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Questions tagged [rras]

RRAS is an acronym for Routing and Remote Access Service, which is a Microsoft API and software which allows administration of routing and remote access capabilities of the operating system.

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Setup VPN access on a windows dedicated server for browsing

I have a dedicated windows server. I want to create a VPN to encrypt my traffic (browsing, IM, etc) as I browse on my laptop using public wifi networks. What keywords should I be using to search ...
Pasta's user avatar
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RRAS NAT not working on a certain computer

This is driving me crazy. I have a virtualized W2K8 server running RRAS. Every other computer or server on the network can access the internet through the NAT except one. On one server, it just won'...
andreialecu's user avatar
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How to choose subnetwork where DHCP is for VPN clients in Windows 2008?

I have Windows Server 2008 (non-R2) with RRAS and VPN roles enabled. How to specify an interface or a subnetwork available for server where DHCP server for VPN clients is located.
abatishchev's user avatar
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How can I set a remote access policy / gpo to deny RAS VPN access to a particular OU?

On my Windows 2000 Native domain, I want to prevent service accounts from being able to connect via our MS VPN. (Via a Win2000 RAS server.) Say my AD structure is like this: MyDomain MyUsers ...
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Share PPTP Connection to local network computers

How can i share a PPTP Connection to my local network computers using RRAS and Windows Server 2008 ? Here is the scheme : Local Network Computers ==> Router (Win2k8) (VPN Connection) ==> Internet ==>...
Yoann. B's user avatar
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Windows 2003 RRAS keeps giving me a APIPA 169.x.x.x address

I've got a box running Windows 2003 Server at home. I have configured RRAS so I can VPN to my home network from an outside location. The home-LAN uses the 192.168.2.x IP-address range. Once I ...
haukurhaf's user avatar
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Can SSTP, an IIS 7.5 website, and RD Gateway all serve off of port 443 using 2008R2?

Is it possible to use a single port for SSTP and an IIS website, or will I be required to set up separate ports? I've got Server 2008 R2, and I tried doing it but now I can't get IIS to serve anything ...
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Configuring a LAN-WAN routing using Windows 2003 Server

I have an Internal LAN and an WAN Connectivity in my office. The followings are the statistics for the two: LAN IPs: - WAN IP: Assigned by the ISP using DHCP I connected ...
Tareq's user avatar
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3 answers

Routing and Remote Access Port Mapping not applied to localhost

I've set up Routing and Remote Access (Windows Server 2003) to forward publicip:80 to a server on the private internal network, and that's working great. Incoming requests from the internet to port 80 ...
Mahmoud Al-Qudsi's user avatar
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VMware Server Host-Only Network Routing

I have a windows 2008 web server machine running VMware server. I have 3 VM's - All 3 are test servers so security isn't really a concern... each of them running windows 2008 standard and some of them ...
Chris Kooken's user avatar
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IIS exclude specific host?

I have an IIS server running several websites. It is stationed behind an ISA server of which I do not have access. But I do have all of the defined websites (on port 80) routed to my server. So I ...
chakrit's user avatar
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Server loses Internet connectivity every hour on the hour

I have a Server 2003 Small Business Server that loses Internet connectivity every hour on the hour, for about 15-20 minutes. I can't figure out what's causing it. The machine still has LAN ...
johnnyb10's user avatar
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Why is my LAN saying "unidentified network"? (Help setting up server architecture)

as some of you may be aware, I'm currently involved in an on-going saga in getting our servers up and running. As pretty much a newb, I'm slowly making progress, but I've hit a stumbling block. Here'...
Django Reinhardt's user avatar
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RRAS vs ISA Server vs Forefront Threat Management Gateway

I was hoping someone could explain to me the differences between RRAS, ISA Server and Forefront Threat Management Gateway. As far as I can tell they all sort of do exactly the same thing? RRAS allows ...
Django Reinhardt's user avatar
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RRAS VPN Server on Windows 2008 Behind NAT

Ok, so I have kind of a funky setup, let me see if I can describe it. I have a single VMware host with a public IP address 74.xx.xx.x Inside that host, I have 3 VM's Web Server - 1 NIC - 192.168.199....
Chris Kooken's user avatar
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Problem connecting to remote network using demand-dial VPN interface with Windows Server 2003

I have a Windows 2003 server (SP2) that I'm trying to set up route traffic from my local network using a VPN My local network has the following components: Broadband router ( Windows ...
Mike Forman's user avatar
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RRAS DNS Entries from Windows Vista / 7 Clients

How do I stop a Win 2003 RRAS server from sending it's own DNS info to the VPN Client? We have RRAS running on Win 2003 Server. The server has a fixed IP, but the RRAS is setup to use DHCP for ...
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3 answers

connect PCs on LAN to internet (using RRAS)

Inventory: Multiple PCs [WinXp/2K] on LAN (192.168.10.x) [default gateway is] One DSL modem at One PC [Windows 2000 AS] (dual NIC with RRAS) with: a. [...
Ryan Fernandes's user avatar
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Routing and Remote access rule not being applied internally (Windows SBS)

I have a Microsoft Small Business Server. I have pointed an external domain name to the external fixed IP address for the server. In routing and remote access I have defined a service for our ...
Tim's user avatar
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pptp on Ubuntu server can't ping other machines on the LAN

We have a simple pptp setup on our windows 2k3 server. So far all clients can connect just fine, mac and windows. However I tried connecting an ubuntu server using pptp and the connection is fine I ...
shaiss's user avatar
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RRAS together with IPSec possible?

I have a server which basically acts as a router, but also offers some other services. The server has 3 interfaces, one leading to the main LAN and one to a server segment. Both these interfaces have ...
Jeroen Landheer's user avatar
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Automatic creation and setup of PPTP VPN

I have several (~75) users that need to setup a VPN connection to a RRAS server using PPTP. Now, I can manually create these connections no problem, but it's time consuming. I'd much rather email them ...
WedTM's user avatar
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How to connect through a proxy using Remote Desktop?

So I've got a home server running Windows Server 2003. I use a dual network card setup and Routing and Remote Access to link the internal, private network to the external connection. The external ...
Scott Marlowe's user avatar
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Windows 2008 Server Router and Local Network

I have a dual nic Windows 2008 Server setup with one public interface connected to the internet and another to a switch which is hooked into my LAN. I am running RRAS on the Windows 2008 box and ...
codechurn's user avatar
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Routing and Remote Access: How to configure VPN?

My only experience with VPN so far is as a user (e.g. log in to work) Now I'm trying to set up Windows Server 2003 to connect to a VPN LAN (address space 192.168/16, no default gateway, protocol is ...
chris166's user avatar
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VPN Authentication Using AD on Secondary Server

I have two servers, SBS 2003 and Server 2003. The Server 2003 is running as VPN server and is connected to the domain of the SBS 2003. I am trying to get the VPN to authenticate domain users. I can ...
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How can I recover rrd's when my clock got out of sync?

I'm using cacti, and I accidentally set my clock set ahead. Cacti updated, storing new data in the rra's - and now that I've fixed my clock, I can't get cacti to update again. What do I do?
Tom Ritter's user avatar
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Problem with Routing between Hyper-V VM's

We have a few VM's on a Windows 2008 Server (Hyper-V) and are having a problem with routing between them. The setup is that the Hyper-V server runs RRAS and maps IP's on its NIC to internal IP's (192....
Adam Brand's user avatar
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Inbound routing stops working on Windows 2003 Server x32 behind RRAS and Hyper-V

We are having a weird issue with a Windows 2008 DCE Server running a Windows 2003 R2 SP2 x32 Server in a Hyper-V instance behind RRAS. Essentially, this server stops receiving inbound traffic through ...
Adam Brand's user avatar
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5 answers

Help with simple networking setup

I'm a developer by trade but because I'm therefore an "expert" at all things IT I'm find myself helping out at my wife's office from time-to-time... however I'm pushing my networking knowledge a ...
Valerion's user avatar
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3 answers

VPN failure between two remote offices

I have three offices all with broadband routers feeding into Server 2003 running Routing and Remote Access that provides the clients with internet access. I have setup VPN connection between site1 ...
Simon Foster's user avatar
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How do you configure RRAS to use a different network segment for the VPN? [closed]

How do I configure RRAS to use a differnet network segment than my local network? Is it possible to change the IP Address for the Internal network interface on RRAS? And if so how do I do it? I ...
Matthew Whited's user avatar
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One user not able to VPN into a machine

One of my users cannot vpn into my network and is getting a "connection refused" error. So, I'm using Win2K Routing and Remote access for vpn, via PPTP. However, other users have no problems getting ...
Brian's user avatar
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How do I change a Routing and Remote Access NAT rule session timeout

I have to increase the HTTPS timeout in the routing and remote access nat rule so it works a little better with our ActiveSync direct push. I can't seem to find a netsh command nor a registry key. How ...
TheCodeMonk's user avatar
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Accessing windows 2003 firewall settings with RRAS enabled

Windows Server 2003 (VPS) Trying to install MySQL, but the service isn't starting - suspect the port is being blocked by the firewall. One of my Google searches lead me to
Adam Davis's user avatar
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