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Unsolicited e-mail, comments or posts, often sent out in large volumes; possibly but not necessarily commercial in nature

1 vote

How to deal with outgoing spam flooding with Postfix

SASL-authenticated clients using your mail server to send out spam or malware are usually the result of botnets. … You can catch most if not all of botnet-like behaviour using postfwd rules and the Postfwd Anti Geoip Spam Plugin which will check for both high rates of sending as well as logins from more than one country …
TommyPeanuts's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Amavis outbound mail filter for Postfix?

Running Postfix on Ubuntu 22.04, I'd like to make sure all outgoing mail originating from the server (eg mail forms on websites and stuff) is filtered for spam and malware. …
TommyPeanuts's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Postfix: Optimising order of spam checks?

reject_unknown_sender_domain smtpd_recipient_restrictions = smtpd_relay_restrictions = permit_mynetworks, # Rate limiting + geolimiting with postfwd # See …
TommyPeanuts's user avatar
0 votes
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Should smtp_helo_name always be the same as your MX record?

I can't seem to satisfy HELO checks on SPF records in all cases. I have an SPF record for my domain like this: "v=spf1 mx -all" The MX records in the zone are: 3600 IN A …
TommyPeanuts's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Postfix: How to malware & spam scan outgoing SMTP SASL auth users?

relay_recipient_maps= -o receive_override_options=no_header_body_checks,no_unknown_recipient_checks,no_address_mappings How do I go about putting SASL senders (who are by definition not on my network) through a spam
TommyPeanuts's user avatar
0 votes

Postfix: How to malware & spam scan outgoing SMTP SASL auth users?

$mydomain" ); # I've got multiple IP addresses on my machine and only want one to be used for mail: @inet_acl = qw( [::1] 185.73.x.x [2001:ba8:0:x::x]); 15-content_filter_mode: enable spam … policy_banks: $interface_policy{'10024'} = 'INTERNAL'; $policy_bank{'INTERNAL'} = { # mail originating from clients in cidr:/etc/postfix/internal_clients_filter bypass_spam_checks_maps => [0], # spam-check …
TommyPeanuts's user avatar