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Nginx serves wrong DocumentRoot

I have an NGINX reverse proxy with Apache running on Linux22. My goal is to serve a file in a new documentroot, but for whatever, the Nginx Default conf serves the old apache2 index file. The ...
IHateCoding's user avatar
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Apache VirtualHost Same domain for Front and API

I have a multi-tenant application that is resolved using subdomains with the pattern *.localhost. The front-end of the application is accessible at http://localhost:3000/. To achieve the desired ...
Gogo's user avatar
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Blocking Port 8080 from direct IP access but allow access via domain (Virtualhost Config)

I want to access web server from from URL but not from direct IP ( For instance, below is my virtualhost config file (site2.conf) in /etc/apache2/...
Bilal Bhatti's user avatar
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Apache VirtualHosts not working/redirecting? (Reverse proxy)

I am trying to set up Apache as a reverse proxy on a new Ubuntu 22.04 virtual machine. We have an existing Apache reverse proxy on Ubuntu 18.04 where everything is working as intended. This new ...
Manuel Sarica's user avatar
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TLS certificate for SNIproxy, or a reverse proxy with virtual host with a TLS certificate

I currently use SNIProxy (it's the simplest I've seen so far to set up virtual hosts). However, I can only set SSL certificates separately per virtual host with each service's configuration (each one ...
DUO Labs's user avatar
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Apache alias ignored when used with ProxyPass

I'm trying to install yotter on my server, and I want to use apache instead of nginx. The installation guide only lists an nginx configuration file, which I'm trying to "translate". The ...
anonymus1994.1's user avatar
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Web app on a VPS. How to make it appear on a subdomain?

I'm using a personal VPS (Ubuntu 20, Apache2) to host a web app. Currently there are 2 static sites, and, both working. I installed an app that is currently available on port 8065, ...
nivek's user avatar
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2 answers

Apache crash if I try to use ProxyPass on localhost to expose different services as subdomain

I have the following directory structure for multiple websites and services /var/www/html/site1 /var/www/html/site2 /var/www/html/site3 /var/www/html/serv1 /var/www/html/serv2 site1 folder hosts a ...
AndreaF's user avatar
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nginx and wordpress - need to load content of of without url change

I have 1st domain name - self-hosted wordpress and contains posts and pages. (everything good, no issue at all) I have 2nd domain name - nothing hosted (dns pointing to same server ...
Gineesh's user avatar
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Ngnix Closes The Connection Doesn't Return 301

struggling to get my hosts to work on port 80/HTTP and redirect to HTTPS. Discovered this when I gave out a URL and they said it didn't work but noticed a direct link to the site did work. I've done ...
John Lamar's user avatar
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(Reverse Proxy) Apache REMOTE_ADDR Returns (null)

I have a server that sits behind a reverse proxy that require client IP address, and to achieve that I'm trying with the lines below to add X-Forwarded-For in the request header, RequestHeader set &...
Zia's user avatar
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Apache Conditional Reverse Proxy with RewriteCond

I have a website that has a mobile version page, and since my website is behind the reverse proxy, I need a conditional function that can decide which version to be shown to visitors. I'm using Apache ...
Zia's user avatar
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Pi-Hole Apache vHost Configuration - Reverse Proxy

I have installed Pi-Hole on my Ubuntu 18.04.4 box running apache 2.4.29. The admin dashboard is working when I navigate to the server's IP address, however I would like to use a vHost to point a ...
Theo Bearman's user avatar
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Apache reverse proxy to nodejs server on CentOS 7 (WHM)

I'm trying to setup my site on the server. I've uploaded it and it's currently running on the server but the problem comes when I try to setup a reverse proxy on the domain so that I can access the ...
James's user avatar
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Need to Pass Environment Variables Through Apache Proxy

BACKEND: I have Tomcat connected to Apache and JKMount'ed to FRONTEND: The primary VirtualHost is setup for I have one application Proxy'd to BACKEND. ...
Dorothy's user avatar
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nginx mixing cached content between my different domains

I don't know if this is a bug or I am defining cache incorrectly, I have a nginx cache (reverse proxy) server that is used by 2 different domains ( and, different content, ...
adrianTNT's user avatar
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XAMPP how to secure forward proxy for port 443

I need some help with securing my test XAMPP server on ports 80 and 443. I am running Apache 2.4.7 on Windows 7 machine. The setup is the following: I am redirecting all traffic coming on my server ...
user3132858's user avatar
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AH02579: Init: Private key not found - Apache VirtualHost

I am trying to set up a virtual host in apache to reverse proxy in Node.js and is giving this error when I try to use SSL certificate, it says it can't find the key, even if I type cd "directory_here" ...
Vinicius Aquino's user avatar
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Reverse proxy does not work on Apache in Cent OS 6.9

I created the sites-available and site-enabled folders, I added the file with a virtualhost in my domain to do reverse proxy in a Nuxt node.js application, which ...
Vinicius Aquino's user avatar
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Apache AH01997: SSL handshake failed: sending 502

Trying to create a virtual host proxying to an application hosted on Openshift with a really nasty url. When trying to do this I find the following error in the log file AH01997: SSL handshake ...
rhellem's user avatar
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Changes in VirtualHost not taking effect

I've looked at quite a few posts on this site that have helped me with configuring a VirtualHost in apache to reverse proxy incoming host headers to the proper internal web server. Yet, when I ...
JeffR's user avatar
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What's the difference between a reverse proxy server and a virtual host? [closed]

I'm sorry if this is a dumb question. I'm very new to backend stuff. I'm trying to set up a Rocket Chat server onto a server that I set up a NextCloud and Wikimedia server previously. The rocket ...
Aslan French's user avatar
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Apache doesn't listen on all ports configured with virtual host and reverse proxy

I have a host (Ubuntu 16.04) and a virtual machine on it. I want to use apache to forward different ports to the VM with the reverse proxy modul. The problem is, that apache doesn't listen on all ...
Tibor Nagy's user avatar
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Unable to hit subdomain on VM: Ubuntu Server

I was sent here from stack overflow - sorry if this is the wrong forum. I'm trying to set up a local dev environment which simulates multiple servers. I'm just trying to learn more about this and this ...
Daniel's user avatar
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Apache: resources not loaded after a redirect with proxypass

Configuration: One virtual machine with Docked installed ( One Docker container for myapp with apache installed ( A second docker container with superset installed (10....
wawanopoulos's user avatar
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Apache reverse proxy works for separate subdomain, but not for specific url

I'm attempting to set up Apache to reverse proxy a Tensorboard server so I can view training progress over the web at my website, I decided to mess with two ways of implementing this: 1) ...
sam's user avatar
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Apache Reverse Proxy with Subfolder Proxies

I currently have a Sub Domain Proxies and Sub Folder Proxies working as seperate virtual hosts. I want to minimise/simplify the code by combining. My end game is to have Subdomains pointing to ...
Shaun Williams's user avatar
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apache virtualhost setup: serving files from directory if exist, fallback to reverse proxying

I want to setup an apache 2.4 virtualhost to serve 'physical' files that exist in the directory 'var/www/html' (like robots.txt for example). If the requested URI is not an existing file, the reverse ...
Manticore's user avatar
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configure reverse proxy for subdomain but keep domain for links

I have a website (developed in ruby on rails + angularJS and running on nginx + unicorn) where users can access few pages through differents URIs. For example, and 1234.example....
MAL's user avatar
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Can I use variables in Nginx server block for SSL Cert and Key file?

I'm using Nginx Apache Reverse Proxy, I have multiple VHOSTS and I want to serve them all in a single nginx vhost file with support for SSL. My server block is server { listen 80; ...
Dark9Y8's user avatar
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Apache ProxyPass Docker Containers Returning 503

I am stuck getting started with containerized virtualhosts. The set up is as follows: Ubuntu VPS (digitalOcean, for context), Docker pre installed Apache container (reverse proxy), ...
Konchshell's user avatar
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3 answers

Apache: How can I make my website available only on SSL and not via both HTTP and HTTPS?

I have a tomcat web app in an Ubuntu server. The web app is deployed as ROOT. I have installed apache2 and via a VirtualHost I pointed the IP directly to the tomcat web app. So I can access the site ...
PeakGen's user avatar
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Only first Reverse Proxy Virtual Host works

I am trying to redirect services running on localhost under various ports to a sub-path on a single port. For example to The issue I am having is that ...
DominicM's user avatar
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OpenBSD: How to use `relayd` and `httpd` for redirecting subdomain requests

Situation I created the following setup on OpenBSD: So I have my OpenBSD server on redirecting all http-requests to the host-vm on The host-vm itself operates nginx for ...
Jan's user avatar
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Apache does not listen to specified port

I am trying to establish an Nginx + Apache-with-PHP-module configuration. It worked on Debian 6 with such configuration: <VirtualHost > ServerName ...
Juribiyan's user avatar
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Creating a ReverseProxy using Apache and VirtualHost

I'm trying to get a reverse proxy set up on Apache, but I'm having some trouble getting it working using VirtualHost. All I need to do is proxy requests for /test to local port 8000. The following ....
pgoggijr's user avatar
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Rocket.Chat on Ubuntu 16.04 + Apache2 SSL Proxy not working

Problem: Rocket.Chat Server runs perfectly over HTTP, but unfortunately I can't get it to work with HTTPS and Apache2 Reverse Proxy... Apache-Config (Rocket.Chat): > <...
abcdef123e's user avatar
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How can I have two virutalhosts on the same Apache 2.2 server

I have an Apache 2.2 server with an existing virtual host on it ( that proxies to an internal server. I've since add another virtual host to it ( that I'd like to proxy to a different ...
BIBD's user avatar
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App running in subdirectory but needs 8080 port access, can't figure out reverse proxy

I'm very new to managing a server, so please bear with me. I have a cloud server from Microsoft Azure (not by choice) running Ubuntu 16.04 and Apache 2.4.18. I have multiple apps (/omeka, /wordpress, ...
Justin Snow's user avatar
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Can't make virtual host work

I'm using Apache 2.4 on Ubuntu 16.04. No matter what I do - can't make virtual hosts work, everything is routed to the configuration defined in 000-default.conf. I've got the following sites enabled: ...
iMoses's user avatar
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Apache VirtualHost multiple transport protocols

I am trying to use a VirtualHost on my server with mod_proxy to add an authentication layer to another server I am running. The authentication and basic loading work correctly, but a main page ...
Nick Johnson's user avatar
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Reverse Proxy on Apache same domain different path

Im new for the reverse proxy with Apache servers and I need to redirect my site to my web application. Here is the plan: I have that that I want to redirect client to files under xampp/...
Talha ŞEKER's user avatar
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Proxy from another domain to a virtualhost

The first two vhosts works as expected. The second one proxy a Odoo server. I would like to make another proxy from my secondary domain to my Odoo server. However, Odoo must receive the subdomain ...
Yann's user avatar
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Can I use apache to reverse-proxy based on subdirectory instead of subdomain?

What I have now is several virtual hosts that are identified by subdomain, and then proxied to a server like so: <VirtualHost *:80> ProxyPass / ProxyPassReverse / http://192....
Dillon's user avatar
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nginx reverse proxy and apache backend on seperate hosts - all requests go to same apache vhost

Scenario I want to configure a dedicated nginx reverse proxy that acts as a gateway for multiple backend servers running a traditional lamp stack. I want to make all requests for any subdomains of ...
Jake's user avatar
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The proxy server received an invalid response from an upstream server. The proxy server could not handle the request GET /abcef/report

I am getting below error while trying to do some access website url. The proxy server received an invalid response from an upstream server. The proxy server could not handle the request ...
ganesh abh's user avatar
2 votes
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ReverseProxy not working on OSX El Capitan [closed]

I am attempting to access my plex web ui through a cleaner url. Currently, you can access it at I want it to be at http://marvin....
r2DoesInc's user avatar
-1 votes
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Public port 80 targeting private port 3000 on Azure Linux

I have a Ruby on Rails website on Azure Linux (Ubuntu 14.04) that works perfectly from this address: I want to get rid of the port in the address, and redirect it ...
Arturo's user avatar
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VirtualHost's behind an nginx reverse proxy fail to resolve properly

I have a load balancer pair in front of 4 web servers which run nginx on port 80 and proxy to apache on port 8081 for non-static content like php code. I'm running several domains in this ...
flickerfly's user avatar
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How can I use a virtual host to redirect https subfolders to different ports in apache?

I have a web service running on port 8112 and I can redirect a subdomain eg to using a virtual host by setting the ServerAlias, proxypass and proxypassreverse ...
Mr Purple's user avatar
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