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Questions tagged [sharepoint]

Microsoft SharePoint is a software platform and a family of software products developed by Microsoft for collaboration and web publishing combined. These capabilities include developing web sites, portals, intranets, content management systems, search engines, wikis, blogs, and other tools for business intelligence. This family of products include: Microsoft SharePoint Server, Microsoft SharePoint Foundation, Microsoft Search Server, Microsoft SharePoint D

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47 votes
7 answers

Is it safe to have SQL Server auto-shrink turned on?

There are many SQL Server options that can be enabled for databases, and one of the most misunderstood ones is auto-shrink. Is it safe? If not, why not?
33 votes
6 answers

How can I tell what version of SharePoint a site is using, from the outside?

how can I tell what version of SharePoint a site is using, without being able to see the admin panel? Is there anything, perhaps in the source of the pages, that would give me a clue?
C. Ross's user avatar
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16 votes
6 answers

Resources for the accidental DBA [closed]

Within the Microsoft platform, most of the enterprise level programs (SharePoint, any of the System Center apps, any of the Dyamics apps, etc) all run on top of SQL Server. For administrators of ...
14 votes
3 answers

Combining SharePoint and Database Mirroring

This isn't a how-should-I-do-this question, just to set the stage. It's a what has your experience been? Please read through the whole question before quickly replying. I spent the day yesterday ...
Paul Randal's user avatar
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13 votes
8 answers

How to find which template is used for a site or a page in SharePoint

How/where can I find the template used for a SharePoint site or page. I have a page I want to resemble, but I don't know where to find the template for that page and site?
noesgard's user avatar
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12 votes
4 answers

Sharepoint 2007 Backup Solutions? [closed]

SharePoint 2007 comes in with a built-in backup facility, but I've heard bad things about it. Namely, you can backup but not restore the configuration database, and generally that restoring is always ...
Michael Stum's user avatar
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11 votes
13 answers

How to setup an Intranet site and a FREE alternative to Sharepoint

I've been tasked with the job of building a web server and Intranet site using perhaps Joomla for creating an alternative to Microsoft Sharepoint and would like some advice of what steps to take and ...
stead1984's user avatar
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11 votes
1 answer

Stopping Microsoft Office 2010 from integrating with Subversion server as if it's Sharepoint

We have an Apache Subversion server that we store (amongst other things) all of our documentation on. We have a lot of Word, Excel, PDF etc. documents in svn, and all of our users use TortoiseSVN as ...
James Tisato's user avatar
10 votes
3 answers

Adding VM's to Domain

I am trying to configure SP farm, in Azure, following steps mention in this article - But after creating Sql VM('sqlVM' ), I am ...
user389275's user avatar
10 votes
5 answers

Sharepoint replacement

We're looking for a sharepoint replacement. We're looking for an open source application that runs on apache2. It should basically be a document store with comments. Integration with AD to ...
duallain's user avatar
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9 votes
4 answers

What's your best practice Recovery Model for SharePoint databases

Paul Randal asked some really nice questions about best practices for SharePoint SQL databases. Today, while helping a customer to maintain SharePoint installation he asked me a question about best ...
Toni Frankola's user avatar
9 votes
2 answers

I can't map a network drive to sharepoint

On a Windows 8 client. I can browse to my sharepoint site in 365 without issues: But when I try to map a drive to that address I get this error: "The folder you ...
red888's user avatar
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9 votes
1 answer


I've got a SharePoint 2013 Enterprise Server running on Windows Server 2008 R2 Its CPU load goes high and stays up, the process causing the high cpu usage is wsstracing.exe. checking the logs using ...
dani's user avatar
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8 votes
5 answers

Maximum size of SharePoint content databases

Another question from talking to the SharePoint gurus while teaching MCM yesterday. The SharePoint guidelines are that content databases above 100GB are not supported. Without getting into the reasons ...
Paul Randal's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

What is best tool to measure network latency?

How do you measure network latency in Windows ? I know ping as one of the tool. Can Windows Performance monitor do it ? Any ideas which counters should I add to measure it. This is for SharePoint ...
Madhur Ahuja's user avatar
8 votes
2 answers

How to solve Access Denied errors with stsadm -o retractsolution

We have a 2 server farm running MOSS 2007 SP1. I am a member of the Administrators group on both servers. I am also a member of the Farm Administrators group. I needed to upgrade a few solutions, ...
Trent's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

Can't successfully run Sharepoint Foundation 2010 first time configuration

I'm trying to run the non-GUI version of configuration wizard using power shell because I would like to set config and admin database names. GUI wizard doesn't give you all possible options for ...
Robert Koritnik's user avatar
7 votes
6 answers

How do I restart SharePoint Timer Service from command line?

How do I restart SharePoint Timer Service from command line?
vitule's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

Really clear introduction to Sharepoint architecture

I think I understand Sharepoint, but to be honest I don't know what I don't know. A link to some clear documentation would be helpful, or short of that, descriptions of what the following are: A Web ...
dunxd's user avatar
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7 votes
3 answers

How to disable multiple form submit (POST) in IIS

We had a major SharePoint outage a few months back because a user wedged their keyboard in such a way as to cause the Enter button to be pressed indefinitely. The user was on a customized people ...
user1209640's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

How to virtualise a SharePoint ASP application

I have noticed the occasional article that mentions virtualising a site on sharepoint so that the site appears as if it is replicated among several site collections. I have a requirement to deploy a ...
ProfK's user avatar
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7 votes
3 answers

SharePoint Backup/Restore without stsadm

Due to problems we found with the restore of sites/site collections using stsadm (our tasks generated from workflows were not restored), we've taken a different route for backup/restore. We plan a ...
user avatar
6 votes
7 answers

Is it a good idea to install Office 2007 on a server?

I noticed a lot of 3rd party SharePoint applications require that Office be installed on the server in order to function - PDF converters, for example. To me, this seems like a horrible idea. The ...
Kolten's user avatar
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6 votes
3 answers

How long should I expect CheckDB with REPAIR_ALLOW_DATA_LOSS to run

I am running CheckDB with REPAIR_ALLOW_DATA_LOSS on a Shairpoint search DB that is 47mb It has been running for > 30min. Is that normal? How long should it take?
Sruly's user avatar
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6 votes
5 answers

How to rename a project in the Team Foundation Server (TFS)

How to rename a project in the Team Foundation Server 2008? What are khown issues?
Toro's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

Sharepoint 2007: Active Directory and Sharepoint Groups

I have a Sharepoint 2007 installation and several Active Directory Domains. Now, since I can't have a user from Domain A be in a Security Group in Domain B, I need to create groups within Sharepoint ...
Michael Stum's user avatar
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5 votes
6 answers

Central Admin always opens up in Firefox

I'm running Server 2008 64-bit on my laptop. I have installed SharePoint (MOSS SP2). Whenever I launch Central Admin, it always opens up in a Firefox browser instead of IE, even though IE is my ...
Tim Coalson's user avatar
5 votes
5 answers

Site Collections in Sharepoint 2007 - how many, and why?

I wonder what the common guidelines for large-scale Sharepoint 2007 Architecture is? Mostly, I'd like to plan how many Site Collections are needed, and why I should split my Intranet into multiple ...
Michael Stum's user avatar
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5 votes
6 answers

Can A Virtual Machine Be Converted to a Virtual Server e.g VMWare?

The Simple Question Can I convert an existing VM to a Virtual Server (e.g. VMWare)? I'm using Oracle's one and only awesome product, VirtualBox, and I'm trying to setup a SharePoint Farm to ...
pixelbobby's user avatar
5 votes
6 answers

Improved SharePoint/MOSS 2007 Wiki

We use SharePoint (MOSS 2007) for storing all of our internal documents, and it works great as a document management system. One of the problems we have though is using the Wiki feature of SharePoint....
Doug Luxem's user avatar
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5 votes
3 answers

SharePoint Governance, is it purely for the academics?

Governance around the different workloads associated to SharePoint seems to be a pretty hot topic, however all of the guidance comes across as more academic/theory. Is Microsoft making too big a deal ...
Aaron Weiker's user avatar
5 votes
5 answers

Microsoft Office documents collaboration - Open Source alternative

I am looking for a good solution to collaborate on Microsoft Office documents, we currently just edit directly on a Samba share but it's one big mess because sometimes people leave the office with ...'s user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

What is the IIS WAMREG admin component?

Question is in the title. Has something to do with Sharepoint, but a little bit of searching on my part didn't turn up a good answer.
Boden's user avatar
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5 votes
4 answers

How can I get alerted when auto-growth occurs on a SQL Server database?

Our SharePoint databases are set to the (nonsensical) 1MB default autogrow out-of-the-box, and I need to "convince" our application owner that this is wrong. Is there a means to monitor the autogrow ...
Jeff Costa's user avatar
5 votes
4 answers

Sharepoint Backup

If you backup the databases of Sharepoint, do you have everything backed up? Or are the documents for the instance stored on the disk drive?
Lieven Cardoen's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Active Directory max photo size

We are looking at putting photos in Active Directory. We have many domain controllers, some are in areas with not a lot of bandwidth. What are the recommend/max files sizes for photos or is this a ...
Rob's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

Need process to request, approve, and track technology needs of new hires

We currently have about 150 seats and growing. Our IT staff is very small so we need an efficient and accurate way to handle the provisioning of new-hires with equipment, software, credentials, etc. ...
Daniel Lucas's user avatar
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5 votes
3 answers

Antivirus Configuration for dedicated SQL and dedicated IIS Servers

Our corporate standard is McAfee Enterprise, unfortunately this is non-negotiable. On two types of servers I'm responsible for, SQL & Web, we have noticed major performance issues with the ...
Wayne Arthurton's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Getting a BSOD after upgrading to MOSS SP2

Recently we updated a SharePoint test server to MOSS SP2. After doing so, a series of errors appeared in the error log, along with a random blue screen of death. After the BSOD, the following screen ...
mlapida's user avatar
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5 votes
3 answers

Export SharePoint Wiki to PDF from the Command Line

We use a SharePoint wiki* at the office to serve as a knowledgebase for our IT operations. Recently we went through a disaster recovery exercise where we realized we had a key hole in our plans: how ...
Wyatt Barnett's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Sharepoint / SSRS subscriptions intermittently not emailing

I am running MOSS with SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services in integrated mode. There are a number of reports that are generated and then output emailed through SharePoint's subscriptions. Sporadically ...
Johnno Nolan's user avatar
5 votes
4 answers

MOSS 2007 cannot configure Forms Authentication using ActiveDirectoryMembershipProvider

I'm having a really difficult time trying to get my Sharepoint site to use Forms Authentication. I've tried using an ActiveDirectoryMembershipProvder and the LDAP equivalent but both of them seem ...
glenatron's user avatar
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4 votes
5 answers

Hide documents from site collection administrators

Does anyone know if a site admin can programmatically set permissions on documents in a SharePoint Library so that site collection administrators would have to take ownership before accessing the file?...
cyfred's user avatar
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4 votes
6 answers

A free WebDAV client for Windows?

I'd like to copy files from a network drive to a SharePoint site (perhaps as a mapped drive). What's a good client to do so? Obviously Windows (XP) Explorer is bad, I'm trying RichCopy at the moment....
blong's user avatar
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4 votes
8 answers

Powershell provider for Sharepoint 2007

Would a Powershell Provider for SharePoint 2007 be worthwhile or is stsadm.exe sufficient?
Chris Ballance's user avatar
4 votes
4 answers

Best book to learn Sharepoint Administration (MOSS)?

What is the best available book for learning Sharepoint administration? Would prefer a cover-to-cover read rather than a reference book, but would take a good reference over a bad guide any day.
Tomislav Mutak's user avatar
4 votes
4 answers

Compatability error Installing Sharepoint w/ SP1 on Windows 2008 R2 RC

I am trying to install sharepoint 2007 enterprise with SP1 on Windows Server 2008 R2 RC 64 bit. I am getting a compatibility error. Here is the text: [Window Title] Program Compatibility Assistant ...
Vaccano's user avatar
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4 votes
6 answers

Google Wave vs Sharepoint

What insight do you have as to the pros and cons of using Google Wave as a primary collaboration tool for our network team (as opposed to MS Sharepoint?) -- more details -- We have just begun using ...
Brent 's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Using Google Analytics to track Usernames

We have a SharePoint Installation (MOSS, IIS 7.0, Windows Authentication, Windows 2008) and Google Analytics has been installed to track site usage. The site is an intranet site, and all users are ...
DrStalker's user avatar
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4 votes
4 answers

SharePoint 2007 Problem After Feb 2010 CU

We just applied the SharePoint 2007 Feb CU and there were no errors in the update process. The problem is whenever we attempt to work with columns in a list (add or update) we get the following error:...
Ben's user avatar
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