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How to configure HAproxy to a different backend based on path?

The problem is that, I have haproxy configured for multiple domains with backends respectively. The intended behaviour is to redirect a specific request such as to backend2 ...
Jk843's user avatar
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Nginx unresponsive under load

After switching from haproxy to nginx, one of my reverse proxies has a problem. At a certain number of connections the server stops accepting new requests (closed by timeout). However, if you connect ...
horhe's user avatar
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nginx load balancer cannot send "proxy_host" value correctly

I want to use nginx load balancer. The domain servers used in the upstream section use a shared IP. Suppose the domain name of the load balancer server is upstream test_upstream { ...
mani's user avatar
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Configuring Nginx and Tomcat to Access HTTPS content

I'm using nginx as a load balancer and reverse proxy for Java spring boot + Angular application on tomcat. I've total 3 servers, 1 has nginx and other two has application hosted on it. I've configured ...
Virendra's user avatar
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HAProxy deny HTTP request on path_beg not matching

I have a HAProxy node in front of a Keycloak node. I want to only expose the API needed to serve the users (not the Admin panel) I have the following on my haproxy.cfg frontend block frontend haproxy-...
desertSniper87's user avatar
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How to proxy traffic with failover based on http error codes?

There are two endpoints. I want: proxy / service in front of two endpoints send all requests to a chosen primary endpoint if the primary responds with e.g. 404, a failover happens sending the request ...
Gabriel Stein's user avatar
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SSL Cert Issues with Proxy Server Configuration

Running into an issue when applying an SSL cert to one of our reverse proxy servers - "This server could not prove it is <servername>". I think I might be confusing some of the SAN ...
jrd1989's user avatar
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Should HTTP load balancer forward bad requests to backend?

If a HTTP client sends a GET request with a body that would generate a 400 Bad Request response, should the load balancer forward that request to the backend or deal with it immediately? Is there any ...
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Load Balancing HTTP/2 GRPC persistent connections

Let's take a look at this scenario. In a traditional LB model, we would have the LB (wether a reverse proxy or not) farm out req/rep to application level servers. This model is fine for the generic ...
Sam's user avatar
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2 answers

Blocked loading mixed active content

I am using react as my font end, and nodejs as backend which is running on localhost:3016 and I used nginx as reverse proxy and load balancer; this my nginx conf file for the site upstream ...
Metasebiya Mulugeta's user avatar
4 votes
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Nginx not always serving js and css when load balancing between docker containers - works on refresh

I have Nginx set up as a reverse proxy load balancing between two docker containers running all on the same server. When loading a page for the first time, the page loads but I get lots of 404 errors ...
Andy Baxter's user avatar
3 votes
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Using ALB to target PHP-FPM ECS containers

I'd love to know if this is actually posible but I'm sure I've seen it demonstrated by one of our old AWS TAMs. I am serving PHP-FPM containers (port 9000) out of ECS hosting a PHP application. I am ...
Wildcard27's user avatar
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Detecting 502 responses in Nginx Load Balancer

I have the following setup - Nginx load balancer that receives https traffic and passes through to nodes. On each node there is a reverse proxy that handles https traffic and passes data to App1, App2 ...
Rapolas K.'s user avatar
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Kemp returning 520 http error when I try to connect to sub that is http using https

I hope you're doing great so; recently, I started using kemp as a load balancer for my server, and everything works fine when the service (real server) comes already with a self-signed SSL from the ...
DeadSec's user avatar
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nginx slows down my rest-service by 5x

I have a simple REST service set up that natively (standalone executable) handles 135k/rps. Service is running on localhost:8181 autocannon benchmark running from separate machine yields: ┌───────────┬...
enko's user avatar
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Putting WAF on a loadbalancer?

at the moment, our application servers are directly accessable on the internet, like the following picture shows. With this in mind, it would be aful if a server crashes (hardware-failure) or stops ...
louis12356's user avatar
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IIS get real client IP Address when behind a AWS Elastic load balancer

I have a IIS server behind a AWS Elastic load balancer. I want retrieve the real client ip address set into x-forwarded-for header from AWS Elastic load balancer. I have found this setting for enable ...
Simone Nigro's user avatar
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Google Load Balancer HTTPS Mapping between and google storage bucket

My question is about how to best route a particular URL to a static page while routing everything else to a site I have a domain on Google domains, currently the A record for the bare ...
Ilya's user avatar
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What are the best settings for reverse proxy with a load-balanced?

I am using a reverse proxy and load balancing. In my scenario, I have three servers. The first server is the proxy. The second and third are docker servers that use swarm. Port 2020 is used for two ...
campos's user avatar
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Apache2 Proxy kills request after x Minutes

I've been trying to fix this error for hours and so far just failed. The following case I am trying to solve: I have 2 application servers which are accessed by a third server. All servers are running ...
Andre 's user avatar
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Behind the scene of a https web request at server side in Cloud

I have read few posts about behind the scene of processing a web request which is a popular interview question too for SREs/DevOps. There are a lot of good explanation pages about the general flow of ...
Learner's user avatar
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Nginx in front of JBoss Domain Mode

I have JBoss EAP 7.2 servers which are running in domain mode: jb-domain-arge (Domain Controller) jb-host-arge (Host Controller) jb-host-arge2 (Host Controller) and ...
Hasan Tahsin AKIN's user avatar
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NGINX load balancing hash: use cookie value if present, ip_hash if not

I'm trying to figure out how to do some if-else logic in NGINX's upstream load-balancing directive. Basically, I'd like to use the method: hash $cookie_my_cookie_name consistent; ... if the cookie (...
mmuurr's user avatar
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HAProxy : SSL/TLS termination + ports forwarding

I'm writing here, because I use HAProxy as reverse-proxy with SSL/TLS termination, and I don't know how to configure it to forward HTTPS requests on specific port to the same on my HTTP backend's ...
outstore's user avatar
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HAPROXY : reverse proxy with TLS termination

I'm a newbie with HAProxy, and I want to use it to redirects HTTPS incoming requests to my HTTP backends servers. I know, how it is possible to do it with Nginx, like this : #SSL for all server { ...
outstore's user avatar
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How to properly setup Nginx as a reverse proxy behind a load balancer which routes all Wordpress requests to external server?

We have an existing SPA application running on server #1. We built out a Wordpress site hosted on a Kinsta server (server #2). Marketing wants to launch the new site and direct 50% of traffic to it ...
somecoderyouknow's user avatar
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Nginx reverse proxy looses some HTTP responses

I have a situation here an Nginx (nginx/1.14.2) reverse proxy acts as a load balancer for a couple of HTTP servers. Now and then an HTTP response does not get through to the client, as if the ...
rookie099's user avatar
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Nginx: upstream server directive with regex

I've got a docker-based architecture: A configurable number of containers being load balanced by one nginx container. All of these containers exist on the same local network, backend (created by ...
shinvu's user avatar
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What are the possible causes for Layer 4 and Layer 7 timeouts in HAProxy?

I am copying my Stackoverflow question : I saw that I was getting 503 for my application when I was hitting the API's. When I checked the HAProxy LB stats ...
Debodirno Chandra's user avatar
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Can we have both Load Balancer and Reverse Proxy in the architecture

I read many articles regarding LoadBalancer and Reverse proxy and understood them individually. I know when we should keep what, load balancer when there are multiple servers basically with same ...
user3417746's user avatar
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Kubernetes, http access to app in cluster

I'm pretty new to the kubernetes. I need some suggestions how to access app which is deployed in cluster. I have a docker image with Django app and Gunicorn to run .wsgi. I'm using this image to ...
aFku's user avatar
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What's the rationale behind using reverse-proxy in front of an application server?

Why do application server documentations always recommend using a reverse-proxy like Nginx? Take a random app server like Gunicorn or a built in server for NPM, what's the rationale behind using Nginx ...
eternaltyro's user avatar
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nginx load-balancing and reverse-proxy multiports : 502 Bad Gateway

I used two Icecast servers which host many webradios streams. Each stream use a port between 8000 and 9000. I use nginx (1.16.1 on Debian 10) to : easily allow HTTPS for all streams automatically ...
outstore's user avatar
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why would you use both a reverse proxy and a load balancer when you can just load balance with a reverse proxy?

I read that one of the uses of a proxy server is to load balance with it. But, I also read that google uses both a load balancer and a reverse proxy. I am trying to understand what the use of a load ...
tylerlorenzi's user avatar
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Autoscaling and connection routing on AWS ECS for services with a one-to-one client/server relation

I want to deploy an interactive rendering service that uses the WebSocket protocol. The service is containerized and can serve up to N (let's say 1 <= N <= 10) clients. The reason for the small ...
Daniel's user avatar
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Why do we need reverse proxy if we have load balancer? [closed]

My main concern is since reverse proxy routing is static, how can it replace load balancer which routes the request dynamically upon checking the heath of the server? Then do we really need a reverse ...
Bishal Jaiswal's user avatar
8 votes
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How to tune TCP for high-frequency connections between two nodes

I've been scratching my head for the past few days, trying to come up with a solution for the following problem: In our data center we have a F5 running on BigIP hardware that acts as a single ingress ...
Christoph's user avatar
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Nginx proxy header variable not working

I'm trying to setup a load balancer with nginx. The problem i'm having for some reason the variable $host not working for me when i try to use proxy_set_header When i tried to go to http://proxy....
Kurogane's user avatar
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Former Proxy Config for Apache 2.2 Webserver not working for Apache 2.4

On my previous server I had a perfectly functioning Apache 2.2 Configuration. On one hand this said perfectly functioning Apache 2.2 config has the purpose of acting as a Load-Balancer for a Web-...
kiltek's user avatar
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How to do SSL termination using AWS Application Load Balancer for Express REST API?

I have a Node Express server running on an EC2 instance that listens for HTTP requests. I want to use an AWS Application Load Balancer to serve that content to the client browser through HTTPS while ...
Neil Philip's user avatar
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nginx try_files issuing http redirect beind load balancer; need https [duplicate]

My nginx instance is behind a SSL terminated load balancer, and I want all urls to hit https endpoints, which means http to be redirected to https. All is well when urls have a trailing slash. They ...
L. J.'s user avatar
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Setup the two servers with different IP and apply the single domain

I'd like to setup the two servers with different IP and apply the single domain. Server 1 Vendor: Azure OS : Windows 2019 App : MVC application We have Virtual Machine in Azure and running ...
Ninja's user avatar
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How to Nginx upstream on single server with additional IP addresses added to NIC?

I am having a single dedicated server (static IP) with two additional IP addresses added. When I run SSH with command: cat /etc/network/interfaces I got this result: auto lo iface lo inet loopback ...
Ho Thanh Cyberdelia Nhan's user avatar
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Can one device simultaneously be a reverse proxy, load balancer, and firewall?

From my understanding you have: Reverse Proxy: A device standing between internal servers and the internet. Some goals: SSL termination, caching, obfuscation, more freedom to change internal ...
user494940's user avatar
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HAProxy 504 Gateway Time-out Exchange 2016

I have been trying to use HAProxy as a proxy and load balancer for my 2 Exchange 2016 mail servers. Whenever I hit the IP of the HAProxy server I get a "504 Gateway Time-out" error. I have tried ...
Justin Morrison's user avatar
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nginx: resolver does not refresh after dns update [duplicate]

We've had an issue today with the nginx resolver in an AWS environment. According to the nginx log files, nginx did not resolve to the right servers, after the DNS record changes. The DNS originally ...
hey's user avatar
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How does a load balancer get around the 64k port limit? [duplicate]

When a request comes in, it gets rerouted to one of several available servers for the request. But there's only 64k ports available so at any given time there can only be 64k outgoing requests max. So ...
Jayson Tatum's user avatar
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NGINX proxy_pass returns 404

I have Nginx reverse proxy that proxies request to NGINX load balancer(Docker container) and 3 other Virtual Machines. Proxy works fine for all Virtual Machines, except this one. Here is my sistes-...
Miodrag's user avatar
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Apache balancing towards Weblogic backends, mod_wl vs mod_proxy_balancer

for a lot of years now, we have been using an Apache Server with Mod_wl plugin to balance sessions towards multiple backend Weblogic webservers. Now after a a while we also started using the same ...
gotjee's user avatar
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How to make TCP server in node.js sticky?

This is a TCP server for receiving data from GPS server const net = require('net'); const lora_packet = require('lora-packet'); const clients = []; const server = net.createServer(function (socket) ...
Abhishek Yadav's user avatar