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Hosting passbolt container on server using nginx reverse proxy

I'm trying to host passbolt on my server using container setup; on this server I also have to host multiple websites, each with a different domain; so I thought of configuring an nginx reverse proxy ...
mic f's user avatar
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Connecting Nginx Server to OpenVPN and Accessing it from the Internet

I have an Nginx server running on my local network, and I want to make it accessible from the internet via an OpenVPN connection. Here are the details of my setup: Ubuntu Server Local IP Address: 192....
Daqs's user avatar
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-1 votes
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Ubuntu - Nginx client cert authentication: is a public CA a security risk?

I am struggling with a Nginx setup as reverse proxy with client certificate authentication. The client is only accepting publicly signed certificates to be imported as client certificates for ...
Jonathan Fake's user avatar
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1 answer

How can I keep track of nginx restarts and reloads?

I have an nginx reverse-proxy on a ubuntu server in AWS. How can I see when it's configurations were reloaded, either via CLI or otherwise, and when it was restarted altogether? If it doesn't record ...
simboyd's user avatar
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phpMyAdmin loading incredibly slow through nginx reverse proxy

So I have a Synology NAS at home with some services running that I need to be accessible from the WWW, but understandably do not want to open ports on my home IP to the wide internet (especially ...
jnko's user avatar
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nginx GET request with internal server name instead of public domain name

I have set up a nginx reverse proxy with Ubuntu Server 22.04 LTS. The Abacus web application should be accessible with from the internet. The internal server name is srv06. ...
Fabmic96's user avatar
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nginx reverse proxy gateway not behaving with ssl

port 80 on the web server destination serer works in every way: gateway and inside the lan. Perfect. I have the certbot certs on the gateway generating perfectly the domain ...
Mr Heelis's user avatar
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Nginx Reverse-Proxy Only Works On Internal Network

I wanted to accomplish the following goal and get it working on an internal network, however, this doesn't work externally. Goal: Deploying nginx to reverse proxy n servers with different private ip ...
MRK's user avatar
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Websocket with Apache 2.4.52 and Ubuntu

I am trying to follow tutorial located here for messaging system using RatChet PHP I have my domain ...
Maitri Rathod's user avatar
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Reverse Proxy config from Nginx to Ubuntu Apache2

The following are 2 corresponding sets of config statements. The first one is for Nginx and the second one for Apache2 servers. The Ubuntu Apache2 config code is modelled after the Nginx code to ...
Stanley's user avatar
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reverse proxy to distinct internal servers

At our institution we have single static public IP but multiple applications hosted for internet access. In an attempt to access application on different internal servers through a single server found ...
user3792463's user avatar
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Nginx reverse proxy when port is already in use?

i am trying to close port with basic authentication (for pushgateway of prometheus), so not a big specialist in nginx, so could someone please give me and advice where i am is wrong? I have 9091 port, ...
Nigrimmist's user avatar
1 vote
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Connecting to a wireguard peer through a VPS

My current Wireguard setup has a VPS connected to two devices on different local networks. Each of the home network devices are connected to the VPS using Wireguard, but are not configured to accept ...
javathunderman's user avatar
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Allow access to webserver located in a LAN from remote server hosted at GoDaddy

I want to allow people to access a webserver located on acomputer in my LAN buy my ISP does not allow me to open any ports. I have a website hosted on a shared hosting that allows ssh access. Is there ...
Stephen H. Anderson's user avatar
2 votes
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How to handle proxy call in apache

I have a reverse proxy setup as follows in Apache: Server A with address is the reverse proxy server. It maps to: Server B with address This kind works properly ...
Ming Hieu's user avatar
-1 votes
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Nginx reverse proxy not working

I know this is a very common problem, but I can't seem to find the solution to it, and I'm new to Node JS and Nginx. I'm trying to run my Node JS app on port 80 of my site at using a nginx ...
coderpr0grammer's user avatar
3 votes
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Single line reverse proxy with HTTP Basic Auth

I am temporarily exposing some HTTP services to the Internet and I would like to password-protect them. Because the exposure is just a few hours, setting up Nginx, Traefik or other heavy-weight ...
Mikko Ohtamaa's user avatar
1 vote
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HTTPS Not Being Exposed Outside of NGINX Running in Docker

I'm trying to get Apache Guacamole and an NGINX reverse proxy set up in Docker, and having some trouble with getting an HTTPS connection to work off of NGINX (HTTP works fine). I'm self-teaching ...
Ben Fitzpatrick's user avatar
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Reverse proxy with nginx on Ubuntu 20.04, does not work on old devices

I had a Debian 9.3 server, with a nginx reverse proxy. I decided to migrate to Ubuntu 20.04, installed nginx, and HTTPS does not work at all on an old device that runs windows ce 6.1. Out of curiosity ...
Lucas Lima's user avatar
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Setup in nginx will lead to security warning in Google Chrome

Since 2 days, our users get the following warning when trying to login on our service: English version: The information you're about to submit is not secure Because this site is using a connection ...
Data Mastery's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

NGINX SSL Reverse Proxy Verify Upstream SSL

I have NGINX setup as a reverse proxy to host multiple websites using only one IP address. I have a Lets Encrypt certificate on the proxy and a different Lets Encrypt certificate on the upstream ...
Marc Woodyard's user avatar
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Nginx location matches the both subdomain and domain

I'm going to serve a webapp only on my subdomain but it is accessible from too. This is my nginx config: http { server { server_name = _; listen 80 ...
Super Hornet's user avatar
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Pi-Hole Apache vHost Configuration - Reverse Proxy

I have installed Pi-Hole on my Ubuntu 18.04.4 box running apache 2.4.29. The admin dashboard is working when I navigate to the server's IP address, however I would like to use a vHost to point a ...
Theo Bearman's user avatar
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Enable Ports on Ubuntu Server - NGINX Reverse Proxy

My private IP is e.g. ubuntu@ip-175-34-55-2:~$ sudo nmap -sT -p- Not shown: 65531 closed ports PORT STATE SERVICE 22/tcp open ssh 80/tcp open http 3128/tcp open ...
Bob's user avatar
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Nginx reverse proxy SSL handshake error

What I have: Domain name * which points to Host server. Host server running ubuntu 18.04 (Google cloud instance) (inside host server) LXC Container 1 named "proxy" running ubuntu 18.04 ...
Igor Kovalenko's user avatar
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reverse proxy - understanding proxy pass - apache mod_proxy

im running tomcat on my linux server and i want use a reverse proxy for this. After reading the manual in apacha for mod_proxy , i didnt really understand the /path in the proxypass . i make a small ...
beard black's user avatar
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NGINX Multiple Reverse Proxies

I have two NodeJS backends running on port 3000 and 4000 in a ubuntu server with NGNIX installed. I don't have any domain names but I want to use nginx as a reverse proxy with my IP address like ...
Arunwij's user avatar
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port forwarding with rules on ubuntu 18.04

I'm having a VM where port 80 is consumed by apache tomcat ( and I'm having apache2 php running at port 8020 which is a wordpress blog ( I want when somebody ...
Pradyut Bhattacharya's user avatar
3 votes
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Nginx reverse proxy hide url

Here is my nginx proxy.conf file, server { listen port 9090; root /usr/share/nginx/html; # not sure whether this line is needed or not index index.html; # not sure whether this line is ...
Mr Emp's user avatar
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Protecting access to CGI programs via reverse proxy

I am still a noob and autodidact in the network field, so please forgive me if what I am going to ask is just wrong. I have a web application based on JavaScript and PHP and served from my Apache web ...
umbe1987's user avatar
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Reverse ssh SOCKS proxy for 2 servers?

I can ssh into two servers, A and B. B is very powerful but has limited internet access, while A has full internet access. I can ssh from A to B but not B to A. Given this limitation, how can I set up ...
VarBird's user avatar
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How to use Nginx reverse proxy to connect a public server to internal server? [duplicate]

I am currently working on a site that is hosted from a server running in my home. Here is the setup: Server running ESXi, two virtual machines First virtual machine is connected publicly to the ...
Arun's user avatar
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Running Code server on subdomain with nginx reverse-proxy

I have a flask web server running on an ubuntu server on port 8000, with an nginx reverse proxy to port 80. I also want to run a code-server from on a subdomain ( at the same ...
Beckett O'Brien's user avatar
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Using traefik and docker to securely expose some containers publicly

I have a 16 core, 128GB server that handles all kinds of stuff at home. On a VM I run a Windows Domain controller and all my Windows PC's are joined to that domain. On the server, I also run multiple ...
inquam's user avatar
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combinging Rocketchat and Nextcloud installed with snap on one server, same port

I installed a fresh Ubuntu18 server with Nextcloud and Rocketchat installed through snap. After enabling letsencrypt, Nextcloud listens on port 443 and Rocketchat on port 3000. I would like both to ...
Hugo Trentesaux's user avatar
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How to properly redirect all request to non-www inside nginx with reverse proxy [duplicate]

I have a react website served by reverse proxy inside nginx. On top of that, I have SSL. Certbot is handling redirects from http to https. I would also like to setup redirects from www to non-www. I ...
marc_s's user avatar
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How to run multiple NGINX instances for servers to be developed together but deployed separately

I'm an NGINX beginner who is building both an adaptive live video server (HLS & DASH) and a caching HTTPS reverse proxy server. While the servers will be deployed to separate boxes, I'd like to ...
BobC's user avatar
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HTTPS Proxy setup does not redirect to subdirectory

Thank you for reading :-). I have multiple applications on a server which are routed to by a proxy server. I recently added HTTPS after which the API and blog applications (at /api and /blog ...
deztructicus's user avatar
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I can't seem to get rid of the "Welcome to nginx" page for reverse proxy

I am using nginx on Ubuntu 18 for a reverse proxy and HTTPS tunnel to those localhost services. Here's my site config: server { listen 80; server_name; return 301 https://$...
void.pointer's user avatar
5 votes
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nginx listen on specific interface [closed]

I'm running a Nginx as a proxy server, forwarding to I would like the NGINX server to listen on ens3:, and forward requests through `tun0 Here is my /etc/nginx/sites-available/default: ...
Ian Arman's user avatar
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Connection reset by peer while using apache as reverse proxy

I've installed Transmission daemon on machine #0(Ubuntu 16.04.5, native), and Apache2(Apache/2.4.18) on machine #1(Ubuntu 16.04.5, on XCP-NG 75). Apache is now reverse-proxying transmission for ...
Sam's user avatar
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Nginx reverse proxy is not working

My setup is like this ngnix(aws) -> tomcat server(on the same aws server) $ nginx -v nginx version: nginx/1.14.0 (Ubuntu) $ openssl version OpenSSL 1.1.0g 2 Nov 2017 $ lsb_release -a No LSB ...
Bhushan's user avatar
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Unable to hit subdomain on VM: Ubuntu Server

I was sent here from stack overflow - sorry if this is the wrong forum. I'm trying to set up a local dev environment which simulates multiple servers. I'm just trying to learn more about this and this ...
Daniel's user avatar
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Nginx Reverse Proxy + Let's Encrypt

I have two VM's. One running LEMP and one running grafana. I have configured nginx on LEMP to serve as a reverse proxy for various VMs in my lab including the VM with grafana. It works great, but i ...
user10059231's user avatar
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Issues with forwarding a subdomain to another port with Apache proxy

I have a server running Apache with a HTTPS site running on and I'm trying to add a new site that will forward to another port on the same server (a ...
Quentin Hayot's user avatar
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Node + nginx reverse proxy never works until I restart nginx

I have a Node.js app that I run on port 8204 on a Vagrant VM (Ubuntu 16.04.3) (Windows 7 x64 host). Whenever I start up the Vagrant VM, ssh in and start the Node.js app like this: > npm start I ...
Jake Wilson's user avatar
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Very Slow Reverse Proxy on Nginx

This is on a server running Ubuntu 16.04.3 LTS, serving an Angular web application. The sites works completely fine, but is very slow to load pages, taking a number of minutes at times. I've tried ...
ServerAmateur's user avatar
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apache virtualhost setup: serving files from directory if exist, fallback to reverse proxying

I want to setup an apache 2.4 virtualhost to serve 'physical' files that exist in the directory 'var/www/html' (like robots.txt for example). If the requested URI is not an existing file, the reverse ...
Manticore's user avatar
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NGINX proxy_pass with path prefix removed

I have NGINX proxying requests to several services running on the machine, with location directives as below -- location = / { proxy_pass http://localhost:5000; } location / { proxy_pass ...
shyam's user avatar
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Domain works perfect external, issues when using safari internal

I'm currently working on a server which holds a few applications like Jenkins and sonartube for example. I've created a reverse proxy for those applications. let's say the addresses are Jenkins....
NoSixties's user avatar
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