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3 votes
2 answers

Changing hostname for the purpose of email delivery

I have email delivery issues, and MXtoolbox says "Reverse DNS is not a Valid Hostname". I have A and AAAA records for and The data center has set up reverse DNS ...
Mikkel Rev's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Privacy-friendly Postfix bounce messages for remote rejects

The topic of handling bounce message for remote rejects has been brought up at least three times (1, 2, 3), and it looks as if there is no real solution. I wonder, though, if the bounce template can ...
janeden's user avatar
  • 267
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2 answers

What exactly can I conclude from "High scoring spam message has been dropped (in reply to end of DATA command)"?

I operate a web site that offers user registrations. Users get automatic registration success e-mails, sent through a professional e-mail hosting company (not directly from our own server). This has ...
Joe7's user avatar
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0 answers

How to solve '521 5.7.1 Service unavailable; client x.x.x.x blocked using Return-Path'?

How to solve or interpret following error? I'm not sure if anything should be done on client (sender or sending account of a domain) or ask remote postmasters for help. <[email protected]> (...
Jiri B's user avatar
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0 answers

Will enabling non-delivery notifications cause more spam?

In the past we received a lot of spam email. The past year it was a lot less and we would like to keep it that way offcourse. We are a construction company and we receive a lot of construction ...
Ramon Bakker's user avatar
0 votes
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Can a DMARC "reject" policy prevent NDR backscatter?

Our email is being spoofed. We already have SPF/DKIM/DMARC p="quarantine" policies in place however we are still receiving thousands of Non-Delivery Receipt (NDR) in our inbox. Will changing to DMARC ...
IMB's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Remove AS that's falsely associated with our IP from email block list

When I try to send email from our email server to hotmail or I get 550 5.7.1 Unfortunately, messages from [216.x.x.x] weren't sent. Please contact your Internet service provider since ...
user3280964's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

How to drop registration mail bounces to noreply@ mail address

On CentOS 7 Linux I run Drupal, which requires users to confirm their mail addresses. I have modified the postfix config files in the following way: /etc/postfix/generic: @www.localdomain noreply@...
Alexander Farber's user avatar
-2 votes
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Whitelist SMTP after hacking? [duplicate]

My Wordpress (hosted on GoDaddy) was hacked via SQL injection a few months ago. I hired a consultant to help me clean out WP and the site is functioning back to normal. Unfortunately, as part of the ...
Unknown Coder's user avatar
0 votes
0 answers

Receiving email bounces for emails I never sent

I've noticed a couple of times now that I get Delivery Status Notification (Failure) emails for emails I've not sent. I'm worried that someone else is using my account to send spam but I'm at the ...
WilliamMayor's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Configure server to ignore NDRs to forged addresses/domains

AT&T's Blacklist site suggests one option of correcting mail server issues is: Reconfigured server to ignore NDRs to forged addresses/domains However, NDRs are returned to the sender by their ...
Michael Yaeger's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

Sending mail when relay = gives me 550-5.7.1 (gmail)

When sending email using web UI (for example roundcube) and my relay is = I'm getting this error host[] said: 550-5.7.1 [ 12] ...
Rene's user avatar
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1 answer

How to set postfix to just ignore mail to nonexistent users

I'm getting a huge amount of spamming attempts to random usernames. I know that it happens to all mail servers to some degree, but during the last two weeks there was so much that my VPS's disk ...
OsakaWebbie's user avatar
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1 answer

email backscatter returns not seen on mail server

We have a user email that we think is under an backscatter attack. We can find no evidence of the account being compromised. The user also states they have not sent out any of the emails they are ...
user53029's user avatar
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-4 votes
1 answer

Restrict users to send emails only from a particular IP address to reduce SPAM [duplicate]

How to restrict people to send emails from my email domain to reduce SPAM. We are using postfix in ubuntu. Is there any parameter which I can configure in to achieve this? Any help will be ...
a3765910's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

How to get Google Apps groups to accept my emails?

I've been running a mailserver for myself and some others for quite some time now. Just recently (since moving to a new host) we've started seeing bounces when we send mail to email addresses that ...
singpolyma's user avatar
3 votes
0 answers

Prevent misdirected bouncebacks from forwarding server

Note: This question is a duplicate of Avoid creating backscatter on a Postfix forwarding server, for which the only answer was "sorry, nothing you can do", but I provide more detail here, consider ...
Arnon Weinberg's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Domain is being used for spam - what to do?

I recently started to receive postmaster and mailerdaemon mails about undelivered mail that have been sent from my corporate domain. It's default spam: attached files/invoices/etc. and it's not coming ...
Patrick's user avatar
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2 answers

Postfix sent mails are bounced or go to spam

I recently tried setting up a mail server to be able to send mail for the websites I host with apache. At first I tried to work with exim but I was overflown with error messages and mails I tried to ...
ibi0tux's user avatar
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2 answers

Spam mail forwarded through my server using valid user

I am getting "Undelivered Mail Returned to Sender" messages. The relevant mail messages are being forwarded using a valid user ([email protected]) on my server ( I control ...
user1142052's user avatar
2 votes
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Can IP reputation be affected due to automatic forwarding?

I am hitting a dead wall with the support team of my email hosting provider. The IP they assigned me was blacklisted and so sending emails to end up getting rejected. After several emails ...
dr_rk's user avatar
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1 answer

Do spam impersonators impact my server's reputation?

Recently I opened my server's webmaster email inbox and found 32 "Delivery status notification failed" emails reporting the failure of the delivery of 32 emails I did not send. After some ...
starbeamrainbowlabs's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Spam delivered by despite SPF fail

Some spammer use our e-mail address as sender in forged e-mails. Now we got thousands of bounced messages from no longes existing e-mails. We set up SPF and DKIM records but it does not stop. ...
Martin Mystik Jonáš's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

How to send a large number of emails to a dated list of receipients

One of my clients was to send an email to ~100,000 recipients. The client is a state organization, the emails are not promotional, the recipients are all members of the organization and they are sure ...
Leonidas K's user avatar
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Sending bulk / single emails from a single domain [duplicate]

Let me explain our situation: We have a web application that uses subdomains for each customer instance: Every instance can have over 500 users, which ...
Basaa's user avatar
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8 votes
3 answers

Should I let email bounce or send it to a blackhole?

I have a lot of unused (old, dead) accounts on my machine. Many of them receive literally thousands of emails a day, all spam. If the account was used by a person, I let the email bounce so that ...
TomOnTime's user avatar
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4 votes
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Silently drop OUTGOING mails to [email protected] (more than 3 dots in username part)

With postfix-2.6.6-2.2.el6_1.x86_64 on CentOS 6.4 is there please a way to inspect OUTGOING mails and silently drop them (i.e. do not send them) if the recipient looks like [email protected] (i.e....
Alexander Farber's user avatar
2 votes
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Postfix: don't bounce for remote rejects

I'm having a problem with sending bounces to spammers when a remote "trusted" smtp server rejects a mail. My server manages mail for that has a virtual alias [email protected] that ...
Mike's user avatar
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1 answer

Spam sent from fake email accounts on my domain [duplicate]

One of my clients is getting thousands of "Delivery Status Notification (Failure)" emails per day and it's replied to random email accounts that don't exist on the domain. The content of the emails ...
Paul Mason's user avatar
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Our outgoing emails from a shared hosting provider (Bluehost) are returned because the server is listed as SPAM SERVERS

I am getting very frustrated with this web hosting provider -- We have several small business sites hosted with them. We also use email accounts provided by the Bluehost for our outgoing ...
MikeF's user avatar
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Making CommuniGate Pro react better on SPAM and Backscatter issues

I would like to make a CGP mail server as SPAM free as possible. I made some research but didn't find so much. So my question: where should I start in order to make CommuniGate dealing better with ...
pl1nk's user avatar
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How do I configure my domain and web application so the emails send from the latter are not blocked as spam?

I have a WordPress site that needs to send notifications to an email address. I would like the from field from this emails to be an address on my client's domain. I dont know much about email ...
ooops's user avatar
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3 votes
3 answers

Make Exim send bounces to postmaster instead of the sender, for non-local sender

I have a few e-mail aliases that forward to external hosts. Currently, if the external host rejects a message, Exim generates a bounce message and sends it to the original sender. This is bad because ...
Reid's user avatar
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1 answer

Email id @ IP address

I getting the following error while I am taking SMTP test. The SMTP server does not accept mails to postmaster@[IP_ADDRESS]. This is a very bad thing, as this address is used by people that don't ...
Karthik Malla's user avatar
0 votes
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Are you able to filter outgoing NDRs based on Header in Microsoft Exchange?

I administrate an email system for a commercial ISP. I'm currently having an issue with one of our customers relaying outbound SMTP traffic from their Exchange system through ours, and they're ...
brent's user avatar
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Stopping spam-related bounced emails

One of my e-mail customers is currently on the receiving end of massive amounts of delivery failure notices as a "Nigerian scammer" seems to be using her address as its MAIL FROM field. A lot of it ...
E.Benoît's user avatar
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25 votes
7 answers

How to stop spammers from sending spam as me

We've starting to receive bounced spam messages and the sender is one of our email address. We know that we don't send spam from that address. We've tried changing the password but we're still ...
hsym's user avatar
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Avoid creating backscatter on a Postfix forwarding server

I run a Postfix server that hosts a small, alias-based mailing list. Let's say people@myserver forwards to alice@someprovider and bob@someotherprovider. Now, alice@someprovider might use a more ...
Heinzi's user avatar
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5 answers

How to configure email server to send lots of transactional emails

My organization is currently outsourcing email delivery to an SMTP service provider. We're considering bringing that back in house to deliver our own emails. We send about 5k transaction emails per ...
anotherguy's user avatar
4 votes
6 answers

Hotmail and rejecting all emails [duplicate]

I have been having problems sending emails from my server to and email addresses. I have read other posts on serverfault but they have not been helpful. Here is the error message. ...
user16517's user avatar
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Will Hotmail DELIVER to spam-friendly ISP?

I have a user who is using Hotmail to communicate with one of our suppliers. Recently, Hotmail started bouncing emails to that address (while other ISPs are working fine.) Hotmail bounce messages ...
Oddthinking's user avatar
4 votes
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Indirect Postfix bounces create new user directories

I'm running Postfix on my personal server in a data centre. I am not a professional mail hoster and not a Postfix expert, it is just used for a few domains served from that server. IIRC, I mostly ...
hheimbuerger's user avatar
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Need advice on integrating mail server with a smallish social network?

I have been given a task to setup email management and delivery for a smallish social network. We're currently sending out about 1000 emails per day with help of VerticalResponse (a bulk emailing ...
Arpit Tambi's user avatar