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Questions tagged [spam]

Unsolicited e-mail, comments or posts, often sent out in large volumes; possibly but not necessarily commercial in nature

229 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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systemd-udevd spams systemd-udevd[1523120]: veth20996a5: Failed to get link config: No such device

I have setup my server logging with graylog and now I see that my logs are being spamed by level: 3 errors like these: systemd-udevd[1523120]: veth20996a5: Failed to get link config: No such device I ...
KugisMugis's user avatar
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Disable Outlook Web Access Junk filtering in Exchange 2013

By default, Outlook Web Access (OWA) in Exchange 2013 seems to move suspected junk mail to the Junk Email folder. This is undesirable behavior in most of my environments because we have Barracuda Spam ...
ewwhite's user avatar
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4 votes
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Dovecot imap send spam to junk

I am using Ubuntu 18.04 64 bit dovecot spamassassin 3.4.1 amavisd The goal is to run an e-mail server, which I achieved already. I can access the e-mails at the server using Thunderbird ...
Marc's user avatar
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Changing hostname for the purpose of email delivery

I have email delivery issues, and MXtoolbox says "Reverse DNS is not a Valid Hostname". I have A and AAAA records for and The data center has set up reverse DNS ...
Mikkel Rev's user avatar
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apache deny all proxy request

I have some apache server on ubuntu and fore some times there a lot of requirest in /var/log/apache2/access.log like this: - - [04/Dec/2017:08:35:38 -0500] "CONNECT ...
ShockwaveNN's user avatar
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Prevent misdirected bouncebacks from forwarding server

Note: This question is a duplicate of Avoid creating backscatter on a Postfix forwarding server, for which the only answer was "sorry, nothing you can do", but I provide more detail here, consider ...
Arnon Weinberg's user avatar
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2k views rejects: 550 SC-001 (BAY004-MC5F13)

I am operating a cluster of 3 dedicated machines for a webapp, each of those uses sendmail as MTA. Hostnames are Unfortunatelly rejects ...
merlin's user avatar
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SFP + Gmail = Emails delivered to spam box

A long time ago I posted a question here: Postfix: Gmail marking my email as spam where I said that although emails send from my servers were passing all the DKIM and SPF tests they were getting ...
TCB13's user avatar
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Exchange 2013 IPBlockListProvider blocking some (but not all) matched IPs

I have configured our Exchange 2013 Edge Transport server to utilize several IPBlockListProviders including Spamhaus. While they work great most of the time, there are still some emails which despite ...
Sean W's user avatar
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Spamassassin internal DNS resolution?

Short Version: Is it possible to configure spamassassin to perform its own recursive DNS lookups instead of using the server specified by the OS? Long Version: I've got a collection of dedicated ...
Sammitch's user avatar
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How to identify the user/computer that is relaying spam through a mail server?

For the past couple of days, at certain intervals, a huge load of email is dumped on my Exchange 2003 server and relayed out until it gets blacklisted everywhere. Nothing like this happened for many ...
Smig's user avatar
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"Non-Open-Mail Relay" Postfix / Dovecot are relaying anyway; Mis-configured or CRACKED? Plus, presently blocked external users need access too

CRITICAL UPDATE While working on this, there'd been no spam relayed for over a single day so I left it up and overnight, TWO emails got relayed! ACK! Here they are, from my tail / grep commands (...
Richard T's user avatar
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How to solve '521 5.7.1 Service unavailable; client x.x.x.x blocked using Return-Path'?

How to solve or interpret following error? I'm not sure if anything should be done on client (sender or sending account of a domain) or ask remote postmasters for help. <[email protected]> (...
Jiri B's user avatar
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Exim: Redirect mails without spooling

I am running a personal mail server using exim that only forwards mails (and also runs a few mailman mailing lists). Unfortunately, my server’s spam protection is worse than that of the mail provider ...
Joachim Breitner's user avatar
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How to avoid gmail orange mark and spam filter when using cloudflare proxies?

I send emails from my site via php smtp method connected to '' on 465, and account added to GSuite. All my emails falls in spam folder in Gmail. The kind of emails is just password ...
Valik Tralik's user avatar
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Rejecting emails with mismatched Header/Envelop FROM

We've been receiving some spam/phishing emails that are managing to get through on occasion and the majority have a MAIL fROM our domain but their ENVELOPE from is whatever spammy address. My ...
Crimsonfox's user avatar
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How to restrict the addresses in MAIL FROM?

Good Nighttime, I've a postfix server combined with a mysql-database for address management. There is a table mapping the users and their mail addresses. e.g. |user|[email protected]| |user|mail2@...
jwacalex's user avatar
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Anti-spam filtering in Exchange 2016 almost doesn't work

I have fresh installation Exchange 2016. I know that content filtering is depreciated since November 2016, and in some future we'll have to use EOP. So far I've read, content filtering in Exchange ...
Robert Goldwein's user avatar
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How to stop Postfix from forwarding SPAM without blocking local users' SPAM?

Some of my users have aliases in /etc/postfix/virtual that forward to other providers (mostly gmail). I believe that the fact that all mail is forwarded (even SPAM) is causing reputation issues for ...
singpolyma's user avatar
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Spam ranking explodes if a certain URL is mentioned in email body - why?

If any email contains the URL or if an email is sent using an email address from that domain, certain providers rate those mails as Spam, others not at all. It is enough ...
Olaf's user avatar
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spamassassin how to remove explanation and score breakdown in the message?

I have setup SpamAssassin in Windows (using the JamSoftware), created a service for spamd.exe and currently SpamAssassin works fine. However, I would like to disable the explanation that SpamAssassin ...
Gasim's user avatar
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Setting DKIM and SPF records for client domains

I have created an email server that is capable of handling mail for multiple websites. e.g. [email protected], [email protected] etc. The emails are sending and receiving fine, but the spam score is ...
Dan Hastings's user avatar
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Exchange 2013: content filtering bypass

I have just completed a migration from a single Exchange 2007 to 2xExchange 2013 servers in separate sites. Mailflow is working correctly, but the anti-spam content filtering is not working as ...
NutGristle's user avatar
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Restrict IMAP access for a given account to only one IP address in Exchange 2013

I've created a "spam crawler" account with full access to all mailboxes in an Exchange 2013 environment to get messages in the junk folder to feed the Bayesian filtering running on SpamAssassin in a ...
Vinícius Ferrão's user avatar
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Postfix: don't bounce for remote rejects

I'm having a problem with sending bounces to spammers when a remote "trusted" smtp server rejects a mail. My server manages mail for that has a virtual alias [email protected] that ...
Mike's user avatar
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My email server IP is blacklisted, how can I resolve it?

The IP of our email server was added to the UCEPROTECTL2 blacklist. The error message we received is as follows: "I am deeply sorry, but I was not able to deliver your mail to the ...
Sistemas DSRC's user avatar
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Postfix configuration to block spammer domain isn't working

I have an Ubuntu 22.04 cloud VM with Postfix 3.6.4-1ubuntu1.3 installed that I largely use for receiving e-mails sent to addresses at my personal domain that I provide when signing up for less-...
jwodder's user avatar
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Include matching rspamd rules in mail headers

Spamassassin has a feature to include the matching rules in the headers of mails flagged as spam, so one can see why the mail was classified as spam and possibly adjust or create mailbox filters that ...
allo's user avatar
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Server getting spam requests by the same IP address opening Apple App Store

I have a simple docker-containerized nginx application. I'm getting spammed with requests when I view the nginx logs via docker-compose logs -f webserver (this is thousands of lines but I'm leaving ...
ned31469's user avatar
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Some of my emails do not get to clients without a warning

I send emails from the web interface of Gmail Workspace (business email). Most of the clients receive my letters just fine. But some of the clients only receive messages with text and images. Messages ...
Bobrovsky's user avatar
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spamassasin unable to read Japanese when it is html encoded

I would like to block some emails which contains certain Japanese words, but spamassassin fails to detect such words when the email is HTML encoded, for example: This is a multi-part message in MIME ...
lepe's user avatar
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Continuous SPAM from certain IP/s hosting provider, how to report them if not responding at [email protected]

last maybe 4 weeks is coming SPAM e-mails from various domains. In common is that when i paste the source code of the e-mail to is detected this provider and their mailbox: ...
16851556's user avatar
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Mail loop between spam filter and 365

I was wondering if anyone has seen this before.  We have our own spam filter cluster that emails go through before being sent on to 365.  When emailing from our company domain (365 hosted) to another ...
Tim Earl's user avatar
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Google Postmaster: IP reputation of subdomain and main domain identical

We have a main domain, We use this to send regular emails via Google GSuite. We also have a subdomain, say We use this to send campaign emails through an email marketing ...
Damnum's user avatar
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how to block emails from helo=localhost.localdomain

at my email server postfix, dovecot, amavis, spamassassin are blocking spam well, but some spam emails with bad HELO (helo=localhost.localdomain / Received-spf ....envelope-from=<>; receiver=<...
Jirka's user avatar
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How to find malicious PHP script that sends emails from my domain?

My organization mail has been blocked by a malicious PHP script for several days. I learned that spam messages are sent via the mail() function. How can I find and delete this script on my server? I ...
carn fex's user avatar
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Spamassassin keeps marking as spam despite low score

I have postfix with Spamassassin and spamass-milter configured. E-mails with score higher than 4.0 are supposed to be treated as a spam and be rejected. Here is my local.conf rewrite_header Subject ***...
LightFelicis's user avatar
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Yahoo Mail server constantly deferring mail from my server "due to user complaints"

I have a 100% no-spam score on mail tester. Have no problem with Gmail server, all users getting my emails. Have everything like SPF and other spam related criteria enabled. Yet, Yahoo mail server ...
thenondeveloper's user avatar
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Why are my error logs full of 404s for "adult" content?

Idly perusing my site's error logs this morning, I was shocked to discover that a large number of rather explicit had been requested. (I don't mind telling you that I very nearly sprayed my cold brew ...
Tom Wright's user avatar
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The DMARC test failed but we didn't find any obvious reason why

One of our users recently found out his emails are going to spam for some reason. This made me dive into everything and the last thing I can't seem to figure out is the Dmarc. We're using gmail for ...
Edan Ben-Atar's user avatar
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O365 Emails Getting Marked as Spam when Moved to new Folder

One of our main inbound mail accounts seems to be having a strange issue where the emails are getting marked as spam, not when they arrived, but when they are moved to a folder. They are also all ...
Sam K's user avatar
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Linux history filled with priv_escl_start and _end after security changes

We are going through a process to make our linux servers more secure following a scan. I notice that on some of the machines, we now have lines like: LANG=C; printf "priv_escl_start_%s" "[random 8 ...
Johnny Doe's user avatar
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Reject email if From address matches and if content matches as well (Postifx)

I'm trying to setup a rule in my postfix configuration where I check the from address and the email content. My idea is to REJECT mail if: From: [email protected] Content: Hello Test Is there anyway to ...
Diogo Jesus's user avatar
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How to stop Backscatter (NDR) from spoofed Mail address?

some one is sending mails from a spoofed mail account from our domain ([email protected]) to hundreds, sometimes thousands of non existant russian E-Mail addresses. The web hosts send out NDRs ...
Rimini's user avatar
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A SpamAssassin filter for empty HTML part

A new kind of spam's been getting through my defenses lately with the following common characteristics: The message itself is of type multipart/mixed with two parts. The body of the spam is in the ...
Mikhail T.'s user avatar
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Abuse report for an email message from

I'm an AWS SES user. I'm getting emails from [email protected] with this message: This is an email abuse report for an email message from Based on this Why do I ...
Yevgeniy Afanasyev's user avatar
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Set Postfix to require authentication to send to own domain from own domain

My postfix setup (running in the cloud) successfully prevents relaying, requiring authentication to send to a non-local domain. However, spammers are sending to [email protected] from someotheruser@...
TSG's user avatar
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How to turn on "Release & Allow Sender", and "Block" from End-user spam notifications in EOP states that the spam notification report to users provides the following choices: ...
user66001's user avatar
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Postfix - External incoming mails with company domain

We use postfix as internal and external relay and Exchange inside the organization. Our company is receiving a lot of SPAM and phising mails whose Sender is our own company domain. Searching Exchange ...
Maximiliano's user avatar
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Will enabling non-delivery notifications cause more spam?

In the past we received a lot of spam email. The past year it was a lot less and we would like to keep it that way offcourse. We are a construction company and we receive a lot of construction ...
Ramon Bakker's user avatar

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