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Questions tagged [upload]

Upload means sending of data from a local system to a remote system such as a server or another client with the intent that the remote system should store a copy of the data being transferred.

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47 votes
4 answers

PSCP: Upload an entire folder, Windows to Linux

I am using PSCP to upload some files from Windows to Linux. I can do it fine just uploading one file at a time. But I have some very large directories and I want to upload an entire directory at once. ...
Mechlar's user avatar
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35 votes
5 answers

How to upload a directory recursively to an FTP server by just using ftp or lftp?

I am writing a Linux shell script to copy a local directory to a remote server (removing any existing files). Local server: ftp and lftp commands are available, no ncftp or any graphical tools. ...
Nicolas Raoul's user avatar
16 votes
4 answers

How can I create a user only for sftp?

I have added a user to the system via the adduser tool. Then, in /etc/passwd, I tried changing the /bin/bash to /sbin/nologin or to /dev/null, but neither of these worked. I would like the user not ...
Toni Rosa's user avatar
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15 votes
2 answers

How do I install automake and autoconf on RedHat Enterprise 5?

I am attempting to install "uploadprogress" for a PHP application, and have failed on dependencies. Firstly, on phpize, then php-devel, then on autoconf and automake. I have tried yum, and various ...
Kevin Sedgley's user avatar
12 votes
1 answer

Reliable file transfer over slow or flaky network link

I need to transfer a number of files files over a low-quality broadband link to a server. The files are large, and take approximately 30 minutes to transfer per file. I use scp, but it sometimes ...
user1219721's user avatar
12 votes
3 answers

Nginx client_max_body_size per location block (with php frontcontroller pattern)

I am looking for a solution for this problem. I understand the reasoning why the setup in that question does not work, but I try to get to a solution where I can get it working. The idea is to allow ...
Jurian Sluiman's user avatar
10 votes
1 answer

How to detect or log interrupted uploads with OpenSSH SFTP server?

I have this problem where a customer of ours has been SFTP-ing truncated data. I'm not sure if the problem is on our end or his. I've enabled SFTP logging but it does not allow me to detect if an ...
surj's user avatar
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10 votes
1 answer

iproute multiple ADSL load balancer through VM

For a long time (2 years?) I have been running a virtual machine (Ubuntu 12.04 server) with a very basic outbound load balancing capability, sending different outbound connections out different ADSL ...
Drew Anderson's user avatar
9 votes
3 answers

Limit upload file size and redirect user to error page if limit exceeds

Is it possible to redirect user to file file too big page when POST request size exceeds specified limit? I am aware about max-request-size option, but it gives just static page that cannot be ...
jonny's user avatar
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9 votes
2 answers

AWS Elastic Beanstalk File Upload Limit Issue

I'm having an issue on an AWS Elastic Beanstalk instance, whereby I can't seem to upload a PDF file that is 6MB in size. First, let me provide a bit more background: The application running is an ...
Cian Leonard's user avatar
8 votes
6 answers

Allow anonymous upload for Vsftpd?

I need a basic FTP server on Linux (CentOS 5.5) without any security measure, since the server and the clients are located on a test LAN, not connected to the rest of the network, which itself uses ...
user15318's user avatar
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8 votes
1 answer

Is there any good reason not to increase upload_max_filesize and post_max_size?

As the sysadmin of a LAMP box I am being asked to raise the upload capacity of php/html forms to something around 70 MB. I believe the server can handle it since it has two quad cores and 4 Gig RAM. I ...
damusnet's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

ColdFusion settings for large file uploads

I'm trying to set up a coldfusion server to accept uploads of large files, and I'm bumping into some limits. Here's what I've observed so far: There are two settings in ColdFusion Administrator that ...
user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

Best practice to link with WebDAV, as FollowSymLinks doesn’t allow to show symlinks

Symbolic links are a widespread practice on linux to make a ressource (e.g. directory) available in another location without having to maintain several copies of it. This is implemented in many ...
Matthias Ronge's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

Nginx proxy timeout while uploading big files

I'm experiencing strange behaviour with Nginx. In my case Nginx acts as proxy to Jetty. Config below: server { listen 80; client_header_timeout 3m; client_body_timeout 3m; ...
tomekkup's user avatar
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7 votes
3 answers

How to set default umask for Tomcat webdav servlet?

The title says it all. I need Tomcat's webdav servlet to create files with rw-rw-r-- rights, but it keeps creating it as rw-r--r--. I tried to set up umask in /etc/profile, but it didn't help (...'s user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

IIS randomly returns 413 Request Entity Too Large when uploading large files and using TLS

I have an ISAPI application running on IIS, which is meant to support uploads of files of any size. On one server, uploads seemingly randomly fail with 413 Request Entity Too Large or time out when ...
Florian Winter's user avatar
7 votes
0 answers

Nginx returning 408 error with XHR2 file uploads during mid-upload

A customer of mine is trying to upload a file to our remote nginx webserver via a form POST using XHR2 form data (and a cross-domain request with CORS). During mid-upload, the webserver returns a 408 ...
danronmoon's user avatar
6 votes
7 answers

FTP uploading in BASH script

I need to upload the entire content of a directory /home/test to my ftp server, in a specific folder. I will then schedule the script hourly via cron. Any examples? NB. consider that I'm on a Netgear ...
Fabio B.'s user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

Nginx upload PUT and POST

I am trying to make nginx accept POST and PUT methods to upload files. I have compiled nginx_upload_module-2.2.0. I can't find any how to. I simply want to use only nginx for this, no reverse proxy, ...
w00t's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

Best Practice: Apache File Upload

I am looking for a soultion for trusted users to upload pdf files via html forms (with maybe php involved). This is quite a standard ubuntu linux server with apache 2.x and php 5. I am wonderiung ...
user12096's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

Prevent large file upload with nginx

I'm serving my website using Nginx as web server. I offer upload functionality to my users (they are allowed to submit pictures up to 5Mb) so I have the directive: client_max_body_size 5M; in my ...
Luciano Mammino's user avatar
4 votes
9 answers

Convince System Administrator that File Uploads can be Okay?

To keep this as short as possible: It was recently brought to the attention of our system administrator (as this type of thing should be) that one of the requirements for our latest web-based project ...
4 votes
8 answers

Our web-developers have a project that requires accepting file-uploads. What should I ensure is covered?

A recent project requires one of our websites to accept file uploads from (logged in) users (primarily images and possibly some video). What are some (generic) things we need to take into account, ...
4 votes
3 answers

Automatically run a script on an uploaded FTP file

Is there a way to run a script over a file that has been uploaded on an FTP server. I am running ProFTP on the server and would like to process the uploaded files immediately after they are uploaded....
jW.'s user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

How to upload to WebDAV using a web browser?

I've setup and configured webdav on debian using the following tutorial: I want to be able to download and upload files to the webdav share using a web ...
caleban's user avatar
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4 votes
4 answers

WebDisk vs FTP - Whats better?

Whats faster, WebDisk of FTP? Can you modify perms via webdisk? Pros? Cons?
p3drosola's user avatar
  • 153
4 votes
2 answers

Error uploading large files (>2gb) through nginx reverse proxy to container

I am running an application in a docker container ( that I am trying to upload very large (>2) GB files to. The container exposes the app on a ...
BigRed3.14159's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

s3put fails with "Connection reset by peer" for large files

I can upload small files quite fine using the same commands, however whenever I try to upload a 5 GB file to S3 then the s3 script fails: [backup]$ s3put --bucket john-murdoch-bucket --reduced --...
John M's user avatar
  • 333
4 votes
3 answers

WinSCP General failure uploading

I am trying to successfully upload a Multi Drupal site source code onto my var/www/html/ directory. So far, I have uploaded everything but the sites folder. When I do try to upload it, it gets up to ...
Lgalan90's user avatar
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4 votes
3 answers

SFTP files not showing upload date as last modification time

Some of the files we receive on our Redhat server are showing date different from upload date as the last modification time. For us the modification time is important as we classify files depending on ...
nitin's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Why does Apache/PHP not apply default ACL to file uploads?

We have Posix ACLs set up on our webserver and everything works fine EXCEPT for file uploads from a web browser in which case the default ACL is not applied. Any reasons why this might be happening or ...
user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

How to upload configuration files using the shell provider?

Apart from installing applications like emacs on my guest machine, I would also like to upload some configuration files (e.g. to configure emacs for Clojure development). Sadly, Vagrant's ...
Trollhorn's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Pushing updates to live server... FTP isn't cutting it... a better method?

I'm the lead developer in a team of 2. My partner has only just joined the project and despite using GIT for version control etc, we are still stuck in the dark ages when it comes to code deployment. ...
Jon M's user avatar
  • 467
3 votes
2 answers

Uploading video files to IIS 7 through php fails

I'm trying to get my website to upload video's and pictures. As I have made more websites that upload pictures there is no problem on that front, but when i try to upload a video for some reason it ...
dragon112's user avatar
  • 137
3 votes
4 answers

Resume upload Big files FTP

I have a FTP server but I would like to use the resume option to restart an upload in case the connection is lost. Can FTP do this? If not is there a file transfer protocol that allows to do such a ...
Necronet's user avatar
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3 votes
3 answers

Network throttling for large file upload process

My application need to have a file upload component which will be uploading very large(>1gb) files. I'm yet to decide on the protocol (HTTP or FTP) to go for (Any help in this regard will be highly ...
kaychaks's user avatar
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3 votes
3 answers

nginx upload progress return me always same size and recived

I set my nginx static content domain like this: # server { # upload limit # upload_limit_rate ...
Mohammad Hossein Fattahizadeh's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Apache places uploaded files in /tmp. Can I change that to another directory?

Is there a configuration that changes the directory where apache web server temporarily places uploaded files? I have access to httpd/conf.d I'm on a machine where /tmp is very size constrained and ...
GSP's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Upload over HTTPS is reliable?

Sometimes we are facing a problem with corrupted files after upload through HTTP protocol. Today I’ve read an article that says that TCP protocol is not 100% reliable due to weak CRC algorithm and ...
Eugene's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Nginx client_body_in_file_only for file upload performance

In my app, I have nginx proxy to my app server (unicorn). I'm trying to improve my file upload performance. I've read that through various techniques you can prevent your app processes from being ...
Jared Moody's user avatar
3 votes
4 answers

Uploading files to EC2 Windows instance

I've created an instance of a Windows Server 2008 AMI at Amazon EC2. I now need to upload some installation files to it. One way to do this would be to activate the FTP server in Windows, set up an ...
nitramk's user avatar
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3 votes
3 answers

How do I upload large (30MB) files via a web interface?

Because I'm stumped... The client needs to be able to upload large images to a library but the upload fails after 5-6MB (over my poor connection). It seems to be timing out as the filesize at fail ...
Dan's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

IIS 8.5 file upload causing ‘NetworkError: 500 Internal Server Error

I am having a terrible time trying to find the cause of the error when uploading a file (the size of the file does not matter) via HTTP to a Windows 2012 R2 Essentials (IIS 8.5) webserver. The ...
Caroline Beltran's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Windows 7 - Network File Copy Intermittently Fails During Upload to NAS

The client machine is running 64 bit Windows 7 and attempting to copy a relatively small file to our NAS device. The NAS device is a Lacie model running (I believe) some variant of Windows XP and has ...
Jack's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Apache Tomcat setting Max file upload size

I am implementing a Grails/Groovy web app, I want to limit the user's file upload size, I don't want someone uploads a 10GB file to my server. What I figured out was that most approaches to calculate ...
Alex's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Writing permission with VSFTPD and Centos 6.2

I have a server with centos 6.2 with httpd and vsftpd. I have few web site in /var/www and i want to add a ftp user for each site. My user1 home directory is /home/user1 and can read/write to it ...
frank's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Limit file upload per type with NGinx

In my project, I will allow users to send zip files and images files (on two different form post). The project is developed with Play! Framework (not PHP). I'd like to limit the size of upload for 1MB ...
Cyril N.'s user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

File synchronization over servers (debian) by uploading a file with PHP

I have 3 web servers for my PHP application. In front of web servers, there are load balancers. My application has a upload image form. I need to have any uploaded image via my form, simultaneously be ...
uguraslan's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Reverse Proxy that does not buffer uploads

From what I've seen of various reverse proxies (nginx, apache, varnish), they seem to buffer file uploads to disk before handing them off to the service they're proxying for. I need a reverse proxy ...
tsuraan's user avatar
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