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302 redirect in nothing with Tomcat and Nginx

I am creating an https connection to my WAR app at tomcat (localhost:8080/myApp). Inside we have an Angular and Java app. I create nginx config and after review some similar questions here and here ...
Olexie Polishchyk's user avatar
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Configuring Nginx and Tomcat to Access HTTPS content

I'm using nginx as a load balancer and reverse proxy for Java spring boot + Angular application on tomcat. I've total 3 servers, 1 has nginx and other two has application hosted on it. I've configured ...
Virendra's user avatar
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java.lang.RuntimeException - Internal Server error 500 in Tomcat log

we want to use Sophos WAF (Web Application Firewall) as a reverse proxy to make a sap site accessible from an external. The problem is the following: External access with NAT works however external ...
SapOverflow's user avatar
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Tomcat with HTTPD front end. Manager app not accessible

I have an HTTPD server which does the LDAP Authentication in front of Tomcat server. My application resides in the Tomcat. I am proxying the authenticated requests via AJP connector of tomcat to my ...
Vinayak's user avatar
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What is the proper way to use IIS to forward the REMOTE_USER header to Tomcat?

I am trying to set up SSO with IIS 10 and Tomcat 9. I want to use Windows Authentication in IIS and pass the authenticated username to Tomcat. I had this working with Tomcat 8.5, however after ...
Ryan's user avatar
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Nginx as reverse proxy for Docker-contained Tomcat

Consider the following diagram: I have a Debian droplet from Digital Ocean where I need to deploy N Java applications inside individual Docker containers running a Tomcat instance. Each image has the ...
Manuel Calles's user avatar
3 votes
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nginx proxy to Tomcat with SSL

I posted this on stackoverflow by mistake ( and I'm putting it here as well in hope of finding some solution. I went through dozens ...
Tomáš Leitl's user avatar
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how to configure nginx reverse proxy for tomcat servers?

Well, I have been given the task of "modernizing" an application of the Pleistocene and I can't make this work. Let me explain: I have a series of tomcat servers, each with the following ...
Alo's user avatar
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Tomcat Trailing Slash With Proxy Forwarding

I am running Tomcat 9 behind an Apache 2 server on Ubuntu 18. I am using a reverse proxy to send traffic to Tomcat with the following in the apache conf file: ProxyPreserveHost On ProxyPass "/" "...
Chillysnow's user avatar
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Is authentication mandatory when setting up a reverse proxy?

I have never deployed a reverse proxy before and i was wondering if it is mandatory from a security perspective, to ensure only authenticated requests reach my web application server past the DMZ? ...
computinglife's user avatar
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reverse proxy - understanding proxy pass - apache mod_proxy

im running tomcat on my linux server and i want use a reverse proxy for this. After reading the manual in apacha for mod_proxy , i didnt really understand the /path in the proxypass . i make a small ...
beard black's user avatar
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Nginx reverse proxy to multiple tomcat containers

I am trying to setup Nginx reverse proxy for tomcat application docker containers. I have app1 and app2 listening on host port 8028 and 8030( inside containers bind on 8080). and Nginx and docker ...
Sunil Bhoi's user avatar
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CSS & images breaking after mapping application deployed on Tomcat to my domain

I've installed Tomcat 9.0.27 on my Digital Ocean droplet running Ubuntu 18.04.3. I deployed my Java WAR on Tomcat and am able to access it on the URL: I want to be ...
Faheem Hassan Zunjani's user avatar
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Java multiple HttpSession IDs for the same user

I have some problem with sessions. When I try my project from local sources and refresh several times a JSP that contains the following code: <h1>Session ID=<%=session.getId()%></h1>...
Ommadawn's user avatar
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Tomcat behind nginx proxy provides new jsessionids for each request

I have a ReactJS based web app being served by nginx on /. This web app contacts a web service running on Tomcat which is running on port 8443 on the same machine. I have set up a proxy_pass on nginx ...
SargentD's user avatar
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haproxy hide backend url

Is it possible to hide the backend server's URL path, using haproxy? The backend server's URL path is https://backend:8443/backend_url(/.*) I would like to keep the URL path in the browser as always ...
Unpossible's user avatar
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reverseproxy to connect multiple backened server from single virtual host

I have a apache http server that acts as proxy to connect to backened app servers. e.g. MachineA(https) -> MachineB(reverseproxy) -> MachineCn(App) Here MachineA(Public_lb) port 9002 is mapped with ...
kumarprd's user avatar
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Nginx to Tomcat SSL proxy

I have configured a tomcat application with SSL for client authentication purpose. It is on port 8443. It works fine so that when I try to hit tomcat with client certificate(client.p12) I got success ...
Uvais Ibrahim's user avatar
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Page not displaying CSS and JavaScript behind SSL apache reverse proxy

I have two web app running on two different servers.( and ( server-1 is running a PHP application hosted on an Apache,on a centos7 and )server-2 is ...
Ivan Paitoo's user avatar
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Nginx reverse proxy pass to separate Tomcat server not going through

This is my file in the NginX /sites-enabled directory: upstream tomcat_server { server fail_timeout=0; } server { listen 80 default_server; listen [::]:80 ...
Mingle Li's user avatar
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Apache: How can I make my website available only on SSL and not via both HTTP and HTTPS?

I have a tomcat web app in an Ubuntu server. The web app is deployed as ROOT. I have installed apache2 and via a VirtualHost I pointed the IP directly to the tomcat web app. So I can access the site ...
PeakGen's user avatar
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Apache: Website don't load when SSL is installed

I have a tomcat web app in an Ubuntu server. The web app is deployed as ROOT. I have installed apache2 and via a VirtualHost I pointed the IP directly to the tomcat web app. So I can access the site ...
PeakGen's user avatar
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2 answers

Reverse proxy from apache to tomcat (for https to http)

I am trying to front my tomcat installation with Apache 2 webserver. The idea is to let apache handle the SSL/https part and then forward the normal request to the tomcat on same machine running on ...
gaurs's user avatar
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HTTPS Reverse proxy old tomcat application

I am trying to put an old Tomcat behind an Apache HTTPS reverse proxy. I configured the https virtual host to perform the actual proxying and the http virtual host to redirect everything to https: ...
J.B.'s user avatar
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IIS Reverse Proxy Fails without Trailing Slash

I have IIS with URL Rewrites acting as a reverse proxy to Apache Tomcat. redirects to Port 80 redirects to port 8080 on the same server. If I go to example....
Ryan's user avatar
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NGINX: reverse proxy https to tomcat (guacamole) using client certificate

I have a Debian Jessie machine setup with NGINX and TOMCAT8. TOMCAT is running Guacamole. NGINX is setup to listen on port 443 (SSL) and reverse proxy to the local TOMCAT on 8080. Everything is ...
Laurent31415's user avatar
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Disable ssl between reverse proxy and proxied server

I have a standard reverse proxy, with nginx and Tomcat 8. I want nginx to handle encryption, but still inform tomcat whether the connection is secure or not. i have location /{ listen 80; ...
f.khantsis's user avatar
4 votes
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How to change http to https when tomcat redirects happen

I'm using elastic beanstalk single instance. So there is apache configured and tomcat is behind listening on http port 8080. Apache is configured on using ssl https 443. The problem is that tomcat ...
maximus's user avatar
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Nginx in front of tomcat

I have a java app which has login section for all users ( and admin section for admins( I want to run this app in two servers for ...
Fahad Ahammed's user avatar
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JIRA becomes inaccessible after adding "address=" in Tomcat connector

I have JIRA and Nginx running on the same server with Nginx installed to serve as a reverse proxy. From what I learnt from various sources, in the server.xml file, I must add an address="" ...
Chethan S.'s user avatar
3 votes
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Connect to a Tomcat Server from nginx as reverse proxy

I have a Tomcat server serving a web application and I have a Nginx server running in front of it as a reverse proxy. As an answer to my earlier question (Tomcat server behind nginx reverse proxy - ...
Chethan S.'s user avatar
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Tomcat server behind nginx reverse proxy - how to block direct access to the server?

This may be a noob question but I'm still learning about web servers and reverse proxy setups. I have two servers running on the same network - one Tomcat and another one Nginx which I intend to use a ...
Chethan S.'s user avatar
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Nginx Reverse Proxy To Tomcat

I have setup an Ubuntu 15.10 x64 server on DigitalOcean to test several Java applications. I installed Nginx 1.9.3 and Tomcat8 and am using Nginx as a reverse proxy to forward all requests to Tomcat ...
clayton rogers's user avatar
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Apache 2.2 reverse proxy connection to tomcat hangs then returns 502 Proxy Error

I am running: Apache/2.2.15 (Unix) on CentOS release 6.6 (Final) I am running a reverse proxy that forwards requests on to a tomcat server running on localhost:8080. My config looks like this: <...
user1471465's user avatar
5 votes
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Configure Tomcat behind reverseproxy

I run a Tomcat 7 server in the local branch of our company. The server was available to public via port 80 and 443. Some days ago the configuration got changed by the HQs admins; Tomcat now needs to ...
Mr.Radar's user avatar
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The proxy server received an invalid response from an upstream server. The proxy server could not handle the request GET /abcef/report

I am getting below error while trying to do some access website url. The proxy server received an invalid response from an upstream server. The proxy server could not handle the request ...
ganesh abh's user avatar
5 votes
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Basic auth Apache with Tomcat

I have the following server setup: Apache Tomcat 7 running Atlassian's Jira (http:// <server-ip>:8081/tickets) Apache 2.4 web server as reverse proxy serving only the jira application at the ...
twenty7's user avatar
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Using Tomcat behind Apache2 Http with different context paths

On our Ubuntu webserver we have a Apache2 HTTP server in conjunction with an JSF application running on an Tomcat8 application server using AJP 1.3 connector and HTTPS/SSL. I want my app which runs on ...
Raphael Roth's user avatar
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Switching reverse proxy from apache2 to nginx: case remote tomcat server

I am in the process of switching from apache to nginx as reverse proxy as new knowledge has been gained around better resource usage of nginx. Since I have apache experience , it took me some time and ...
black sensei's user avatar
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Apache not proxying HTTPS requests to tomcat

Centos 7, Apache 2.4, TomCat 7.0.52, Java 1.7 I am trying to configure Apache to proxy a tomcat server (running Jira / Confluence) using HTTPS: (HTTPS:443) -> ApacheServer -> (HTTP:8090 or HTTPS:...
ZZ9's user avatar
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How to restrict acess to a context on reverse proxied tomcat context?

I have a tomcat application running with an apache reverse proxy. I'm trying to restrict access to the manager and host-manager contexts from localhost only. So I uncommented the following line on ...
ylima's user avatar
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Tuning Tomcat java app with Apache reverse proxy and Postgresql

Looks like my apache reverse proxy may be acting as the bottleneck and bogging down the number of requests users can make. I run Apache and Tomcat on server1, which has 96 gb RAM, rhel5 x64, 24 cores....
Nick's user avatar
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Apache reverse proxy context to Tomcat without a context

I have an Apache instance and two Tomcat instances. Apache is public facing https://public_url/app1 and https://public_url/app2 and should pass each context to the respective Tomcat instance. One of ...
Oliver's user avatar
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Efficient setup for fronting application servers with Apache

I have to front various application servers (in the beginning this will be JBoss 6, Tomcat 8 standalone and Tomcat 8 embedded into spring boot 1.2 apps) with an Apache 2.4. Because of this I decided ...
Marged's user avatar
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IIS Reverse Proxy to Tomcat uppercase path

We have an application being served by Tomcat 7 on port 8080. We want users to use SSL. So we are using IIS 8 as a Reverse Proxy to proxy connection from port 443 to port 8080. This is what we are ...
user265171's user avatar
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Nginx and Tomcat Reverse Proxy not Working

I had trouble configuring Nginx and Tomcat Server on Cent OS. Here's the nginx.conf: server { listen 80; server_name; root /usr/local/tomcat/webapps/...
user avatar
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Apache Reverse Proxy setting for site having Spring Security

I am having a Spring MVC app which uses Spring Security for login. I am using Apache Webserver as Proxy and Tomcat. Below is my /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/ file: ServerAdmin admin@...
AAgg's user avatar
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Session lost in tomcat uing nginx as proxy

I have several applications in a tomcar server. I am using nginx for proxy so i can achieve acceding the application from a subdomain tomat:8080/app1 > tomat:8080/app2 > app2....
Cesar's user avatar
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Nginx as a proxy for tomcat with subdirectory

I want to set up a Nginx Proxy for the Tomcat server with my domain name such as ... Here is my Nginx server block ...
Xianlin's user avatar
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Reverse Proxy and requested URL aware tomcat

I've configured an infrastructre setup where an apache reverse proxy terminates SSL requests. Then the requests are proxied to another frontend apache webserver and then again this one is connected ...
user218594's user avatar