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Questions tagged [reverse-proxy]

A reverse proxy is a type of proxy server that fetches resources from a specific defined set of servers for a client. It is used in cases when there is an advantage to not exposing the web server with the content directly whether it be for security reasons or because of a lack of available public IP addresses.

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2 answers

How to use OCSP validation for upstream server certificate in NGINX/Apache reverse proxy

I have an application that needs to make HTTP requests to a remote server. The connection should be secure using TLS. Due to external specification the application must validate the presented server ...
Rosso's user avatar
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Getting Reverse Proxy to work

I have a Django web app sharing external ports 80 and 443 with another server. localhost works fine without the reverse proxy, but when it is enabled, I run into all kinds of errors. How to make ...
Sati's user avatar
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Apache reverse proxy to divert traffic from 2 domains to respective https servers

I have a matrix home server and a Django web app sitting on VMs at 192.168.81 and 192.168.83 respectively. The home server is built with matrix-docker-ansible-deploy and runs on nginx. It obtains and ...
Sati's user avatar
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NGINX: Retry proxy_pass for a period of time on connection refused from upstream

I'm running NGINX 1.25.3 with the following configuration file that works well provided the upstream FCGI servers are accepting connections and responding OK: upstream backend_nomad_internal2 { ...
JPBro's user avatar
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Nginx proxy server URL is not found

Everything works fine except when you want to browse through the web page, since when you click on a link, it is written with the proxy URL and no results are found. For example, if I want to access &...
José Pérez's user avatar
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NGINX proxy pass to Node.JS server SSL handshake failure

I want to setup a reverse proxy with NGINX to my express.js server, but when connecting to the website i receive a Cloudflare 525 SSL handshake failed error. This is my NGINX configuration file # ...
HelloWorld's user avatar
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Nginx Reverse proxy issue in Azure App Service

I've been struggling for a few weeks now with an issue and I'm not knowledgeable enough to even know if what I'm trying to achieve is possible. FusionAuth forums haven't been very helpful, and neither ...
nerdalert's user avatar
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Configuring Nginx as a reverse proxy for any domain

Currently i have a setup, where dnsmasq is used as a dns server, which resolves an dns lookup, to my own servers IP address. Where SNIPORXY is listening on port 80 and 443 The configuration of the ...
loxtic's user avatar
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Why does nginx as a reverse proxy not send Referrer-Policy header?

A bit of context : I'm using nginx as a reverse-proxy for a bunch of apps running in Docker containers. Among those apps there is Nextcloud (fpm), and the settings page complains about HTTP Referrer-...
Manumie's user avatar
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Intercept HTTP POST response from Reverse Proxy in Apache

I have following configuration in my Apache server and requirement is to intercept HTTP POST request to /api/submit endpoint and trigger a CURL request to a remote URL before forwarding it to backend ...
user8373873's user avatar
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Nginx unresponsive under load

After switching from haproxy to nginx, one of my reverse proxies has a problem. At a certain number of connections the server stops accepting new requests (closed by timeout). However, if you connect ...
horhe's user avatar
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Ubuntu - Nginx client cert authentication: is a public CA a security risk?

I am struggling with a Nginx setup as reverse proxy with client certificate authentication. The client is only accepting publicly signed certificates to be imported as client certificates for ...
Jonathan Fake's user avatar
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How to serve static files for Docker Nextcloud-fpm behing nginx reverse proxy?

I have a similar problem to NextCloud FPM Docker Image behind an NGinX Docker Container as Proxy Reverse I have multiple web apps running in Docker containers behing a Nginx reverse-proxy. I'm trying ...
Manumie's user avatar
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Apache2 folders redirect to IPs

I have installed Apache/2.4.56 (Debian), a noip URL and severals LXC containers. I need to access to the web apps inside the LXC containers: -> LXC container 1 (with Zend2) example....
Lethal's user avatar
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Nginx Upstream servers and reverse proxy

I'm new to server stuff and started learning nginx, so any help is greatly appreciated. I have 3 domains from cpanel with the same IP address namely, and ...
Cris John Rey Tarpin's user avatar
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Use ProxyPass only if remote address is in subnet

I have a php application running with a mostly default config that lives in var/www/html/app: <VirtualHost *:443> ServerName DocumentRoot /var/www/html <Directory "...
GammaGames's user avatar
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How can I keep track of nginx restarts and reloads?

I have an nginx reverse-proxy on a ubuntu server in AWS. How can I see when it's configurations were reloaded, either via CLI or otherwise, and when it was restarted altogether? If it doesn't record ...
simboyd's user avatar
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Can a UAG Reverse Proxy work on external ports other than 443

I have a VMWare Unified Access Gateway Appliance v3.10 which I'm using as a Reverse Proxy server. The reverse proxy is working great, but it only listens to port 443 on the external-interface side. I ...
EricHymowitz's user avatar
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Internal Server Error - ProxyPass & ProxyReseverse (Apache2)

I'm trying to set a ProxyPass & ProxyReverse up so that I can share a domain between 2 different servers. Looking to achieve: Domain: Server A: ...
YaBCK's user avatar
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NGINX reverse proxy not working as expected

I'm trying to deploy an app through docker containers and reverse proxy it to my destination endpoint. My docker compose file looks like this: version: '3.4' services: monitor.api: image: ${...
maaajo's user avatar
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Traefik proxy splitting dynamic config file

i have questions about config files in Traefik. I would like to split my dynamic config file into multiples based services files. _ The setup I have a proxmox instance running a pfSense VM. All ...
DixFlatline's user avatar
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NGINX Configuration Issue: Specific Subdomain Not Redirecting Correctly

I'm facing an issue with my NGINX configuration, where a specific if condition for redirecting domain traffic doesn't seem to be working as expected. My goal is to redirect traffic from sub1....
user3325207's user avatar
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reverse proxy shall act as a cache and provide a website under a different domain

Assume a webserver providing a language version of a website accessable under the URL I want to setup a reverse proxy for one language ...
jagottsicher's user avatar
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HAProxy path-based routing a webpage; webpage resources cannot load

I have the following haproxy.cfg: global stats socket /var/run/api.sock user haproxy group haproxy mode 660 level admin expose-fd listeners log stdout format raw local0 info defaults mode http ...
Snappawapa's user avatar
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rspamd and Apache reverse proxy: navigation does not work (fragments in URL have no effect)

I have set up Apache 2.4.57 and Rspamd 3.6 on Ubuntu 23.10. I have configured Apache as a reverse proxy to the controller worker of Rspamd. I can access to Web UI of Rspamd, enter a password and I ...
user2690527's user avatar
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Zabbix with Traefik Proxy

i am currently setting up a Zabbix Environment for IT Monitoring. Zabbix is running behind a Traefik V2(.10.5) Proxy. There are two Domains in use: inframon.***.local for the Frontend and agent-ep....
Oliver Karger's user avatar
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How to configure Apache 2.4 to use ProxyPass to rewrite the websocket's port?

My Nodejs WS ( pure Websocket, I am not using ) works on port 5000 and I wish to proxy pass to the domain itself. I have tried to add the following lines but I still failed to get myself ...
Hypothesis's user avatar
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How do I set the timeout for the static health check of a Balancer Member of an Apache reverse proxy

I am trying to configure a reverse proxy. I currently have <Proxy balancer://myset> BalancerMember http://IP1:80 retry=4 BalancerMember http://IP1:80 Balancermember http://IP3:80 ...
Thomas Stokes's user avatar
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NGINX config for multiple Symfony installations using subfolders

I have a shopware installation (version running on my domain. I want to add more independent Shopware installations, using the same domain (for different languages/countries). For example, ...
dorina's user avatar
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squid reverse proxy log

we have an exchange server behind a squid reverse proxy there is many failed account events in exchange, the exchange event viewer display the IP address of the reverse proxy as source address in ...
skacem's user avatar
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nginx does not forward traffic with TLS v1.1

Im using nginx 1.18.0 on an Ubuntu 22.04 server machine as a reverse proxy. Everything works fine except for one thing. A client uses a desktop application, which sends https requests to a specific ...
cladmin's user avatar
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Nginx Server Block Configuration Issue - Conflicting Domains

I have a clean installation of Nginx, specifically version 1.24.0, on my Amazon Linux 2023 server, and I'm facing an issue with the server block configuration. I have three server blocks set up for ...
Sina Nouri's user avatar
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Apache2: html_proxy does not kick in?

I am serving a webapp through reverse proxy (external is proxied to that server's :8052/), and I would like to rewrite HTML links to make it functional; but they are left as-...
eudoxos's user avatar
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How to config NGINX such that I can call https://<MY_DOMAIN>:<MY_PORT>/<URI>/

What I am trying to DO: I have a QNAP NAS on which I am trying to set up my NGINX via docker such that I will be able to add multiple services on my home server. What I am trying to do now is to set ...
Mircea's user avatar
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NGINX fails to connect to Nextcloud instance

I have a server running proxmox with 3 VMs: NGINX, Bitwarden and Nextcloud. Bitwarden works fine which proves that NGINX is working ok, however when NGINX tries to connect to Nextcloud it will result ...
verumIgnis's user avatar
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Internal sources from proxy not being redirected in Apache

I set up a proxy like this: ProxyPass /frontail ProxyPassReverse /frontail When I call, it correctly redirects to
Leandro 86's user avatar
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IIS shutting down my application, returns 503 service unavailable

I'm trying to host an API I've done in dotnet core, very standard stuff, acceses and returns data from a Database. I've deployed to IIS before (not in this machine) and it usually goes all right, but ...
RedNet's user avatar
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Docker phpMyAdmin reverse proxy using Apache - assets not loading

I am running a phpMyAdmin container that I'd like to access via Apache reverse proxy. When I try to access it, it seems like the site itself is loading, i.e. the title of the page shows "...
antikbd's user avatar
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FastAPI is masking Apache2 inside Docker

I setup a webserver and a FastAPI in a single docker container. Here are the relevant parts of the Dockerfile: FROM ubuntu/apache2:2.4-22.04_beta [...] # Apache conf RUN echo '<VirtualHost *:80>\...
Gabriel Cretin's user avatar
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phpMyAdmin loading incredibly slow through nginx reverse proxy

So I have a Synology NAS at home with some services running that I need to be accessible from the WWW, but understandably do not want to open ports on my home IP to the wide internet (especially ...
jnko's user avatar
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Reverse proxy for use with iframe

Weather Observations-II this web page has the following link: Videofeed of Weather Condition this page calls iframe link: <iframe width-"1300" height="731" src="http://c500....
William's user avatar
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Reverse TCP proxy ports 80 and 443 by server hostname [duplicate]

I have one public IP address. I am trying to allow access via the public IP on ports 80 and 443 to multiple services, differentiated by requested server name. HOWEVER, one service requires a TCP ...
Blair's user avatar
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Preview website without DNS like hostcx

I want to make a website like HostCX is this possible with Nginx Reverse Proxy and what is needed to achieve this? When the website is entered it should not be checked based on DNS ...
Noob's user avatar
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Nginx having multiple sites-enabled breaks nginx

I have a weird issue happening in my Nginx server. I am using Nginx as a reverse proxy for multiple services running on my servers internally. This is kind of what I was trying to accomplish: app1....
Shadow1349's user avatar
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Nginx missing trailing slash redirects to the wrong url behind proxy

We use an nginx webserver behind an nginx proxy. When i try to browse a subpath, the nginx backend webserver (something.example.local) appends a trailing slash behind the url (301 redirect) -as ...
5poharviz's user avatar
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Does reverse proxying the WebSockets servers make sense from scaling perspective?

I have reverse proxy and multiple WebSocket servers behind it. I'm confused whether it makes any sense from scaling perspective, because I see it like that: The WebSocket server A has 30,000 active ...
Szyszka947's user avatar
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What is the setup webflow or wordpress use to host other people content under their own domain?

We are building a hosting platform for specific use cases. We need to be able to host other people content under their own domain, i.e., they would configure their DNS, add a CNAME towards our servers ...
Sébastien's user avatar
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nginx GET request with internal server name instead of public domain name

I have set up a nginx reverse proxy with Ubuntu Server 22.04 LTS. The Abacus web application should be accessible with from the internet. The internal server name is srv06. ...
Fabmic96's user avatar
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Apache Cannot See PM2 Node Process

I have Apache running on Ubuntu 20 and I keep getting this error in /var/logs/apache2/error.log: [proxy:error] [pid 7064] (111)Connection refused: AH00957: http: attempt to connect to (...
Clifton Labrum's user avatar
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Configuring Nginx Reverse Proxy: Resolving Bad Gateway Issue

I am attempting to set up an Nginx reverse proxy that should be accessible from another server. The purpose is to redirect requests to an upstream test environment. The connection necessitates a ...
Radoslav Enev's user avatar

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