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Apache config to proxy entire site with 1 exception

I have a website on a hosting provider. We use that provider because it has a simple site builder my wife uses to maintain the site. Moving off of it isn't an option for this ...
John Oliver's user avatar
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Apache module proxy_html not working

I have a Joomla 4 site running in a Ubuntu 22.04 server (hostname = web-02). The Internet facing web server running in a Ubuntu 20.04 server (hostname = web-01) has configured as a reverse proxy for ...
cpliu338's user avatar
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Change the script path in an Apache proxy handler

I'm developing my application with 2 containers: apache and php-fpm. Apache serves requests, and delegates PHP execution to the php-fpm container in its vhost: <FilesMatch .php$> ...
amacrobert's user avatar
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How to enable SSL Proxy only on certain Locations in Apache

I am trying to use Apache as reverse proxy. For some locations I want to convert the client's HTTPS request to HTTP requests on the server. For another location I want to keep the client's HTTPS ...
Hendrik Jan's user avatar
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reverse proxy Apache that redirects filtering by ip and path

I am trying to create a reverse proxy with apache that if it receives a request with /thisismypath as path and the ip address that make that request is the it should redirect to 192.168.1....
P00's user avatar
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Apache reverse proxy to site using NTLM authentication fails with mod_rewrite but not mod_proxy

We have a reverse proxy server in front of an Exchange server and would like to lock down more of the paths. Minimized examples: Fails (but works for all pages that don't require authentication): <...
melds's user avatar
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Apache Reverse Proxy rewrite rule for complex URL. "Too Many Redirects" error

I am trying to configure a reverse proxy to my backend server. This is my previous configuration which is working. Define REMOTE_ADDR <VirtualHost *:443> ...
Renegade's user avatar
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2 answers

Lighttpd reverse proxy to another server faild

I am trying lighttpd as a reverse proxy (v1.4.53) lighttpd.conf: $HTTP["url"] =~ "(^/example/)" { proxy.header = ("map-urlpath" => ( "/example/" => &...
hukaka818's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Apache ProxyPass to Shared Ip Address for Domain

I have a case where I need to proxy pass a domain ( to a different domain ( hosted on a shared ip address (, but DNS is pointed other than the ...
user2341534's user avatar
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Apache2 websocket proxy fails

I'm trying to proxy websockets through Apache 2.4. I found an online demo, and this is my config based off of it. I'm running an app that uses websockets on port 8089 and am using apache to proxy the ...
x43's user avatar
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3 answers

Apache reverse proxy - URL without / is refused

I use reverse proxy to show backend server content for a subdomain. The (server A) should display content of server with IP port 1111 (server B). Virtual host of ...
klor's user avatar
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Apache2 Virtual Host Proxy Forward

Hi all I am trying to use a virtual host to forward to my internal emby server form my webserver. I have setup a config file called streaming.conf in /etc/apache2/sites-available/ &...
Fusion's user avatar
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Apache 2.4 Subdomain Proxy Balancer and Reverse Proxy

I have a Next.js application running on two ports 3000 and 3001, and I want to use apache 2.4 reverse proxy to achieve this:* -> localhost:300x/** -> ...
user2662879's user avatar
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Incorrect Location in response header on Apache server

While trying to set-up apache as the Reverse Proxy, I see that I get incorrect location in the Response Headers ( Location is sent as "/" whereas it should be "backend/auth/api/token&...
userx's user avatar
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how to config apache reverse proxy for multiple jboss remote instances?

I need to setup an apache reverse proxy with multiple jboss instances as target server (with different IP). I've already set in my DNS an url and i would like to redirect ...
Beps's user avatar
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Apache proxy pass does not work with HTTPS

I want to redirect a certain sub-path to a backend application running at port 19011. My config file (/etc/apache2/sites-available/my_domain.conf) looks like this: <VirtualHost *:80> ...
Egemen's user avatar
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Apache proxy configuration (webapp resources URL truncated)

I'm trying to set up a proxy in an Apache web server but I have an issue about the build of URL beacause in the resulting URL part of the path is missing. An example: http://server/webapp/style.css (...
Simone T's user avatar
5 votes
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Intermittent proxy error in Apache: "Partial results are valid but processing is incomplete" with "AH01110: error reading response"

I'm using Apache 2.4.43 on CentOS 7.8 with Varnish 6 and PHP-FPM to serve a Magento 2 website. Varnish listens on port 80. Apache listens on 8080 to serve content to Varnish, and also port 443 which ...
WackGet's user avatar
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Apache ProxyHTMLURLMap with string substitution from LocationMatch

I am trying to build an Apache reverse proxy to make a set of servers accessible through a single point of access. The servers all offer a web admin interface on port 3000, and I intend to present all ...
Tilman Schmidt's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Apache2 mod_substitute not working in <Location>

I have a working Reverse Proxy that is active only on a specific Location in my site, in this case for example: I am reverse proxying site1. I want to replace some ...
Paul_Rent's user avatar
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Configure Apache Web Server (shared hosting) to provide simultaneous Web and Websocket Access

I'm trying since some days to find a way to configure simultaneous websocket and web server connections with one same Apache Web Server I have on a shared hosting basis. Now, before giving that up and ...
DevelJoe's user avatar
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Does Apache reverse-proxy pipeline requests to origin servers?

When configuring Apache as a reverse proxy (i.e. using ProxyPass or RewriteRule [P]), does it ever pipeline the requests to origin servers, or are they always sent non-pipelined? This is important to ...
Simon Pickup's user avatar
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Nginx: How to map the internal Ip addresses and proxy using ngrok without redirecting

I have two device which can be accessed only using internal network. To access it externally i have installed nginx in raspberry device and added a redirect within nginx like location /device1 { ...
Harsha's user avatar
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CSS & images breaking after mapping application deployed on Tomcat to my domain

I've installed Tomcat 9.0.27 on my Digital Ocean droplet running Ubuntu 18.04.3. I deployed my Java WAR on Tomcat and am able to access it on the URL: I want to be ...
Faheem Hassan Zunjani's user avatar
3 votes
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No protocol handler was valid for the URL / (scheme 'ws')

Trying to setup a websocket proxy using apache2, I get the following error: No protocol handler was valid for the URL / (scheme 'ws'). If you are using a DSO version of mod_proxy, make sure the proxy ...
Mohsen Saberi's user avatar
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substitute url with apache mod proxy

I have configured a new vhost on apache 2.4 and when I tested the configuration all work fine but only one page is not redirected correctly. the call to the images is done by images.html page : <...
caghiles3's user avatar
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2 answers

apache reverse proxy with rewrite mod

I am configuring a new virtual host on my apache reverse proxy with rewrite mod, when testing the configuration all working fine but only one page (image page) is not working. when clicking on image ...
caghiles3's user avatar
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Apache2 reverse proxy with response caching

I'm using Apache as a reverse proxy for an application running on a local port. I want to cache responses from this application in memory. So requesting the same URL frequently should give me cached ...
kontextify's user avatar
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Apache 2.4 [proxy_http:error] [proxy:error]

I have enabled Apache proxy and http_proxy modules in order to reverse proxy some requests coming on port 80, only for a virtualhost, to localhost:3000 (where nuxt with node is running). The proxy ...
Ar3s's user avatar
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Apache header editing

I have setup with apache (apache 2.4, redhat 7.6) reverse proxy in front of the JVM. Apache has basic authentication setup on it. The problem is that Apache header with info about basic ...
DasGjinovskaLignja's user avatar
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Apache proxy redirect URLs with specific string

I have a server which runs 2 applications. I am using a public IP address and I want to parse the url in a way if a specific text occurs the call is redirect to a specific port. In my case I want that ...
Simone Ceccolini's user avatar
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ReverseProxy Wildcard?

Is it possible to have a wildcard for a reverse Proxy using ProxyPass? I've seen similar config below for ProxypassMatch, so I tried to model it off of that using just proxypass ProxyPass ^/...
POPEYE1716's user avatar
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Apache doesn't listen on all ports configured with virtual host and reverse proxy

I have a host (Ubuntu 16.04) and a virtual machine on it. I want to use apache to forward different ports to the VM with the reverse proxy modul. The problem is, that apache doesn't listen on all ...
Tibor Nagy's user avatar
2 votes
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Lighttpd reverse proxy HTTPS to another server on HTTP

I've a Lighttpd server running on HTTPS, and I want to have one subdirectory on the server act as a reverse proxy for a separate server that runs on HTTP. I've tried following guides on doing both ...
cogm's user avatar
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ProxyPass changes 304 status to 200 and adds content-type

The probelm I am running a node server (sqlpad) through an Apache2 reverse proxy. On some requests, the node server returns a 304 status code with no Content-Type when accessed directly. However, ...
Tom Aranda's user avatar
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apache 2.4 ProxyPass directives not working in RHEL7.5

I'm having trouble setting up a reverse proxy with apache 2.4.6 on RHEL7.5. I have the following virtualhost which sends requests to 3 backends: <VirtualHost *:80> ServerName www.example....
André Fernandes's user avatar
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How to debug why my mod_proxy is giving a "No protocol handler was valid" error?

I am trying to set up Apache as a frontend proxy to a Docker app. I have done this several times in the past, but for some reason, the new Ubuntu VPS I have is not co-operating. I'm using Apache/2.4....
halfer's user avatar
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Apache balancing towards Weblogic backends, mod_wl vs mod_proxy_balancer

for a lot of years now, we have been using an Apache Server with Mod_wl plugin to balance sessions towards multiple backend Weblogic webservers. Now after a a while we also started using the same ...
gotjee's user avatar
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Using Apache to relay wss (web-socket) protocol to backend

I'm using Apache 2.4.27. I need to tunnel a client's wss request through an Apache reverse-proxy, to a backend server. However, from a tcpdump, it appears the wss request is being rejected by the ...
Matt Muggeridge's user avatar
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ProxyHTMLURLMap not modifying JavaScript file

I'm using Apache 2.4.27 as a Reverse Proxy and I am having trouble with some of my ProxyHTMLURLMap directives. I have a proxy-server and a backend server, called server1. I have a JavaScript ...
Matt Muggeridge's user avatar
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apache + reverse proxy to another apache, 504 Gateway Time-out after 30 second

I've a easy php script that look like this : sleep(35); echo 'ok'; When I try to acces this URL on server A everything is working fine, i don't get any time out (i see 'ok') Then I've a server B ...
NicoMinsk's user avatar
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mod_proxy_http can not be enabled

I have the current proxy modules enabled and working fine: $ apache2ctl -M | grep proxy proxy_module (shared) proxy_fcgi_module (shared) When I enable mod_proxy_http with a2enmod proxy_http and ...
Lito's user avatar
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how do I forward by hostname to different web hosts behind a firewall --mod_proxy?

I need a quick solution that allows me to host multiple web servers behind my firewall. They are on different computers, so I can't use apache virtual hosting. I also don't want to use different non-...
ajnabi's user avatar
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Only first Reverse Proxy Virtual Host works

I am trying to redirect services running on localhost under various ports to a sub-path on a single port. For example to The issue I am having is that ...
DominicM's user avatar
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4 votes
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Apache 2.4 sends 502 errors when backend sends 401 on large file uploads

Using Apache 2.4.25 (Windows) and backend server Tomcat 8 (Windows). We have some client software that uploads files using HTTPS on an authenticated session that is proxied through Apache to Tomcat. ...
MJB's user avatar
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Apache 2.4.7 mod_proxy_wstunnel tunneling too much (HTTP as well as WS)

I'm running Apache 2.4.7 as a reverse proxy on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS. This Apache server acts as the entrypoint to a lot of different backend applications, which are accessed via different mod_proxy ...
Brian Beckett's user avatar
5 votes
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ERR_INCOMPLETE_CHUNKED_ENCODING when using AddOutputFilterByType in Apache reverse proxy

I'm trying to set up a Shopware site using Docker behind a Apache2 reverse proxy. Since the Shopware software for some reason puts its backend host "" into the JavaScript it ...
Thomas Stets's user avatar
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Apache VirtualHost multiple transport protocols

I am trying to use a VirtualHost on my server with mod_proxy to add an authentication layer to another server I am running. The authentication and basic loading work correctly, but a main page ...
Nick Johnson's user avatar
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Apache2 reverse-proxy multiple locations

I am trying to configure a proxy for my local application (bittorent sync) using apache2 mod_proxy_html. I run multiple instances of the local app, each for a different user. To access the web ...
Ondrian's user avatar
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How to create a reverse proxy to host specified in url?

I need to configure proxy with apache to proxy requests like[some-params] to[some-params] I tried to do this like that: &...
eliriand's user avatar