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Questions tagged [rsync]

Rsync is a fast and extraordinarily versatile file copying tool. It can copy locally, to/from another host over any remote shell, or to/from a remote rsync daemon

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385 votes
20 answers

Showing total progress in rsync: is it possible?

I have searched for this option already, but have only found solutions that involve custom patching. The fact that it does not show in --help and no more info can be found probably indicates the ...
Aron Rotteveel's user avatar
340 votes
18 answers

Copying a large directory tree locally? cp or rsync?

I have to copy a large directory tree, about 1.8 TB. It's all local. Out of habit I'd use rsync, however I wonder if there's much point, and if I should rather use cp. I'm worried about permissions ...
Amandasaurus's user avatar
  • 32.5k
278 votes
3 answers

What is archive mode in rsync?

I know you can use -a or --archive to activate archive mode when using rsync. Unfortunately, I have no idea what archive mode is supposed to do, and the man page is not at all explicit about what this ...
allyourcode's user avatar
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215 votes
18 answers

How to use rsync over FTP

Any unix: I have the following cmd line which works fine. rsync -avr -e ssh /home/dir [email protected]:/home/ But I need to set it up now to rsync to a remote server that only has an FTP server on ...
bumperbox's user avatar
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140 votes
5 answers

Rsync difference between --checksum and --ignore-times options

Can anyone clarify the differences between the --checksum and --ignore-times options of rsync? My understanding is as follows: --checksum If the file size and time match, it will do a checksum at ...
Andy Madge's user avatar
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103 votes
4 answers

Perform rsync while following sym links

I have a directory that contains symbolic links to other directories located on different media on my system: /opt/lun1/2011 /opt/lun1/2010 /opt/lun2/2009 /opt/lun2/2008 /opt/lun3/2007 But the ...
ensnare's user avatar
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96 votes
18 answers

Why hasn't rsync caught on in the Windows world? [closed]

It seems that rsync is the de-facto standard for efficient file backup and sync in Unix/Linux. Does anyone have any thoughts on why it wouldn't have caught on in the Windows world? Why hasn't it ...
93 votes
2 answers

Rsync creates a directory with the same name inside of destination directory

When I run this command rsync -avzp --del -e "ssh -p myport" user@hostname:/var/www/tests /var/www/tests files get synchronized but instead of saving files in /var/www/tests, Rsync creates one more ...
javi007's user avatar
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89 votes
12 answers

protocol version mismatch -- is your shell clean?

When following the instructions to do rsync backups given here: I get the error "protocol version mismatch -- is your shell clean?" I read somewhere ...
rfreytag's user avatar
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88 votes
4 answers

How to keep rsync from chown'ing transferred files?

I have an sshfs connection setup with a remote filesystem on a Linux server. I'm doing an rsync from my local server to the ftpfs-filesystem. Because of the nature of this setup, I can't chown ...
Jake Wilson's user avatar
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85 votes
2 answers

Why is rsync skipping the main directory?

I'm trying to use rync locally (on a windows machine) to a remote server (my osx box) in order to test a remote deploy build script. I've done rsync before just fine between 2 linux servers, but I'm ...
chrisan's user avatar
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84 votes
8 answers

Is it possible to use rsync over sftp (without an ssh shell)?

Rsync over ssh, works great every time. However, trying to rsync to a host which allows only sftp logins, but not ssh logins, provides the following error: rsync -av /source ssh user@remotehost:/...
Tom Feiner's user avatar
  • 18.2k
80 votes
4 answers

How to keep the full path with rsync?

When backing up with rsync, How do I keep the full directory structure? For example, the remote server is saturn, and I want to backup saturn's /home/udi/files/pictures to a local directory named ...
Adam Matan's user avatar
  • 13.7k
67 votes
3 answers

Rsync triggered Linux OOM killer on a single 50 GB file

I have a single 50 GB file on server_A, and I'm copying it to server_B. I run server_A$ rsync --partial --progress --inplace --append-verify 50GB_file root@server_B:50GB_file Server_B has 32 GB ...
dataless's user avatar
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64 votes
8 answers

Rsync : copying over timestamps only

Currently I have two directories A/ and B/ which are identical in every respect, with the exception of the timestamps. Therefore if I run the command : rsync --dry-run -crvv A/ B/ then all files ...
artella's user avatar
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63 votes
2 answers

Can rsync display current average speed?

When I'm transferring large quantities of data using rsync, it would be helpful if I could have the average speed up until now at a glance, rather than a bunch of different speeds for each file.
Fela Maslen's user avatar
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60 votes
18 answers

Favorite rsync tips and tricks

The more I use rsync the more I realise that it's a swiss army knife of file transfer. There are so many options. I recently found out that you can go --remove-source-files and it'll delete a file ...
Amandasaurus's user avatar
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60 votes
1 answer

rsync - Exclude files that are over a certain size?

I am doing a backup of my desktop to a remote machine. I'm basically doing rsync -a ~ However there are loads of large files, e.g. wikipedia dumps etc. Most of the files I care a ...
Amandasaurus's user avatar
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58 votes
5 answers

Can I make rsync output only the summary?

I use rsync to backup a directory which is very big, containing many sub-directories and files, so I don't want to see the "incremental file list". I just want to know the summary in the end. If I use ...
horsley's user avatar
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57 votes
4 answers

Why is my rsync so slow?

My Laptop and my workstation are both connected to a Gigabit Switch. Both are running Linux. But when I copy files with rsync, it performs badly. I get about 22 MB/s. Shouldn't I theoretically get ...
iblue's user avatar
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54 votes
3 answers

Rsync to AWS S3 bucket

For a server I am hosting a website on I want to backup the data and settings to an S3 bucket. I found out that you can't directly use rsync to backup to an S3 bucket. Is there another way to achieve ...
Bart Bergmans's user avatar
54 votes
4 answers

run rsync as root but keep user ownership

I would like to backup user files from one server to another with rsync. but I noticed that the user folders change to root. how can I keep the user permissions with rsync (running by root)?
edotan's user avatar
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54 votes
3 answers

Why is it not possible to use two remotes for rsync? [closed]

Note to serverfault users: This closed question is answered here by four comments by hynekcer. It is then well accepted in other comments as a regularly answerable question. It's now being voted for ...
loopbackbee's user avatar
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49 votes
6 answers

Rsync daemon: is it really useful?

Are there any practical benefits in using rsyncd compared to rsync over ssh? Does it really increase speed, stability, anything?
kolypto's user avatar
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48 votes
7 answers

How can one efficiently use S3 to back up files incrementally?

I understand how rsync works on a high-level, but there are 2 sides. With S3 there is no daemon to speak of — well there is, but it's basically just HTTP. There look to be a few approaches. s3rsync ...
Jaimie Sirovich's user avatar
47 votes
7 answers

Why rsync is faster than NFS?

Few days ago I noticed something rather odd (at least for me). I ran rsync copying the same data and deleting it afterwards to NFS mount, called /nfs_mount/TEST. This /nfs_mount/TEST is hosted/...
grs's user avatar
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45 votes
5 answers

Rsync command issues, owner and group permissions doesn´t change

I´m trying to set owner and group via rsync and it doesn't seem to be working. This is the command: sudo rsync -rlptDvz --owner=cmsseren --group=cmsseren /home/serena/public_html/ -e ssh root@ip:/...
Arnoldo Bazaldua's user avatar
44 votes
4 answers

How to output a list of changed files from rsync?

I am using rsync in a bash script to keep files in sync between a few servers and a NAS. One issue I have run into is trying to generate a list of the files that have changed from the during the rsync....
Jason M.'s user avatar
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44 votes
1 answer

What exactly will --delete-excluded do for rsync?

I use rsync with great pleasure for backing up my servers, although I do have a question about the --delete-excluded parameter. /usr/bin/rsync -a --delete --numeric-ids --relative --delete-excluded ...
ujjain's user avatar
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43 votes
7 answers

Handling renamed files or directories in rsync

I am working on an rsync script for directory replication. I have it syncing only new and modified files or directories but I don't like the fact that it's copying renamed files or directories as a ...
jmituzas's user avatar
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42 votes
7 answers

Using RSYNC with Amazon S3 [closed]

I am interested in using Amazon S3 to backup our ~ 100gb server images (created via Acronis backup tools) Obviously, this uploading to S3 every night would be expensive, in terms of bandwidth and ...
alex's user avatar
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41 votes
5 answers

rsync 'cannot delete non-empty directory' errors, even with --force option

When running this command: $ sudo rsync -r --delete --force --checksum --exclude=uploads /data/prep/* /data/app/ I'm getting the following output: cannot delete non-empty directory: html/js/...
tommarshall's user avatar
39 votes
3 answers

SCP transfer only modified files

I'm using below command to transfer files cross server scp -rc blowfish /source/directory/* [email protected]:/destination/directory Is there a way to transfer only files modified files just like ...
Passionate Engineer's user avatar
39 votes
2 answers

How do I set destination permissions with rsync (chown chmod)

I am trying to do a local rsync, from a mount point to a local folder. I need to set the owner, group, and permissions to specific settings. Here is what I am using: rsync -rtlv --chown=process:...
Roger Creasy's user avatar
38 votes
4 answers

How to repeatedly call rsync until files are sucessfully transferred

I'm trying to syncronize files from a remote server that is not reliable, meaning the connection tends to fail "randomly" with rsync: connection unexpectedly closed Rsync is called with --...
Bruno Lopes's user avatar
36 votes
2 answers

Using rsync's archive flag without copying symbolic links

As stated in rsync's man page, the -a (archive) switch is equivalent to -rlptgoD. However, I have a situation where I don't want symbolic links retained. Is there any way to keep using the -a switch ...
Hay's user avatar
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36 votes
7 answers

How can I use rsync with a FAT file system?

I would like to write a simple backup script that saves some data to a FAT drive. Should I reformat the drive and use a better file system or is it possible to use rsync with FAT? If so, what problems ...
Kim's user avatar
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36 votes
3 answers

compare 2 directories and copy differences in a 3rd directory

Running ubuntu 12.04, I want to compare 2 directories, say folder1/ and folder2/ and copy any files that are different to folder3/. There are also nested files, so matching subdirectories should be ...
periklis's user avatar
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35 votes
2 answers

Copy directory tree without empty directories?

I have the following tree # upper letters = directory # lower letters = files A |-- B |-- C |-- D |-- e <= file |-- F |-- G I need to copy this tree to another destination, ...
Dane O'Connor's user avatar
34 votes
3 answers

rsync won't delete files on destination

I am trying to mirror a directory that changes over time to another directory. My problem is that rsync is not deleting files on destination if they aren't existing in source directory anymore. Here ...
halp's user avatar
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33 votes
7 answers

rsync files to a kubernetes pod

I need to rsync a file tree to a specific pod in a kubernetes cluster. It seems it should be possible if only one can convince rsync that kubectl acts sort of like rsh. Something like: rsync --rsh='...
Bittrance's user avatar
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33 votes
9 answers

Best way to compare (diff) a full directory structure?

What's the best way to compare directory structures? I have a backup utility which uses rsync. I want to tell the exact differences (in terms of file sizes and last-changed dates) between the source ...
Adam Matan's user avatar
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32 votes
8 answers

Rsync seems incompatible with .bashrc (causes "is your shell clean?")

It turns out rsync can't work with a remote server which has a .bashrc file? At local client i got when run rsync: protocol version mismatch -- is your shell clean? (see the rsync man page for an ...
Computist's user avatar
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32 votes
6 answers

Using rsync from msysgit for binary files

I have three windows boxes that are connected to a linux box on my network in various ways (one's local to the network, one is a laptop and may or may not be local, and the other is my work desktop). ...
Will Gant's user avatar
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32 votes
1 answer

Why does rsync spawn multiple processes for me?

I am using the following cron statement to backup from one folder to another folder in the same machine: 19 21 * * * root rsync -ac --delete /source/folder /dest/folder When I use pstree, I see the ...
Ryan's user avatar
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31 votes
5 answers

Converting UTF-8 NFD filenames to UTF-8 NFC, in either rsync or afpd

I have a home file server running FreeNAS 8. A few days ago I used rsync to upload my entire iTunes library from Mac so that I could load my library over the network instead of off a slow USB drive. ...
Twipped's user avatar
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30 votes
8 answers

How can I use rsync to duplicate a directory tree, creating hardlinks to files?

From time to time, I have to perform several large migration changes on data files on my server, and I'm looking for a good way to do this. I was thinking about using rsync to duplicate my directory ...
Jean-Philippe Pellet's user avatar
30 votes
5 answers

Do you need -e ssh for rsync?

I always used to use the following command when copying from a server: rsync --progress -avze ssh user@host:/path/to/files ./here However, a friend of mine showed me that I can simply do: rsync --...
mmirzadeh's user avatar
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30 votes
5 answers

Nice rsync on remote machine

When using rsync+ssh to access a remote machine, is there a way to "nice" the rsync process on the remote machine (to lower its priority)? Editing the question to clarify: USER PID %CPU %MEM ...
mwalling's user avatar
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29 votes
2 answers

rsync : transferring files in one direction only

Is it possible to use rsync to copy files in one direction only? For example, suppose we have: left/a.txt right/a.txt where the files are initially identical. If one then modifies right/a.txt, ...
artella's user avatar
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