I have server running Debian 11 and it is a webserver, I need to know in a specific period what is the IP that utlize more traffic out from the server, I find some tools like iftop and vnstat, but I cannot find what I need, I need a tool to keep data for network traffic for specific time and I can find which IP is consume high traffic from my server


  • 2
    So you keep apache logs from last month? Commented Jul 18, 2023 at 12:07
  • Awstats is a bit basic but simpl, available from repo and will fulfill your requirements as long as you are happy with its month based reporting periods
    – symcbean
    Commented Jul 18, 2023 at 12:39
  • To expand on the other comments: when your web server maintains access logs you can use the information stored in those to generate visitor / usage statistics. Note that such stats don't include traffic generated via any other protocol: if your webmaster has copied lots of data over (s)ftp or scp for example ; that won't be included in the apache logs. If/when you need statistics for all possible protocols: consider ipt-netflow to generate netflow data and capture/import that into a suitable analyser
    – HBruijn
    Commented Jul 18, 2023 at 15:03
  • to describe my problem in more details. the server is running multiple services, web, DNS and mail, so what I need is to monitor all traffic on the server on all ports and which IPs is utilizing the bandwidth for specific period, so if there is a tool like zabbix but to show me which IPs is using more bandwidth in specific period Commented Jul 19, 2023 at 7:33


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