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squid reverse proxy log

we have an exchange server behind a squid reverse proxy there is many failed account events in exchange, the exchange event viewer display the IP address of the reverse proxy as source address in ...
skacem's user avatar
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1 answer

Squid Reverse Proxy with SSL

I'm trying to use squid as a reverse proxy in front of a single website, to decrypt the SSL on the proxy and then to encrypt the connection to the webserver (this is in order to use squid as an ICAP ...
user3811862's user avatar
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Squid: Connection reset by peer (TLS code: SQUID_ERR_SSL_HANDSHAKE)

Failed to establish a secure connection to *ip-address* The system returned: (104) Connection reset by peer (TLS code: SQUID_ERR_SSL_HANDSHAKE) Handshake with SSL server failed: [No Error] This ...
MarvinD's user avatar
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Persistent connection not working between the squid (version 4.13) and Apache (origin server)

I would be very happy if somebody could help. I am basically trying to make the connection between the Squid (version 4.13) proxy and the Apache server (origin) persistent. I've tried the ...
bahruz's user avatar
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Transparent Proxy with Squid 4.10 not working

Squid 4.10 on Ubuntu Server 20.04 I have tried so many things and spent this entire week researching on how to get this working. To get an idea of what I am trying to do here, take a look at these ...
LtMuffin's user avatar
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Squid as Reserve Proxy for HTTPS

On a Debian Machine Squid and Apache is running. HTTPs is enabled with Certbot (Lets Encrypt). I have several Domains (Vhosts) and I am using one IP-Address for all Domains. Apache is listening on ...
Gill-Bates's user avatar
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Squid proxy server loads only Google sites

I have just installed Squid proxy server on a CentOS 7 system and everything went smooth but the proxy loads only the Google sites like YouTube, Google Search, and so on... when I visit another site ...
gave's user avatar
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Squid: Setup reverse proxy based on url path

I'm currently trying to bypass browser security, by hosting a static html page under all (external) domains. e.g. Given a webpage hosted at http://myinternalserver/mypage.html When I request https://...
Nick Grealy's user avatar
1 vote
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How to combine squid reverse proxy with nginx proxy for shiny-server

I have a nginx web server which acts as a proxy for my shiny-server. I now want to use a squid reverse proxy to provide access to the nginx server (and thus the shiny server) to internet clients. ...
Stringers's user avatar
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Creating proxies on large number of ports that forward to external proxy

I need some sort of proxy software (similar to Squid) that will work on Linux and allow me to create proxies listening on multiple ports. The proxies need to forward web requests to another external ...
George C.'s user avatar
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HAproxy as a reverse proxy - no load balancing

I want to configure HA Proxy to act only as a reverse proxy it's being implemented to replace Squid. At the moment I have it working, where a request comes to the physical firewall on port 80, that ...
Dr Pepper's user avatar
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Which software could I use to setup reverse proxy that sends files while caching?

I need to set up a HTTP reverse proxy that will be able to cache requests to the upstream server. The upstream server serves only static files. The issue I am facing is that I need a proxy that is ...
mspanc's user avatar
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Squid form based authentication

I use Squid as a reverse proxy to publish web resources with limited access. I've configured it to check user credentials using standard web browser form (Basic authentication). Is it possible to ...
Tatyana's user avatar
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Vagrant dev env forwarding requests to staging and filtering & replacing certain files with local versions

I want to create a Vagrant dev environment where a dev would be able to hit and the vagrant machine would make the same request to except filter out some files, say ...
Sunny Patel's user avatar
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Prevent Squid from caching on a specific path

I'm using this rule in /etc/squid/squid.conf acl DenyApp urlpath_regex /app/path1/path2 no_cache deny DenyApp It's working great. However, what I would like to happen is for Squid to still cache /...
devwannabe's user avatar
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Can I used squid proxy, set-up in vCloud Air, in AWS instances?

I have a squid proxy set-up in vCloud Air, which I now wish to use in AWS EC2 instances. I was thinking to create a security group using those proxy details and spin up an EC2 instance using that ...
Siddharth's user avatar
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Squid reverse proxy with multiple SSL-certificates via SNI

Does squid Proxy Server offer the possibility to supply multiple SSL certificates to it? I have a server with various virtual machines running Apache web servers for different customers. As an ...
Dorton's user avatar
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On multiple request to Squid, send a single request to a backend and queue other requests on miss

I would like to protect a backend server by having Squid send a single request to a the server when there is a cache miss for a resource. During the fetching, other requests should be put on hold ...
Jaap's user avatar
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Squid reverse proxy not able to cache

Not able to cache anything with squid reverse proxy, running in centOS6.5 squid.conf http_port 81 accel no-vhost cache_peer parent 8080 0 no-...
ZeTradr's user avatar
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How do I set up squid reverse proxy to use https and http traffic?

I already have a squid reverse proxy working for two test sites. My two sites are and My current working config file looks like this /etc/squid3/squid.conf acl ...
trueCamelType's user avatar
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Cache domain GET requests using Squid

I'm trying to cache requests to remote package repository, so I can access it without internet connection. All calls are via http GET to remote repo. iptables entry to redirect requests to proxy ...
PsychoX's user avatar
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Squid reverse proxy redirect / rewrite HTTP to HTTPS

My Squid Reverse Proxy only accepts HTTPS requests. What is a short way to redirect/rewrite a HTTP-request to https? So if the user visits he should be automatically redirected ...
globus243's user avatar
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NAT routing based on DNS name (reverse TCP proxy?)

Introduction I have one router, running pfSense (can be anything since it's a virtual machine on VMware, so if the solution requires anything else, that's fine by me) and behind it I have multiple ...
Devator's user avatar
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Can squid work as reverse proxy server for ftp, pop3 and smtp [closed]

OS is Ubuntu 14.04 Can squid work as reverse proxy server for ftp, pop3 and smtp? I need a server can work as reverse proxy server mode to proxy the http and ftp. I configure quid3 but I find it can ...
user504909's user avatar
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Squid load balancing and reverse proxy conflicts

I'm having difficulties configuring Squid 3.3 to do both "load-balancing" over multiple WAN links (using random ACLs + tcp_outgoing_address options) and to also have a "reverse proxy". It works just ...
Jaans's user avatar
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how to make squid revere proxy with authentication send remote_user header

OS CentOS 6.4 - squid 3.1 I currently have squid running as a reverse proxy, performing NTML authentication succesfully. This is working as expected. If I enter valid AD username and password, it ...
BeardedGeek's user avatar
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How does Squid know if it's cache is is validated

In reverse proxy mode, Squid can cache content from websites previously accessed by devices within the network. What happens if the content on the remote site changes in someway, perhaps by a code ...
port5432's user avatar
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Squid in reverse proxy mode: need to rewrite host headers

I am trying to deploy squid on a server to which I can point a number of domain names and have it load content from my main domain, which is on my private network. Basically I need a ...
Nick M's user avatar
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nginx reverse proxy or squid forward proxy (transparent)?

I have to implement a proxy server in front of a running production server to route and secure the production-server. On the production server multiple node.js applications listening on different ...
Webx10's user avatar
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nginx proxypass squid

I'm trying to run squid server behind nginx. my sample configuration : location ~* ^/get/(.*) { proxy_pass http://ip:3128; proxy_set_header Host; ...
Shahrokhian's user avatar
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web sites know the “real” access user(IP) through a proxy?

I'm new to Squid and iptables, and am investigating whether they would be able to accomplish a task at hand. part of my squid.conf: acl wf myport 8010 acl vp myport 8020 acl ss myport 8030 ...
pangjiale's user avatar
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Multiple SSL certificates with Squid reverse proxy

I have been upgrading my network from using an apache reverse proxy (Not quite powerful enough) to a Squid proxy configured just for reverse use. My squid proxy is on a CentOS 6 VM, and currently ...
DJ-P.I.M.P's user avatar
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Squid as fully transparent reverse proxy

I have got a few web servers running on my server and I want all of them to be accessible via port 80. I set up squid as a reverse proxy and it works fine. I, however, need the source ip address to be ...
tach's user avatar
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Squid proxy refusing to revalidate cache when Vary header present

squid.conf cache_effective_user squid http_access allow all # Squid normally listens to port 3128 http_port 3128 accel defaultsite=localhost no-vhost ignore-cc cache_peer localhost parent 80 0 no-...
Dan Fabulich's user avatar
6 votes
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Squid proxy not caching anything

squid.conf: http_access allow all # Squid normally listens to port 3128 http_port 3128 accel defaultsite=localhost no-vhost cache_peer localhost parent 80 0 no-query originserver name=myAccel ...
Dan Fabulich's user avatar
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squid reverse proxy with multiple ports

I have a reverse proxy in front of my virtual machines. All DNS records point to the public IP where squid3 lives and squid redirects the traffic on the port 80. Now, I would like to enable other ...
elkarel's user avatar
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Access internally hosted IIS with Windows authentication from Internet

I have .NET web application running on IIS behind the firewall. Application is using Windows authentication (NTLM) to authenticate users. I need to make this application accessible from Internet so ...
Igor Romanov's user avatar
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squid:how to keep cached contents up-to-date

Is there a way to let squid check if cached contents are outdated?If cached contents ARE outdated,how to let squid fetch the newest contents from original server?
Steven Jang's user avatar
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Squid - Selective reverse proxy and forward proxy

I'd like to setup a squid instance to do selective reverse proxy for a configured list of URLs while acting as a normal forward proxy for everything else. We are building new infrastructure, parallel ...
Dean Smith's user avatar
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Squid reverse proxy array - siblings not communicating with each other

I want to set up 2 squid servers to act as reverse proxy and cache for a webserver on our intranet. The load balancing will be done with DNS round robin or just different mappings for different ...
V. Romanov's user avatar
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How to cache streaming video and silverlight with squid windows reverse proxy

We have an intranet web server running a silverlight application (ACTUS media monitor if anyone cares to know). The server is used to record video and stream it to clients through a CDN solution. We ...
V. Romanov's user avatar
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multiple physical servers behind NAT with one IP

What would be the preferred solution for hosting several physical servers behind a NAT with one external IP? I know Apache can reverse proxy HTTP but if i want to do the same with FTP? Squid seems to ...
kjertil's user avatar
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stale-while-revalidate and stale-if-error are not working together in Squid 2.7

stale-while-revalidate and stale-if-error are not working together in Squid 2.7 as seen here: The squid is running with the next ...
Wiliam's user avatar
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Squid stale-while-revalidate not working when max-age=0

Squid 2.7 always reaches backend, expected is to reach backend using stale-while-revalidate only when cache expires, not when client triggers max-age=0. Script: <?php header('Cache-Control: ...
Wiliam's user avatar
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How to direct reverse proxy requests using wildcard vhosts

I'm interested in running a reverse proxy with 2-3 virtual machines behind it. Each internal server will run multiple virtual hosts, and rather than manually configuring each individual vhost on the ...
HonoredMule's user avatar
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two Ubuntu 12.04, 1x Netgear router [closed]

Ok, so I have 192.168.x.14 with port 80 open and I have set the netgear router to point there then I have 192.168.x.12 with apache running but when I try to connect using chrome to the website hosted ...
RussellHarrower's user avatar
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what reverse proxy server will direct traffic to healthy servers whose health is based on a result string [closed]

what reverse proxy server will direct traffic to healthy servers whose health is based on a result string?? ideally i'd like something like dnsmadeeasy or ultradns - lol - but for reverse proxy i ...
joshua paul's user avatar
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Squid no objects in cache when using http authentication

I'm using squid as a reverse proxy to accelerate access to some remote sites. I have noticed that Squid doesn't save objects in cache when the site uses http authentication. Is it suppose to be like ...
milutin's user avatar
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Is NFS caching suitable for caching large files (200kb to 50mb?)

I have a 1TB disk on one server that 4 other servers frequently access via NFS to distribute the files over HTTP. I'm seeing a high load on the central server and want to cache these files on the ...
Tom's user avatar
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301 redirection with Squid based on URL (is Squirm the fastest way?)

I am using Squid 2.6 as a reverse proxy. I am receiving all the traffic from several domain names (.com .org etc.) but the website is always the same. I would like to have only one domain (specially ...
Zillo's user avatar
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