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Questions tagged [reverse-proxy]

A reverse proxy is a type of proxy server that fetches resources from a specific defined set of servers for a client. It is used in cases when there is an advantage to not exposing the web server with the content directly whether it be for security reasons or because of a lack of available public IP addresses.

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What is the nginx Variable for a custom Header?

A client is sending a custom HTTP Header X-ABC-LOGIN-NAME to my Nginx reverse proxy. To be sure that it is actually arriving, a PHP server (fastcgi) was installed and this header is really showing up (...
TMOTTM's user avatar
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Apache reverse proxy timeout in 60 seconds

I have Apache Reverse proxy server which proxies request to my internal Apache server. I am using Apache version 2.4 on Linux platform. I encountered timeout page and HTTP ERROR 504 whenever back-end ...
Jayesh Labade's user avatar
6 votes
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Nginx proxy_pass reverse proxying behind corporate firewall

Has anyone any idea of how to setup nginx behind a corporate firewall, to reverse proxy requests to servers outside the firewall? The reason I want to do this is I am trying to use an application ...
Mark D's user avatar
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Setting header based on client certificate

I have Apache running as a reverse proxy for an internal server. Users hitting the proxy are required to use client certificates. On the internal server, there is a web application that can use an ...
Matthew Jacobs's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

IIS sets http header Expires to -1, how do I override this with mod_expires

I'm using an IIS website with a Apache HTTP reverse proxy (mod_proxy with ProxyRequests Off). I want to control the expires headers in apache (don't ask), but IIS is setting the header Expires: -1. ...
Jaap's user avatar
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Intermittent proxy error in Apache: "Partial results are valid but processing is incomplete" with "AH01110: error reading response"

I'm using Apache 2.4.43 on CentOS 7.8 with Varnish 6 and PHP-FPM to serve a Magento 2 website. Varnish listens on port 80. Apache listens on 8080 to serve content to Varnish, and also port 443 which ...
WackGet's user avatar
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Apache2.4 ProxyPass exception inside Location block not working

While trying to get the Let's Encrypt Certbot to work on a local server that hosts reverse-proxied content, I am unable to get the local exception working inside a Location block. httpd.conf snippet: ...
Liam Dennehy's user avatar
5 votes
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How to create subdomains using nginx and proxy_pass for each

I currently have nginx setup for my server at Using the current configuration I access different applications using or I have an ...
Anthony's user avatar
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Apache as a reverse proxy for GitLab Omnibus

I'm using GitLab Omnibus on a CentOS6.5 server. The gitlab nginx server listen on the 6543 port (Apache already using 80 and 443). I want to use Apache as a reverse proxy to access GitLab with that ...
AMDG's user avatar
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ARR reverse proxy to Azure Website inside Azure Cloud Service

I am trying to rewrite to a wordpress Azure Website ( I have completely configured all inbound and outbound rules, and have tested them locally on ...
codewisp's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

nginx proxy_cache: limit parallel requests for the same URL

We're using nginx as a reverse proxy to get files from upstream servers. The files are not dynamic – at least not on a per request basis – and are (sometimes) behind high latency. I would like to ...
Gert's user avatar
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4 votes
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Drop connections with a mismatching client certificate CN in nginx TCP reverse proxy

I'm using nginx to add TLS functionality on top of an existing TCP server (Redis) by proxying it like so (please read on before saying "Redis has builtin TLS support"): stream { server { ...
Alexander Overvoorde's user avatar
4 votes
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Nginx not always serving js and css when load balancing between docker containers - works on refresh

I have Nginx set up as a reverse proxy load balancing between two docker containers running all on the same server. When loading a page for the first time, the page loads but I get lots of 404 errors ...
Andy Baxter's user avatar
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Connect to postgres database behind nginx reverse-proxy using docker containers

I have set up a postgres database container and can connect and query it directly using its published port 5434. The goal is to deploy the test database later and access it via nginx reverse proxy. I ...
Vadzim's user avatar
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Nginx Docker Container stops working irregularly

The server: I use Nginx as a ingress-proxy for my server. Nginx runs within a Docker container. docker-compose.yml: nginx_ingress: image: nginx:latest ports: - "80:80" - ...
nulldevops's user avatar
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Nginx proxy_redirect with relative paths

I am not a big specialist in nginx administration, I am just a developer. I have two backends running in docker. Let me name them backend1:8080 backend2:8081 Also I have Nginx exposing 443 port with ...
Herman Sid's user avatar
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Access to nginx stream proxy is not logged in access_log file

Thanks for checking my question. I'm trying to log user access from browser, into access_log file which is not working now. My system : [User]-[TCP proxy]-[webserver] nginx/1.6 in AWS EC2 nginx ...
Sunghyun Lee's user avatar
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Proxy_pass vs Fastcgi_pass

With one server/container on with nginx and another one with fpm, is it better to fastcgi_pass from the nginx to the fpm or proxy_pass to the fpm with addional installtion of nginx on the fpm? Both ...
littlePigletWings's user avatar
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Chain privoxy with another proxy to intercept SSL traffic

I'd like to setup Privoxy so that it can process HTTPS traffic in addition to HTTP, but it doesn't support SSL interception using my own self-signed certificate. I had the idea to have another proxy (...
Aayla Secura's user avatar
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Q : How to nginx Conditional proxy_pass based on HTTP Header

How to do conditional proxy_pass based on custom HTTP Header Suppose I have 4 nginx Engine run in my private network, lets Call it : web1, web2, web3, web4. I have a main nginx server, sit betwen ...
Bino Oetomo's user avatar
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Delegate SSH USERAUTH traffic based on user name

I want to do delegate pubkey-based authentication for a given user to a different SSH server, without modifying client configuration but allowing modifications to server software. There are several ...
MvG's user avatar
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laravel app cannot detect https schema behind reverse proxy

I've a following config: <client> <ssl nginx> <80 nginx> <laravel> laravel has a method called asset() which is supposed to detect schema and output correct url. But it doesn'...
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500 internal error when setting up reverse proxy for Wikipedia

Access to Wikipedia can be disturbed randomly in my country Running Debian 7 with nginx 1.2.1 with additional ngx_http_substitutions_filter_module use several sub-domains to reverse proxy ...
Zetaix's user avatar
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HAproxy and nginx RTMP

I am trying to use HAproxy in front of an RTMP nginx server. It does connect but it does not play the video. I have 2 servers: one with nginx using RTMP and another one with HAproxy. This is the ...
miko's user avatar
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Set CORS headers on nginx

Addresses like or are proxied well, when trying them from ...
caub's user avatar
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mod_ssl client certificates on a reverse proxy

I am trying to add client certificate authentication on a reverse proxy that proxies an oracle application. Before adding, and if i remove the subsequent code, the oracle application is able to start ...
Rory McDonald's user avatar
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Apache Reverse Proxy Unescapes URL

I am running Apache 2.2.15 as a reverse proxy in my DMZ. I have an application on the internal network that I make available on the Internet for staff to use by going through the reverse proxy. As ...
Random Guy on the Internet's user avatar
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Nginx + unicorn + spdy + performance testing

I have a ruby on rails website that is hosted on unicorn webserver behind a nginx reverse proxy. I want to evaluate if using spdy will enhance my performance under this setup. Specifically, I need ...
zango123's user avatar
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How mod_cache working with "must-revalidate" and "max-age"?

Quick question before I will explain my flow: Сan mod_cache perform revalidate with if-none-match only if max-age is expired in case if it configured in reverse proxy mode? My goal is to reduce a ...
Dmitriy Sosunov's user avatar
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IIS7 proxying VisualSVN server refuses to allow Web.config files to be committed

I use IIS 7.5 with the Application Request Routing and URL Rewriting modules to act as a reverse proxy for several apache-based web sites, including VisualSVN Server. I'm having a problem when I try ...
Tim Long's user avatar
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HAProxy, temporarily blacklist IP if downstream sends back an RST?

Would it be possible for HAProxy to temporarily block (Say for 30 seconds) an IP that connected, then got rejected by the downstream server (RST instead of FIN)? This is for just TCP, not HTTP. ...
Joe Finlo's user avatar
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1 answer

Nginx reverse proxy seems to ignore specified port

I have a gitea server listening on public IP 111.222.333.444, port 3000. If I open http://111.222.333.444:3000 on my browser, I can access normally. I have an nginx server running on 999.888.777.666. ...
Pablo M's user avatar
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Nginx max_conns limit on multiple servers

If I have two server block in an Nginx and they both use the same upstream definitions. How would the max_conns limit work in this case? I am assuming that the both server blocks will have a limit of ...
eadam's user avatar
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Misdirected Request HTTP 421 Error when using Nginx but not Apache as reverse proxy

For a specific use-case, I want to put a reverse proxy (RP) in the cloud in front of an application already packaged with another RP listening to HTTPS only. I don't have any access to the ...
xenom's user avatar
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Single line reverse proxy with HTTP Basic Auth

I am temporarily exposing some HTTP services to the Internet and I would like to password-protect them. Because the exposure is just a few hours, setting up Nginx, Traefik or other heavy-weight ...
Mikko Ohtamaa's user avatar
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Nginx proxy_cache_bypass is serving inconsistent cache

I have a nodeJS application with reverse proxy. This is my desire settings Nginx always maintain a cache copy (source of truth) Client should always revalidate. My application will be able to purge ...
Someone Special's user avatar
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URL redirection and TCP proxy in haproxy

In a server with only one ipv4 and running haproxy, i want to redirect an url and proxy another in TCP level, for ssl passthrough purpose. frontend https-frontend bind *:443 mode tcp option ...
Albert's user avatar
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How does nginx handle HTTP/1 to HTTP/2 conversion?

I just read this question about using nginx as a HTTP/2 server that connects to the web app via HTTP/1 proxy_pass. However, I am interested in the specifics of what actually goes on with the ...
CaptainCodeman's user avatar
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Haproxy same port for http and https

I want my webapplication run only on port 4443. So i added this port to my docker container on haproxy. Now i want to inspect the incomming request and if it is not https, it should redirect to it. ...
Samhamsam's user avatar
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nginx reverse-proxy utf-8 not working?

I've installed Gitea on a Debian server and I'm using nginx as a reverse proxy and for the SSL setup. When I visit my Gitea instance, some characters aren't displayed correctly. That are for example ...
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NGINX max_size and keys_zone, could not allocate node in cache keys zone

We have a very dynamic and high-traffic application and are using NGINX caching with dynamic URLS. We want to cache these URLs for repeated requests. We have run into an issue a couple times while ...
dlrust's user avatar
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Don't cache small responses with nginx

I am using nginx for reverse proxy with caching. And I have a backend that sometimes returns 200 HTTP code for failed requests, with just an empty set for a body. I'd like to configure nginx in a way ...
Sergey's user avatar
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(HTTP) Traffic from DMZ to internal LAN using reverse proxy

I see a lot of threads on this topic, but I'm still confused, so apologies if this is "obvious" (I'm not a network engineer). Currently we have a two-zone DMZ/LAN setup. No traffic is allowed from ...
Dynde's user avatar
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Reverse proxy with login for redirecting different users to different applications

Im trying to configure the topology you can see in this picture: My question is, having a unique login server acting as a reverse proxy, is it posible to redirect the users to their respective server ...
adre cleto's user avatar
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Confluence (Synchrony) using websockets behind IIS8 can't copy or insert large blocks of text

I've got a Confluence 6.1.0 setup running behind an IIS8 reverse proxy doing SSL. Everything works except for one small problem. When I try to copy a three or four paragraphs of text, attempt to ...
meeper's user avatar
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nginx as proxy for WebSocket: inspect and block certain requests

I ran NodeJS as a kind of Webapplication Server serving an AngularJS frontend. They communicate solely over WebSockets, using the SailsJS implementation of Socket.IO. Between frontend (client) and the ...
cis's user avatar
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Jenkins reverse proxy failing for log in/out pages

I have a pair of servers, one running Nginx the other Jenkins (well, and other servers for other services, but that's besides the point). These servers sit within their own subnet that normally would ...
thecoshman's user avatar
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SFTP reverse proxy

Serverfaulters. Short: I'd like to publish several SFTP servers through one server (reverse proxy/relay). How could I do that? Long: there are three components: -...
gamelton's user avatar
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Squid form based authentication

I use Squid as a reverse proxy to publish web resources with limited access. I've configured it to check user credentials using standard web browser form (Basic authentication). Is it possible to ...
Tatyana's user avatar
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Nginx - Reverse proxy to a remote Worpress setup

I have a Server-a which only contains a Nginx and a node application in execution. However, I want to serve the Node app from that server, which is also serving an Angular application. But when I ...
daminufe's user avatar
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