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How to verify backend servers are reachable as part of keepalived health check?

I'm currently configuring a high availability setup using Keepalived to manage failover between Nginx servers. As part of this setup, I need to implement a health check script to verify that Nginx is ...
Tmanok's user avatar
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nginx reverse proxy https to http

I have a Linux server, on which I created a public web app (as a test) accessible here: It works as intended. As you can see, it is served on port 9384 with ...
Alexandre Renchon's user avatar
1 vote
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Routing HTTP/HTTPS traffic from one Linux server to another Linux server

The DNS for the is pointing at Server1 (it has a public ip address). The webserver is running on Server 2 (no public IP address, but connected to Server1 via OVPN). Is it possible to route ...
Steve's user avatar
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Pointing a sub domain to an ip with a port (apache)

I've been having an issue for a while and none of the answers for similar posts have been working. My Issue: I have a domain running on a linux server (using apache):; I have a second ...
Quasar's user avatar
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Wildcard redirect https://www.* to * nginx

I would like to redirect all traffic from www.* to * without www prefix . i have 1000+ subdomains on the same application which use only one nginx virtual host file in sites enabled ...
sambit's user avatar
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How to enable SSL and setup reverse proxy on IIS for a website that was using a custom port

we have a legacy website like which is a C++ web application. We have upgraded the app server to Windows server 2019 and IIS 10. Stilly, we want to issue a business SSL ...
leo's user avatar
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How to hide that Nginx is a reverse proxy?

Running the command nmap -A -sS, it was demonstrated that the server is Nginx and that it is used as a proxy. Is it possible to hide this information? Command output: 80/tcp open http ...
campos's user avatar
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How to make nginx receive and send data to both server1 and server2?

I have nginx as reverse proxy. I want to send data to both server, not just one not load balancing (just send data that it receive from port 80 to server1 and then server2). Server1 will be a web ...
JUDQ's user avatar
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2 answers

Does nginx as reverse proxy use buffers for every client request?

We have few requests that takes http headers size more than the default accepted size in our tomcat application i.e., maxHttpHeaderSize = 8192 (
GP92's user avatar
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Password protect multiple python webservers (with reverse proxy)?

I have several tiny python webservers on a single server that I spin up, each with a different port. Is there an easy and quick way to password protect the access to each single (e.g. webserver1) ...
user3200534's user avatar
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HaProxy edge redirecting to proxy port (instead of proxying) for certain URI patterns

I'm trying to use HaProxy as my edge webserver with Nginx as my primary application server running at localhost:9180, the normal proxy behavior works fine at (it simply shows the output ...
MJHd's user avatar
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Keeping SSL connection active between reverse proxy and backend server

I have a back-end server (Apache) that is too far from most of our users, so our idea is to implement a closer reverse proxy that will act as a cache. At first glance it worked as a charm. The cached ...
Bruno F. Fontes's user avatar
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Proxying requests with and without trailing slash

I'm trying to proxy both (with trailing slash) and (without trailing slash) to the same URL on a local backend server. I came up with the ...
PurpleTen's user avatar
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Nginx proxy request to url specified in GET variable

I need Nginx to respond to a request like or a similar method, like
Juan Rodriguez's user avatar
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How to show webpage on localhost to enduser on nginx?

I am running two different service on an embedded device. One is at localhost:4444 and the other at localhost:8082.(the service at :4444 forwards a login attempt automatically to localhost:8082). I ...
John Smith's user avatar
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Nginx: How to reverse proxy each port to another specific ports?

I'm trying to configure an Nginx server to reverse proxy port 80 to port 5000 and port 8888 to port 9999. The server_name is the same for both proxies. I tried to use the following configuration but ...
Gal Dreiman's user avatar
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Maximum simultaneous Server-sent events (SSE) connections to a web server (Nginx + ExpressJS) [duplicate]

How many Server-sent event connections can be handled by an Ubuntu server with: 1 GB of RAM Dual-core CPU Running Nginx (as a reverse proxy) In front of ExpressJS server? Topics I have was able to ...
thewebjackal's user avatar
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How does Nginx act as both reverse proxy and web server? [closed]

This might be a naive question. But I'm too new to client and server concept and wanted to know. I understood what a Reverse proxy is - a server that sits in between clients and origin servers and ...
Underoos's user avatar
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nginx Listening But Not Responding on non-80/443 Port

nginx on Mac OS X is running via brew successfully on ports 80 and 443. However, I am trying to run on a different port 18000 and nginx does not want to respond, despite listening to the port. ...
Adam Thompson's user avatar
-1 votes
6 answers

Prevent direct access to my server using reverse proxy

I have a web server setup in Microsoft Azure and it has a domain name associated with it like This web server is very critical and i don't want anyone other than 1 or two people to ...
Mr Emp's user avatar
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Web Proxy to avoid port forwarding

Hello. I wonder if anyone could help me define which solution to use. I need to run a cloud server that acts as a proxy for HTTP requests, but on the web server side, I have no fixed IP or possibility ...
Diego Oliveira's user avatar
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static resources behind a reverse proxy server

Two localhost web servers are developed separately without the knowledge of each other and proxy server. Both setup using NodeJS and Express.js app.use(express.static(__dirname + '/frontend')); From ...
Konsy's user avatar
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Apache reverse proxy gets redirection

I'm trying to set up Apache as a reverse proxy. Here is the essential part of its configuration: NameVirtualHost Listen <VirtualHost> ...
Fmy Oen's user avatar
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How do I redirect a request from an Apache Server to a local thin-Webserver?

I am experimenting with dashing-icinga at the moment and got everything up and running locally right now, but I cannot open the dashboard from another computer on the network via a reverse proxy on my ...
Daniel's user avatar
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Serving multiple servers on one domain without using subdomains on NGINX

I have searched and found many scenarios that are close, but I cannot get this to work properly. I have 2 servers running multiple apps. 1 server is running nginx as well as some other apps, and ...
storkpkp's user avatar
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3 answers

Domain Name Routing Across Multiple Varying Servers

How can you use one public IP address to host multiple domain names that span across multiple servers in your LAN? Let's say I have 5 web servers, serving 5 different domain names, using 5 different ...
LonnieBest's user avatar
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Running web server along side Grafana with reverse proxy

I followed these steps below to setup Grafana on Ubuntu 18.04 One of the steps is to setup reverse ...
Amjad's user avatar
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Can one device simultaneously be a reverse proxy, load balancer, and firewall?

From my understanding you have: Reverse Proxy: A device standing between internal servers and the internet. Some goals: SSL termination, caching, obfuscation, more freedom to change internal ...
user494940's user avatar
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Nginx as Reverse Proxy for multiple servers binded to proxy using UNIX sockets - how to reached in LAN

I am trying to configure nginx as a reverse proxy for multiple servers on my LAN. They should go out on my WAN with different subdomains. Unlike the approach described in Use Nginx as Reverse Proxy ...
Stefan's user avatar
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How to reverse NAT by destination name

I have one public IP Address and two web server inside my LAN. For example and are the local IP addresses of my Web servers. I have configured on my router NAT for port 80 to 10.0....
rezord's user avatar
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nginx reverse-proxy performance and ssl configurations

I want to setup an nginx server that will be used as a publicly accessible front-end webserver to reverse proxy and load-balance other apache/nginx servers that are serving PHP and django apps, and ...
Alex's user avatar
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Apache Web Server 2.4 - Reverse Proxy

Hopefully someone can help me, and many thanks in advance. I have set up an Apache Web Server 2.4 on Ubuntu machine with reverse proxy from my server ( using ProxyPass and ...
Joe's user avatar
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Add proxy headers in named location using nested location regex

I'm trying to setup a WebSocket endpoint on my Rails API using Nginx and Puma. What I have (working but ugly) The following Nginx configuration works fine, however I feel like I could use something ...
Habovh's user avatar
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Apache2 reverse proxy to access multiple lan servers from wan

I've got about 5 web applications on different servers running on my LAN, which are all listening to port 80 I would like to make them accessible from the internet by setting up an Apache reverse ...
minusnine's user avatar
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Setup vCenter 6.0 site accessible from networks with strict firewall

How can I set up a vCenter (VCSA) site that allows external access from networks that have strict egress firewalls (i.e. HTTP/HTTPS only, no high numbered ports open)? Though the base web client ...
Robert Mason's user avatar
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When using a nginx reverse proxy and webserver, what (http) setting goes where?

The original webserver was set up with the http block below: http { access_log off; add_header X-Content-Type-Options nosniff; add_header X-Frame-Options SAMEORIGIN; add_header X-XSS-...
Viraldope's user avatar
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Can we not enable ngix to act as reverse proxy and webserver, based on url?

This is my config file server { listen 80; server_name localhost; root /var/www/example/public/; location / { try_files $uri $uri/ $uri.html =404; } location /api { ...
Santosh's user avatar
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Owncloud running Apache with Nginx as Proxy

I'm currently working on running our own Owncloud (version 9). I've done this several times with Apache but I'm having trouble configuring it with Nginx in the front as a Proxy. Nginx config server { ...
jarvis's user avatar
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nginx reverse proxy address/port already in use

I have an nginx reverse proxy, and I would like to have it forward traffic on to several sites, and listen on port 443 for all of these services. I've seen this done several places, and seems like ...
trueCamelType's user avatar
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Reverse proxy subdomain to subfolder on IIS7

I'm currently trying to implement an Owncloud system at our company. I have the Owncloud system up and running on an internal webserver which is behind a firewall. I can access the installation ...
Malcolm Ward's user avatar
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How do I use nginx reverse proxy to forward to a specific URI

I have an nginx reverse proxy that is using stream proxy to direct to a web page that uses NTLM authentication, but I need to use something similar to the location directive to tell this reverse proxy ...
trueCamelType's user avatar
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Nginx reverse proxy to server with login not working as expected

I have two servers behind an nginx reverse proxy. I am being forwarded correctly to the sites, but one of the sites has a login before it allows you into the site (similar to sharepoint), and the ...
trueCamelType's user avatar
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After configuring nginx (reverse proxy) and gunicorn, env variables stop being detected (Django app on Ubuntu)

On an ubuntu machine hosting my Django app (with postgres backend), my env variables were prefectly detected when I fired up gunicorn as my sole webserver using the command gunicorn --bind
Hassan Baig's user avatar
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How to determine if the ISP is blocking the website we have hosted?

We have setup a web server behind a NAT router which we have properly port forwarded the requests to our web server. We have already assigned a dynamic DNS for the WAN IP of the web server (that is ...
Xegara's user avatar
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Nginx with owncloud (https redirected) and reverse proxy for node.js issues

I'm pulling my hair out with the sparse support and documentation for Ubuntu server 15.04. although that's to be expected from a non LTS release. I have Nginx serving Owncloud, called
OverRipeBananas's user avatar
3 votes
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Multiple Websites on Multiple Servers behind One Public IP

Brief I’m currently working on a project to bring two of our hosted servers (one email, one web) in-house to run alongside our other web server. Hosting one web server is fairly straightforward, but ...
James Winstanley's user avatar
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Apache reverse proxy configuration for multiple domains

I am newbie. I have 1 LAMP CentOS server, which hosts 3 websites with the following Apache httpd.conf configuration: NameVirtualHost *:80 NameVirtualHost *:443 <VirtualHost *:80> ...
Josef's user avatar
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Stop Sun Java System Web Server 7 reverse proxy resending long running requests

We have a Sun Java System Web Server (7) running as a reverse proxy. When someone does a long running request (e.g. the web application does a major update on the DB) that doesn't return for a while (...
pmc's user avatar
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Using Nginx as Webserver and Reverse proxy

I am trying to setup Nginx as a reverse proxy and webserver together. and I'm having issues in trying to understand how I can do it. Let's assume I am using the default Symfony2 nginx configuration (...
D_R's user avatar
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NGINX Reverse Proxy PORT

I'm trying to implement a reverse proxy with nginx. But with the configuration above what I get is a wrong url in the browser: http://domain:9080/myLocation/something.html and what I need is (...
Pedro's user avatar
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