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Questions tagged [verification]

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82 votes
10 answers

How to avoid lftp Certificate verification error?

I'm trying to get my Pelican blog working. It uses lftp to transfer the actual blog to ones server, but I always get an error: mirror: Fatal error: Certificate verification: subjectAltName does not ...
patrick's user avatar
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7 votes
8 answers

How do you verify a restore?

What tool(s) would you use to verify that a restored file structure is whole and complete? My environment is a Windows Server 2008 file server. (We use tape for backup, but that is inconsequential.) ...
Nic's user avatar
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6 votes
0 answers

The revocation function was unable to check revocation because the revocation server was offline

I have a chain of certificates: MYROOTCERT -> MYCHILDCERT. The MYCHILDCERT certificate has a CRL distribution point extension: [1]CRL Distribution Point Distribution Point Name: Full ...
username's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Let's Encrypt: Why is DNS challenge static? [closed]

To my understanding, LetsEncrypt DNS verification works by setting a static TXT record into DNS (basically just a nonce) which is then checked by the LetsEncrypt servers. When I first heard about it ...
divB's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

How to verify signature on a file using OpenSSL with custom engine

Update Dec 28, 2017 – 3: The author of OpenSSL DSTU module kindly provided patch to OpenSSL+DSTU implementation with a fix for the issue, and assisted further. I was able to accomplish what I need ...
oldhomemovie's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

SSL client certification

OS: CentOS 7 SW: NginX Existing stuff dhparam.pem Issue: I'm trying to create a client verification by creating client certificates and then ...
Bert's user avatar
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1 answer

Enforcing client verification in Apache just for a specific client certificate

I want to make my Apache web server accept SSL connections ONLY IF the client presents itself with a specific SSL client certificate. In other words, only ONE client is allowed and it MUST use a ...
Mauro Molinari's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

Know (at a glance) your Mac client is up-to-date

We have over a thousand Mac clients, and occassionally issue changes that affect many or all of them (such as installing new software, creating local user accounts, or applying updates). I want to ...
3 votes
1 answer

Disable or override GSuite "Verify its you" function

Theres a weird issue I can't find any solution for: in an organization that is using GSuite admin can't open a mailbox for a fired employee. I mean we can reset password etc but while logging in there'...
Cyrill U's user avatar
3 votes
0 answers

Mailgun emails are rejected everywhere but on Gmail

My problem and Mailgun logs I've "setup and verified" (see context) my sending domain with Mailgun, so I could use it to deliver my contact/order forms via Mailgun API:
Petr Cibulka's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

550 Verification failed Sender verify failed (in reply to RCPT TO command)

Note: email addresses, domains, and ip addresses have been changed to protect the innocent Current Error: Apr 28 23:47:32 vps01 postfix/smtp[8012]: 2A03D6285EF9: to=<[email protected]>, ...
amaster's user avatar
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1 vote
4 answers

Is it safe to use not ECC RAM for cold backup server?

I need home computer for simple backup task (just cronjob on Linux, it will run once per day): Download file from my production server (in datacenter, it's good server with Xeons & ECC RAM etc.) ...
Alexander Ovchinnikov's user avatar
1 vote
5 answers

"System File Checker" (sfc-like) for Linux

I am trying to locate a tool, not unlike either the "sfc" command on Windows or the "sysck" command on AIX, which can verify that the file contents, ownerships and permissions are correct. The "...
Julie in Austin's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Google Authenticator - generate new set of emergency codes

I use Google Authenticator on my SSH servers with Andoid app for generating codes. After I run $ google-authenticator application create set of emergyncy keys:
martin's user avatar
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1 answer

Check if an e-mail address exists before sending [closed]

Is there a mechanism for verifying an e-mail address exists before sending?
donald's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

How Can You Tell If IPSec Is Installed on Cisco

How can I tell if my Cisco router has IPSec installed? I went into configuration mode to see about setting up a crypto policy, but the 'crypto' keyword isn't available. Is this an indication that it ...
THE DOCTOR's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

OpenDKIM - verifying mail forwarded by mailing lists

I'm using OpenDKIM for verifying signed mails that are incoming to my mail server and use it as a spam addon (if dkim is broken, mail lands in Junk). However, I'm getting lot of false-positives with ...
gds.jerry's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How do I receive email sent to postmaster?

I have a VPS server that I would like to get an SSL certificate for, and the CA needs an email address to verify that I own the domain. The options are: [email protected], hostmaster@mydomain....
jonescb's user avatar
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0 answers

Google cloud OAuth api verification

We submitted our Google cloud OAuth api verification on 21-Nov-2022 and seeing the same status "Verification in progress" for long time. There is no way to contact support about this inquiry....
Ariel Shlahman's user avatar
1 vote
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Make Postfix add "Authentication-Results" header to locally originated mail destined to local domain?

If I write via sendmail or SubmissionS client a mail to my virtual account (my domain is, the mail I receive looks like this: Return-Path: <[email protected]> Delivered-To: user@...
Polizi8's user avatar
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Google Restricted Scopes OAuth verification: project-id does not match

I received the following email from Google a few days ago: Hi Google API Developer, We sent this email because you’re listed as a contact on the following Google Cloud Project(s) using OAuth 2.0 to ...
Jude Hungerford's user avatar
1 vote
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Verify rdiff backup integrity

I am using rdiff for my differential backup. Recently an issue happened where all versions of my backup failed to patch correctly and rdiff returning an error 106 which after investigation is a code ...
Zaid Amir's user avatar
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0 votes
2 answers

DNS Verification using TXT not working

I have followed the instructions for setting the TXT record for (registered through siteground). After waiting several days, I still cannot get verification. My only guess has ...
Edward Blurock's user avatar
0 votes
3 answers

Why is Yahoo blocking our email address verifications and bouncing them back [duplicate]

I have a legitimate site a Free Classifieds site, once someone posts an advert a verification email is sent.. Yahoo has been blocking them, not delivering and bouncing them back, ...
Andrew's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

How to verify DFS replication for EVERY file?

Was wondering if there is a way to verify that every single file from the source server is replicated over to the secondary server. I understand there's a command Get-DfsrFileHash that can verify the ...
GwFiles's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Azure AD Publisher verification - This capability is not supported in an email-verified tenant

I have created an application in Azure AD and already have verified MPN ID to associate with this application. When I add MPN ID I get the error: This capability is not supported in an email-verified ...
Coder12345's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Can't connect to ssh due to host verification failed

I have an issue with connecting to my ssh hosts. I keep getting this message in verbose mode: OpenSSH_7.2p2, LibreSSL 2.4.1 debug1: Reading configuration data /Users/me/.ssh/config debug1: /Users/me/...
Igl3's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

Best practices for mass file transfer with verification?

I'm looking for a bit of advice on transferring a several files from Windows-based workstations to a Linux Server running Ubuntu Server LTS 10.04. At the moment I've been mounting the shares on the ...
toolshed's user avatar
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1 answer

Postfix connection cache / address verification probes

Is Postfix connection cache also applicable for address verification probes? My setup of 2 frontends with 1 backend sometimes runs into trouble under high load. Frontends verify recipients on the ...
riha's user avatar
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1 answer

EAP-MS-CHAPv2 verification failed Arch Linux (strongswan)

I cannot get Strongswan, networkmanager-strongswan (client) work on your Arch-PC. My vpn-strongswan server (hereinafter deb (server)) has been configured for a long time, any devices (such as android, ...
Alex Petrov's user avatar
0 votes
0 answers

Certificate validation with non-standard CA

I have a Certificate which has been issued by a non-standard CA over which I have no control. I generated the CSR, sent it to non-standard CA and it returned a valid Certificate. This Certificate is ...
ZioByte's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

Nginx reverse dns with cloudflare How do you get the nginx-http-rdns module to work with cloudflare free DDoS protection? I wish to use this ...
masuking's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

NGINX Calling page will download strange file + Certbot can't install certificate

Problem: Certbot returns a urn:ietf:params:acme:error:connection-error when trying to install a certificate for subdomain EDIT: As to be seen in the "EDIT" segment below there'...
3x071c's user avatar
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-1 votes
1 answer

postfix mail gateway recipient address verification for some domains

I want to do the recipient address verification for some domains, but many domains I want to exclude from verification. These are subdomains of domains that are being verified and MySQL lookups ...
user211238's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

How to verify signed file? [closed]

How to check a validity of a file using openssl and cms? I've got a file (foo.bin) and a signature (foo.bin.cms) which is include x509 der format certificate. is there any way to check validity of ...
Nav Boom's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

How is it possible for spammers to keep pestering me with FAKE domains when all e-mail sending providers have these insane obstacles to go through?

I keep getting e-mails to my Gmail account from made-up domains such as: And so on... (Yes, I checked some of them and they are not actually ...
L. Marron's user avatar
-2 votes
1 answer

Verifying my email provider seems to have broken my web site

I read that it would be desirable to "verify" my email provider (zoho), so according to their instructions I added the following records to my DNS (CNAME code altered slightly): CNAME ...
Tyler Durden's user avatar