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Nginx missing trailing slash redirects to the wrong url behind proxy

We use an nginx webserver behind an nginx proxy. When i try to browse a subpath, the nginx backend webserver (something.example.local) appends a trailing slash behind the url (301 redirect) -as ...
5poharviz's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

nginx reverse proxy with docker containers and specific nested locations

I would like to set up nginx as a reverse proxy with multiple apps on docker containers permanently residing under specific locations, e.g.: ...
user21101711's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Configure SSL for Apache Reverse Proxy

I want to redirect HTTPS connections to my domain towards a unique subdomain using Apache2 reverse proxy. I want all the connections that come to to be redirected towards $random$.b....
Mnemosyne's user avatar
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nginx: [warn] server name has suspicious symbols with long domain redirect

What is the best way in Nginx to redirect two Long domains URLS, I would like to configure a redirect between two domains like this: I'm sure this has been asked before, but I can't find a solution ...
Santosh Baruah's user avatar
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nginx config reverse proxy lose basepath on redirect without slash

i have the following nginx configs to redirect the url path to it's perspective services server { listen 80; server_name; location = favicon.ico { access_log off; log_not_found off ...
Linh Nguyen's user avatar
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Nginx reverse-proxy pass front-end application matching url from HTTPS to HTTP

I everyone. I'm very new to Nginx. My situation is like this. I have a Php application which that handles both backend and front-end, and also I have another ReactJs application as a micro-frontend ...
Dananjaya Ariyasena's user avatar
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redirect path of nginx from a proxy pass to another server

I need to explain a problem. I need the output of the PATH content of an nginx reverse proxy to be sent to another domain that resides on another nginx server. Clear explanation: I have two linux ...
Miguel Duque's user avatar
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Proxy Redirect on NGINX not working as expected

I set up nginx as a reverse proxy for two proxied servers. Each of them (proxy and proxied servers) is running as a container in a docker environment. Proxied server appalpha is simply an nginx:alpine ...
tab269's user avatar
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1 answer

Why "/" nginx location rule fails to catch some URLs? Isn't it supposed to go with all?

I have an nginx that serves as reverse proxy, and it redirects requests to an angular app or to a node js backend app depending on the request URL. There is also a rule location ~ /s/(cas)/(.*) that ...
perepm's user avatar
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Apache reverse proxy configuration (/context to /)

I'm having this issue trying to proxy a site to another context on a different domain What I currently have ? I have a fully functional web site running on the following URL: https://helloworld....
William Añez's user avatar
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Redirects from Nginx reverse-proxyed Django ASGI server going to wrong subdirectory

I'm trying to install Etebase in a subdirectory of my Nginx webserver. (I'm also running a Pi-hole dashboard on this server in a seperate subdirectory.) Etebase is a Django app using ASGI. I'm using ...
dan9er's user avatar
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I can´t redirect HTTP to HTTPS in my Apache server proxy

(Sorry for my bad english) Hi, i know that this is not the first question about redirect to a secure conection in a proxy server but i have no ideas how to resolv it. this is my config ErrorLog ${...
Camilo Fuentes's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

Unexpected 301 redirects from Nginx when behind Nginx reverse proxy

Similar questions have been asked before here and here but none of them matched or solved the issue I am having. After a few hours of desperate problem solving I found a solution that was so ...
Akseli Palén's user avatar
3 votes
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Haproxy same port for http and https

I want my webapplication run only on port 4443. So i added this port to my docker container on haproxy. Now i want to inspect the incomming request and if it is not https, it should redirect to it. ...
Samhamsam's user avatar
2 votes
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How to redirect port 80 and 8080 to 443 using nginx for a Jenkins server

I am try to redirect anything going to port 80 and 8080 to 443 (https) using nginx. This is for a Jenkins server. I am using ubuntu. This is the nginx config I have at the moment: server { listen ...
nealous3's user avatar
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Redirect request to a second URL if an error is encountered on first in NGINX

I'm new to NGINX and I'm trying to figure out whether I need a proxy or a reverse proxy. Here's the requirement: Create a proxy that will hit websiteA, if no error is encounter (node is not down but ...
czetsuya's user avatar
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NGINX proxy_pass returning 405 on POST request

I'm trying to set up nginx as a reverse proxy to redirect POST requests from to http://localhost:5000/msh. This is my config: http { server { listen 5318; ...
MrBill's user avatar
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NGINX reverse proxy rewrite rule with proxy_redirect

I'm running NGINX as a reverse proxy in front of some IIS hosted apps. My goal is to have a rewrite rule for a specific location. The thing is that the app itself responds with a 301 or 302 in some ...
CluelessNginxGuy's user avatar
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NginX cannot redirect to React App

I'm quite new to NginX, so my apologies if anything I ask here sounds naive. Lets say I have a DNS Whenever a request comes to (only /), I want NginX to redirect it ...
Auro's user avatar
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set correct request host to avoid this infinite loop in nginx

I configured this nginx server for and to be a cache/reverse proxy, taking data from It seems to work ok in browser, but I noticed significant google ...
adrianTNT's user avatar
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nginx reverse proxy static files relative pass

I have simple reverse proxy setup with nginx (which runs in docker container with certbot as webserver on and where my app runs. There ...
Oleksii Buheria's user avatar
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Apache2 / Redirect to Subfolder w/ ReverseProxy

I am attempting to redirect / to a subfolder on an Apache2 reverse proxy server vhost for a server behind it. Reverse proxy is working, however the redirect is not. What would be the best way to do ...
bobbirkely's user avatar
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Create a subdomain.domain.example and make a redirection of an IP:PORT to this subdomain

I'm working on a solution with an offshore team and I want to create my server on European union for GDPR requirements. I want to create a subdomain.domain.example on my OVH control panel and make a ...
George Jones's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Apache reverse proxy gets redirection

I'm trying to set up Apache as a reverse proxy. Here is the essential part of its configuration: NameVirtualHost Listen <VirtualHost> ...
Fmy Oen's user avatar
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Reverse proxy with login for redirecting different users to different applications

Im trying to configure the topology you can see in this picture: My question is, having a unique login server acting as a reverse proxy, is it posible to redirect the users to their respective server ...
adre cleto's user avatar
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NGINX reverse-proxy exposing backend server IP address and protocol

Our documentation server at uses NGINX 1.12.2 under CentOS to serve static HTML. The firewall allows SSH, HTTP, HTTPS only. Our custom search engine runs as a HTTP server on port 5023 on ...
SJT's user avatar
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How to handle redirects from a reverse-proxied server mapped to a subdirectory in Nginx?

I would like use Nginx as a reverse proxy for an app, which is mapped to a subdirectory of my site. The app has its own set of locations , and must be able to issue redirects to other locations ...
lowtex's user avatar
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http to https redirection - apache2

I have a odoo instance running in an ubuntu16 server. Apache is acting as the front end server and is proxypassing the request to the odoo instance. I have now configured the virtualhost to enable SSL ...
Kishor N's user avatar
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Nginx redirect with rewrite and regex

I need to set the following configutation in Nginx: --> http://any.other.server/path/page?param2=value1 I've tried using these snippets: location ^(/...
Alavaros's user avatar
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Apache https to http redirect

I am trying to route https traffic through another server that has a tomcat server. Before i was just using http and was working fine. My conf reads <VirtualHost *:443> ProxyRequests on ...
Andrew Ratley's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Apache reverse proxy based on header

So I have a configuration for apache that is working in 99% of the cases. It is checking a header value in the request and based on that it is redirecting to the correct API version url with a 307 ...
munHunger's user avatar
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access specific server behind reverse proxy

I have multiple devices that are all behind a private network. I have a WAN facing server that I can call into. Is there any way for me to be able to send an HTTP request through the WAN server to a ...
zlb323's user avatar
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3 answers

nginx dynamic proxy_pass with variable between redirections

Nginx proxy_pass with variables are hard to understand. Can some one explain how would i acheive the below scenario. #first call /?proxytohost= #second redirection to / #third call ...
raksja's user avatar
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How to make NGINX load balancing server without proxying the requests?

I could not find a solution for the issue so this is my question. Say I have 3 servers, 2 of them are upstream servers, and 1 is a load balancer. This is my basic configurations Upstream servers ...
David Tran's user avatar
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nginx is redirecting subdomain into parent domain

I am trying to setup GitLab in But when calling this url, it is getting redirected into Following is my /etc/nginx/sites-available/ file. I ...
Ashik Mohammed's user avatar
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configure nginx to pass redirects through from upstream proxied application

I have nginx serving static files and proxying requests for an internal django server. This all works mostly fine, but I have a view which returns a 302 redirect back to the Referer page, effectively ...
racitup's user avatar
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Apache2.4 ProxyPass exception inside Location block not working

While trying to get the Let's Encrypt Certbot to work on a local server that hosts reverse-proxied content, I am unable to get the local exception working inside a Location block. httpd.conf snippet: ...
Liam Dennehy's user avatar
2 votes
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Apache redirects behind SSL terminating proxy

I have the following redirects in the <VirtualHost *:80>: RewriteRule ^/old-url$ /new-url [R=301,L] RewriteRule ^/foo$ /bar [R=301,L] ... In front of apache I've got haproxy, ...
cherouvim's user avatar
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Nginx reverse proxy too many redirections

I want to configure nginx to act as a reverse proxy that will redirect to two different Kibana hosts depending on the passed URI. / redirect to the standard and /october/ to the october dedicated ...
Quentin's user avatar
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How to change http to https when tomcat redirects happen

I'm using elastic beanstalk single instance. So there is apache configured and tomcat is behind listening on http port 8080. Apache is configured on using ssl https 443. The problem is that tomcat ...
maximus's user avatar
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nginx reverse proxy redirecting to wrong server

Here's my problem. I have 3 physical servers behind the same IP address, using a reverse nginx proxy (running on a fast pfsense box) to direct the http/https traffic (2 of the servers host > 1 site). ...
user255406's user avatar
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Redirect/rewrite url with apache reverse proxy

I have a problem that i don’t know how to resolve. I’ve got one server for reverse proxy and another one for a wiki hosting on apache2 web server. The wiki access is provide through the reverse proxy ...
Benni's user avatar
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apache reverse proxy: following redirects?

Is it possible to make apache (2.2) mod_proxy follow upstream redirects (http 301, 302)? Usually one would configure a reverse proxy like: ProxyPass /foo ...
André Fernandes's user avatar
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Forward Slash within a reverse proxy for Wordpress

I have a Wordpress website within a reverse proxy that generally works fine. I have noticed a issue today where I delete the trailing forward slash it redirects me to the target (non reverse-proxy) ...
Rob's user avatar
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NGINX Reverse Proxy redirect settings

I have the following scenario: NGINX | | JavaEE TERMINATING | -> REVERSE PROXY -> | Application SSL (443) | HTTP | Server Reverse proxy is done by: ...
Pablo Santa Cruz's user avatar
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Apache reverse proxy 302 redirect browsers directly takes to the redirected URL

I have setup a reverse proxy through glassfish server via apache mod_proxy. my concern is when there is a 302 redirect happens then after that every time i access that url which invoked 302 redirect ...
Vipin Jain's user avatar
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Redirect port 80 to 4848 for external connections

I have an application run natively on my computer and can access through browser and port 4848 : localhost:4848/xxx/xxx And I want to share it to other people through my IP. However, ppl can only ...
Long's user avatar
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7 votes
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Getting "Too many redirects" error with nginx rewrite rule

I am trying to rewrite the domain url that targets my site such that all domain names are rewritten to and have the following config: mysite block server { listen ...
Dark Star1's user avatar
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Is this reverse proxy configuration possible

I will first try to describe the problem I have. Let's say I have two different http servers running on two different ports behind firewall on my local machine: SERVER1: http://localhost:8001 ...
PrimosK's user avatar
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nginx infinite 302 Found redirect loop

I am using nginx to map multiple domains to google app engine. in this specific case i map multiple domains to the same tenant. there is a configuration in my code that knows which domain is the main ...
aschmid00's user avatar
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