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Questions tagged [sendmail]

General purpose email routing software that supports mail transport via TCP/IP using SMTP

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144 votes
7 answers

Where to check log of sendmail?

I can't send out emails, need to look into the logs, but where is the log?
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78 votes
5 answers

Is Postfix the same thing as Sendmail?

I have Postfix setup on my server so that I can send outgoing mail using the command-line: mail -s "Subject" [email protected] Is this using Sendmail or Postfix ? Is "Sendmail" just a software ...
Xeoncross's user avatar
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71 votes
7 answers

how to fix "send-mail: Authorization failed 534 5.7.14 "

I am trying to create e-mail alert on ssh root login so I had to install ssmtp and mail utility. Then I configured ssmtp.conf file as follows : # Config file for sSMTP sendmail # The person who gets ...
Connect's user avatar
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45 votes
3 answers

"My unqualified host name ( unknown" Problem

When trying to start sendmail or send a mail using a wordpress plugin, this error shows up in the maillog: "My unqualified host name ( unknown; sleeping for retry" After Googling the best ...
Richard Stelling's user avatar
42 votes
4 answers

sendmail can not deliver to gmail - IPv6 sending guidelines regarding PTR records not met

I am having trouble in delivering mail to google from a fresh sendmail install on ubuntu 14.04. The DNS-records seem to be fine for the ip. Something else must be wrong. Sending mail from command ...
merlin's user avatar
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36 votes
5 answers

Send mail from Docker container with host's Postfix

I am running an Ubuntu 14.04 (Linux) server. I have installed and configured Postfix and OpenDKIM very nicely on the server; I can send emails to myself with commands such as echo hi | sendmail root, ...
David Grayson's user avatar
33 votes
2 answers

Confused about alias_maps and virtual_alias_maps

I have already re-read the docs on this as well as other posts here and this is still very unclear to me. I have been testing various things to understand the difference between alias_maps and ...
Neel's user avatar
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33 votes
12 answers

Disable local delivery in Sendmail

I am using Sendmail on a Centos server to send email for PHP scripts, but the problem is that mail is delivered to a local mailbox on the machine rather than what is specified in the MX records for ...
user avatar
30 votes
4 answers

Prevent mail being marked as spam

This is a canonical question about avoiding outgoing mail being classified as spam. Also related: Fighting Spam - What can I do as an: Email Administrator, Domain Owner, or User? What ...
jonepatr's user avatar
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26 votes
3 answers

what is sensible-mda and do i need it?

I'm running Ubuntu Intrepid, and have been seeing the following my logs: Aug 23 16:01:03 wp1 sm-mta[13700]: n7NFJIad013566: Warning: program /usr/sbin/sensible-mda unsafe: No such file or directory ...
FilmJ's user avatar
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23 votes
9 answers

How to send email with my CentOS server?

I just built a modest home server using CentOS 5.5. I want the server to be able to send emails to my Gmail account or other email accounts for various things like cron jobs. Also it would be nice to ...
Jake Wilson's user avatar
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22 votes
2 answers

How to fix "unable to qualify my own domain name (myhost) -- using short name"?

and yes, I have localhost localhost.localdomain myhost in hosts file. What is wrong? Sendmail started to put this error into log. May ...
user avatar
21 votes
5 answers

How do I permanently delete e-mail messages in the sendmail queue and keep them from coming back?

I have a pretty annoying problem here. I have been testing an application and have created some test e-mails to bogus e-mail addresses (not to mention that my server isn't really set up to send e-...
Steven Oxley's user avatar
21 votes
6 answers

Minimal setup for sendmail to send outgoing email only?

I run a simple server that I administrate remotely, and I need it to be able to send an email to my personal email address every time an error occurs. With the default setup on Ubuntu, sendmail just ...
Michael's user avatar
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21 votes
5 answers

php mail() function painfully slow on local development machine

Background: If you have set up a local apache server for development purposes you may have run into the problem where sendmail takes a long time (at least one minute) to send emails. This is extremely ...
Michael B's user avatar
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16 votes
3 answers

Get log of mail sent with mail() from PHP (sendmail?)

After some server changes our PHP configuration got nuked, which caused a client's large mailing list to time out partially through about 4,000 addresses or more. We want to avoid sending a duplicate ...
Kristopher Ives's user avatar
16 votes
2 answers

user smmsp found in repeatedly in auth.log

Running an Ubuntu server that hosts about 10 Wordpress websites Is it normal to find this in my auth log? Oct 26 08:40:01 andre CRON[4737]: pam_unix(cron:session): session opened for user smmsp by (...
Alex Douglas's user avatar
15 votes
3 answers

What is the difference between "dnl" and "dnl #" in a file?

What is the difference between dnl and dnl # in a /etc/mail/ file? If I want to enable something what needs to be in front? Likewise, if I want to "comment out" something, what prefix do I ...
Mike B's user avatar
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15 votes
2 answers

How to verify if my postfix uses really TLS to send outgoing mails?

I successfully installed Postfix on my VPS. I would like to send encrypted email. I installed all certificates and private keys and set my conf file: smtpd_tls_key_file = <path to my private key&...
gdm's user avatar
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15 votes
2 answers

Gratuitous CRLF in Subject: line - why is it there, and is it legal?

I'm running into a problem with a NAGIOS system sending emails to a popular email-to-SMS service. The email-to-SMS service takes emails with text in the Subject: line, and sends them on to the mobile ...
MadHatter's user avatar
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15 votes
1 answer

Understanding service --status-all output

I am trying to understand the output of the service --status-all command on Ubuntu 13.10, since the man page doesn't explain it. For example: [ + ] rsyslog [ - ] sendmail [ ? ] sendsigs [ + ] ...
p4sh4's user avatar
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14 votes
4 answers

Change default from address from Postfix from www-data to something else

Setting up Postfix and Apache/PHP on an Ubuntu server. Mail's now going out ok with the proper domain name, but the local part display name is always "www-data" as I'm assuming Postfix uses the name ...
WuckaChucka's user avatar
14 votes
1 answer

Mails sent to are not being received

For few days we have been receiving complaints from many of our subscribed clients that they are not getting daily alert mails. We checked in our logs that the mails are accepted by the servers (MX ...
vivek.teli's user avatar
14 votes
1 answer

How to configure sendmail to relay through a specific server

I have a tiny home server setup behind my cable modem (bresnan communications). I want to be able for this box to send out email (not receive) for notifications and whatnot. What I have already done: ...
ErebusBat's user avatar
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13 votes
2 answers

What mailer does cron use to send mail?

I am trying to debug an issue with cron not sending mail on a Centos 6 box that I did not configure. How can I determine which mailer cron is using to send mail? The crontab man page has this to say, ...
cbmanica's user avatar
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13 votes
2 answers

Minimum PostFix configuration for sending emails only?

My servers are currently on sendmail which is not very efficient. I'd like to migrate to PostFix. I'm using Google Mail for Domain for handling incoming email so I need to setup PostFix to send ...
Vladislav Rastrusny's user avatar
13 votes
3 answers

How can i send /var/mail/root again?

Through some misconfiguration I've a lot of emails in /var/mail/root and /var/mail/www-data How can I "loop" over these files and send each mail another time?
Max's user avatar
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13 votes
3 answers

Sendmail: Sender address rejected (Domain not found)

I'm running into problems with sending mail on our webserver. Some mails are sent and delivered without any problems (eg Gmail), while others are deferred with "Sender address rejected: Domain not ...
JonoCoetzee's user avatar
12 votes
3 answers

How to Specify outgoing HELO with sendmail?

How do you specify the FQDN (Host and Domain Name) that a mail server presents itself as in HELO/EHLO when sending outgoing email with sendmail?
Kyle Brandt's user avatar
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12 votes
4 answers

How to configure a real domain name for sender address

I tried to sending out an email using php mail() function but it failed somehow, complaining that a real domain name is required. The following is observed in the maillog: sendmail 4984 r25984: ...
Question Overflow's user avatar
12 votes
4 answers

Send all outgoing mail to /dev/null

With sendmail, how would you send all outgoing mail to /dev/null or just prevent email from being queued up or sent at all? On a development nagios box I want prevent sending of mail so that ...
cwebber's user avatar
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12 votes
2 answers

What are the steps to make the php mail() function work on ubuntu-server?

I want to enable the simple php mail() function on an Ubuntu server. This will only be used for sending administration stuff and logs. This is all the mail functionality that I want on this machine. ...
12 votes
4 answers

Removing apache@localhost from email headers?

My setup: I'm running a Magento website on an Amazon Linux server (which seems to basically be CentOS) with an Apache webserver. I also use Google Apps for managing's mail. I was able ...
Zero Wing's user avatar
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11 votes
2 answers

Why use Dovecot AND Postfix/Sendmail? [closed]

Forgive me if I'm missing something obvious here but why do most Linux server distros come with both Dovecot and Postfix (or Sendmail)? As far as I'm aware all three of them are Mail Transfer Agents, ...
Nom's user avatar
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11 votes
6 answers

How to stop Sendmail sending mail from IPv6 instead of IPv4

Today I noticed that Gmail sends all messages received from my server to the Spam folder. I checked message header and found the following: Authentication-Results:; spf=neutral (...
tfe's user avatar
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11 votes
3 answers

Linux- Is an MTA required?

My VPS image (Debian 6) comes pre-installed with sendmail as the MTA. I will use this server as a web server, and maybe other usages but not as a mail server. I want to remove as many unneeded ...
bernie's user avatar
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11 votes
4 answers

How to sendmail via command line piping

I have a cron command that runs a file and I'm trying to setup the output so it emails to me. I use this with 3rd party scripts that I don't want to modify the direct files, so I need to pipe the ...
Ben's user avatar
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11 votes
8 answers

How to configure php.ini with remote SMTP?

How do I configure PHP to send mail using mail() via a remote SMTP server? I've tried to do this using php.ini but it seems that you can only do that under Windows32 and I want to do this on my Unix ...
Brayn's user avatar
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10 votes
6 answers

How do I configure sendmail to send mail via MX record and not to localhost?

I am trying to get sendmail to transfer mails to the servers specified in the MX records so when the server sends an email to [email protected] I want it to skip localhost and go straight to gmail. I've ...
Octopus's user avatar
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10 votes
4 answers

Fastest way to allow sendmail relay through smarthost?

I only want sendmail to relay through my ISP's smtp server, nothing else. How do i set it up?
Carl Hörberg's user avatar
10 votes
3 answers

Where are sendmail emails stored?

I am trying to build an autoresponder script for sendmail (no, I don't want to use a pre-built one yet), but I can't seem to find the location of received emails on my server. I have to specify that ...
Eduard Luca's user avatar
10 votes
1 answer

Why are people repeatedly connecting to my MTA, doing nothing, and leaving?

I have a sendmail server. Periodically (ie, several times an hour) I get log entries like this: Sep 3 10:06:49 lory sendmail[30561]: v8396nsQ030561: [] did not issue MAIL/EXPN/VRFY/...
MadHatter's user avatar
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10 votes
1 answer

Fixing starttls verify=fail, verifymsg=unable to get local issuer certificate

Running Amazon Linux on EC2 instance with sendmail. I have an email account with Network Solutions, and use that account as a SMART_HOST relay in my sendmail configuration. It works well except for ...
sootsnoot's user avatar
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9 votes
6 answers

How can I set up sendmail to forward all mail to an external MTA?

We have multiple applications that currently talk SMTP to an external MTA. The emails have arbitrary destination domains (they're emails to be sent to our users), but all from the same internal domain ...
user avatar
9 votes
2 answers

How can I use wildcards for sendmail TLS_Rcpt?

sendmail lets one place restrictions on TLS conversations. I want to check that messages sent to are sent to a server that has a * certificate. I want to protect against ...
Law29's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

sendmail rejecting some connections with handshake failure: SSL alert number 40

My sendmail server on CentOS 5 started to reject some connections with the following message logged: error:14094410:SSL routines:SSL3_READ_BYTES:sslv3 alert handshake failure:s3_pkt.c:1092:SSL alert ...
Tometzky's user avatar
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8 votes
3 answers

How to configure sendmail to use a different SMTP server?

I'm trying to configure sendmail on Centos 5 so that all mail goes through another SMTP server. In this case, it happens to be an Exchange Server. I've edited the file with this line: ...
user43049's user avatar
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8 votes
1 answer

How to configure sendmail to send email via GMail (, using port 465 or 587?

I have configures sendmail to send email via my GMail (Google Mail) account, i.e. via, by editing /etc/mail/ and regenerating -dnl define(`SMART_HOST',`smtp....
Jakub Narębski's user avatar
8 votes
2 answers

Dealing with SMTP invalid command attack

One of our semi-busy mail servers (sendmail) has had a lot of inbound connections over the past few days from hosts that are issuing garbage commands. In the past two days: incoming smtp ...
mark's user avatar
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8 votes
5 answers

Telling sendmail to auth?

I've been sitting here for a few hours now attempting to get sendmail to send the emails through an external SMTP server. I've gotten very close, but now I'm completely stuck. It seems that sendmail ...
Rob's user avatar
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