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Containers can't resolve hostname rke2 cluster

I am currently running into a problem around connecting to websites from an rke2 container. Whenever I try to connect to a site from inside of a container I receive an unknown host error. for example ...
Mudrock's user avatar
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Is it possible to run Rancher on rke2 v1.28.10? If so, which version of nginx-ingress should be used?

I installed v1.28.10+rke2r1 and have three controlplane VMs and four worker node VMs. I wanted to see if Rancher (the web service gui) would work so I added the Rancher helm repo and ran helm install ...
mr.zog's user avatar
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RKE2 error- Waiting for API server to become available Waiting to retrieve kube-proxy configuration; server is not ready

Issue 1 In the high-availability RKE2 Kubernetes cluster, I have provisioned a single load balancer (1LB) and three master nodes. Initially, all components were functioning as expected. However, ...
user24266244's user avatar
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rke2-ingress-nginx missing master node's ip adress

My cluster was fine for like 40 days without problem. But today it suddenly broken. When i curl to my app with command: curl output: connection refused. I checked my ingress and realised ...
Bayarkhuu's user avatar
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RKE2 in HA cluster

Im trying to learn RKE2 which in some cases is different from classic k8s, and I have an issue with setting up HA cluster. I want to have 3 master nodes / 3 worker nodes and physical LB. Lets say: ...
Indoles's user avatar
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Created an ingress, not getting address from Metallb address range

I'm trying to set up a bare-metal kubernetes (RKE2) cluster. I installed metallb following the instructions in the documentation using helm by creating an IP address pool and l2 advertisement. ...
Saksham's user avatar
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RKE2 All nodes NotReady post installation. Pending canal and cordns

I installed rke2-server and rke2-agent on the control plane machine and worker node machine respectively. (machine-0 is the control-plane, machine-1 and 2 are worker nodes). These machines are ...
Saksham's user avatar
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Struggling with a new Rancher HA RKE2 install, getting a "404 Not Found" page. How can I troubleshoot this?

I've never installed Rancher before, but I am attempting to set up a Rancher environment onto an on-prem HA RKE2 cluster. I have an F5 as the load balancer, and it is set up to handle ports 80, 443, ...
Tony Mitera's user avatar
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Rancher RKE2 Cert-manager's Vault issuer says "permission denied"

Does anyone know what's wrong with Rancher RKE2 clusters, please? I've hit strange problems during the deployment of Cert-manager with Vault issuer where Vault gets "permission denied" (or ...
patok's user avatar
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