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Questions tagged [thanos]

Open source, highly available Prometheus setup with long term storage capabilities.

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Why does my prometheus dashboard only show 2 weeks of data when I have longer term data available?

I have Prometheus configured with Thanos. I'm using the Node Exporter Full dashboard to view data from the node exporter. Regardless of what time range I select (e.g., now-20d), the dashboard only ...
larsks's user avatar
  • 45.6k
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When to use Thanos/Cortex over Vanilla Prometheus?

Generally when I look around or try to understand the HA setup for Prometheus the most common search results are Cortex & Thanos. I've also seen M3 and Victoriametrics on the list. What I ...
Vipin Menon's user avatar
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How to monitor multiple Kubernetes clusters using single Grafana?

I would like to use a single Grafana instance to monitor multiple Kubernetes cluster (pods resources consumption, rabbitmq queues info) provided by Prometheus. I have two Kubernetes cluster - one used ...
FN_'s user avatar
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Thanos Receiver not deleting old data in Persistent Volume (PV) after retention is exceeded

I have set up Kube Prometheus Stack with Thanos on my Kubernetes cluster, and I'm using the Thanos Receiver instead of the sidecar approach. I have also configured the Thanos Compactor and Minio for ...
dasunNimantha's user avatar