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Questions tagged [shutdown]

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106 votes
5 answers

Best way to gracefully restart CentOS?

I always used the command: shutdown -r now However, sometimes that causes MySQL issues. What's the most graceful way to restart CentOS? I've seen: reboot and halt How can I gently reboot the ...
User's user avatar
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60 votes
6 answers

"reboot" or "shutdown -r now": what restart command is safer?

We have in our organization around ~500 RedHat Linux machines. On all the machines we installed applications and services under /etc/init.d, and oracle RAC servers. We intend to perform yum updates ...
dandan's user avatar
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38 votes
4 answers

Suppressing the "reason" for shutdown on Windows Server

How can I suppress giving a reason for shutdown on a Windows Server host? Specifically, on 2008 R2, but all versions back to 2003 and up to 2012 would be appreciated.
warren's user avatar
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13 votes
2 answers

VM Inaccessible

So I had to remotely shut down my servers last night as the air conditioner crapped out on us. I shut down the VMs and then the hosts. Fired up the 2 hosts today which auto start the VMs. Datastores ...
Reedee's user avatar
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13 votes
1 answer

Graceful shutdown of Kubernetes cluster

We have a 4 node Kubernetes cluster, installed using Juju 2.0 and the official canonical Kubernetes charm. The sole purpose of this very local and private installation is development and testing. One ...
Kamil Tamiola's user avatar
12 votes
2 answers

Suddenly, shutdown command can't be found anymore

I logged in to my Debian 7 server, did an upgrade using apt and wanted to shutdown+reboot using shutdown -r now as i did a lot of times before. This time, the shutdown command can't be found anymore. ...
TheJeed's user avatar
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12 votes
3 answers

Is there a safe way to cancel updates during windows shutdown [closed]

I have installed a new windows machine and configured windows update to automatically download updates. I need to quickly reboot the machine and I forgot to click the fly out window that allows the ...
Mark Arnott's user avatar
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12 votes
3 answers

How can I predict systemd's shutdown order?

Is there a way to get systemd to tell me the rough order in which it will shutdown services when I cleanly shut the whole system down? Since systemd will shut things down in parallel, I appreciate ...
Adam Spiers's user avatar
11 votes
2 answers

How to do docker-compose down without the config file that made the up?

When you do docker-compose up, it's based on a docker-compose.yml file. This usually brings up a network, builds and runs multiple services. If you do the up with the -d flag, the docker-compose ...
Xavi Montero's user avatar
10 votes
4 answers

Do Hyper-V Virtual Machine Guest Operating systems need to be shut down before restarting Windows Server 2012 R2 they are running on?

I am fairly new to using Hyper-V. I am trying to learn the best practice for shutting down and restarting my server when virtual machines are running on it. I have a physical server running MS ...
BitBug's user avatar
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10 votes
1 answer

What is the difference between init 6 and reboot on Red Hat / RHEL / CentOS?

In Linux, the init 6 command gracefully reboots the system running all the K* shutdown scripts first, before rebooting. The reboot command does a very quick reboot. It doesn’t execute any kill ...
ujjain's user avatar
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9 votes
2 answers

Windows 2012: how to make power button work in every cases?

I need some Windows 2012 servers to be shutdown properly with the power button. If nobody is logged, the power button correctly shuts down the server If somebody is logged without a blocking ...
Gregory MOUSSAT's user avatar
8 votes
3 answers

Automatic power on after graceful shutdown on UPS

This is my basic setup: I run a server (DL380 G7; linux 3.13 kernel) that is host to ~10 virtual machines It is set for automatic power on I use NUT for UPS management Graceful shutdown duration of ...
martin's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

Is it safe to remove power from a linux computer in run level 0? [closed]

I am working on power supply to a Raspberry Pi where changing the state of one of the GPIO lines shuts off power immediately. Is it safe to do this in run level zero, or is there more shutting down to ...
Xian's user avatar
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6 votes
3 answers

Unexpected Windows Server 2016 Shutdown: winlogon, NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM, 0x500ff

We have a fleet of AWS EC2 instances running Windows Server. Since moving from Windows Server 2012r2 to 2016, we've encountered an issue where a server is shut down for unknown reasons. After an ...
Nathan's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Libvirt guest destroyed after shutdown

I have created a VM withLibvirt and when I shut it down whether forcefully or with ACPI, it gets deleted. I create it: <domain type='kvm'> <name>deneme2</name> <memory>...
Mustafa's user avatar
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5 votes
3 answers

Windows Server 2012 R2 Shutdown Event Tracker Details

Call me masochist, but I actually like entering the details when shutting down a server. Windows Server 2012 R2 doesn't seem to provide a field to do that, though. Is there any way to add "reason" ...
pepoluan's user avatar
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ACPI shutdown does not always work on a Windows Server virtual machine

With virtualbox, I use VBoxManage controlvm "$VMNAME" acpipowerbutton to shut down a virtual server when the host is shutting down. This works well when I test, but not in real world cases (i.e. when ...
youen's user avatar
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3 answers

Linux guest graceful shutdown in Hyper-V

What mechanism Hyper-V use to signal a Linux guest to gracefully shut down? Somehow CoreOS does gracefully shut down, but another Linux doesn't (it is just abruptly powered off)
nponeccop's user avatar
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4 votes
3 answers

When is system scheduled for reboot?

Where can I find information about if there is an reboot scheduled and in that case: when, why and by who? I got this in my terminal: Broadcast message from root@my-server (Tue 2017-11-07 09:00:00 ...
UlfR's user avatar
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2 answers

Is Shutting Down a Spot Amazon EC2 Instance Clean?

Not sure if this is supposed to be on SuperUser or here, but here goes: Q. If my spot instance is automatically terminated due to my max bid being exceeded, is it a clean shutdown -- as if a user ...
Chad Decker's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Run a backup script at systemd shutdown (e.g. copy logs to S3 before instance termination by auto scaling)

I am trying to send log files to S3 before instance termination. I created .service file in /lib/systemd/system-shutdown/upload-backup.service, which is this. Description=Testing Before=shutdown....
Shivanshi Srivastava's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

How to find the ip address of the pc that sent a shutdown command?

I'm a system administrator in a school. We have a classroom with 20 PC's in a domain, and all PC's use the same user to log in. Sometimes students use the shutdown command to shut down the PC's of ...
Johan Claes's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Is there a Difference between "logoff" and "shutdown -l" -command in Windows?

Is there a Difference between logoff and shutdown -l -command in Windows? They both logoff the current session. (Background: i had a Problem where the software in the costumers remotesession (w2k12) ...
MacMartin's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

how to cancel an automatic restart in windows server 2012 after installing windows updates

Here's the thing - the "shutdown -a" option doesn't work, there is no "Restart Later" button, just a countdown timer of 15 minutes and no way to cancel it. What should I do? I read somewhere that if ...
interhost's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

How to sequence a proper shutdown and startup of web services with systemd?

I am trying to structure the shutdown and startup of Apache, PHP-FPM and MariaDB services using systemd: These are the additional configuration files in /etc/systemd/system folder: # httpd.service ....
Question Overflow's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

PowerChute vMA server shuts down ESXi host after boot

I've ran into a critical problem first time installing and configuring a UPS connected to a server. Whenever I boot up the vMA server, ESXi starts shutting down all the VM's and then itself. It's ...
Remi's user avatar
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3 votes
3 answers

Add a Message to be Displayed During Shutdown of CentOS 6 and 7

When issuing a reboot or shutdown I see: [kbrandt@ny-kbrandt01: ~] sudo reboot [sudo] password for kbrandt: Broadcast message from [email protected] (/dev/pts/3) at 14:50 ...
Kyle Brandt's user avatar
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3 votes
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Prevent HDDs from spinning up before shutdown in Ubuntu/ZoL/SAS2008 environment

I am running Ubuntu 14.04.2 with ZFS on Linux. As I ran out of SATA ports on my Asus M5A78L-M/USB3, I bought a Dell PERC H200 card and crossflashed it to LSI 9211-8i P19 IT mode firmware to ...
fmetz's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

How long do daemons have to exit when the server shutdown signal is received?

As we are developing a complex set of services on Linux, we developed a tool that starts them one by one. One of the many considerations for creating such a tool was the order in which items can be ...
Alexis Wilke's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Log Windows 7 Shutdown Process

Are there any utilities that can log the windows 7 shutdown process in a 'debug' mode? Recently several of our Windows 7 workstations started taking over twenty minutes to reboot, and while we've ...
heyjon's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Shutdown all docker containers

I just discovered that service docker stop on Ubuntu 18.04 doesn't shutdown all running containers. I can't control them anymore but the containerd-ship processes and everything that's inside the ...
Daniel Alder's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

How to debug systemd shutdown failing to gracefully shutdown?

I have a host that runs qemu vms. But that is irrelevant for the systemd question context. It could be any other process which terminates perfectly fine with a sigterm/sighup. Every restart will leave ...
gcb's user avatar
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2 answers

best practise for a shutdown strategy for server with critical processes

Assume a Window Server with running services and running console applications The nature of this software is very critical. Operations take up to a few minutes and should not be terminated. What is ...
hdev's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

RHEL4 script on shutdown

I need to backup some files every time I shutdown a Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4. I thought about make it with a script in /etc/rc0.d but shutdown process should wait for my script to finish. So the ...
Abraham's user avatar
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1 answer

Why does apachectl stop take a very long time to finish?

I have a freshly installed CentOS 9 with Apache, and found that apachectl stop take very long to finish (as in always 1m30s). I don't really have any clue where to look, I don't see any CPU bound ...
Bart Friederichs's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

MySQL server (mariadb) auto shutdown without overload

With old configs, my VPS (1 CPU, 1 GB RAM, 1 GB swap) works normally for almost 2 years. I didn't change anything from beginning. But I have this issue several days ago, MySQL server automatically ...
Phong Thai's user avatar
2 votes
5 answers

Shutdown clients when no one is logged in at a specified time

At our company, the people stop working at 7PM. At 8PM we run a scheduled task with GPO to warn the logged-in user that the computer is going to shutdown. This works fine. When no one is logged-in ...
glendc's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

How to shutdown VMware Fusion virtual machine on host shutdown

I have a Mac mini running Mavericks server. I installed the Atmail server + webmail vm [a linux centos distribution] in VMware Fusion Professional 6 with the VMware Tools addon. It works flawlessly. I'...
Nikksno's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Graceful shutdown of unison file synchronizer

We have a process that runs nightly on multiple linux and Darwin (Macintosh) systems to backup filesystem objects. We are also running unity file synchronization with the -repeat=watch option, so ...
Dennis 's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Preserve order of closing services while shutting down the Linux

I defined a Linux systemd service which has few dependencies in unit file using After= and Requires=. My service depends also on SAN filesystems controlled by Veritas. When stopping my service upon ...
Hellraiser's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Disabling a CMD command for a User

Let's say there are two accounts on Windows, Admin and User. Im running a program which shutdowns system in some ammount of time (using shutdown /s /t). Is there any way to disable shutdown -a for a ...
Ironwing's user avatar
2 votes
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Windowns Hyper-V Virtual Machine shutdown instead of restarting as commanded

I am running a Windows 2016 Hyper-V host with the following VM's 2x Windows 2012 R2 2x Ubuntu 16.04 Whenever I carry out a restart of the VM's after an update they nearly always shut down and ...
David's user avatar
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OEL 7.2 with LACP systemd shutdowns networking before umounting _netdev filesystems

I've built an NFS cluster with OCFS2 as a backing filesystem. This is working quite well with the exception of when a node is restarted/shutdown cleanly it causes a fence operation as network is ...
stuntkiwi's user avatar
2 votes
0 answers

Shutdown and poweroff linux server when no one is using it

My backup server (running Arch Linux) can be remotely powered on via its out of band power controller (HP ILO), using a simple ssh command. Several clients will backup at the same time and each will ...
FLBzh's user avatar
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Configure JBoss7 / EAP6 to undeploy applications before shutdown

When I deploy my JEE6 application on JBoss EAP 6.3 and shutdown the server before manually undeploying the application I get unexpected Exceptions (see below). I'm looking for a way to make shutdown ...
Angelo Fuchs's user avatar
2 votes
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Can't shut down HyperV VM with Powershell despite admin rights

I am attempting to use a script that shuts down my Hyper-V VMs, copies their VHDs to a target share, then boots them back up. I found the script on spiceworks just a couple days ago. I always receive ...
Shrout1's user avatar
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Configuring apc ups with ap9630 network management card

I have an apc smt2200 with a network management card. It has a web server on board from which I can configure how it works. Some servers are powered by that ups and they all have PCNS software which ...
Filippo's user avatar
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1 answer

Stop automatic reboot with gpedit shutdown script in Windows 2k8

I am search for a way to validate and maybe stop an automatic reboot under windows. E.g. automatic reboot is initialized by windows update. When adding a shutdown script with gpedit this script gets ...
chbiel's user avatar
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2 answers

Shutdown ESXi 6.7 with a script via SSH without entering maintenance mode

I'm trying to write a script that ssh's to an ESXi 6.7 and shuts down the host and also shuts down the VMs according to the current system shutdown policy. I'm running Dell customized image ESXi 6.7 ...
ppsilva's user avatar
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