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Questions tagged [reverse-proxy]

A reverse proxy is a type of proxy server that fetches resources from a specific defined set of servers for a client. It is used in cases when there is an advantage to not exposing the web server with the content directly whether it be for security reasons or because of a lack of available public IP addresses.

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1 answer

Setting up Wildcard subdomain (with reverse proxy) on apache 2.2.3

What I am trying to achieve is the following: I want to have numerous subdomains such as redirect to a url such as Since I am redirecting to a ...
Adam Benayoun's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Apache reverse proxying for multiple URIs

When using apache to reverse proxy, is it possible to forward and to different servers? Say one goes to http://internalserver1/ and the other goes to http:/...
Devnull's user avatar
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3 votes
3 answers

How should I setup a reverse proxy with SSL on Windows?

Two basic questions here: If I want to serve SSL content from 3 different servers (A, B, C) through a reverse proxy (P), where does the SSL magic happen? I'm guessing that each server will be ...
Michael Haren's user avatar
4 votes
6 answers

3million users per month on a very active cart that needs SSL. What cost effective Load balancing options for SSL acceleration are there? [closed]

A lot of the expensive 12-25k solutions seem limited to 4k SSL connections simultaneously. has a reasonably priced solution for many HTTP requests, but is limited to 2k SSL ...
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2 votes
2 answers

Reverse Proxy Appliance [closed]

The company at which I am working is looking to upgrade their reverse proxies from an old FreeBSD install. We just installed Cisco IronPort appliances for standard web filtering and we really like the ...
Antoine Benkemoun's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Varnish configuration to only cache for non-logged in users

I have a Ruby on Rails application fronted by varnish+nginx. As most of the sites content is static unless you are a logged in user, I want to cache the site heavily with varnish when a user is logged ...
davidsmalley's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

How does Varnish cache handle different domains?

I just started reading about Varnish and am considering using it as a frontend to my webservers. I have multiple domains on my webserver that fetch the same content when the same query strings are ...
Lin's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Configuring lighttpd for many lightweight concurrent Keep-Alive http connections

I am using lighttpd as a front-end proxy to my custom HTTP based application server. I need to configure lighttpd for a large number (let's say around 5000) simultaneous http connections which have a ...
Krystian Cybulski's user avatar
52 votes
7 answers

Is there a name based virtual host SSH reverse proxy?

I've grown quite fond of HTTP reverse proxies in our development environment and found the DNS based virtual host reverse proxy quite useful. Having only one port (and the standard one) open on the ...
ahanson's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

reverse proxy setup in ISA Server

I am new to ISA server and here is my requirements, and I want to use ISA server to setup reverse proxy to achieve my requirements. I have two questions, Whether ISA server could serve my needs? ...
George2's user avatar
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4 answers

Apache ProxyPassReverse and https

I would like to map all traffic on 80 and 443 from to an internal server: I have a VirtualHost (Apache 2.2 on Ubuntu) setup as follows (note, I had to break up the hyperlinks ...
Joshua Ball's user avatar
152 votes
13 answers

How to set up Nginx as a caching reverse proxy?

I heard recently that Nginx has added caching to its reverse proxy feature. I looked around but couldn't find much info about it. I want to set up Nginx as a caching reverse proxy in front of Apache/...
Continuation's user avatar
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1 answer

IIS header hosts through a DMZ

I have an IIS 7 publicly facing site. i would like to have the sites. => internalserver/app1 => internalserver/app2 I currently have ...
Bluephlame's user avatar
19 votes
7 answers

Will a reverse proxy in front of web server improve security?

Third-party security professional is recommending we run a reverse proxy in front of the web server (all hosted in the DMZ) as a best practice security measure. I know this is a typical recommended ...
Darren's user avatar
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2 answers

Apache proxy: passing on REMOTE_USER to backend server

We are using shibboleth for authentication. Our shibboleth Service provider is running on a host that is running apache with reverse proxy configuration (mod_proxy). The applications using shibboleth ...
Wouter's user avatar
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3 answers

Logging behind a reverse proxy?

I am currently running Varnish as a reverse proxy in front of our development website, testing before deployment into production. One of the things I've had to come to grips with is logging: in a ...
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4 answers

Issues with Haproxy slowing down after time

We recently migrated from Perlbal to HAProxy due to Perlbal's memory usage. It's been a fairly flawless migration though lately we've run into an issue that I can't seem to figure out (it doesn't help ...
WinkyWolly's user avatar
28 votes
6 answers

What is a Reverse Proxy?

I know what a proxy is, but I'm not sure what a reverse proxy is. It seems to me that it's probably akin to a load balancer. Is that correct?
belgariontheking's user avatar
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Apache reverse proxy for IIS

I would like to know what are the options for using Apache's HTTP server as a reverse proxy for IIS7 (serving ASP.NET content under 3.5 .NET Framework). For JBoss/Tomcat or any other Java Application ...
Pablo Santa Cruz's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

Reverse proxy for HTTP acceleration

I provide hosting facilities for a high traffic website that will receive a spike in traffic in the next 2 months. In order to allow more it to perform better, I want to prepare myself and put a ...
Pablo Alsina's user avatar
13 votes
2 answers

Varnish versus other reverse proxies

I'm working with an organisation that has deployed Varnish as a caching reverse proxy for all of their web traffic. Their traffic make up is a lot of customer-generated dynamic websites, with the ...
womble's user avatar
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3 answers

Tools for introspecting Varnish

Has anyone developed, or does anyone know of, any third-party tools (or non-obvious uses of the stock tools) to help a poor systems administrator determine what's going on with requests that are ...
womble's user avatar
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