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Questions tagged [reverse-proxy]

A reverse proxy is a type of proxy server that fetches resources from a specific defined set of servers for a client. It is used in cases when there is an advantage to not exposing the web server with the content directly whether it be for security reasons or because of a lack of available public IP addresses.

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HAProxy deny HTTP request on path_beg not matching

I have a HAProxy node in front of a Keycloak node. I want to only expose the API needed to serve the users (not the Admin panel) I have the following on my haproxy.cfg frontend block frontend haproxy-...
desertSniper87's user avatar
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java.lang.RuntimeException - Internal Server error 500 in Tomcat log

we want to use Sophos WAF (Web Application Firewall) as a reverse proxy to make a sap site accessible from an external. The problem is the following: External access with NAT works however external ...
SapOverflow's user avatar
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HAProxy, temporarily blacklist IP if downstream sends back an RST?

Would it be possible for HAProxy to temporarily block (Say for 30 seconds) an IP that connected, then got rejected by the downstream server (RST instead of FIN)? This is for just TCP, not HTTP. ...
Joe Finlo's user avatar
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HTTPD different vhost & reverse proxy settings for subfolders on same host&port

Please, I have been trying to configure httpd with no luck. I need following behavior: if I access, -> I need proxy to localhost:8080 (...
tomas's user avatar
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How to solve "An invalid response was received from the upstream server" on Kong Gateway?

I'm using docker with compose and I've created some microservices and I'm trying to connect them through Kong Gateway. To access the MSs with PHP I created in Nginx the reverse proxy where I can ...
Vitor de Sousa's user avatar
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Sitting up Nginx Reverse Proxy

I have nginx installed on ubuntu 20.4, and I need to set it up as reverse proxy to serve a webserver. my webserver ip is on port 8089 and I need it to be accessed from the public IP on a ...
M Fadi's user avatar
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haproxy PROXY protocol to mod_remoteip sometimes shows wrong IP address

This is a very odd problem I noticed while checking Apache access logs. I have HAProxy in front of a bunch of containers. It inspects the incoming requests (Host header or SNI) and forwards the ...
user2323470's user avatar
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Share cache between multiple location blocks

Considering a nginx server with the following two locations which each serve a webapp, including some static resources and a REST API. Is there a way to cache the common resources, e.g. /proxy/host1/...
Coxer's user avatar
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Nginx reverse proxy seems to ignore specified port

I have a gitea server listening on public IP 111.222.333.444, port 3000. If I open http://111.222.333.444:3000 on my browser, I can access normally. I have an nginx server running on 999.888.777.666. ...
Pablo M's user avatar
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Apache's remoteip module does not populate the client_ip

In an intranet environment, I have a relatively involved scenario, all on the same server: IIS server acting as a reverse proxy listening on 443 forwards matching requests to localhost:1080/redmine ...
jfix's user avatar
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Error 503 Service Unavailable

We have a debian based reverse proxy server which is under testing for product scanning for a store and all of a sudden it didn't connect and started showing 503 service unavailable. The next day it ...
sameer's user avatar
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Do I really need a reverse proxy for my vps setup

I want to understand if I really need a reverse proxy for my vps setup? I am a complete noob at server configuration and all I want is to make my websites as secure as a noob can make them. I want to ...
Peter Tremblay's user avatar
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how to write nginx rewrite rule to direct to another server that work on python

I have the following scenario I have a domain name that is connected to machine X which has Nginx and PHP I have multiple machines 1 to n who are not exposed public and only accessed by VPN ...
Amira Elsayed Ismail's user avatar
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iptables DROP policies not working with allowed incoming http connection

I have a task to secure the nginx server, which is working with docker-container as a reverse proxy on port 8732. I have to disable all incoming connections except port 80 for issuing SSL certificates ...
Taras Paslavskyi's user avatar
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nginx reverse proxy returning 404 for some HTTP requests (but not all)

So I have configured a reverse proxy using nginx 1.18.0. I am able to access my desired website through the reverse proxy already, but some requests are failing (eg. for the favicon), because the ...
Jakub's user avatar
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Apache 2 basic reverse proxy config not working, getting 404 error

I started a new server in a virtual machine, and I can access its homepage from the browser. I set up a docker container hosted on port 90 which I can also access. To link /app/ to localhost:90 I ...
Tom743's user avatar
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How to proxy traffic with failover based on http error codes?

There are two endpoints. I want: proxy / service in front of two endpoints send all requests to a chosen primary endpoint if the primary responds with e.g. 404, a failover happens sending the request ...
Gabriel Stein's user avatar
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nginx reverse proxy 404 error on Ubuntu

I am running Nginx on Linux and attempting to run it as a reverse proxy. However, when I try and set a subdomain to proxy to a program I have running on another server it returns a 404 error. The ...
ryan_thomp's user avatar
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Apache Reverse Proxy using mod_proxy

0 Introduction I'm trying to setup a server with a main website hosted on ports 80 and 443 (let's call it and a section on this website that serves umami analytics hosted on port 3000 (...
Tox46's user avatar
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Foswiki behind reverse proxy

I installed Foswiki on a local computer: http://<localcomputer>:<localport>/foswiki. It works nice for many years. This computer is not reachable by the internet. Now I want to access it ...
Zilvermeeuw's user avatar
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Proxying connections in a QEMU-based VM through reverse ssh tunnel

I have the following setup: A QEMU virtual machine (VM1) running on a server (server a), which with it shares a private network and it uses the server's internet connection to access the internet. A ...
user1628056's user avatar
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Nginx static website subpath as parameter

I have the following problem that I cannot manage to find a solution. I added a subdomain in nginx that I want to serve a static html file. The problem is that, on this subdomain, I need to rewrite ...
beniaminp's user avatar
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Nginx blocking static files in docker-compose

I'm running docker-compose on internal port 8732, Nginx works as a proxy server, which is listening to the request from 80/443 and forwarding them to internal 8732. The problem is the static files (....
Taras Paslavskyi's user avatar
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Unable to redirect from non-www to www with Nginx and Cloudflare

I am super new to Nginx and CF and I have deployed my website to and it is working perfectly and it redirects to https as well. But I want to redirect to www all the time. Right now if I ...
Zak's user avatar
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Use NGINX as a reverse proxy for Object storage to serve WEBP conditionally

I'm using a location config like this in Nginx for serving WEBP when the user supports it map $http_accept $webp_suffix { default ""; "~*webp" ".webp&...
erfan's user avatar
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reverse proxy to

I have one joomla website on amazon linux2 with apache and php 7.4 as and i am managing languages with plugin, like if i open it opens in chinese language and ...
Sukhjinder Singh's user avatar
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Is there a way to deny access from internet to a domain apart to specific APIs?

I have a domain e.g. and I need to deny connections from browsers outside of the network except to some apis like where xxx might be login/...
zinon's user avatar
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proxy a Ssh server that is on my home over a vps

I want to proxy my home SSH-server over a VPS from Dedipath, but I don't know how it works. because I already tried it with many tcp proxies and they didn't work. My VPS has Debian 10 and my home ...
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NGINX ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS - too many redirects error on reverse proxy

I have a Debian 11 proxy installed with NGINX. The proxy points to my back server The default configuration of NGINX: # # Default server configuration # server { listen 80 ...
Mendes's user avatar
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NGINX proxy not serving static content

I've setup a proxy NGINX that access a Wordpress server on # # Default server configuration # server { listen 80 default_server; listen [::]:80 default_server; root /var/www/...
Mendes's user avatar
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Can there be a "TLS Passthrough based on SNI" version of CloudFlare's "orange-cloud"?

My understanding is that the "orange-cloud" [1] is a TLS terminating reverse proxy. Multiple upstream servers share the same Cloudflare Anycast IP. A TLS connection is formed between the ...
Starfish's user avatar
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How does a TLS Passthrough reverse proxy based on SNI work?

There are various articles and questions explaining how to use a given reverse proxy's (e.g. nginx) implementation of this [1] [2] [3] [4], but none explain how this actually works under the hood. By &...
Starfish's user avatar
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Apache 2.4, reverse proxy, forward credentials (basic auth)

I want to pass the basic authentication credentials to the reverse proxy server. Example of how it works now: User accesses the website, Apache is configured to ask for basic auth, user enters ...
Tomari's user avatar
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reverse proxy being blocked

I have a case like this: my domain called is forwarded to, but I get an error message from Cloudflare, "403 Forbidden cloudflare". The error comes from Here is my ...
user3021543's user avatar
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Keep url in address bar with a proxy reverse on nginx

I have a web application where users can create their page. The web application will generate a URL like this for each page created : I would like to give my users ...
fraxool's user avatar
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Create proxy server from home modem

I live in New Delhi, India. I have virtual machines at Hetzner cloud (Finland, Helsinki). Each VM has a static IP address from Finland, Helsinki. I run some applications on the VM. How do I set the ip ...
Computer User's user avatar
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Nginx revers proxy getting timeout error issue

I have an AWS elb loadbalancer with three dynamic IPs and domain-, port 443. our client wants to access API but he had outbound firewall rules which required to whitelist dynamic IPs every ...
Jams Rob's user avatar
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Apache2: How to Proxy the same url with different ports?

we have multiple different /apex instances. now we want to proxy the requests trough an Apache2-Server like this: request for instance1: http://proxy:8080/apex -> http://apex1:8080 request for ...
BrotCast's user avatar
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IIS 10 - Setting up PHP Application behind Reverse Proxy

I am currently struggling to get the right config in IIS, as I am normally using Unix servers and nginx. I have a reverse proxy (nginx) that forwards all requests to to my IIS ...
T.Bremkes's user avatar
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Nginx reverse proxy issue in redirection without trailing slash

I am running an nginx reverse proxy with apache as a backend server. I have multiple applications running without any problems, but some php-js websites fails to redirect properly. when I sent a ...
A. Bader's user avatar
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IIS reverse proxy redirection rule

I have a treadmill whose display is hard-wired to and there is no way to change it. However, I need it to point to (internal IIS server). As a ...
aag's user avatar
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How to enable SSL Proxy only on certain Locations in Apache

I am trying to use Apache as reverse proxy. For some locations I want to convert the client's HTTPS request to HTTP requests on the server. For another location I want to keep the client's HTTPS ...
Hendrik Jan's user avatar
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Moving LetsEncrypt SSL certs from one NginX server to another NginX server

I'm running a Reverse Proxy Server (RPS) using NginX. It is working fine for forwarding traffic to my sites which are not using SSL. However, I just configured a new NginX web server with ...
RDK's user avatar
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Docker and Nginx proxy for production of an angular app

I am working on an app where I am calling a 3rd party API. My API in local and production looks something like the following 1. http://localhost:8090/rest/api/2/search?jql=search_query 2. http://10....
Shuvo Barua's user avatar
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how force a website to run on port 80 with reverse proxy?

I have a website in a private subnet, which is working on apache 2.4 on port 8090 with reverse proxy to nginx 1.18 on port 80, meaning all static content operating nginx, and all dynamic - apache. I ...
Taras Paslavskyi's user avatar
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Nginx Location Redirect

I'm sorry for the beginner question but I've spent a long time trying to get this to work properly with no luck. I have a location block to redirect to, ...
quintus's user avatar
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nginx reverse proxy rewrite path using map

I am trying to set up a nginx reverse proxy to rewriting a id in the path with an another id (also the domain). For example -->
brian661's user avatar
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Apache Proxying to Subdirectory doesn't work

I have a .NET app running on port 5000 and a node.js app running on port 8080. I want to forward requests to the /app directory to the node application. I have the following configuration. <...
dalevross's user avatar
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Accessing TP-LINK TL-SG1016PE switch behind reverse proxy

I am trying to access my switch through my Nginx reverse proxy. I can access the switch fine using the local ip over http, but when I try with the domain name through my reverse proxy with over https, ...
Remz1337's user avatar
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SSL Cert Issues with Proxy Server Configuration

Running into an issue when applying an SSL cert to one of our reverse proxy servers - "This server could not prove it is <servername>". I think I might be confusing some of the SAN ...
jrd1989's user avatar
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