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Questions tagged [reverse-proxy]

A reverse proxy is a type of proxy server that fetches resources from a specific defined set of servers for a client. It is used in cases when there is an advantage to not exposing the web server with the content directly whether it be for security reasons or because of a lack of available public IP addresses.

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Dockerized Nginx Reverse Proxy - Real IP

I have following problem. I have a docker compose setup which spins up a frontend service using Nuxt3 and a backend API based on golang.This two containers are exposed via an Nginx reverse proxy ...
Sol's user avatar
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best practice of disable cpanel from edit apache main conf file [closed]

i have a centos server controlled by cpanel, i have some proxy i want to set for my main domain, my configuration work clearly at /etc/apache2/conf/httpd.conf, but any edit in cpanel will remove my ...
Centos's user avatar
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How to Avoide Passing Regrex Part into proxy_pass in Nginx

I want to foward all request to https://myfrontend/(anything)/front/ to my backend server http://mybackend:8081 and now I setup my nginx like below: location ~ ^/(.*)/front/ { proxy_pass http://...
Sijian's user avatar
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iredmail on ubuntu 22.04.3, nginx proxy, roundcube

before that, i've hosted some websites from my synology nas. But now, i need to create a mailserver. 've installed iredmail on ubuntu server, and created a new Nginx server ( on other hw) for the ...
Dávid Csorba's user avatar
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Issue with Web Server running PHP thru Reverse Proxy

I'm using an NGINX reverse proxy, with wild card certs installed on the reverse proxy. Routing the NGINX reverse proxy traffic to standard web servers that are running Apache2 and NGINX Web services ...
Surfingjoe's user avatar
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Cannot connect to website through reverse proxy on local network

I'm having this strange issue. I have a local network running a server with my gitlab instance and some webpages. The configuration of my reverse proxy is following: server { server_name
Just Bucket's user avatar
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Is it possible to proxy websocket connections with mod_rewrite?

Currently, I have an Apache web server configured to respond to Additionally, I have a second web server application listening on port 4321 in localhost on the server. I want this web ...
Exprove's user avatar
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I cannot access website on VM in Hyper -V within LAN

Good day great minds, i cannot access my webserver behind an nginx reverse proxy within my LAN network. i have a mikrotic router with a LAN network, i deployed an hyper V server that ...
deji's user avatar
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Enable client access to Internal Azure Container Applications through Application Gateway

I have setup a container apps environment that is sitting within a VNET. Containers within need to be accessed externally through application gateway. Following steps in this page has ...
SnippingAddict's user avatar
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nginx radicale reverse proxy: 403 Error

Made some attempts to configure a reverse proxy for radicale. Site is up and running meaning I can connect to the webui but im getting a 403 error when I attempt to connect it to my client (Calcurse-...
Nic's user avatar
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Apache VirtualHost Same domain for Front and API

I have a multi-tenant application that is resolved using subdomains with the pattern *.localhost. The front-end of the application is accessible at http://localhost:3000/. To achieve the desired ...
Gogo's user avatar
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Multiple NextCloud instances behind NGINX Reverse Proxy

Currently I have a NGINX proxy running that manages all domains and SSL certificates. Now I want to access two NextCloud instances on one server (Apache, different paths) via different subdomains. Eg. ...
Patrick's user avatar
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Reverse Proxy Issue: WordPress Admin Redirects and Incorrect Static Content Serving

I have a configuration issue with my website setup involving a reverse proxy and WordPress. Currently, I have two domains: hosted on server A and hosted on server B. To display ...
Sina Nouri's user avatar
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OwnCloud Domain showing as localhost

I have OwnCloud running behind an nginx reverse proxy on my server. I installed it via the docker-compose.yml, following these instructions:
cediwelli's user avatar
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NGINX Reverse Proxy - Hide origin information to the destination server

I have a script that load images from an external server. This script runs on many different websites and what I need is that every click on the image will be proxied so it seems that the click comes ...
fasenderos's user avatar
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How to rewrite a file URL in a reverse proxy upstream to a host local path?

I setup a Nginx reverse proxy virtual host as below: location / { proxy_pass; proxy_set_header Host $host:$server_port; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Host $server_name;...
Vincent's user avatar
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Apache module proxy_html not working

I have a Joomla 4 site running in a Ubuntu 22.04 server (hostname = web-02). The Internet facing web server running in a Ubuntu 20.04 server (hostname = web-01) has configured as a reverse proxy for ...
cpliu338's user avatar
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Nginx Reverse Proxy custom location not serving static files

I'm trying to serve 2 different websites under the same subdomain depending on the location. Using the GUI from Nginx Proxy Manager Docker container I've managed to set up the initial domain https://...
Shadark's user avatar
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Using Nginx reverse proxy with CloudFront

We have a domain served by CloudFront and now we need to add a reverse proxy using Nginx (unfortunately the reverse proxying capabilities of CloudFront are insufficient for our use case). My question ...
revy's user avatar
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Nginx Reverse Proxy using only Trailing Slashes

Hello ServerFault community, I have been encountering numerous issues with my Nginx reverse proxy implementation, specifically regarding the handling of trailing slashes. I would greatly appreciate ...
nickcrv06's user avatar
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Ngnix Reverse Proxy Setup SSL For Localhost In Docker

Using below docker compose.yml I am creating 2 containers and a reverse proxy container.. version: '3' services: # SSGTM Tag Server Container tagging_server_container: image:
Sajjad Hossain Sagor's user avatar
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NixOS - Let's Encrypt certificate is not recognized by Traefik (works in Nginx)

I am trying to run a demo Node.js app on a subdomain using Traefik reverse proxy. I am generating the wildcard Let's Encrypt certificate with the security.acme option. When I import the certificate in ...
protob's user avatar
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docker registry behind nginx reverse proxy with authentication and ssl

I'm trying to push images remotely to my private docker registry, which fails like this: $ podman push Getting image source signatures ...
Yaroslav Alexeevich's user avatar
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Traefik as reverse proxy with certbot / lego

When setting up a server I use a reverse proxy and acme tool for dns01 support (I use either nginx + certbot or nginx + lego). I want to start using traefik instead. I don't understand how traefik ...
lonix's user avatar
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Using Traefik, how to expose inner HTTPS errors (like expired certs)?

I'm using Traefik as a reverse proxy to my homelab. I'd like to use HTTPS inside the lab using a custom CA. To do this, I've set up a ServersTransport that trusts my lab CA. This worked well until a ...
Danya02's user avatar
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Unable to make right URL structure with NGINX proxy

I have two application. One is a nextjs app and another is a WordPress app. Both are running in difference instances. In order to serve my WordPress blog from my main site like
Hasan's user avatar
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Change the script path in an Apache proxy handler

I'm developing my application with 2 containers: apache and php-fpm. Apache serves requests, and delegates PHP execution to the php-fpm container in its vhost: <FilesMatch .php$> ...
amacrobert's user avatar
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Reverse Proxy on different Server

Hi i’m searching for a way to reverse proxy a Website with Websocket with apache2 but the Website and the Reverse Proxy are running on different Isolated servers. I’ve tried the normal way to ...
T0b1a5's user avatar
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What are the DNS names and IP addresses used for a reverse proxy?

I have the same scenario described in this question. I have a client connecting to an nginx reverse proxy with multiple backend services and need to set up certificates. ...
Grant Curell's user avatar
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Nginx Reverse Proxy : using self signed SSL certificate to backend server

I need to accomplish this: User (https using wildcard CA cert 1 year) to --> Nginx reverse proxy (https using self signed cert 10 years) to --> backend server I'm stuck on configuring the ...
Abang's user avatar
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Proxy all requests from one machine to another using nginx or anything else

Is it possible to proxy all requests to another server saving corresponding ports and protocols? I have a homeserver (without public ip) and VDS (with public ip). I also established connection ...
Михаил Агафонов's user avatar
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nginx load balancer cannot send "proxy_host" value correctly

I want to use nginx load balancer. The domain servers used in the upstream section use a shared IP. Suppose the domain name of the load balancer server is upstream test_upstream { ...
mani's user avatar
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nginx reverse proxy gateway not behaving with ssl

port 80 on the web server destination serer works in every way: gateway and inside the lan. Perfect. I have the certbot certs on the gateway generating perfectly the domain ...
Mr Heelis's user avatar
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nginx reverse proxy https to http

I have a Linux server, on which I created a public web app (as a test) accessible here: It works as intended. As you can see, it is served on port 9384 with ...
Alexandre Renchon's user avatar
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Nginx reverse proxy ssl: This page isn't redirecting properly

Okay, to start off with I'm new to all of this and still learning. I've got Nginx set up, and my standard reverse proxies work both inside of and outside my network. I've set up certbot and generated ...
Geist's user avatar
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Reverse-Proxy login page not works on Apache2

I'm trying to setup a reverse-proxy on a debian11 with apache2 and it works but when you access the serveur on background by the reverse at the beginning you arrive on a login page in the application ...
Madjid's user avatar
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Local Apache TLS Proxy error on Reverse Proxy for local services

I'm struggle now for a longer time with the following issue: [gnutls:error] [pid 1878860] [remote] ssl_engine_set: mod_proxy requested TLS proxy, but not enabled for piped.[CENSORED].de:...
Johnnii360's user avatar
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How to deal with hardcoded requests of a webapp when using path-based location blocks?

I am trying to create a reverse proxy route using nginx-proxy and docker for OpenTripPlanner (OTP) version 1.5.0 and 2.2.0 on the same machine. If I have a simple location block like: location /otp2 { ...
Saaru Lindestøkke's user avatar
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Haproxy as a mail protocols reverse proxy with SSL termination

Looking for guidance of how to configure haproxy 2.4 in a container, to proxy for a mail server (all protocols, imap/s, smtp/s, pop3/s, http/s) and having haproxy doing ssl termination, but also ...
Unpossible's user avatar
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NGINX proxy pass to docker container's login page [duplicate]

Using nginx, im trying to set an endpoint for /test to redirect to a docker container i have running on the network on port 5000 I gets the the page correctly, however is unable to load the necessary ...
justinlime's user avatar
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Apache2 mod_substitute not modifying URLs

I'm trying to use Apache2 as a reverse proxy to access an application (calibre web) running inside a Docker container. Since the application is using redirects (more details here), I'm trying to use ...
GTP95's user avatar
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Connection is not secure, only on mobile Certbot / LetsEncrypt

I have linked a service on my server through this reverse proxy var httpProxy = require('http-proxy'); var fs = require('fs'); httpProxy.createServer({ ...
N00b's user avatar
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SOAPUI What causes "error in msg parsing: xml was empty, didn't parse!"

Currently, I have a structure which takes a SOAP request, fires the request at a reverse proxy (a script written in Lua) which takes a copy of the SOAP request and then passes that to the webserver, ...
codinator's user avatar
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Reverse Proxy connecting to the site, but is using the wrong ip address for file requests

I am trying to set up a connection between two servers so when one is accessed the client is proxied to the second one. http { upstream serverConn { server <my.server.ip>...
Eaz3's user avatar
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Revese proxy fails to forward requests to port

I have a server where I want setup a reverse proxy with nginx to handle HTTPS traffic to an app in a docker container. Below is the config file in /etc/nginx/sites-enabled. It is based on this guide ...
shs's user avatar
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Nginx: proxy_pass ignores port

I have an application with Swagger on localhost:8080/swagger/. I need a redirect from localhost:80 to actual swagger url which is localhost:8080/swagger/ so I setup a Nginx reverse proxy: server { ...
xmm_581's user avatar
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Disabling Nginx's proxy buffering doesn't synchronize the response

My understand on disabled Nginx's proxy buffering is that the app server will wait the client to respond instead of Nginx, so I should see many open connections, but it's not the case in my testing. ...
Belive's user avatar
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Nginx as a reverse proxy doesn't resolve

I'm trying to use NGINX as a simple reverse proxy. My content is live on localhost:7700. These are my steps: apt-get -qq install nginx -y rm -f /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/default cat << EOF > /...
Jimmy's user avatar
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NGINX Reverse Proxy redirecting HTTPS to HTTP

I'm setting up a reverse proxy with nginx and I need it to work as follows: reverse proxy structure The client will access my url ( and it will fall into my reverse proxy....
Edner Junior's user avatar
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Nginx upstream wss proxy SSL_read() failed (SSL: error:0A000126:SSL routines::unexpected eof while reading)

What I need is Client <--wss---> nginx <--wss--> server I am doing a wss proxy, I have already got it working on Apache but I want to switch to nginx now here's the apache config: <...
Steve Moretz's user avatar

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