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What are these DMARC failures about?

I've been toying with dmarc off and on for the last couple of months. Currently I have no policy set. I am using URIReports for report collection and analysis. Most of the results are good. We use ...
Rob Brandt's user avatar
2 votes
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DMARC record is valid, but your domain's None/Quarantine policy does not yet protect it against email spoofing and phishing

People, Using the website: I got this error: DMARC record is valid, but your domain's None/Quarantine policy does not yet protect it against ...
Senior Systems Engineer's user avatar
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DKIM: validation error: error:RSA_padding_check_PKCS1_type_1:invalid padding

We receive a lot of spam on our servers from 3rd party servers and often this spam includes the email header such as: DKIM: validation error: error:0407008A:rsa routines:...
Martin's user avatar
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Why did this incoming email get through Office 365 spam filters with a DKIM fail? What policy do I need to "tune"?

We use Office 365 mail, I got this spam email this morning so I checked the header to see if there was anything I could do. Here is the header with our receipt domain removed Received: from ...
AngryCarrotTop's user avatar
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DMARC, DKIM, or SPF? Emails going into quarantine

I have never had to deal with DKIM, DMARC, or SPF records before; however, our SPF record is full (10, Cloudflare) and I have a vendor whose emails aren’t making it to our mailboxes. I made ...
Cody's user avatar
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DKIM validation fails only on Outlook

I'm configuring OpenDKIM to sign miltiple domains with the same key on Pstfix. I followed this tutorial with s=mail and SigningTable: * KeyTable: ...
Demba's user avatar
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25 votes
5 answers

Does DKIM alone not solve the spam issue? Why do I need SPF?

FINAL EDIT : I was completely wrong about DKIM it seems, the signing domain does not have to be the same as the sender domain, thus the whole premise for my question is flawed. A lot of thanks to Paul ...
cornergraf's user avatar
2 votes
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DKIM Key Rotation Best Practices

Do you find it necessary to regenerate your DKIM keys every 1-6 months to avoid your mail going into the receiving servers' junk mail folder? Some guides recommend this, some even say it's "Best ...
Jeff's user avatar
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emails to Yahoo are ending up in SPAM folder despite spf=pass, dkim=pass and dmarc=pass

Are we possibility having a reputation problems with Yahoo emails? Yahoo raw mail header finds my policy I published: dmarc=success(p=REJECT,sp=REJECT) Emails to clients at Google and Outlook are not ...
MeSo2's user avatar
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Setting up SPF record for A2Hosting shared hosting

I'm trying to setup A2Hosting SPF correctly since the proposed SPF is landing the emails in the SPAM folder in Gmail. This is the default SPF: v=spf1 +mx +a +ip4: ~all But when ...
Vlax's user avatar
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13 votes
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How does DKIM work when sending emails from multiple sources/servers?

So if I'm understanding DKIM correctly, it basically is a public/private key type of service. However, how does this work if you send emails from multiple servers/sources? For instance, I have a ...
Marc NJ's user avatar
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3 votes
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SPAM Domain Spoofing through SES

A spammer seems to be running spam through SES and spoofing our domain. We are using SPF and DKIM so I’m not sure what is going on. This is our SPF record: v=spf1 a mx include:...
Collin Krawll's user avatar
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Emails from my domain (hmailserver) are always in YahooSpam

Hi during sending out my mails from my domain they are placed directly into spam folder in yahoo. I tried to analyse the raw header and got only DKIM warnings. So I placed a DKIM entry in ...
Robert's user avatar
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DKIM and SPF for Different Server [duplicate]

My situation like the following: Web server hosted in Google Cloud with domain name lets say: Mail server hosted in Linode (lets say in server name: using cPanel with ...
Luxor's user avatar
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Mail issues only with Google App domains

I have a local mail server set up. It is connected via a dedicated IP (with an appropriate PTR record). I have DKIM, DMARC, and SPF set up. My domain has been added to Google's Postmaster Tools and ...
Joseph's user avatar
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Outbound Emails flagged as Spam from Wordpress but not Gmail(DKIM SPF issues)

I recently setup wordpress and pointed my domain to it. With that, we setup gsuite to handle email. We have the domain at godaddy and the server space on a VPS instance. I have added the MX records ...
ninjasense's user avatar
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Is it as dangerous to modify DKIM domain's public key, as to get a domains' sending private keys?

I've been reading about DKIM and one of the reasons it cannot be "hacked" is because an attacker doesn't have access to a server's DKIM private key. But what if the attacker has access to the domain'...
daremkd's user avatar
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Outgoing email marked as spam. Can you tell what is wrong from email header?

I have a send-only server using postfix. The outgoing email goes to Yahoo's spam folder. It is a test email, the content is very short. I attach the header below. The SPF, DKIM all looks good. Can you ...
Wayne's user avatar
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4 votes
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Two servers, same email sent from both, Gmail sees only one as spam

I've been working on this problem for years with no success (I gave up a while back and just hoped Gmail would eventually "learn" that messages from one of my servers wasn't spam, but that apparently ...
Jason Rohrer's user avatar
5 votes
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Improve Spam Confidence Level (SCL) for outgoing emails

I have a postfix SMTP server on Ubuntu. I have valid SPF and DKIM records, as verified by the email header my customer received. Authentication-Results: spf=pass (sender IP is XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX) ...
Raptor's user avatar
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dkim for email marketing service but none for email host

hopefully this is a simple question to answer... For the last few years I've had only SPF setup with our O365 Exchange Online domain's DNS records. I haven't yet setup a DKIM because we've never ...
Reece's user avatar
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Google Apps email DKIM won't authenticate

We're trying to set up DKIM authentication on our Google Apps/G Suite for Business domain to reduce the number of our emails which are ending up in people's spam folders. We have generated the DKIM ...
Bdoserror's user avatar
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Multiple DKIM records [duplicate]

I have google (Google Apps for Business) as my primary email provider. But I use another company to do the marketing email campaigns. And since Google doesn't allow to export DKIM key, I would like to ...
Roman_T's user avatar
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SPF, DomainKeys and DKIM for alternate domain authenticaton

Lets say my domain is and we have SPF records for the SMTP servers on Now lets say I have decided I want to allow to send mail as know how to add ...
user53029's user avatar
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mails fom my mailserver go to spam folder of [duplicate]

I set up a mail server with dovecot/postfix on a debian server. I don't send commercial mail or newsletters. We are only 4 users and nobody send SPAM. We only send classical mails (no large pictures ...
Kettbi's user avatar
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8 votes
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DKIM with same key but different domains

We are planning to sign with DKIM emails for multiple domains. Each domain will have a CNAME to a DNS entry in a common domain where the keys are stored. If every domain sign with the same key, but ...
Ricardo Polo Jaramillo's user avatar
-2 votes
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My Email Strightly goes to gmail spam/just folder ( DKIM,SPF,DMARC is okay ) [duplicate]

( it's not duplicate , its related to rDNS , please don't flag it as duplicate or give me the link of related one ) i have a problem, my emails from my straightly goes to spam folder in ...
Hamed Kazemi's user avatar
44 votes
7 answers

Is it becoming impossible to be a small mail provider?

I operate a small mail server for my private emails, some friends who have websites and two NGOs. In total my server sends between 60 and 400 messages a day. Now a lot of these emails are personal ...
Stefan Seidel's user avatar
-1 votes
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Why does Google junk mails from my server? [duplicate]

I have a send-only mail server setup on an Ubuntu VPS. The mail server is only used to send out registration e-mails from a web application. I have the following configured: DomainKeys Identified ...
Ralph's user avatar
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Email in SPAM with Debian 8.2 [duplicate]

I have a problem (BIG PROBLEM) with SPAM. All the emails my mail server (Debian 8.2 and ispconfig latest stable) send, end up in spam. I'm using Google Apps. I did a test on ...
Luca Vasini's user avatar
-2 votes
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Spam from my email address on my domain with DKIM

Someone is sending spam emails from my email address. And it looks like these emails have DKIM. How is this can be possible if they doesn't have access to that email? (my emails handles by something ...
Eugene's user avatar
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DKIM, SPF, DMARC, SPF OK mails are flagged as SPAM

I have a dedicated server running CentOS7 with Postfix, the problem is that all the sent mails are flagged as SPAM by hotmail and gmail despite DKIM, SPF, DomainKeys, DMARC records and keys wich are ...
pixel draw solutions's user avatar
2 votes
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Setting DKIM and SPF records for client domains

I have created an email server that is capable of handling mail for multiple websites. e.g. [email protected], [email protected] etc. The emails are sending and receiving fine, but the spam score is ...
Dan Hastings's user avatar
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Is DMARC helpful to me if I don't need reporting?

I have SPF and DKIM setup and working for the email domain I administer. The next recommended step is to setup DMARC since SPF and DKIM are both in place. What are the benefits of using DMARC if both ...
poke's user avatar
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Spam delivered by despite SPF fail

Some spammer use our e-mail address as sender in forged e-mails. Now we got thousands of bounced messages from no longes existing e-mails. We set up SPF and DKIM records but it does not stop. ...
Martin Mystik Jonáš's user avatar
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Prevent Email Going to Spam [duplicate]

I've set up my own server and I'm really struggling to stop any outgoing email go to spam. I've used allaboutspam and to test it and they both come back with perfect results. No ...
Pixedo's user avatar
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How to configure SPF and DKIM to prevent mail going to spam folder

When creating a mail with PHPMailer my emails are getting sent to the spam folder of my recipients mailbox I have been told I need to configure my SPF and DKIM correctly, I think I have done this ...
neeko's user avatar
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GMail detecting mail as spam [duplicate]

I've been trying for a long time to get our company's mail server send mail that will get accepted by the GMail spam filter. I have managed making it work for Yahoo Mail and Hotmail, sadly GMail is ...
Petru Toader's user avatar
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Error sending emails from a mail server relay type falling into the spam folder (using postfix)

Here I show one of the emails that come to Yahoo, which are falling directly into SPAM folder. The SPF goes smoothly, the DKIM passes without problem, even DMARK passes without problem, but just keep ...
Roger Zavala's user avatar
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Postfix sends email to spam (gmail, hotmail)

I recently installed a postfix + dovecot + dkim multi domain, multi user, multi alias mail server on my debian squeeze system. Everything works except for one big issue that basically makes the whole ...
razorxan's user avatar
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Using DKIM in my server for multiple domains (websites)

As I couldn't find this exact tutorial in Stack, I share my findings with al of you. I always get things solved thanks to this comunity. Thanks! Original question: I've read the tutorial posted by ...
Diego's user avatar
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Marking emails with DKIM - safe?

Im running an email server as part of a research study. We have subjects connecting and sending email from a variety of clients. One function of this server is to communicate with said subjects - ...
ethrbunny's user avatar
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Whose DKIM signature to use, my own or Amazon SES'?

I have OpenDKIM properly set up to sign emails from my domain such that when sent through Amazon SES, Yahoo Mail shows dkim=pass. Given I got the infrastructure working, is there any benefit to ...
Blair Zajac's user avatar
7 votes
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Why does my mail get marked as spam?

I Have the server "". It matches everything not to be a spam server.(it isn't by the way): it has reverse dns, spf,dkim,... . But hotmail marks it as spam. I think the problem is ...
Nick's user avatar
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Mails marked as spam in gmail for some accounts

I have a couple of domains running on my VPS with VirtualMin. I have DKIM enabled, reverse DNS is setup and SPF records are added by Virtualmin. Now I have a main account (admin) which I can easily ...
Roger Far's user avatar
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dkim-milter appears not to be signing my emails correctly

I have a VPS that I had a fresh install of CentOS 6 on it and then I installed virtualmin on it and we've been great for a few months. I've been hosting a handful of domains from there and on one of ...
n0nag0n's user avatar
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Mail is marked as spam although SPF and DKIM pass

I have configured Postfix to send mail from a dedicated server hosted let's on IP X.X.X.X and domain name DKIM, SPF always pass when I send mail locally from that host but still ends up ...
romseguy's user avatar
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Set up spf and dkim, where email domain and sending domain differ

I have two domains: and Only is using Google Apps and thus can send emails. I now have a service running on\application that uses the email [email protected] to ...
cherrun's user avatar
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cPanel Server Email to Gmail marked as Spam, SPF, DKIM, and rDNS pass

Having this issue on a cPanel server 11.34.1 that hosts multiple domains. Email originating from this box on the address is flagged as Spam by Gmail. I've implemented SPF and DKIM, ...
bmurtagh's user avatar
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What is the Value of using DKIM to sign mail when the from header doesn't match?

My domain is domain.tld, where I have DKIM functioning just fine. All of my domain emails are signed, and pass. I have a need now to send mail on behalf of my customers occasionally - ie: send email ...
Danny F's user avatar
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