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Questions tagged [spamhaus]

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2 votes
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spamhaus sbl error — blocked using; Error: open resolver

For I don't know how long — maybe a decade — I've had the following in my postfix configuration: smtpd_client_restrictions = reject_rbl_client, reject_rbl_client blackholes....
philolegein's user avatar
1 vote
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Spamhaus is blocking several customers since a couple of days?

I received a couple of complaints from customers that got their emails rejected. I haven't changed my config, so this must be an issue with spamhaus. I'm running Postfix with these settings for ...
3und80's user avatar
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How to whitelist our own outgoing emails from being blocked in amavis/spamassassin using Spamhaus' block lists?

Just after we implemented spam filtering on our Postfix server using spamassassin-dqs through amavisd-new we drastically reduced received spam, but to our surprise our own outgoing e-mails are being ...
Claudio's user avatar
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0 votes
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Server trying to connect to Spamhaus DROP networks

I have a small Ubuntu mail/web server running an outbound proxy server and also recently using the Spamhaus DROP lists to block connections from and to the networks listed in those. I see almost as ...
TommyPeanuts's user avatar
-1 votes
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Spamhaus blacklisted our mdaemon server IP due to wrong HELO

since two weeks ago spamhaus kept on putting our IP address on the CSS blacklist - we've had few thing to fix from the guideline so we delisted ourselves few times after checking all the requirements. ...
Backi's user avatar
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