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2 answers

How to disable the default RBLs used by rspamd?

I'd like to use an RBL in rspamd without using all the preconfigured RBLs, but it seems that the configuration in /etc/rspamd/local.d/rbl.conf can only add new lists, not remove the default ones. The ...
allo's user avatar
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After adding a new DNSBL to Sendmail, how can I resubmit an email to see if it will be rejected?

TL;DR How can I fool my own sendmail into thinking an email comes from a particular ip address, so that it rejects the message due to a DNSBL match? Details: I run my own mail server, and most spam is ...
PFudd's user avatar
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google apps domain gives diffrent servers when emailing out then mxtoolbox search shows

When I search a domain that uses google apps I get 10 results mx servers for the domain. similar to this when I recieve emails I get completly ...
user2630659's user avatar
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Sharing IP black lists

Are there any tools similar to fail2ban that would allow sharing of IP black lists? What I'm looking for is something similar to a DNS based blackhole list or real-time blackhole list as is used to ...
Toddinpal's user avatar
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Postfix: ACCEPT if RBL and SPF checks pass, DUNNO/greylist otherwise. How to do it?

I would like to accept all clients that pass RBL and SPF checks (and possibly some checks, but these are minimum requirements for me), and greylist those who don't. When a client passes the SPF check (...
michau's user avatar
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How to get postfix to check all 'Recieved:' headers against an RBL?

I have several rbls listed in smtpd_client_restrictions, but this only checks the client IP against the RBLS. Is there any way to get postfix to check each Recieved: line against the RBL like ...
nyet's user avatar
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How to test postfix DNSBL whitelist?

How can I test if my postfix whitelist works correctly (assuming I don't have access to any address currently listed on dnsbl). I'm not sure if my whitelist works ok. Here's my config: ...
Sfisioza's user avatar
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Spam getting through despite being listed on an RBL?

Our spam filter (Vamsoft ORF) is configured to look at among a few others. This morning, I had a mailbox full of spam. As part of my normal procedure, I opened the email, read the ...
DrDamnit's user avatar
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How Does DNSWL work? How can I gain better trust? [closed]

How does DNSWL work? It's clear to me when someone report a spam, but how can I gain a higher score/trust? Do some companies report "good" servers? Or will the score go up with time without reporting ...
mvorisek's user avatar
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Configure Barracuda Spam Filter behind Postfix to use client IP when do RBL-checking

I have the following setup: Internet -> Postfix Mail setup as Proxy -> Barracuda Spam Filter -> Microsoft Exchange I have tried searching through the documentation and configuration panels to see ...
mrkmg's user avatar
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4 answers

What are the best methods for catching snowshoe spam?

I'm using Smartermail for my small mailserver. We've been having a problem lately of getting waves of snowshoe spam that follow the same pattern. They come in batches of 3 or 4 at a time. The ...
pooter03's user avatar
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Evaluation of mail server configuration

I have a mail server configured to use DNS real-time blacklists (DNSRBLs), e.g., to determine whether delivered email is spam or not. I would like to evaluate my mail server's ...
dimme's user avatar
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How often do MXLogic lists get updated?

Some domain refused to accept email from my domain due to MXLogic filtering. I've sent an email to [email protected] and they responded promptly that they changed their records. Question: ...
Oleg Mikheev's user avatar
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Which RBL's does sophos use?

Anyone know where I can find the a list of which RBL's Sophos use's? I have checked their website with no luck, and currently awaiting a response from their technical support. Thank You in advance ...
Kevin's user avatar
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How can I receive mails from otherwise blacklisted servers?

On the mail servers I set up in our company, I use several blacklists in postfix. These really help take care of the spam we get send our way. But every once in a while one of our (potential) ...
Oliver Salzburg's user avatar
11 votes
5 answers

How do I remove IP from blacklist?

Our email server has ended up in the blacklist and we're going round in circles trying to get it removed, currently this is causing down-time between our suppliers. I am a developer and not ...
Brett Ryan's user avatar
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Which DNS Black Lists would you recommend to discard spam in pre-queue?

There are many black lists out there, with bad and good reputations. Also, some people recommend to use RBL lists only in score-based systems (like spamassassin) while others (including commercial ...
Luke404's user avatar
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does it still have any sense to directly drop mails that trigger RBLs?

Once upon a time, using RBLs to drop mails was actually a good idea. These days seems it is no more possible for a reason or the other, so every one switched / is_switching to just use RBLs as another ...
Luke404's user avatar
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Connection Filtering with Multiple DNSBL's?

Is there any advantage or disadvantage to using multiple DNSBL's with ones connection filtering? I just switched from SpamHaus to BarracudaCentral but have added in SpamHaus to test for increased ...
JohnyD's user avatar
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Postfix Whitelist before recipient restrictions

Alright. Some background. We have an anti-spam cluster trucking about 2-3 million emails per day, blocking somewhere in the range of 99% of spam email from our end users. The underlying SMTP server ...
grufftech's user avatar
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Does it matter if your web server's IP is RBL'ed?

We have a web server (on Slicehost) with an IP address that has been blacklisted in at least one DNSRBL (FIVETEN). The host is not currently a source of mail, in fact all mail for the domain goes ...
user avatar
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Best Postfix spam RBL policy weight daemon?

I just heard about policyd-weight so I did an apt-cache search policyd which returns three options: policyd-weight postfix-policyd postfwd Which one is the best, and do you have any tips on setting ...
TRS-80's user avatar
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Are there any tools for comparing DNSBL effectiveness?

I just added a new DNSBL to the list of ones that I use on my small mailserver. I set it up to be first on the list because I wanted to see what it missed but other lists caught. I'm watching mail ...
user10501's user avatar
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