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Varnish cache in nginx reverse proxied WHM [closed]

We have our production server with latest cpanel version "96.0 (build 8)" and it is running nginx with reverse proxy enabled. See the netstat screenshot attached for detailed information. ...
nisamudeen97's user avatar
5 votes
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Intermittent proxy error in Apache: "Partial results are valid but processing is incomplete" with "AH01110: error reading response"

I'm using Apache 2.4.43 on CentOS 7.8 with Varnish 6 and PHP-FPM to serve a Magento 2 website. Varnish listens on port 80. Apache listens on 8080 to serve content to Varnish, and also port 443 which ...
WackGet's user avatar
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Recommendations/Advice for Web Caching with SSL

I've been using Varnish Cache for a few websites. However, I need advice for implementing HTTPS. I am open to alternatives to Varnish Cache. The configuration of Varnish is relatively complex, so ...
Albert's user avatar
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2 answers

apache reverse proxy with varnish cache configuration

I have an Apache reverse proxy that is serving content from another site over the Internet. There is an ssl cert between the user and the proxy and between the proxy and the origin server. Apache ...
iateadonut's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Varnish set upstream proxy for backend

backend default { .host = ""; .port = "80"; } From the varnish server, I need to contact the backend via a proxy. How to add one? There is nothing like .proxy = ""; in the ...
Daniel W.'s user avatar
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Magento 2 : X-Magento-Cache-Debug:MISS, over SSL, pages are not being cached by varnish

I have configure varnish with magento 2 with the reverse proxy in apache ubuntu. But, when I see at the headers, I always get the header MISS from the host. So, page is not being cached by the ...
Emipro Technologies Pvt. Ltd.'s user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Deleting key in Nginx cache and Backend database in the same request

I am using the open source Nginx as the web server with Proxy_cache. I have a unique usecase of deleting the key in cache as well as pass the request to the backend servers to delete the key in DB ...
dv3's user avatar
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0 votes
2 answers

Varnish : use multiple backends depending on URL

I have several internal sites, which I would like to reach by inserting a url with varnish. For example, if typed> http://...
Riccardo Grassini's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Varnish and HTTPS with Apache without Ngnix, Pound, HAProxy

Whenever I search for implementation of Apache, HTTPS and Varnish I always find tutorials about terminating SSL-requests through Ngnix, Pound, HAProxy like, for example, https://www.smashingmagazine....
Nick's user avatar
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1 answer

varnish redirect to home web dir

I have a reverse proxy I'm setting up as an office dashboard with a couple of web hosts behind it. Ultimately I want: to go to to ...
Ethan Shrago's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Keep the host name requested by the client to pass to remote backend when using Varnish cache and proxy pass

I am having some trouble configuring Varnish and the online documentation is not very clear (for me at least). I currently have Varnish cache setup on a Ubuntu server. I tested varnish with a local ...
David_kav's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Check Varnish ACL via X-Forwarded-For when behind one or more(!) reverse proxies

I have Varnish running behind a reverse proxy (running on localhost, for SSL offloading). The proxy sets the X-Forwarded-For header or adds itself to it if the header already exists. When I do ACL ...
Martijn Heemels's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Which software could I use to setup reverse proxy that sends files while caching?

I need to set up a HTTP reverse proxy that will be able to cache requests to the upstream server. The upstream server serves only static files. The issue I am facing is that I need a proxy that is ...
mspanc's user avatar
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Reverse proxy with content manipulation

Is it possible to combine two “data streams” to create a website with nginx or varnish as a reverse proxy? For example I have a “main site” the reverse proxy serves, where I somewhere have a mark, ...
user39063's user avatar
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5 votes
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Possibility of rewriting response bodies in different webservers (nginx, apache, iis, etc.)

I'm doing a personal research on the differences between commonly used web servers. I'm struggling to find clear answers when it comes to particular features and most importantly for me: ability to ...
Mindaugas Bernatavičius's user avatar
1 vote
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Varnish not working with last-modified

I'm new to Varnish and to reverse proxies in general. I'm testing Varnish in an application that works like a blog where I have a page with an "updated_at" that changes once the page is updated. As a ...
unadivadantan's user avatar
5 votes
3 answers

Is HAProxy still necessary when Varnish can act as a load balancer?

I would like to load-balance my application servers, as well as cache the responses from them. I've read an article dating back to 2012 on HAProxy's website, that was supposed to clear the confusion ...
BenMorel's user avatar
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-1 votes
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What's the best way to cache a website on nginx server with SSL?

I have a wordpress blog which runs using nginx (SSL) + PHP-FPM + MySQL. I wondered what was the best way to cache this kind of site. I heard that Pound and Varnish do that well, but I haven't found ...
Mehdi's user avatar
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Set up public facing reverse proxy for a specific server

At my work place, we have run out of available IP addresses to assign to our public facing UAT server. Because of this, we route all traffic to port 80 on our UAT server from port 9999 on another ...
Ozzy's user avatar
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2 votes
0 answers

Nginx proxy_cache / Varnish - parallel requests trigger multiple requests to backend?

I am looking for a HTTP reverse proxy that will handle HTTP live streaming use cases in a performant manner. Assume file/fragment sizes up to 4MB with a constant load of client requests for the same ...
user1661898's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Varnish config to fallback to another port

I am playing around the different config setups. Currently I have Varnish-cache in port 80, Apache2 in port 70 and Nginx in port 90 in the same machine. The Varnish is configured in such way that it ...
user avatar
3 votes
4 answers

Varnish as Reverse Proxy Server for Rubygems

I want to setup a cache server for Rubygems, as I'm currently based in Vietnam and the international internet connections are pretty slow. I have been trying to get this done via Varnish, but after ...
Sebastian's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Automatic reverse/caching proxy configuration update?

I've never done something so ambitious before so please let me know if this is simply a bad idea, and alternate solutions I should consider. So I have three servers (and more later), all hosting ...
gboudrias's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

How to improve Varnish performance?

We're experiencing a strange problem with our current Varnish configuration. 4x Web Servers (IIS 6.5 on Windows 2003 Server, each installed on a Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5450 @ 3.00GHz Quad Core, 4GB ...
Darkseal's user avatar
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Stunnel + Varnish + Apache questions

I am currently running Varnish in front of apache for all http traffic. I added stunnel so as to take advantage of the cache for HTTPS connections as well. So, for HTTPS, stunnel talks to varnish ...
Nikolaos Kakouros's user avatar
1 vote
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Using an existing varnish service for another server

In this case, having a server that runs a couple of websites with a varnish service configured as well. Now, on another server I run 2 wp multisites in a LAMP environment + W3TC Cache + APC, and now ...
w0rldart's user avatar
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Varnish: Exclude section of page

Is there any way to exclude some webpage parts from cache? For example, I have Recent Additions block on my homepage which gets refreshed after every 15mins. I know there is something like ESI ...
Sukhjinder Singh's user avatar
4 votes
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does varnish config include statement support wildcards?

After googling and briefly browsing varnish docs, I could not find a reference to this. Can I do for example the following in varnish vcl? include sites-enabled/*.vcl
Petri's user avatar
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varnish3.0.2 rewrite the url howto

I have lots directories which have the same image "_a.png",like these: /data/images/{a,b,c,d} Because this, the varnish cache multiple copies. Now I want to rewrite the urls to one,like this: if (...
Sola.Shawn's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

reverse proxy that caches post requests

I understand that varnish caches "GET" and "HEAD" requests by default. My backend servers fail when I do a get request that is too long, so I made them respond to POST instead of GET. This works ...
nurettin's user avatar
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varnish delete least requested files

I see that varnish can be configured to set -smalloc or -sfile with a certain size. I want to set a file cache of 1G such that least requested files are deleted first when cache is full. Is this ...
nurettin's user avatar
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Varnish cached 'MISS status' object?

My site uses nginx, varnish, jboss. And some url will be cached by varnish, it depends a response header from jboss. The first time, jboss tells varnish doesn't cache this url. Then the second ...
Hesey's user avatar
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3 votes
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Using Varnish as load balancer

Varnish already support load balancing HTTP 1.1 and Web Socket requests, e.g. Since we already using Varnish for caching purpose, are there any ...
Ryan's user avatar
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How to direct reverse proxy requests using wildcard vhosts

I'm interested in running a reverse proxy with 2-3 virtual machines behind it. Each internal server will run multiple virtual hosts, and rather than manually configuring each individual vhost on the ...
HonoredMule's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

Caching: Varnish vs fastcgi_cache on Nginx in a multiple websites envirnment

I have a setup of a VPS with several websites. Some of the websites are WP websites and some of them are other dynamic websites. I'm interested in adding a sort of reverse proxy/caching layer. ...
tounano's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

nginx proxy_cache: limit parallel requests to a backend

I am using nginx as a reverse proxy to my backend(s). Configuration is pretty basic, e.g. the core is just: upstream myservice { server; server; } location / {...
Jeroen Ooms's user avatar
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2 answers

Error message when trying to start varnish on centos 5.5

I just installed and configured Varnish to work on port 80, and Apache to work on port 8080. I am trying to start Varnish with the command service varnish start, but it gave me this error: varnishd ...
Muhamad Bhaa Asfour's user avatar
2 votes
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Error message when trying to install varnish on centos 5.5

I am trying to install Varnish on CentOS 5.5 using command yum install varnish, but the installation procedure can't be completed because of this warning message: warning: rpmts_HdrFromFdno: Header ...
Muhamad Bhaa Asfour's user avatar
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Varnish doesn't work with Apache Virtualhosts

I've setup Varnish as a reverse proxy on port 80 before Apache 2.2.22 + VirtualHosts on port 81. When I enter my websites from port 81 it's all ok, then when I try to enter from port 80 I got Apache2 ...
Spacedust's user avatar
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VCL - configuration for Magento and Varnish 3.0.2

I would like to kindly ask if there's someone who can help me configure Varnish for Magento to reach far more hits. My current ratio from varnishstat is: cache_hit=271 cache_miss=926 I'm kindly ...
Tomas's user avatar
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sub vcl_recv | Magento + Varnish

I would like to kindly ask someone for help. I browsed a lot of pages containing Varnish tutorials and sample VCL files, but I can't find anything related to configurating Varnish for Magento (at ...
Thomas's user avatar
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4 votes
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Varnish only cache assets from single session

Currently I manage to configure varnish to cache items from 1 user, but the when the second users comes in varnish fetch another asset from Apache. How can I cache static assets behind magento ( ...
Rianto Wahyudi's user avatar
8 votes
5 answers

Which reverse-proxies support HTTP/1.1 ETag and If-None-Match headers?

I'm developing a caching system for an ecommerce platform that will use a reverse proxy for caching. I plan to handle invalidation by using proper HTTP/1.1 headers. That is, I will set an ETag on ...
ColinM's user avatar
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nginx does not write to cache behind Varnish

I have nginx as a reverse proxy to a remote web server. Cache is written to file. However, when I place Varnish in front of it, nginx stops writing to cache file, which causes a performance hit and it ...
jcisio's user avatar
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Persistent web cache?

I'm building nginx cache on a development machine and try to copy the files to a server that has the same nginx cache settings. But nginx is not picking up my copied caches and overwrite my caches. ...
Cheng's user avatar
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how to make varnish listen on several ports

I have multiple virtual machines with two services on two different ports on each of them. I want to access to these service with url like http://virtual_url_1:80 and http://virtual_url1:8080 for the ...
philippe's user avatar
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Varnish as reverse proxy of Apache2 server, port redirection issue

I've been looking and there are a lot of people with the same problem, but there aren't a clear solution (or at least I hadn't find it). I am using Varnish-Cache (3.0) as reverse proxy listening in ...
a0rtega's user avatar
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Using a reverse proxy to combine two sites by putting one under a URL prefix?

We have an existing web application at The marketing team has a hosted Drupal instance at Is there a reverse-proxy solution that would allow me to serve up the ...
Chase Seibert's user avatar
3 votes
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Where does Varnish usually go in a Rails web stack?

I have a production Rails application deployed on Unicorn with nginx in front for static file serving. I now need some features of Varnish and I'm wondering how to introduce it. Some people put ...
wormcontrol's user avatar
5 votes
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Getting correct SERVER_PORT to php-fpm through nginx and varnish

The goal is to get PHP aware of the correct web-facing server_port. The setup is: nginx on port 443 reverse proxying to varnish on port 80 reverse proxying to nginx on port 8008 and running php-fpm ...
MDrollette's user avatar