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Publishing Exchange Server public IP address in a hybrid Exchange setup?

I'm currently using the Hybrid Exchange Online and Exchange Server OnPremise setup. I have included the IP addresses of all my Exchange Servers in the below TXT record, I wonder if it is really ...
Senior Systems Engineer's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

How can I create and update the existing SPF record to allow more than 10 entries?

How can I include another SPF record if my existing domain already has 10 lines of SPF records in the TXT record? I wanted to add these two: This is my ...
Senior Systems Engineer's user avatar
1 vote
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Can't Receive Email - Postfix iRedMail Server Using Spamhaus & Unbound / BIND9 DNS Servers

iRedMail server configured using ISP's DNS servers. Running several years without issue. Moving from current ISP to Starlink. It appears Starlink uses Cloudflare's public DNS. Currently have both ISPs ...
BigPines's user avatar
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DNS lookup spam running up Route 53 bill

Throughout 21 we saw around 15M DNS queries/month. In January 2022 we saw almost 300M and I didn't notice.... then February almost 1 BILLION...... and I noticed because of the bill. Amazon isn't ...
dgobaud's user avatar
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Allowing Messages from IP Address DMARC

I'm still learning infrastructure stuff and need to ask a question which relates to DMARC. A user in the organisation has an app which is sending marketing messages to staff within the business. The ...
RLBChrisBriant's user avatar
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PTR recored Issue

We have 2 Mail servers ( Internal and External) the External is hosted by ISPA with ip address of, we use to have the internet from the same ISPA, and the PTR record is already setup. ...
Okok's user avatar
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4 votes
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Is an MX-record required on a domain to send emails only?

Imagine the following scenario: There is a online-shop that sends emails with [email protected] There are no MX-records for as no mail to this domain is wanted There is a ...
MatSnow's user avatar
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SMTP Server All Records OK But All Email Sent in Spam

i bought a VPS with dedicated IP address and running windows Server 2012. I installed an SMTP server and DNS server, created all needed records: SPF, DMARC, DKIM, PTR, MX, and A. These results test ...
zobydeh karimi's user avatar
-2 votes
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"My domain" is being recognized as spammer for "no reason" [closed]

I linked my brand new domain, to yandex.connectand I sent only a few test emails, but NO email was sent or received. I checked many times the DNSs and they seem to be fine, When I send emails from ...
Fahed's user avatar
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3 votes
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Email from sendgrid are going to spam, spf & dkim pass & spamfilter itself says it isn't spam

At my work we use Sendgrid to send automatic e-mails to the users of our platform. Since a couple of days the e-mails are going to spam on & This is weird because the DNS ...
Tom Droste's user avatar
2 votes
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TXT entry in DNS for both gmail and amazon ses

It seems adding a TXT entry in DNS about Google is a good practice (when using gmail to send mail) to prevent being considered as Spammer. So I could add a TXT entry in my DNS records to: ...
rap-2-h's user avatar
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How to configure SPF to pass local IP address?

I have a database CentOS 7 server connected to an application CentOS 7 server via a cross connect cable. The mail server resides in the application server, with the following SPF configuration: v=...
user46688's user avatar
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How to block/blacklist a spam server via SPF record

I have an SPF record: v=spf1 ip4:70.xx.xx.xx -all I had the default from Google of v=spf1 ~all I've been moving away from this default in an effort ...
James T Snell's user avatar
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Which DNS name is checked for TLS on a mailserver?

Let's say i have these records: A mail.somedomain: A mail.mailserverdomain: MX somedomain: mail.somedomain A MTA connects mail.somedomain for delivering mail to somedomain and ...
allo's user avatar
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SPF, DomainKeys and DKIM for alternate domain authenticaton

Lets say my domain is and we have SPF records for the SMTP servers on Now lets say I have decided I want to allow to send mail as know how to add ...
user53029's user avatar
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Preventing sent email from getting labeled as spam [duplicate]

I have recently started renting an Ubuntu VPS from OVH. I have configured it as an iRedMail instance, planning on using it to send and receive personal emails. This all went smoothly, and the mail is ...
MrEnderkiller's user avatar
2 votes
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Spam filtering: MX record and reverse DNS (PTR)

If I perform an MX query on my domain ( I receive this answer: Pref Hostname IP Address 5 If I perform a reverse DNS (PTR) query on 12.34.20....
J.B.'s user avatar
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Email rejected as Spam by Gmail [duplicate]

My domain is registered at For my mail I use Apple Mail and th SMTP server throught SSL. When I respond to a Gmail address, I get an "Undelivered Mail" response by ...
bixente57's user avatar
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3 votes
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SPF "include:" does MX stay as included domain's MX, or get translated to the includer's MX?

SPF records allow you to include another's domains SPF record within your own. For example, can have in its SPF record to include all of the SPF rules for _spf....
LaVache's user avatar
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Email Authentication Report (Scoring neutral)

I'm having some trouble trying to get my company emails to return a better score from Port25s authentication verifier service. I'm scoring neutral on most of the results. I've included the report ...
Jamie Draper's user avatar
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Properly configuring DNS for email sending on multi-domain hosting VPS

Background I have a VPS, with one external IP hosting <10 domains (DOMAIN.TLD). Each domain receives and sends email. Each domain has associated DKIM / SPF / MX entries. The PTR record exists and ...
gotgameg's user avatar
9 votes
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Does "~all" in the middle of an SPF record signal the end of the record when it is parsed?

Our company's SPF record format is as follows: "v=spf1 ~all a mx ip4:X.X.0.0/23 ?all" So we have an "~all" in the middle of our SPF record. On the ...
whelanska's user avatar
2 votes
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DNS and SPF configuration for Microsoft Exchange

We've started receiving spam with spoofed addresses from our own domain. So I'm trying to get my PTR and SPF records etc correct to prevent it. We're running Exchange 2010 on site with one server ...
Daniel's user avatar
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-2 votes
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Individual accounts being spammed on server, even though DNS not hosted [closed]

Disclaimer: Please pardon the newbery! I've got a dedicated linux server from HostGator that has around 100 accounts on it. Lately, dozens of these accounts get bombarded with junk mail a few times a ...
Curtis's user avatar
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How to deploy separate DNS server for email filtering

I'm looking to install Vamsoft ORF as a spam filter for my domain. Looking at the Deployment Guide I've noted the following statements regarding DNS. The server should not be the same DNS server that ...
user268001's user avatar
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Bouncing email due to bad initial MX TTL?

Last Friday night we changed mail servers. We moved off Office 365 to another hosted Exchange Solution ( We use Godaddy for DNS, and after the server migration stuff was ready and ...
Joshua Marshall's user avatar
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Parked domains on Spamhaus DBL

I've set up a nameserver to park a bunch of my domains (similiar to sedo, bodis etc). Everything is working well. Unfortunately, all my parked domains are instantly listed at spamhaus (DBL). No mail ...
user3744173's user avatar
-1 votes
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Can't figure out how to properly setup SPF record [duplicate]

I have a Django web app and I use Django's email backend to send out emails. I can't figure out why emails are ending up in spam folder. My domain host is GoDaddy so I added a TXT record *.example....
sql-noob's user avatar
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Error sending emails from a mail server relay type falling into the spam folder (using postfix)

Here I show one of the emails that come to Yahoo, which are falling directly into SPAM folder. The SPF goes smoothly, the DKIM passes without problem, even DMARK passes without problem, but just keep ...
Roger Zavala's user avatar
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What will be the SPF entry in DNS?

We are using magento on our server. Magento sent transactional emails directly from our server using php mail function, along with this we are using third party webmail service. Means our mx entry ...
Sandesh's user avatar
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Reverse dns and SaaS Spam Filters

We have an exchange server in the office that for a year or so has just used the built-in spam filters - we have added the SpamHaus IP addresses so that some basic spam filtering is done. However, ...
higgsy's user avatar
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Are generic reverse DNS entries acceptable for an outgoing SMTP server?

Our PTR records are managed by our ISP, as our ranges are too small for them to consider delegating to us. So, every time I want to update an entry, I have to email their support team. In an effort ...
BJT's user avatar
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A record blacklisted but not the originating IP of affected messages - Gmail rejections

A customer's email is being rejected by gmail with the following codes: Action: failed Status: 5.7.0 Diagnostic-Code: smtp; 554 5.7.0 Reject, id=17756-61 - SPAM I see the A record for the domain, ...
zentech's user avatar
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-2 votes
2 answers

Second mail server for my domain [closed]

I have to setup a mail server because my hosting account don't allow me to send over 250 mail/hour. I have a HP microserver at home and I want to use it to send the mails. I configured Virtualmin on ...
Salvo.c's user avatar
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correct way to prevent SPF failures

I have a website on a hosted server whose mail users are using their ISPs SMTP to send mail. I have set their SPF record to look like this: v=spf1 mx ip4: ip4:216.70....
Sean Kimball's user avatar
1 vote
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How do SPF records reduce spam?

How do SPF records reduce spam? Note: I'm not asking how to setup an SPF record; I already know how to do this. Does the receiving mail server lookup the SPF record and determine if where the mail is ...
user avatar
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DNS: MX listing points to google apps and A listing to my own server. Can I send emails from my own server without being classified as spam?

Linux DNS networking question: If an MX record points to IP address and A record of a domain points to, can I still send emails from on the behalf of a ...
Mladen Adamovic's user avatar
4 votes
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What problems can an ADSP record in DNS cause for mailflow?

ADSP is an entry in DNS that works allows a domain owner to assert that all email must be signed with DKIM. (similar to the -all and ~all in SPF/SenderID). Messages that fail ADSP policy may be ...
makerofthings7's user avatar
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Media Temple, SPF, and Changing IP Addresses I have a hosting account with Media Temple and recently had problems with mail servers marking my sent emails as SPAM. I looked into the issue and read it's a good idea to implement SPF which ...
Craig Koster's user avatar
5 votes
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How should I set up my PTR Record?

I am trying to properly set up my ptr record as I have noticed that some email notifications sent from my website have gone to spam for certian people, and I am having trouble figuring out exactly ...
user avatar
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Correct SPF for using google-apps with additional outbound mailserver

[Asked this on stackoverflow and was referred here] We are developing a custom web app for a client. This app is on a separate server,, than the client's web site, Each ...
royappa's user avatar
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13 votes
7 answers

Are SPF needed for domains that do not send mails and do not have MX record?

I have some domains registered that do not send mails. I have totally removed MX record for these domains on my DNS. Is it still useful to set an SPF record in order to avoid spammer to send mails ...
Marco Demaio's user avatar
1 vote
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How to properly set SPF record in my domain (Google Apps) How to properly set up my mailservers DNS record? I mean is it good to only set a: v=spf1 ~all or is it better to:...
LanceBaynes's user avatar
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Network Solution DNS and email spam

I recently moved one of my domains from freedns back to its registrar (netsol/worldnic) due to unexplained downtime of freedns servers. But since then I have witnesses a huge increase in email spam. ...
zanfr's user avatar
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Sending mail through local MTA while domain MX records point to Google Apps

My domain's email is managed by Google Apps, so that domain users get Gmail and Calendar, etc. But I also want to be able to send applicative notifications to users outside the domain via email (e.g. "...
Assaf Lavie's user avatar
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Multi-IP address zimbra server DNS PTR records and spam

We have a mail server running Zimbra (ZCS 6.0.8). The server has 5 active public IP addresses in the same subnet. (.226-.230). I currently have A records for each of these (
David Fraser's user avatar
3 votes
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Do I need to leave SPF TXT record for backwards compatibility?

There is a dedicated DNS SPF record which can be used for SPF record. However DNS TXT record may also be used for backwards compatibility. If i CAN define SPF record - should i just delete the ...
Janis Veinbergs's user avatar
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All messages being tagged NO_DNS_FOR_FROM on Zimbra server

On our Zimbra 6.0.5 server running on Fedora 6, it seems that all messages are being tagged by spamassassin with NO_DNS_FOR_FROM (despite having legitimate sent addresses). How should I debug this? ...
David Fraser's user avatar
3 votes
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Permerror when testing multiple SPF records for Google Apps and MailChimp

Our domain uses Google Apps for mail and Mailchimp for templated email campaigns. Mailchimp recommends adding an SPF record for their servers to decrease the likelihood of spam filter traps. I have ...
Jeff's user avatar
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5 votes
6 answers

Emails going to Junk for Hotmail recipients [duplicate]

We send daily mass emails to our customers (~30,000+ emails per day). We have problems with Hotmail users receiving our emails. Sometimes the email goes to the Junk folder, but often it will got to ...
David Mathis's user avatar