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2 answers

Reverse proxy for streamlit

Streamlit app I have a streamlit app running on port 8501: Here's how I'm starting the app: streamlit run \ --browser.serverAddress dharmatech....
dharmatech's user avatar
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0 answers

Nginx serves wrong DocumentRoot

I have an NGINX reverse proxy with Apache running on Linux22. My goal is to serve a file in a new documentroot, but for whatever, the Nginx Default conf serves the old apache2 index file. The ...
IHateCoding's user avatar
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Configuring Nginx as a reverse proxy for any domain

Currently i have a setup, where dnsmasq is used as a dns server, which resolves an dns lookup, to my own servers IP address. Where SNIPORXY is listening on port 80 and 443 The configuration of the ...
loxtic's user avatar
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Nginx unresponsive under load

After switching from haproxy to nginx, one of my reverse proxies has a problem. At a certain number of connections the server stops accepting new requests (closed by timeout). However, if you connect ...
horhe's user avatar
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1 answer

How can I keep track of nginx restarts and reloads?

I have an nginx reverse-proxy on a ubuntu server in AWS. How can I see when it's configurations were reloaded, either via CLI or otherwise, and when it was restarted altogether? If it doesn't record ...
simboyd's user avatar
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Traefik proxy splitting dynamic config file

i have questions about config files in Traefik. I would like to split my dynamic config file into multiples based services files. _ The setup I have a proxmox instance running a pfSense VM. All ...
DixFlatline's user avatar
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How to configure Apache 2.4 to use ProxyPass to rewrite the websocket's port?

My Nodejs WS ( pure Websocket, I am not using ) works on port 5000 and I wish to proxy pass to the domain itself. I have tried to add the following lines but I still failed to get myself ...
Hypothesis's user avatar
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v2ray and connect to a proxy server

i want to use a squid proxy to make a http proxy between 2 servers. one of my vps(num 1) is in iran (centos 7) and another one(num 2) is other country. i was installed squid proxy on vps 2 and v2ray ...
Omid.akz's user avatar
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1 answer

nginx location proxy pass to another port path

I have two docker containers running for react (http://localhost:90) and nextjs ( / http://localhost:85) applications, and I have Nginx configuration similar to the following server ...
Githendra McShane's user avatar
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1 answer

nginx "deny all" location not working when clicking href-element

I'm trying to deny acess to the root url of a proxied web application. Only the path /images is supposed to be accessible from the internet. My nginx configuration for the page looks like this: ... ...
realzeusey's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Pointing a sub domain to an ip with a port (apache)

I've been having an issue for a while and none of the answers for similar posts have been working. My Issue: I have a domain running on a linux server (using apache):; I have a second ...
Quasar's user avatar
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Apache 2 basic reverse proxy config not working, getting 404 error

I started a new server in a virtual machine, and I can access its homepage from the browser. I set up a docker container hosted on port 90 which I can also access. To link /app/ to localhost:90 I ...
Tom743's user avatar
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nginx reverse proxy 404 error on Ubuntu

I am running Nginx on Linux and attempting to run it as a reverse proxy. However, when I try and set a subdomain to proxy to a program I have running on another server it returns a 404 error. The ...
ryan_thomp's user avatar
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1 answer

Apache2: How to Proxy the same url with different ports?

we have multiple different /apex instances. now we want to proxy the requests trough an Apache2-Server like this: request for instance1: http://proxy:8080/apex -> http://apex1:8080 request for ...
BrotCast's user avatar
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Moving LetsEncrypt SSL certs from one NginX server to another NginX server

I'm running a Reverse Proxy Server (RPS) using NginX. It is working fine for forwarding traffic to my sites which are not using SSL. However, I just configured a new NginX web server with ...
RDK's user avatar
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1 answer

HAProxy path_beg error - 503 service unavailable

Given a backend that running on: curl tested: curl --location --request GET "" sample_response //>> HERE IS RESPONSE On ...
SoT's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Use multiple server blocks in NGINX on same host and same port

I want to configure the server such that the root of the server serves some static files, which a specific endpoing, /nextcloud serves nextcloud on the same domain. Here is my nginx.conf - ...
sealionuss's user avatar
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1 answer

Networking with nginx reverse proxy

I have configured a nginx reverse proxy on a debian 11 which I can reach the application server with the subdomain from the internet. But on the internal network it does not work. The reserve proxy is ...
Cyanmodex9's user avatar
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1 answer

How to set wildcard DNS record for Azure Virtual Machine w Linux?

I'm trying to deploy WorkAdventure for test in an Azure Linux Virtual Machine with Linux, and access it from the internet. For this I found here #794 (comment) a reference to a good documentation ...
Florin Vîrdol's user avatar
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How to dynamic reverse proxy nginx desktop and mobile?

How to reverse proxy if user use dekstop go to proxy_pass; and if use mobile go to proxy_pass;? me use nginx as reverse web server. this my sample code : server { ...
Xen's user avatar
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Are the hundreds of /usr/sbin/apache2 -k start processes killing my site proxy from port 80 to 3000

I'm new to server administration. Whenever I systemctl restart apache2 the /usr/sbin/apache2 -k start processes fill up immediately in the hundreds. It seems that after this happens my raw ipaddress (...
HenryAD's user avatar
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0 answers

Rewrite URL on windows 10 pc?

I'm not a pro in networking, but a software engineer, so don't kill me if it's not possible, but here's my question with a little "intro". So we have a server that is currently at public ...
Pier-Luc's user avatar
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1 answer

Create subdomains under a single IP/domain in an Nginx Reverse Proxy?

I'd like to be able to create a subdomain in Nginx Reverse proxy. As it stands right now, I have a properly configured and usable reverse proxy that resolves properly. The problem arises when I try to ...
opal vaults's user avatar
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1 answer

nginx proxy_pass works via curl but does not work with my browser

I try to set up a reverse proxy with nginx and added the proxy_pass clause - for testing purposes I forward it to My nginx.conf looks like this: user www-data; worker_processes auto; pid /...
Seb's user avatar
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Can a proxy server like Cloudflare access all files in server and can read and write them, and if it can how to disable it

How to stop a proxy server from reading, writing files in origin server. And if I changed name servers of another server and that another server can behave like a proxy and can it access all files ...
ICodeMyWay's user avatar
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Nginx Reverse Proxy Slows Down Website

I'm new to working with nginx but I set up a reverse proxy on a new server that I have and it is definitely slowing down my website and how fast videos and images load. Maybe somebody here will know ...
Tevin Mosley's user avatar
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NGINX reverse proxy on root path returns 401 and 404 errors

I'm using NGINX to load balance a docker swarm cluster on Digital Ocean. I have swarmpit installed and I want to reverse proxy to it with an ssl certificate and using a custom port so that I can ...
June's user avatar
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3 answers

Is authentication mandatory when setting up a reverse proxy?

I have never deployed a reverse proxy before and i was wondering if it is mandatory from a security perspective, to ensure only authenticated requests reach my web application server past the DMZ? ...
computinglife's user avatar
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Nginx reverse proxy SSL handshake error

What I have: Domain name * which points to Host server. Host server running ubuntu 18.04 (Google cloud instance) (inside host server) LXC Container 1 named "proxy" running ubuntu 18.04 ...
Igor Kovalenko's user avatar
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Forbidden You don't have permission to access this resource

I have recently installed apache 2.4 plus mod_ssl I am using this apache as a proxy server and redirecting traffic to tomcat. The issue I am facing right now is that everything works without HTTP but ...
John's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Problems proxy requests to multiple backends with http2, "connection coalescing", connection reuse in google chrome

We are looking for a way to use http2, one proxy with SSL termination and multiple different backends for different subdomains. I found this explanation of the problem and I am looking for solutions ...
nelaaro's user avatar
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SSH redirected to a different ip address after adding new iptables

I have some troubles to reach by SSH my dedicated server running on Proxmox hypervisor with the following ip address 40.53.XX.XX. There is my configuration: I have 3 VM’s running on it with a local ...
ion.sash295's user avatar
1 vote
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How to set up Nginx reverse proxy to reach my localhosts from the internet?

I have some troubles to configure Nginx as a reverse proxy in order to have my vm's with private ip addresses being reachable from the internet. I drew a diagram with my current configuration. My ...
ion.sash295's user avatar
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reverse proxy to local webapplication , which port must be open by iptables?

I want using reverse proxy (nginx or apache) for my tomcat application. I want redirect the ports 80,443 from reverse proxy to tomcat ports 8080, 8443. After setting up the reverse proxy, which port ...
beard black's user avatar
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2 answers

Gitlab, Gitlab runner and reverse Proxy

I just installed Gitlab on an Ubuntu 18.04 fresh install. I am now trying to set up Gitlab runner (on the same machine, I created a project and ran the test that comes predefined with ...
alexandgu's user avatar
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Can a Linux router utilize its congestion control ops on internet traffic from other computers or does it have to act as a reverse proxy?

I was wondering if a small raspberry pi like device could utilize Linux's congestion control algorithms on any internet connection on a different windows/linux pc. Is turning the linux device into a ...
epicbliss's user avatar
-1 votes
6 answers

Prevent direct access to my server using reverse proxy

I have a web server setup in Microsoft Azure and it has a domain name associated with it like This web server is very critical and i don't want anyone other than 1 or two people to ...
Mr Emp's user avatar
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3 votes
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NAT Multiples servers

I need an expert to configure the NAT redirection (iptables) to maintain the source address of the client. Currently my servers work but all clients appear with the private IPs of my vLAN. Example of ...
Darky's user avatar
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Nginx not scaling more than 750 connection when used as reverse proxy

I have a mobile application in which we are using Nginx as a Reverse proxy which routes request to Nginx. The Nginx request in app server is passed to Node.js for processing. We are getting 504 ...
SuryaVeepuri's user avatar
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Name based virtual hosting on non-routable IPs

Vague title I know but I wasn't sure how to summarise what I am trying to achieve. Basically, I have an internet router port forwarding port ext port TCP 443 to the same port on an internal IP ...
anfieldroad's user avatar
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HAProxy - Doesn't work from external network

I've been digging the internet all night trying to figure out this issue. So basically I installed a HA Proxy instance to be used as Reverse Proxy. This is my simple haproxy.conf config: global ...
Shlomi's user avatar
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Need to put a HTTPS server/proxy between internal server and outside world

I have an internal device that I need to have "proxied" to the outside world. What would be the best way to set this up? Flow is as below: Internal Device<->Proxy<->Router<->Outside world. ...
wb6vpm's user avatar
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Apache header editing

I have setup with apache (apache 2.4, redhat 7.6) reverse proxy in front of the JVM. Apache has basic authentication setup on it. The problem is that Apache header with info about basic ...
DasGjinovskaLignja's user avatar
2 votes
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Nginx load balancing as gateway (without SNAT)

I'm trying to configure Nginx as last-resort backup for F5-BIG-IP and I'm not sure if it's possible to configure it to behave similarly to F5 in terms of traffic handling? F5 is currently deployed as ...
Lapsio's user avatar
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IIS as a reverse proxy for a server with many ports

I have a Windows Server 2016 machine with sales & accountant software running on it. I want to deploy a telephony PBX server, running inside a linux Virtual Machine (via VMware). It's running on ...
Capybarro's user avatar
5 votes
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nginx listen on specific interface [closed]

I'm running a Nginx as a proxy server, forwarding to I would like the NGINX server to listen on ens3:, and forward requests through `tun0 Here is my /etc/nginx/sites-available/default: ...
Ian Arman's user avatar
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Reverse Proxy - Bad Gateway

For some reasons I need to access with http instead of https. I have created a reverse proxy in my Apache: <VirtualHost> ServerName
Zulqarnain Habib's user avatar
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access specific server behind reverse proxy

I have multiple devices that are all behind a private network. I have a WAN facing server that I can call into. Is there any way for me to be able to send an HTTP request through the WAN server to a ...
zlb323's user avatar
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Redirect real IP client nginx

How to send to proxied server the real ip of client? My settings are: server { listen 80; server_name; location / { proxy_pass http://someip; proxy_set_header Host $host; ...
Meiram Chuzhenbayev's user avatar
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Reverse proxy for wildcard domains - apache linux

I am trying to setup reverse proxy for wildcard domain, but my configuration don't simply work after I login to the application. This server is running Apache aka httpd service with port 80, 443 on ...
Vijay's user avatar
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