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Questions tagged [unicorn]

Unicorn is an HTTP server for Rack applications designed to only serve fast clients on low-latency, high-bandwidth connections and take advantage of features in Unix/Unix-like kernels.

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31 votes
5 answers

Need to increase nginx throughput to an upstream unix socket -- linux kernel tuning?

I am running an nginx server that acts as a proxy to an upstream unix socket, like this: upstream app_server { server unix:/tmp/app.sock fail_timeout=0; } server { listen ###.###.###....
Ben Lee's user avatar
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16 votes
2 answers

Optimal number of per CPU unicorn processes

We are running a Ruby on Rails web app under Unicorn. Our app is not strictly CPU bound (we have a dual Xeon E5645 system w/12 cores and a peak load average value is around 6). We started with 40 ...
Alex's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

How to define different stop/restart signals with upstart

I am starting to convert all of our systems to using upstart to manage our various application processes. One thing that I am constantly missing is the ability to send a different signal to the ...
localshred's user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

Unicorn behind ELB, no nginx

If I understand Unicorn right (and in particular from their philosophy doc) it seems like Unicorn was really designed to operate behind a reverse proxy like nginx. My question is: can I drop nginx ...
pedro's user avatar
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5 votes
3 answers

Using Upstart to manage Unicorn w/ rbenv + bundler binstubs w/ ruby-local-exec shebang

Alright, this is melting my brain. It might have something to do with the fact that I don't understand Upstart as well as I should. Sorry in advance for the long question. I'm trying to use Upstart ...
codykrieger's user avatar
5 votes
4 answers

Operation not permitted when starting Unicorn

I've created an nginx/unicorn/capistrato setup on Ubuntu (Amazon EC2) by following mostly this guide. I guess everything is set up like it should but when I start Unicorn I get (a LOT of) this error ...
fiskeben's user avatar
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1 answer

NGINX Unicorn 504 Gateway Time-out

I try all what I found in the Google by this question, but - nothing. It doesn't work anyway. My NGINX default: upstream app { server unix:/tmp/unicorn.rails.sock fail_timeout=0; } server { ...
Orkhan's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Unicorn workers timing out intermittently

I'm getting intermittent timeouts from unicorn workers for seemingly no reason, and I'd like some help to debug the actual problem. It's worse because it works about 10 - 20 requests then 1 will ...
Bill Billingson's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Instances slow when connected to AWS load balancer

I have setup 5 t1.micro EC2's behind an AWS load balancer. All the instances slow down once they are connected to the LB. Eight out of 10 requests takes more than 30s even when I do the requests ...
quintencls's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

can nginx retry request if unicorn is overloaded and returns a 502?

Is it possible to have nginx retry a second backend before returning a 502 to the client? Would something like this work? Front end: # haproxy:85 => [a few app servers]:8000 # more specifically: ...
Aaron Gibralter's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Request timeout issue with nginx, unicorn and rails

I have an application in rails and it runs unicorn in production. There are some requests that take too long to process. I have configured the server to increase the timeout, so these request work ...
Daniel Cukier's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Unicorn workers dying

Last night at around midnight, our app fell over and I'm trying to determine why. We currently have a nginx front end server and 2 unicorn worker (app) servers on EC2. Pretty much our unicorn workers ...
James's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Writing an upstart config file for Unicorn

I've had a good hunt and can't find a good example of an upstart script for Unicorn. From what I've read however I think that upstart and unicorn might step on each others toes if I just try to set ...
Brendon Muir's user avatar
4 votes
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Suddenly started experiencing enormous wait times before requests hit server

Our web app has been getting 20k-30k views a day, and steadily growing. About 4 days ago we suddenly started seeing wait times of 30-40 seconds before the HTML was even being delivered, on pages that ...
Bill Stites's user avatar
4 votes
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Gitlab not working because of unicorn

gitlab looks like it should be ok, but it is not - page returns always: 502 Whoops, GitLab is taking too much time to respond. Status: $ gitlab-ctl status run: gitlab-workhorse: (pid 10244) 718s; ...
Blaskovic's user avatar
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1 answer

Nginx + unicorn + spdy + performance testing

I have a ruby on rails website that is hosted on unicorn webserver behind a nginx reverse proxy. I want to evaluate if using spdy will enhance my performance under this setup. Specifically, I need ...
zango123's user avatar
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Rails 4 Unicorn+Nginx on Ubuntu 13.04 VPS keeps crashing

I bought a years subscription at (found some coupon code, it was only about $15 for a whole year) to launch my first Rails Production server. I'm running Nginx with Unicorn and MySQL on ...
NomNomCameron's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Rails when served by unicorn is generating the wrong fingerprint for precompiled assets

I have a production server with nginx -> unicorn -> rails. I precompile assets, which puts assets in public/assets with a fingerprint (hash) appended to the filename. However, when a web page is ...
Whit Kemmey's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Where does Varnish usually go in a Rails web stack?

I have a production Rails application deployed on Unicorn with nginx in front for static file serving. I now need some features of Varnish and I'm wondering how to introduce it. Some people put ...
wormcontrol's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Explain load-balancing with Nginx like I'm five

I've found plenty of DIY posts and tutorials on how to configure Nginx as a load-balancer using upstream server: upstream backend { ip_hash; server; server; server; } ...
Cyle's user avatar
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Nginx and Unicorn on separate machines

I've got a pretty standard Rails application running with Unicorn and Nginx all on one box. I'd like to split off the application itself and have Nginx on one machine and Unicorn (with the Rails app) ...
cmhobbs's user avatar
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3 votes
3 answers

Is slow IO on my cloud server causing my slow server restart issues?

I'm running two servers on Rackspace cloud one for the web app and one for the db and redis instances. The web server has 1Gb of ram and single core. Nginx sits in front of unicorn which is running 2 ...
toxaq's user avatar
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1 answer

How to debug why my server has 3s delay on each request nginx/unicorn?

I am trying to debug why my server has 3 seconds delay on each request. These are my nginx and unicorn config files: My server info: Welcome ...
tomekfranek's user avatar
3 votes
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Who should own the god process?

I have a stack running on ubuntu consisting of a Rack application written in Sinatra and GrapeAPI. The application stack includes Redis, Postgres, Nginx and unicorn. I want to use god to handle ...
Stewart's user avatar
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1 answer

Rails + Nginx + Unicorn increase post data size ( 414 Request-URI Too Large)

I get 414 (Request-URI Too Large) exception on my POST Request while sending bulk date to my server. Is it possible to increase the limit of POST data? I have done following change in nginx ...
Sivakumar's user avatar
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1 answer

Nginx + Unicorn

I am working on a migration from nginx + passenger to nginx + unicorn and I have reached a point where I am a bit stuck. When I attempt to view my test server, I get nothing but a 404 page. I am sure ...
rottmanj's user avatar
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Rails, Capistrano, Nginx, Unicorn - Application has been already initialized (RuntimeError)

Can anyone shed some light on what exactly this error refers to? I'm having trouble deploying new versions of the site. I, INFO -- : reloading config_file=[snip]/current/config/unicorn.rb I, INFO -...
Andy Copley's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

How to properly secure Unicorn/RoR server on ubuntu? Or, harden RoR application stack?

I have few Unicorn servers running on Ubuntu 12.04 and I am looking to secure them against exploits which give remote shell. My main concern is, if it makes sense to deploy ModSecurity? Another ...
Andrew Smith's user avatar
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Forward real IP through Haproxy => Nginx => Unicorn

How do I forward the real visitors ip adress to Unicorn? The current setup is: Haproxy => Nginx => Unicorn How can I forward the real IP address from Haproxy, to Nginx, to Unicorn? Currently it ...
Hendrik's user avatar
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Unicorn and copy_on_write_friendly?

While researching Unicorn configuration options I came across this snippet.. GC.respond_to?(:copy_on_write_friendly=) and GC.copy_on_write_friendly = true If I undertand correctly, it optimizes ...
Miko's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

configure as

I am using nginx as server backend - for db manage (php-fpm) - main site (unicorn) When I go to I get How do I get ...
Vyacheslav Loginov's user avatar
2 votes
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Nginx and unicorn

I have 2 aplications, each one running on unicorn. I'd like to use nginx as a front end for each of those application. For each nginx / unicorn pair I would then use a dedicated unix socket. To do so, ...
Luc's user avatar
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IP spoofing attack errors after setting up a nodebalancer on

I recently set up a NodeBalancer in front of a Rails 3.2.12 app. The app is served by nginx and Unicorn. All seems to work fine, but I get a lot of errors such as these that I didn't get when I only ...
jlfenaux's user avatar
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1 answer

Why is there a separate "unicorn_rails" for Rails apps?

According to the Unicorn docs, there are different binaries for Rails apps and other Rack apps: non-Rails Rack applications In APP_ROOT, run: unicorn for Rails applications (should work for ...
Ben Lee's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Apache / Unicorn: how to get Apache to serve static files

I'm following this tutorial to install apache + unicorn but it seems that apache doesn't serve any of the static files. Here's the config I came up with (take a look at Redirect all non-static ...
Ramon Tayag's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Rails - Nginx not caching images

I've got a VPS where I'm running my Rails app using Nginx and Unicorn. I was successful to add expires headers to JS and CSS files, however I cannot force Nginx to cache images as well (according to ...
kellins's user avatar
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3 answers

Rails + Nginx + Unicorn multiple apps

I get the server where is currently installed two apps and i need to add another one, here is my configs. nginx.conf user www-data www-data; worker_processes 4; pid /var/run/; events { ...
Mikhail Nikalyukin's user avatar
2 votes
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Trouble with nginx config and upstream servers

I'm trying to configure two applications to be served up by nginx. The first seems to be working fine and I duplicated the config for the second, however I'm having some problems. I'm running a ...
Samuel's user avatar
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Monitoring slow nginx/unicorn requests

I'm currently using Nginx to proxy requests to a Unicorn server running a Sinatra application. The application only has a couple of routes defined, those of which make fairly simple (non costly) ...
injekt's user avatar
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Deploying sinatra app on rails app sub uri using( unicorn and nginx)

I have rails app running on unicorn+nginx. below is the nginx.conf and unicorn.rb configuration. nginx.conf upstream unicorn { server unix:/tmp/unicorn.todo.sock fail_timeout=0; } server{ ...
Pravin Mishra's user avatar
2 votes
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Unicorn error while hosting a Rails app with NGINX

All of a sudden my app stopped working and these are the last lines I am getting from unicorn.log unicorn worker[0] -D -c /home/deployer/apps/myapp/current/config/unicorn.rb -E production: ...
Darme's user avatar
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How to load environment variables with Unicorn

I can't seem to get my server to load up the environment variables. In my ideal setup I would like 1 user (deployer) to serve multiple applications on a single server. Ubuntu 12.04, Nginx, Unicorn. ...
SpoBo's user avatar
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3 answers

What are the benefits of running a app server in user space, like Unicorn, as opposed to as sudo?

I've been using Phusion Passenger + Rails/Sinatra for a lot of projects. Passenger runs under the main Nginx or Apache process. But I'm interested in Unicorn, partly because it runs in user space. ...
dan's user avatar
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1 answer

Block masking URL from nginx

Some bad person is masking my website with his domain I would like to block it somehow from my nginx config file if that is possible. I tried to see from "" source ...
user370395's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

Rails 3 shows 404 error instead of index.html (nginx + unicorn)

I have an index.html in public/ that should be loading by default but instead I get a 404 error when I try to access The page you were looking for doesn't exist. You may ...
Miko's user avatar
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nginx load balancing images not loading

Below is my load balancing other servers contain nginx unicorn based application setup. When i tried above configuration the images are not loading. I have total three servers 1 ...
user3585106's user avatar
1 vote
4 answers

nginx Permission denied error

I'm runnning nginx and unicorn to serve Rails application. Unicorn and Rails app works fine, but nginx can't open rails public directory with permission error and return 502 Bad Gateway. curl http://...
DIGITALSQUAD's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

Nginx + Unicorn multiple apps with locations - routing

I would like to run multiple rails apps with just using different location blocks. Different unicorn workers are started and configured, they are working just fine. Every app is under the same folder:...
p1100i's user avatar
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scalability with nginx, passenger, ruby on rails setup [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: How do you do Load Testing and Capacity Planning for Web Sites Hey guys I had a question regarding scalability for my RoR application. We have been optimizing our ...
Dani Cela's user avatar
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Elastic Load Balancer & SSL termination

I am setting up a Rails app on AWS that: 1) all traffic must be ssl encrypted 2) will highly fluctuate in the amount of traffic on a weekly basis 3) will by maintained by someone that is a stronger ...
Aaron Scruggs's user avatar