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-1 votes
1 answer

How to redirect requests for a URL which uses the default ports to a new URL which uses custom ports?

We have an .aspx web forms "web application" running IIS 10 and .Net Framework 4.8. We want to move it from the "Default Web Site" to it's own site "MyApplicationSite". ...
blogs4t's user avatar
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IIS rewrite rule to modify IP format in X-Forwarded-For header

I'm using IIS as a reverse proxy and I've found that by default, when using the built in method to have IIS add the client IP into the X-Forwarded-For header, if the client IP is IPv6 it will encase ...
Matt's user avatar
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0 answers

IIS shutting down my application, returns 503 service unavailable

I'm trying to host an API I've done in dotnet core, very standard stuff, acceses and returns data from a Database. I've deployed to IIS before (not in this machine) and it usually goes all right, but ...
RedNet's user avatar
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IIS/ARR reverse proxy negotiate pass-through

I am having hard time with IIS/ARR reverse proxying to WildFly application server. On Linux we use web-servers to offload HTTPS, authentication and security functions from application server, so the ...
kab00m's user avatar
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Is there a way to deny access from internet to a domain apart to specific APIs?

I have a domain e.g. and I need to deny connections from browsers outside of the network except to some apis like where xxx might be login/...
zinon's user avatar
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IIS 10 - Setting up PHP Application behind Reverse Proxy

I am currently struggling to get the right config in IIS, as I am normally using Unix servers and nginx. I have a reverse proxy (nginx) that forwards all requests to to my IIS ...
T.Bremkes's user avatar
0 votes
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IIS reverse proxy redirection rule

I have a treadmill whose display is hard-wired to and there is no way to change it. However, I need it to point to (internal IIS server). As a ...
aag's user avatar
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1 answer

Hosting single intranet from multiple IIS servers

We have multiple physical locations at our company and each one has its own physical server, subnet, domain controller, Active Directory site etc. I want to set up an intranet site on IIS that can be ...
disco's user avatar
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0 answers

How to enable SSL and setup reverse proxy on IIS for a website that was using a custom port

we have a legacy website like which is a C++ web application. We have upgraded the app server to Windows server 2019 and IIS 10. Stilly, we want to issue a business SSL ...
leo's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

nginx reverse-proxy upgrade from nginx 1.17 to nginx 1.18 gives SSL error

I am having trouble upgrading nginx from 1.17 to 1.18 (or .19, .20) Everything works ok on 1.17, but higher versions give this error: 2021/08/27 01:14:45 [error] 22#22: *8 peer closed connection in ...
Fernando Fabreti's user avatar
0 votes
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Reverse Proxy to Outside URL-IIS

IIS 8 Windows 2012 ARR and URL Rewrite installed We host a website on behalf of a vendor on one of our servers with the Specs above. That site currently has 3rd party content created by one of their ...
brainee48's user avatar
1 vote
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IIS ARR - Route single request to multiple servers/sites

We have a unique situation with a vendor in which they only allow 1 address for PRD traffic and 1 for Non-PRD traffic. Internally, we need to be able to test in 2 environments (call them TST1 and TST2)...
Wes's user avatar
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1 answer

What is the proper way to use IIS to forward the REMOTE_USER header to Tomcat?

I am trying to set up SSO with IIS 10 and Tomcat 9. I want to use Windows Authentication in IIS and pass the authenticated username to Tomcat. I had this working with Tomcat 8.5, however after ...
Ryan's user avatar
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1 answer

FoundryVTT server behind an IIS reverse proxy CORS issues

I have a FoundryVTT server in a FreeNAS jail. I mostly followed these instructions to get it to work. I had a previous problem, which I solved and it works fine now for <= v0.7.9. However, >= v0....
Neijwiert's user avatar
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1 answer

reverse proxy doesn't work with .svc url?

here's my attempt to do a reverse proxy using url rewrite in IIS from to <configuration> <system.webServer> ...
markzzz's user avatar
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IIS get real client IP Address when behind a AWS Elastic load balancer

I have a IIS server behind a AWS Elastic load balancer. I want retrieve the real client ip address set into x-forwarded-for header from AWS Elastic load balancer. I have found this setting for enable ...
Simone Nigro's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

How to set the HTTP headers "X-Forwarded-Context" or "X-Forwarded-Prefix" with IIS reverse proxy

I try to configure a reverse proxy in the IIS. This required to set some HTTP headers. I was able to add the follow HTTP headers: X-Forwarded-Proto X-Forwarded-Port X-Forwarded-Host This is possible ...
Horcrux7's user avatar
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0 answers

How would you connect an Apache Reverse Proxy to a remote server via HTTPS?

I have an Apache Reverse Proxy set up that I'm trying to route to a remote IIS web site via https and its IP address. The website in question is a .Net5.0 website that uses Microsoft's Azure ...
DeveloperLee's user avatar
0 votes
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IIS Reverse Proxy Advice

I have Plesk Running on a windows server 2019 and the domain im using has a ssl cert. And runs smoothly. I have a small bot program running for my community that works with twitch chat it includes an ...
RuschGaming's user avatar
-2 votes
2 answers

how to connect reverse proxy Server [closed]

I have an IIS-ARR LoadBalancing server connected to internet. And I have 2 IIS web servers in a LAN (using a switch) without internet. The IIS-ARR is configured as reverse proxy for 2 websites www....
user13727833's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

How to set up reverse-proxy to an external server in IIS

So the scenario we have in mind is as follows. We have an IFRAME. Said IFRAME wants to point to a resource on It might be, for example, However, ...
bugmagnet's user avatar
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Problems with understanding rewrite rules in IIS

I wrote earlier about Trying to understand reverse-proxying using nginx and Windows IIS. While the upwork-hired specialist looks into that, I'm looking into just using IIS to do reverse proxying. ...
bugmagnet's user avatar
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Trying to understand reverse-proxying using nginx and Windows IIS

So we had a contractor set up nginx on an Azure-based Windows 2016 server which we wound up for the purpose. Now I'm trying to get my head around how to use it (and, ultimately, to fold back into our ...
bugmagnet's user avatar
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1 answer

What's the most effective way of running an IIS reverse proxy for a Hyper-V Ubuntu Machine

I've got Nextcloud set up in a Hyper-V machine, and IIS running a reverse proxy into the Hyper-V machine. Right now, it's set up so that the reverse proxy rewrites the url using the IP address, but ...
immanis's user avatar
2 votes
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IIS10 - NODEJS - 502 Web server received an invalid response while acting as a gateway or proxy server

We are running a NodeJS server on Windows using a reverse proxy and application request routing. Basically, the node server is running locally on localhost:3000, and IIS is rewriting any external ...
MasterJohn's user avatar
0 votes
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Is it possible to forward an FTP request from a reverse proxy server?

We have an ftp server no more accessible from the internet that we want to keep isolated, but still need to provide access to that ftp through a reverse proxy server with IIS. Is there a way to ...
noiaverbale's user avatar
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IIS Reverse Proxy: Too Many Redirects and Header Code of 302

[This is a cross post from ESRI's GIS site; I am not getting any luck there] I have not been able to find step by step directions for ArcGIS for Portal and Reverse Proxy which uses IIS as a server. I ...
IrfanClemson's user avatar
2 votes
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IIS as a reverse proxy for a server with many ports

I have a Windows Server 2016 machine with sales & accountant software running on it. I want to deploy a telephony PBX server, running inside a linux Virtual Machine (via VMware). It's running on ...
Capybarro's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Setting up IIS reverse proxy to preserve host headers

I have an IIS server that is hosting a number of sites and apis. These sites include Confluence and Jira instances. These products actually run their own web servers so the Application Request Routing ...
Chris Becke's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

IIS Application Request Routing ignore certificate

I use one of development sites as URL rewrite to access other sites. Unfortunately one of the sites has a certificate error because we access it under VPN under different IP. IIS says that the ...
Andrew  Yukhymchak's user avatar
2 votes
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HAProxy reverse proxy - multiple sites

I have configured HAProxy as reverse proxy - with single SharePoint site, server and it's working (SSL pass-through on IIS), but when I'm trying to configure two compeletly different SharePoint sites ...
maar's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

How to limit outbound rule scope to a specific site using url rewrite on IIS

I am using url rewrite on a IIS to act as an reverse-proxy. One of the http services behind the proxy is a portal. The html returned by the portal as many resources that are referenced using a ...
Miguel's user avatar
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Authenticate NTLM at reverse proxy in front of unauthenticated web servers

I have several Linux HTTP servers setup with no authentication required to access the web content. I would like for my Windows users to be able to access these sites with pass-through authentication. ...
getsauce's user avatar
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1 answer

Convert IIS Proxy Rewrite to Apache .htaccess

<rewrite> <rules> <rule name="ReverseProxyInboundRule1" stopProcessing="true"> <match url="(.*)" /> <action type="Rewrite" url="{R:1}" ...
Bobys's user avatar
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Website (IIS via Apache ProxyPass / ProxyPassReverse) serving wrong content intermittently

I have an IIS website that serves content via Apache (ProxyPass and ProxyPassReverse - the reason for this weird configuration is historical). The Apache is behind other company proxy servers. The ...
potatopeelings's user avatar
0 votes
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Reverse proxy: regex to address LAN servers

I have several web servers in the LAN, addressable as http://serv1.lan/, http://serv2.lan/, etc. To be addressed from outside the LAN, requests need to be passed through an authentication reverse ...
aag's user avatar
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2 answers

How to reverse NAT by destination name

I have one public IP Address and two web server inside my LAN. For example and are the local IP addresses of my Web servers. I have configured on my router NAT for port 80 to 10.0....
rezord's user avatar
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IIS outbound wordpress site URL in css

I am using IIS and it's listening on port 80 & 443. Now, we need to configure a wordpress site on Apache and to make it work on the defaults port we tried creating a proxy in IIS using URL rewrite ...
Abhishekh Gupta's user avatar
1 vote
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IIS ARR ReverseProxy with Client Certificate Authentication for backend IIS

We have legacy SOAP Web Services (https://dev-ms01/Services/default.asmx) which are written in 1.1 hosted on IIS7(win server 2008 standard),web services consumed by clients by providing Client ...
OTUser's user avatar
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How to set a HTTP Request Header to the current date and time with IIS8

I am currently using a Microsoft IIS8 server as a reverse proxy for URL rewriting. Currently there is the issue, that i need to set a HTTP Request Header on the IIS. I already went ahead and created a ...
lt_katana's user avatar
4 votes
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IIS10 URL Rewrite 2.1 double encoding issue

I have an IIS10 server with ARR 3.0 and URL Rewrite Module 2.1 that acts as a reverse proxy for several other web servers. The other servers run on different ports, so the IIS10 server provides '...
Jorge Martins's user avatar
2 votes
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Kestral, IIS and Port Exhaustion

Deploying a .NET CORE web-socket app via AWS Beanstalk. By default this uses IIS as a reverse proxy. Unfortunately reverse proxies use ports to do their work, leading to port exhaustion. How can ...
NPSF3000's user avatar
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IIS Reverse proxy for 2 sites with different SSL certificate

I had a CNAME configured with a GoDaddy account, we'll name it as cname the CNAME I named it as as my parent domain. has it's own SSL certificate. ...
Itchy Foot's user avatar
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IIS Web Farm not processing request

I have setup a IIS web farm using Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard, IIS 8.5 with the following extensions: Web Farm Framework v1.1 External cache v1.0, URL Rewrite v2, ARR v3. Ref: https://blogs....
ilovetolearn's user avatar
0 votes
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.NET Issue on ADFS SSO behind a Reverse Proxy

I have a .NET application that uses ADFS for SSO. It works when I test it on my local machine and test environment but it fails when deployed to the client environment. The client environment is like ...
Yoshimori's user avatar
1 vote
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IIS reverse proxy bypass 2gb upload limit

I have an IIS 10 reverse proxy to a tomcat app which requires larger than 2gb file uploads. Is there a way I can bypass the system.web/httpRuntime.maxRequestLength 2gb max to at least get to the 4gb ...
S. Green's user avatar
11 votes
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I have an IIS server [on WinServer 2016] that acts as a reverse proxy for a few Kestrel web servers. Right now I am trying to setup IIS to forward all X-Forwarded-* headers. For X-Forwarded-For and X-...
Volodymyr Usarskyy's user avatar
0 votes
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Node JS app with https via IIS reverse proxy

Could you help me with https via IIS reverse proxy? I set up my nodejs app in local network as and It works Ok. For external access i use ...
Dmitriy N. Laykom's user avatar
3 votes
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Prevent ARR with UrlRewrite from re-writing Location header for a 302 redirect

I'm trying to deploy a jetty servlet using ARR and urlrewrite to create a reverse proxy. If I enable "Reverse rewrite host in response headers" then everything seems to work fine. I access the servlet ...
LiamRyan's user avatar
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IIS with ARR as reverse proxy for ASP.NET WebAPI randomly escape newlines differently

We're running an Web API appliction in production, using IIS and ARR for SSL-offloading and reverse proxy. We're seeing some weird issues requesting xml from a webapi endpoint. Randomly every ...
Erik Arenhill's user avatar