On this website I have a couple of audiostreams from external HTTP sources. Is there a way to convert those external HTTP streams to HTTPS? The HTTP streams won'...
Janp95's user avatar
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Connecting with https to a server application on GCE VM through ngrok tunnel

I am observing a strange behaviour with ngrok on a GCE VM. I fire up a 'preemptible' VM instance with static external ip, and start ngrok on it normally. I get the URL that maps incoming https request ...
Kalpit's user avatar
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Setting up a TCP-SNI proxy that dynamically forwards SSL traffic to any hostname that the SNI might contain [closed]

I'm firstly gonna summerize my goal: I'll setup a DNS server and configure my smart tv to use it. I'll set the DNS server up so that requests to specific DNS zones will not actually be resolved, ...
Max-Florian Luchterhand's user avatar
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Extracting HTTP Host Header from nginx Stream Proxy

I'm looking to use the stream module of nginx to proxy HTTP traffic. This works well for HTTPS, as the ngx_stream_ssl_preread module exists. This allows me to extract the requested server name from ...
John Leuenhagen's user avatar
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Recommendations/Advice for Web Caching with SSL

I've been using Varnish Cache for a few websites. However, I need advice for implementing HTTPS. I am open to alternatives to Varnish Cache. The configuration of Varnish is relatively complex, so ...
Albert's user avatar
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3 answers

Disable https when Nginx reverse proxy to IP address

I configured Nginx as a reverse proxy on my server for a site, say I want the client to access my site using an IP address, something like The problem is that there is ...
setiawan's user avatar
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How to debug error 502 on Apache2 reverse proxy with HTTPS ? "Error reading from remote server returned by /"

I'm not able to solve this error while trying to configure a reverse proxy in Apache2 to redirect trafic into a Docker container. I've see several people online trying to tweak timeout parameter on ...
Julien G's user avatar
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4 answers

Proxy Error 502 "Error reading from remote server" Apache 2.4.18 Ubuntu with HTTPS into Docker container

I'm no expert and can't see what's the problem, but obviously this error is caused by a tiny detail it seems I can't debug. Any idea? What I have: I have multiple virtual hosts configured with Apache2 ...
Julien G's user avatar
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nginx reverse proxy doing loop, how to configure sonarqube https reverse proxy correctly?

I am encountering trouble with NGINX doing the HTTPS reverse proxy to sonarqube. Issue is caused by proxy_set_header Host $host, when it set, I keep getting redirected in loop. When not set, I get ...
BigDong's user avatar
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Nginx redirected too much

I am out of ideas of what is my Nginx configuration issue. I'm using these docker images: nginx, jwilder/docker-gen, jrcs/letsencrypt-nginx-proxy-companion, odoo, postgres When I test the ...
strike_noir's user avatar
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How can I make nginx use my certificate?

I need to configure a reverse-proxy on nginx that allows https. The way it's supposed to work is the following: Client connects to the site (port 80); The reverse-proxy redirects it to port 443; The ...
EngineerWannabe's user avatar
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Nginx via docker compose no longer responding to port 443

I've been trying to set up a reverse proxy for another docker container and nothing I do can get it to work anymore. No matter what I do I can no longer get https to respond at all. Sabnzbd works ...
Patman's user avatar
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Generic SNI-based transparent TLS proxy without having to enumerate all backends?

I'm in a situation where I have to provide a transparent reverse proxy in front of a set of thousands of backend https webservers, with the list changing (relatively) frequently. I know I can tell ...
András Korn's user avatar
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How to do SSL termination using AWS Application Load Balancer for Express REST API?

I have a Node Express server running on an EC2 instance that listens for HTTP requests. I want to use an AWS Application Load Balancer to serve that content to the client browser through HTTPS while ...
Neil Philip's user avatar
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Implementing HTTPS - Rproxy Behind Firewall

We have a small managed infrastructure at our workplace. The network in its simplest form: Internet (no-ip for DNS) >> (public ip) Firewall (private ips 192.168.X.X/24(NAT)) >> Reverse Proxy >>> Web ...
cfunk3's user avatar
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Reverse NGINX proxy in front of two Docker containers is not working

I have this configuration: upstream frontend_upstream { # FrontEnd part based on `frontend` container with React app. server frontend:3000; } server { ... listen 80; server_name ...
pythonista's user avatar
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nginx: Upstream SSL, how is it encrypting on the backend?

I've been researching this question, and cannot find a definitive answer. I am really trying to get a grasp on this before deploying to production, and most nginx resources I've found aren't very ...
Clark Brent's user avatar
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My Web application gives CORS error after adding HTTPS using Let's Encrypt

This is my application : Front end is done by AngularJS and back end is done by Node.JS. Hosted in Apache server. ( Digital ocean Linux 16.04 ) You can try login , ...
Chanu De Silva's user avatar
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Is it possible to set up nginx as a reverse proxy that also forwards the proxied server's certificates?

I'm having a bunch of virtual hosts served behind a nginx reverse proxy. At the end of each there is a server that has valid certificates for the given virtual domain. E.g. -> ...
Rad'Val's user avatar
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HTTPS Proxy setup does not redirect to subdirectory

Thank you for reading :-). I have multiple applications on a server which are routed to by a proxy server. I recently added HTTPS after which the API and blog applications (at /api and /blog ...
deztructicus's user avatar
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Content being blocked by browser - Reverse Proxy NGINX

I have an iFrame that's making a request to a HTTPS URL. I'm using NGINX to catch this request and proxy is to the correct URL, which is an HTTP backend Spotfire Server. The HTTPS URL request: https:/...
Colt Street's user avatar
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Nginx load balancer show incomplete HTTPS pages

I have to configure an NGINX server in order to load balance 2 ore more https websites. I wrote this code: user nginx; #worker_processes 1; error_log /var/log/nginx/error.log warn; pid /...
Antani2's user avatar
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Reverse proxying multiple different dockerized HTTPS services

I have two services, both neatly dockerized, each with their own docker-compose.yml. Each services has its own domain name. Both services uses HTTPS and have Lets Encrypt certificates. Both ...
aioobe's user avatar
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Lighttpd reverse proxy HTTPS to another server on HTTP

I've a Lighttpd server running on HTTPS, and I want to have one subdirectory on the server act as a reverse proxy for a separate server that runs on HTTP. I've tried following guides on doing both ...
cogm's user avatar
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Can't get nginx caching to works over https reverse proxy

As title, i can't get nginx caching to works on mine reverse proxy. Here is mine nginx's server block configuration: proxy_cache_path /opt/cache/nginx/ levels=1:2 keys_zone=test_zone:...
Andrew's user avatar
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