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2 answers

WSL and maven wrapper?

I'm trying to run my ./mvnw from a Spring Boot project in a WSL (Ubuntu) with Windows 10 Enterprise Build 1803. But I keep getting the same error every time: : not found ./mvnw: : not found ./mvnw: ./...
HFR1994's user avatar
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Enabling HSTS header on AWS Application Load Balancer

We have a Spring Boot application behind an AWS Application Load Balancer. The load balancer terminates SSL before forwarding coming requests to our application and also redirects 80 port to 443 port. ...
berkay.ozturk's user avatar
3 votes
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Docker Swarm - database connection reset by peer

I am running a Spring Boot application with Docker Swarm and I use Postgres for database. When I run both of them as Docker service, database connection fails consistently and randomly (as you can ...
Elifcan Mehekli's user avatar
2 votes
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Delombok Lombok cannot find symbol location: package javax.annotation after spring boot 3 and jdk17 migration

I've migrated my project to spring boot 3. Once I've done it project stopped working. cannot find symbol [ERROR] symbol: class Generated [ERROR] location: package javax.annotation [ERROR] -> [...
vivan sai's user avatar
2 votes
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How HTTP 1.1 and HTTP 2.0 works in Spring Boot?

What are the differences in flow changes for HTTP 1.1 and HTTP 2.0 for Spring Boot applications ?
Souptik Sarkar's user avatar
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maxConnections or maxThreads on tomcat

Looking for advice - I've read the other two threads about this in my server.xml file I have two places where maxThreads are defined in two places: <Executor name="tomcatThreadPool" ...
RebRy's user avatar
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CORS blocked by No "Access-Control-Allow-Origin" on dockerized Angular frontend app and Spring Boot dockerized backend

I have built an Angular app and created a docker image, which makes it run on an Nginx server (once it is run). For the backend, I have a dockerized implementation as well. While trying to access the ...
Leo's user avatar
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Deploying application with SSH tunnel

I am developing spring-boot application where my backend-side is connecting to database using ssh tunneling (this part is required and cannot be changed). I have three ways to deploy application: ...
banabella's user avatar
1 vote
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K8S limit number of starting pods at the same time

I have problem with K8S, I have about 30 microservices (java running on spring boot). Microservices needs a lot of CPUs only for startup because there are a lot of libraries. When I deploy all ...
marek's user avatar
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Seeing Java Spring Boot logs from AWS Elastic Beanstalk in AWS CloudWatch

I'm reading the documentation but I'm not understanding simple Java application log access via CloudWatch from AWS Elastic Beanstalk. I have a simple Java Spring Boot Application deployed on Elastic ...
Garret Wilson's user avatar
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Are connections to databases http based or tcp based

are connections to Database http based or tcp based. Are jdbc of spring-boot application to postgressql http method connections based or tcp based connections.
charlie's user avatar
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If I'm redirecting port 80 to 443 with ssl set up in nginx and proxy to my application on port 5000 do I still need to set up Spring boot to use SSL?

Sorry if this should go into stackoverflow or security, it's kind of a middle of the road question. I have nginx on an elastic beanstalk instance which is set to redirect 80 to 443 and is proxying ...
LiamRyan's user avatar
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how to access external mysql from docker

I have an springboot java app inside docker that needs to access an external mysql. How can I configure this? Is it possible to define it inside Dockerfile? I am now to docker so I assume this ...
simonC's user avatar
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Azure application gateway spring boot app VM scaleset

I have a setup of Azure VM scaleset, each Linux VM running java spring boot app on a specific port (8070). I need to use a domain with https on application gateway and use Linux VMSS with java app as ...
anudeep's user avatar
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Tomcat Tomcat/9.0.8 error java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: javax/management/MBeanServerNotification

i am getting the following error when starting my java spring application > `16-Jul-2018 12:00:02.108 WARNING [http-nio-8080-exec-4] org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoaderBase....
Ian Nato's user avatar
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Why does Spring-boot no longer load PKCS11-NSS certificates after update to 3.1.0?

After updating from spring-boot version 3.0.8 to 3.1.0 or 3.1.1 the application no longer loads the SSL certificates from the store. Configuration: FIPS compliant config as described in: https://...
Jeremy McDaniel's user avatar
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Configuring different apps in Nginx using same domain

I have an ecommerce application running 2 applications. App 1 ( is written as react.js and built as a normal html site. Nginx is serving this on port 7000. App 2 ( is a ...
Bobj's user avatar
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I am getting "During an aborted deployment, some instances may have deployed the new application version" error while deploying my app

I am getting Action execution failed Deployment completed, but with errors: During an aborted deployment, some instances may have deployed the new application version. To ensure all instances are ...
Amimul Ehsan Rahi's user avatar
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How to diagnose a quietly dying Java server application?

We run a cluster of Java Spring server apps on AWS EC2 instances running Centos 7. We have health monitors on them, and occasionally an alarm will go off and we'll find that the Java process has ...
CryptoFool's user avatar
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Easy AWS deployment of Spring Boot application with reasonable SSL costs

I am experimenting with deploying a standalone, executable Spring Boot JAR on AWS with SSL support. I tried using Elastic Beanstalk, which created an EC instance. It uses Route 53 with an Elastic Load ...
Garret Wilson's user avatar
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Simple site access analytics with Spring Boot on AWS Elastic Beanstalk

I have successfully set up a Spring Boot application, deployed as an executable JAR, on AWS Elastic Beanstalk. It has a load balancer with a maximum of 2 (for now) EC2 instances and uses HTTPS. It ...
Garret Wilson's user avatar
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Google App Engine keeps restarting Spring Boot application all the time for no apparent reason

I have a very simple Java 11 Spring Boot application running on Google's App Engine. The problem is that the instance running the app keeps restarting very very often. Sometimes as often as 70 times ...
Robert Gruber's user avatar
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Finding reason for Spring Boot application failure

My Spring Boot application stopped working a couple of days ago and I'm trying to figure out why so I can prevent it in the future. This is the first time this happens so I don't really know where to ...
darksmurf's user avatar
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My spring boot application throws connection timeout error, and it is never able to connect. The other interesting problem I see is, it is never picking up the connection timeout property defined in ...
sfigo's user avatar
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Hyper-v dynamic memory issue with java spring boot

I have a developer who wrote several applications in Java spring boot and I have a VM configured with dynamic memory. His application stops working intermittently and he's pointing the finger at the ...
Brad's user avatar
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2 answers

How can I find disk space usage?

I have a Ubuntu docker run on CentOS host in Google Cloud. The docker runs a spring-boot application used for image uploading to S3. I do not save anything on local disk. Every 2 weeks or so, I have ...
Hanan Bareket's user avatar
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Windows: create a service for running a executable jar with out any external libraries

I have spring boot executable jar file which can run into any command prompt by calling java -jar filename.jar. I want to create a service with out downloading any external libraries for the above ...
Prateep Gedupudi's user avatar
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3 answers

CORS Error in Google App Engine on java server

I have two apps. Frontend(Angular) running on Firebase Backend Spring Boot (Java11) running on App Engine Got this error while trying to reach any endpoints in app engine "Access has been blocked ...
RtiOne Kkarkov's user avatar
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Proper method for reloading a Spring (Tomcat) application?

Not sure if this is a ServerFault or StackOverflow question. I'm posting it here since it's more of a server-related thing. We're running a SpringBoot application (Java) running in a Tomcat container ...
mwieczorek's user avatar
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Nginx reverse proxy to apache server, redirection gives 404

I have this setup with angular and spring boot project having nginx reverse proxy to apache for serving angular application and embedded server for spring boot reverse proxied through nginx. Now I am ...
sarp's user avatar
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Nginx und Tomcat For Spring and Angular App

I have Spring boot and Angular app in Tomcat Container deployed on Server. It works totally fine on localhost. Now I am trying to map my domain with the application. When I call my domain then API ...
lesnar's user avatar
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Google App Engine tomcat error with Spring Boot

First of all, I am a real newbie using any cloud services, and this is the first time that I have asked something here, therefore I am apologizing in advance if anything I may say is wrong. I'm ...
Nick Fabrizzi's user avatar
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Spring boot client and cloud config server HTTP authentication

I'm configuring a spring boot 1.5.4 client with spring cloud config server 1.3.1. The client and the server works without any authentication. However, I'm trying to configure HTTP Basic ...
Chida's user avatar
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How to view the springboot logs stored on s3 bucket using loki promtail EKS

After enabling the loki on EKS with S3 storage, the folders (fake,index,loki_cluster_seed.json) are created inside the s3 bucket . s3_bucket_folder What this each folder consists & how the logs ...
saranya dec19's user avatar
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Error deploying Java Spring Boot app on Google App Engine: Timed out fetching pod (Error Response: [4])

This is my first time deploying on Google App Engine [or, at least, trying to]. I've built a Java Spring Boot app, configured the app.yaml and did the other preparation steps. However, when I run ...
Alex Braga's user avatar
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[name=Redis, majorVersion=6]; user must register resolver or explicitly set 'hibernate.dialect'

I have asked this question in stackoverflow already, but I think the question is more suitable here. Sorry for cross-posting. After successfully creating datasource for redis in wildfly, I am now ...
Sudipta Roy's user avatar
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Issues with VPS provider limiting CPU usage with data processing Spring Boot application

I developed a Java Spring Boot application with a PostgreSQL database. Since the data being processed is quite a lot, the processing can take time and it uses a lot of CPU (e.g. up to 100% obviously). ...
BullyWiiPlaza's user avatar
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Kafka Issue : Request joining group due to: group is already rebalancing

The pod is not getting restarted, No ongoing rebalance to finish consumer group experiences no frequent changes, but still rebalancing issue occurs. is there anything wrong with the configuration? ...
Spartan's user avatar
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Docker compose - flyway not connecting to mysql

I'm trying to dockerize a microservice built with Spring Boot that uses the MySQL database and Flyway. When I run the microservice through the IDE, the flyway manages to connect with MYSQL, but when I ...
Gustavo Cruz's user avatar
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Downloading large excel file in angular using xlsx library(net::ERR_INCOMPLETE_CHUNKED_ENCODING 200)

I am doing an excel file download using angular + springboot and the api returns application/json file. The transfer-encoding:chunked is always enabled and i see responses return http 1.1 . I posted ...
user2868864's user avatar
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How to pass https requests to http in nginx

I have a self signed certificate, I deployed my front end react app on nginx which is served by using HTTPS but front end is making call to back-end spring-boot app over HTTP and when i check inspect ...
Satish Lamak's user avatar
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handle tls when domain points to subdomain in cname record

We are trying to point domain to sub doamins *.com --> * for example --> We need to support all domains, not a few domains for ...
ashraf revo's user avatar
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Nginx patch request ends up with Invalid CORS request

It's simple set up. Three docker containers in same network. ReactJs - production build on nginx server Spring Boot Mysql GET, POST request works like a charm but when i try to use PATCH request i ...
Lucas's user avatar
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Apache Tomcat reject post request for more than 19KB and return 400 BAD REQUEST

Spring boot application deployed on apache tomcat 9 reject post request larger than 19kb. the bookController: @CrossOrigin(origins = "*", maxAge = 3600) @RestController @RequestMapping("...
Asher's user avatar
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Let's Encrypt: SSL Certificate is valid for the Domain but not valid Specific Port (net::ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR)

I am using VPS: Amazon EC2 and SSL Cert Provider: Let's Encrypt (through Certbot) I have seen some kind of a question but the answer is not useful for my situation. I have a domain ...
Ragesh Pikalmunde's user avatar
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Centos8 java application as service

Background: We are running java springboot applications on Centos8 (for now...) as service but applications take some time to startup: flyway, DAO initialization... Actualy start of service can take ...
Facty's user avatar
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How can I connect My Domain and Spring-boot project?

my env : Linux, maven, AWS EC2, Spring boot I can see the main screen of the project when I connect to the Elastic IP of EC2. However, when I try to connect to the purchased .dev domain, I get an 403 ...
코드짜개's user avatar
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Kubernetes pod return 401 with Keycloak Bearer header

I have the k8s cluster which ALB(ingress) --> (api service, keycload service) --> (api deployment, pod deployment). I use authorize code authentication to Keycloak and get the access token. But ...
Van Le's user avatar
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Spring application low performance when filtering data

I have created Spring application in app engine B2, I can see in logs that application takes 1s to complete data filtering(after wakening application up). When in my local machine it takes 10ms. Data ...
Vilius's user avatar
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Spring Boot and stop by systemctl not working

My application uses Spring Boot 2.3.1.RELEASE, it is an executable jar that uses an Embedded Tomcat and is listening on port 10605. I deployed on CentOS Linux release 7.6.1810 (Core). I took the ...
user3065205's user avatar