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Ubuntu 12.10 Quantal

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22 votes
2 answers

How to fix "unable to qualify my own domain name (myhost) -- using short name"?

and yes, I have localhost localhost.localdomain myhost in hosts file. What is wrong? Sendmail started to put this error into log. May ...
user avatar
20 votes
3 answers

Git clone/pull across local network [closed]

I'm trying to clone/pull a repository in another PC using Ubuntu Quantal. I have done this on Windows before but I don't know what is the problem on ubuntu. I tried these: git clone file:////pc-name/...
Tomas Ramirez Sarduy's user avatar
18 votes
1 answer

ProxyPass: Redirect directory URL to non-standard port

I've been searching Google and have no had much success in finding an answer. I'm running a server on Ubuntu and I have programs installed that use various non-standard ports. Each one uses a ...
Serneum's user avatar
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12 votes
2 answers

upstart does not see my job

in Ubuntu 12.10 user@xyz:~$ sudo initctl --version initctl (upstart 1.5) Copyright (C) 2012 Scott James Remnant, Canonical Ltd. This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There ...
xdenser's user avatar
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10 votes
2 answers

Logstash can't read files it should have access too

I've added user logstash into group adm using the command $ usermod -a -G adm logstash. One of the files that the logstash agent is trying to read is /var/log/nginx/foo-access.log, which has the ...
Phil Sturgeon's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Bypass SSL on localhost when hitting nginx status

I have a location for /nginx_status, and I installed an SSL cert last night. server { listen 443; ... location /nginx_status { stub_status on; access_log off; ...
David Fox's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Suppress OSSEC email for failed root ssh

I'm running OSSEC as a HIDS on a Ubuntu 12.10 server, and it routinely (3-4x a day) sends me a notification like this: (note the last octet of the IP address has been changed to 'xxx' to protect the ...
tkrajcar's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Linux network namespaces - ping fails on specific veth

I just started to exploring network namespaces. I try to implement the following simple setting following the article in +--------+ +--------...
Vasilis's user avatar
  • 293
3 votes
4 answers

Computer gets IP from DHCP server but has no internet connection

I've installed an isc-dhcp-server on Ubuntu 12.10 and I'm trying to setup a DHCP server on a head node for six worker computers in the local network. The head node itself is a DHCP client receiving ...
user2611216's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Is it possible plugging in a crossover cable to a 1Gb network adapter fried my adapter?

The host I am working with has two network adapters and is running Ubuntu Server 12.10. In an attempt to network two computers I used a cross-over cable as in the old 100Mbps days. After doing this I ...
Ryan R.'s user avatar
  • 123
2 votes
3 answers

Can't resolve issue: iptables: No chain/target/match by that name

So I am trying to setup shorewall firewall on my linux vps. The vps is running ubuntu 12.10. When I type $ shorewall check I get this error. iptables: No chain/target/match by that name. ERROR: ...
user186639's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

adding new hosts in icinga web

Using Ubuntu 12.10 server. icinga with idoutils and icinga-web. Have ability to see hosts if I add them in the localhost_icinga.cfg however from my understanding you can create a host.cfg based on ...
mikedopp's user avatar
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2 votes
3 answers

when use . after myhost.mydomain in config files?

I noticed sometimes '.' can be seen at the end of myhost.mydomain so it is myhost.mydomain. ^^^ statement. Where should I use this '.' at the end? Currently in etc/hosts I don't ...
user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Using rsync to copy from HFS+ to HFS+ on Linux

I have a small linux server. I have data on several HFS+ drives that I'd like to consolidate to another HFS+ drive. The drives will be connected to the server via a USB HDD dock. I'm running Ubuntu 12....
Andrew's user avatar
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2 votes
0 answers

OpenVPN: Run 'bridge-start' on boot before starting openvpn service (Ubuntu)

I've got OpenVPN working properly on my server, using bridge-start and bridge-stop scripts to create and remove network bridge, respectively. How do I set these scripts up to run bridge-start at boot ...
Christiaan's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Issue with solr memory usage

I'm having memory problems with a Solr slave instance. The problem is that every time the slave replicates new changes from the master, the slave starts a new searcher, and apparently the old one isn'...
Allan Kjaergaard's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

lamp - is this virtual host creation process correct?

I recently reinstalled ubuntu on my system and I cannot get virtual hosts to work properly. What I'm trying to accomplish is typing 'test' on my browser and pointing to my local machine on the ...
ppp's user avatar
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1 answer

SSH invalid open call: O_CREAT without mode

I'm having troubles to connect to my server via SSH. It runs Ubuntu 12.10. I can access the server using a normal user, but I can't access it using root. It seems ssh authenticates well, but the ...
Throoze's user avatar
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1 answer

Tell NetworkManager to ignore or not probe rfcomm0

I'm trying to remotely connect to a system via Bluetooth but am running into problems. Here's what I'm trying to do... On the remote device I'd like to have the following running: rfcomm -r watch 0 ...
Tim Tisdall's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Error installing nginx with Passenger on Ubuntu 12.10 for Ruby 2.0.0 [closed]

I am attempting to install nginx to run a Rails site (3.2.13) with Passenger (4.0.0.rc5) on Ruby 2.0.0-p0 via RVM. I have successfully installed the Passenger gem, but when running: rvmsudo passenger-...
Rich's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

bridging two network interfaces in ubuntu linux 12.10 AND being able to access it from that machine

Ok, i have about had it but heres the deal. I have 7 total machines connected like this: [5 workstations]<--->ServerPC<---->MAINPC<---->router FYI, dont worry about the workstations they ...
osirisgothra's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

installing mysql5.6.12 in ubuntu 12.10 error:/etc/mysql/conf.d is missing

I am trying to install mysql in ubuntu 12.10. Downloaded 'MySQL-5.6.12-1.linux_glibc2.5.i386.rpm-bundle' from Extracted it and tried to install using rpm -i ...
Amritha's user avatar
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0 votes
2 answers

Executing SU in a bash script

I'm running a remote bash script (using ssh -t 'bash'). In "" I have a sudo su anotheruser. At that point, the script seems to push a shell and I'm left in that "interactive" ...
Fred Finkle's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Creating VLANs between network namespaces [closed]

I want to implement the topology shown in the figure below using network namespaces (ns1 to ns4).                  ...
Vasilis's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

Removing MongoDB from Ubuntu

I recently started to mess with setting up ReplicaSets. After some testing and playing, I was wanting to remove MongoDB and all settings, and start with a fresh install on all systems to get it set-...
w3rthl3ss's user avatar
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2 answers

Ubuntu Server crashes on file transfers

Upon transferring some files across server disks I lost connection and the server crashed. Plugging in a Screen showed no response at all. I had to reset the Server, which then boots normally. At ...
Zerreth's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

ubuntu 12.10 openldap issue Invalid DN syntax (34)"

I'm following: and when I get to the part that says ldapsearch -x -LLL -H ldap:/// -b dc=example,dc=com dn I get: Invalid DN syntax ...
jgreenberg's user avatar
0 votes
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do-release-upgrade skipped a version - how to specify a release?

I have a experienced a slightly odd behaviuour in the Ubuntu upgrade utility and am lefting wanting to know. Also I am trying to replicate an environment as closely as possible, and upgrading from 12....
tk-noodle's user avatar
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1 answer

Ubuntu 12.10 virtualhost conflict

I have 2 sites on my server. One I access via my IP, x.x.x.x/site1. The other is a registered domain name, Initially, I had only my /etc/apache/sites-available/default file available ...
sisko's user avatar
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1 answer

Apache Reverse Proxy via mod_proxy_ajp not routing requests to Tomcat

I have two instances of Apache and Tomcat7 installed. One on my Macbook Pro with Mountain Lion and the other in a VirtualBox VM on that Mac with Ubuntu Server 12.10. Both have the same VirtualHost ...
Darrell Brogdon's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Disabling shared memory prevents ssh login

I'm setting up a new Linode server and following steps from here: 2 times now if I follow the following steps: Edit /etc/fstab Add this line: ...
Geuis's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

Apache 2.2 serving 404s and not logging after server reboot

I previously had Apache 2.2 running a few virtual hosts on my Ubuntu 12.12 Digital Ocean droplet. Then I wanted to increase the server RAM, so I quit with shutdown -h 0 (without stopping Apache, or ...
Kyle's user avatar
  • 9
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4 answers

Can't login via ssh after upgrading to Ubuntu 12.10

I have an Ubuntu 12.04LTS instance on AWS EC2 and I upgraded it to 12.10 following the instructions at After upgrading I can no longer ssh into my ...
Quoc Vu's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

Ubuntu Server Preseed issues (Partitioning)

I'm installing 14 Ubuntu 12.10 amd64 servers in an IBM Bladecenter.. I'm having trouble getting past the partitioner step with the preseed file I made. I think I'm having a problem here boot-root ::...
Justin Hermann's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

page does not end up directly under domain

I'm trying to set up a java page using Apache and tomcat on a Ubuntu server. The problem I'm having is that the page does not end up under the domain but in a virtual folder on the domain like this. ...
Dragon Creature's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Allow User Account to run a single command using SUDO privelages

I have a machine running Ubuntu 12.10. I have two user accounts setup, my account, and another user. I am able to run SUDO commands, but the other user isn't in the SUDO'ers list. What I'm trying to ...
spelk's user avatar
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I have a ubuntu 12.10 with subversion 1.7.5. When i try to commit a project it returns 500 ISE

This is the error that returns the client(versionsapp) when i try to commit. Server sent unexpected return value (500 Internal Server Error) in response to POST request for '/svn/ultima_prueba/!svn/...
MrSanders's user avatar
0 votes
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Why isn't OpenLDAP logging an error for my ldapsearch?

I am trying to setup OpenLDap. I am really unsure what I am doing and don't wish to post a general help me question without an answer. I am interesting in getting more detailed log files so I can ...
DarkSheep's user avatar
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apache2 in ubuntu 12.10 basic configuration problems

I don't know why am I getting a 404 error when I try to access to my site This is /etc/apache2/sites-available/default file, (as I enabled it, /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/default-...
de3's user avatar
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-1 votes
1 answer

How to have load balancing using 1 Ethernet card + 2 ADSL router

I have 1 Ubuntu 12.10 server with 1 eth0 ( and it's connected to my switch. In my network I have 2 ADSL routers ( & How I can configure my server to act ...
Mike Castro Demaria's user avatar
-1 votes
2 answers

LAMP make website public [closed]

POST EXISTS IN UBUNTU FORUMS ALSO Hello all, As the title describes i am trying to make my website public from a LAMP setup. I trying but i am failing... so if you could give that extra push it would ...
czioutas's user avatar