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Questions tagged [reverse-proxy]

A reverse proxy is a type of proxy server that fetches resources from a specific defined set of servers for a client. It is used in cases when there is an advantage to not exposing the web server with the content directly whether it be for security reasons or because of a lack of available public IP addresses.

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Subdomain configuration

I have a website hosted on ionos where I configured gotosocial (written in golang) and it works on port 443 (let's call it Now I want to enable a subdomain called that ...
suoko's user avatar
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Certbot failing on nginx reverse proxy: 404

I am trying to setup a Mastodon instance on Ubuntu 22.04. I have setup Nginx as a reverse proxy and now I am trying to generate an SSL certificate with Let's Encrypt. When I run certbot --nginx -d ...
Connor Weston's user avatar
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How can I make reverse proxy for websocket requests on apache

I have a website written on Laravel with Reverb for websockets. Everything works except websockets. They are sent from the browser to the server in the form wss:// (which throw an ...
Jivko Jelev's user avatar
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Dynamic reverse proxy router for one host

I have exactly one domain, and one port. Then, I want to route requests to that domain and port, based on request's prefix path, e.g. goes to Foo service, and goes to ...
Max Smirnov's user avatar
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Forward traffic for one hostname without proxy Nginx Proxy Manager

I have several hosts, behind Nginx proxy manager, where the NPM handles ssl and lets encrypt acme. Now I installed a new host that ...
Neurofibromin's user avatar
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How to configure Envoy as a caching forward proxy with HTTP CONNECT support

Does anyone know if there's a way to configure Envoy as a caching forward proxy? I've been trying to come to a config that would do that by following the samples and documentation for: ...
Nilvap's user avatar
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Nginx reverse proxy for home assistant not working

I normally access HA via https://home.lan:8123 and it works fine but I would like to access via https://home-assistant.home accessing https://home-assistant.home I get nothing at all If I only do http ...
jotyhista's user avatar
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Unable to detect missing reverse proxy configuration

I have configured a reverse proxy server that will allow the client to communicate to an endpoint URL ( via it. This is the reverse proxy config file : ...
anaigini's user avatar
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Incorrect HAProxy reverse proxy config?

I'm configuring my domain, and I want to set up HAProxy as a reverse proxy for all of my subdomains. Somehow I've got this configured incorrectly, and I absolutely have no idea what's wrong. Here's my ...
Vincent Guttmann's user avatar
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How to redirect requests for a URL which uses the default ports to a new URL which uses custom ports?

We have an .aspx web forms "web application" running IIS 10 and .Net Framework 4.8. We want to move it from the "Default Web Site" to it's own site "MyApplicationSite". ...
blogs4t's user avatar
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apaceh2 proxy_html does not rewrite links (MWE)

I am using Apache 2.4.59 under Debian as reverse proxy. I can't make it rewrite links in HTML (at all), and I tried everything I could find on various forums: SetOutputFilter, AddOutputFilter, inflate;...
eudoxos's user avatar
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Reverse proxy for static assets for multiple apps with nginx

I am hosting two apps (a custom "Notes" app, and File browser) on my raspberry pi with nginx. I set a reverse proxy so I can access notes on localhost/notes and files on localhost/files. I ...
Gribouille's user avatar
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Nginx duplicate location "/.well-known/acme-challenge/"

I'm trying to set up a Nextcloud instance at VPS Server via a Docker image. I found some Docker-Compose on GitHub and tried to build it with my parameters. I registered my domains and checked that ...
makeussrgreatagain's user avatar
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Hosting passbolt container on server using nginx reverse proxy

I'm trying to host passbolt on my server using container setup; on this server I also have to host multiple websites, each with a different domain; so I thought of configuring an nginx reverse proxy ...
mic f's user avatar
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Apache reverse proxy, add http request header according to REMOTE_USER use RewriteRule and RequestHeader

I'm trying to set up an Apache reverse proxy on server B for a private server A, which has three users: a1, a2, and a3. Server B utilizes a TXT map file to map all kinds of users on server B (b1,b2...)...
b39b332d's user avatar
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nginx proxy cannot connect to upstream

I have 2 spring apps running on port 8080 and 8081. I wanted to have nginx proxy for forwarding https request for either of them so I have this nginx $cat /etc/nginx/conf.d/spring-apps.conf # Redirect ...
milanHrabos's user avatar
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Apache config to proxy entire site with 1 exception

I have a website on a hosting provider. We use that provider because it has a simple site builder my wife uses to maintain the site. Moving off of it isn't an option for this ...
John Oliver's user avatar
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Basic Auth to NTLM conversion proxy

Is there any solution to not only proxy NTLM but to convert HTTP Basic Auth on the input side to NTLM on the output side? Background: An internal SharePoint server using NTLM Auth should be accessible ...
divB's user avatar
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Traefik 2 fallback default router to Caddy

I'm using Traefik 2.11 and I'd like to forward all unmatched traffic to another reverse proxy (namely Caddy). First question, is it possible to define a router with no rule ? (which would get a 0 ...
Pierre de LESPINAY's user avatar
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Docker/WordPress in Sub-Path Redirects to Root

I installed WordPress+OpenLiteSpeed in Docker using this script, adapting it for my needs. I'm hosting the blog in /blog sub-path here. I added this to wp-config.php define('WP_HOME', 'https://www....
Etienne Charland's user avatar
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Reverse proxy for streamlit

Streamlit app I have a streamlit app running on port 8501: Here's how I'm starting the app: streamlit run \ --browser.serverAddress dharmatech....
dharmatech's user avatar
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HAProxy configure same domain with different port

I have haproxy configuration like this frontend http-in bind *:80 bind *:443 ssl crt /etc/ssl/haproxyssl/cert.pem mode http #default_backend backend_servers ...
Ananda Fajar's user avatar
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Apache reverse proxy 503 custom page not working properly

I am trying to setup a custom 503 error page on my website. I am using this apache configuration. # Exclude the Maintenance directory from being proxied ProxyPass /Maintenance ! # ProxyPass other ...
Shivam Ahuja's user avatar
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Apache reverse proxy at /home-assistant path still loads resources from /

locally, home assistant is at I need reverse proxy available at Virtual host exsits and it should not be touched My ...
user1209216's user avatar
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Split Nginx default conf into separate files based on different upstream services

Have a running Nginx auth proxy server with a growing default.conf.template file. Want to split it into multiple files based on different upstream services. ./templates/default.conf.template file: ...
Prem's user avatar
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Apache2 HTTP proxypass or redirect conditionally

In Apache2 HTTP I'd like to redirect or proxypass conditionally. For instance, I'd like to proxypass to a specific backend if the client's IP addr. is private. Otherwise, I'd like to redirect to "...
user1936810's user avatar
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Problems with Nginx location proxy pass

I am no expert in nginx, so sorry if any information is missing or not complete. I have a website running under http://server-ip:3000/abc/xyz. This website also loads some assets from http://server-ip:...
Felix Bühler's user avatar
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How to configure an Apache reverse proxy for GitLab with websocket?

I have a self-hosted GitLab instance behind an Apache reverse proxy. Since one of the last releases, real-time updates stopped working. One symptom I could detect was that some websocket calls (to ...
quazgar's user avatar
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nginx prox_pass: port 3000 gets redirected to 80. Same config with other ports works

I have the following scenario: Service A Service A is available under host:8080. I have configured a reverse proxy in nginx to resolve servicea.domain to host:8080. Here is my config-file (Location: /...
JJandke's user avatar
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Nginx reverse proxy leads to frequent log outs for gitlab

I am using an nginx as a reverse proxy for my gitlab. When accessing the gitlab via this proxy, I experience frequent logouts. Obviously gitlab is not able to maintain/identfiy the session reliably. ...
Norbert's user avatar
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Do I need to do anything to manage many outgoing connections to an outside service from a kubernetes cluster?

In my kubernetes cluster I'm running many small pods per node (about 30) and each pod creates a few TCP connections to a single service on the internet to send HTTP requests to. So each node on the ...
uylmz's user avatar
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Nginx as reverse proxy , rewrite or proxy pass request to docker container

I'm trying to use nginx as reverse proxy in front of a few applications which are on the same machine(Docker containers). As a test, I tried to connect PHPmyAdmin to a URI like: ...
Hadi h's user avatar
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Postfix behind nginx reverse proxy with permit_mynetworks

I would like to host several automatic email services in docker containers that send and receive emails through the Postfix server, which is also in a container. The only outward-facing container ...
w41g87's user avatar
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How to verify backend servers are reachable as part of keepalived health check?

I'm currently configuring a high availability setup using Keepalived to manage failover between Nginx servers. As part of this setup, I need to implement a health check script to verify that Nginx is ...
Tmanok's user avatar
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302 redirect in nothing with Tomcat and Nginx

I am creating an https connection to my WAR app at tomcat (localhost:8080/myApp). Inside we have an Angular and Java app. I create nginx config and after review some similar questions here and here ...
Olexie Polishchyk's user avatar
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Route multiple apps through Nginx server

I have the following scenario: Nginx server, on IP app1, on IP app2, on IP app3, on IP I want all apps to be accessible via ...
daydr3am3r's user avatar
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NGINX Proxying Port

i use nginx as reverse proxy and proxying some of our webservers, application systems etc. Now i have a application, that is accessable via https on port 2222. So i created a redirect as i did for ...
Sebi's user avatar
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Your browser sent an invalid or no HTTP referer error Lighttpd when trying to shorten url and change document-root

Having a site setup using lighttpd, it's first url was: http://localhost/vichan/recent.html I then wanted to put it on a different port to then tunnel it later and shorten the url to make it looks ...
Tr4nt's user avatar
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Apache: Meaning, purpose and semantics of the URI after the pipe symbol within the SetHandler directive?

What is the meaning, purpose and semantics of the fcgi:// URI after the pipe symbol within the SetHandler directive? From my understanding of the docs, everything after the scheme part fcgi:// of the ...
user2690527's user avatar
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How to run Supabase and t-rex with TLS reverse proxies

I have a VPS with 2 services at different ports and self signed SSL for an IP. It is Supabase at port 8000 and t-rex service at port 6767. I need them both on HTTPs like for ...
SERG's user avatar
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Azure Entra Proxy images load on Edge but not Chrome Authentication Issue

I've noticed an odd issue that occurs only on Chrome, but not on Edge. We have a web app server (IIS) and an image server. Both are accessed externally by users via an Azure Entra Proxy service. -if ...
taraz's user avatar
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MIXED CONTENT/CSP issue from (VPS) nginx reverse proxy with termination SSL and (HOME) nginx wordpress

It's been few day as I try to figure out what I'm doing wrong. DNS points to VPS on VPS I have nginx reverse proxy with ssl termination that forward request to home server on home server I have nginx ...
Va_ni_tas's user avatar
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Nginx serves wrong DocumentRoot

I have an NGINX reverse proxy with Apache running on Linux22. My goal is to serve a file in a new documentroot, but for whatever, the Nginx Default conf serves the old apache2 index file. The ...
IHateCoding's user avatar
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Nginx not logging after Logrotate

I've a nginx reverse proxy with custom log files (depending on hostname) pwd : /var/log/nginx/domain/fqdn.(log|err) Since some time (maybe after switching to Ubuntu 23.10), my log files are very often ...
guillaumearnx's user avatar
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Apache Guacamole + Portainer + Nginx Proxy Manager + Cloudflare

maybe somebody could help with this... My setup: Qnap TS-664 Docker containers (Portainer managed) Domain at porkbun (lets call it Cloudflare DNS: A Name: C Name: Name: nginx, ...
John Smith's user avatar
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Connecting Nginx Server to OpenVPN and Accessing it from the Internet

I have an Nginx server running on my local network, and I want to make it accessible from the internet via an OpenVPN connection. Here are the details of my setup: Ubuntu Server Local IP Address: 192....
Daqs's user avatar
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IIS rewrite rule to modify IP format in X-Forwarded-For header

I'm using IIS as a reverse proxy and I've found that by default, when using the built in method to have IIS add the client IP into the X-Forwarded-For header, if the client IP is IPv6 it will encase ...
Matt's user avatar
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How to configure HAproxy to a different backend based on path?

The problem is that, I have haproxy configured for multiple domains with backends respectively. The intended behaviour is to redirect a specific request such as to backend2 ...
Jk843's user avatar
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Only Https Post requests failing with cloudfront and ec2 instance running nginx reverse proxy

I am running a nodejs server on ec2 on port 3000. In order to connect it to internet, I am running a nginx server to proxy requests from port 80 to 3000. I have a ec2 domain "http://ec2-xxx....
AlwaysHungrie's user avatar
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Apace Reverse Proxy to Docker Container - CSF Breaking Container App

I've been at this all day now and can't seem to figure it out. I installed listmonk on my server and set up an Apache Reverse Proxy to it: <VirtualHost> ServerName ...
GenesisBits's user avatar

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