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Questions tagged [video-streaming]

This tag is about software that helps using a server to stream videos on the internet.

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33 votes
3 answers

How to stream live video from a linux server?

Here is what I want to do. Looked around but didnt find any straight answer. I have a Linux box running websites using Ubuntu/MySQL/Apache. I have my own static IP as well, i.e. not using web hosting. ...
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12 votes
5 answers

How can I verify that an RTMP stream URL is working?

I have been put in charge of setting up a CDN account for streaming video but am not actually running the site that will host the content. How can I test that a published RTMP URL is working? Do I ...
Dave Forgac's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

Is it possible to duplicate a UDP unicast stream with iptables?

I have a proprietary system which transmit a udp video stream from unit #1 ( to unit #2 (.1.2). I can't make changes to this system, and I'm trying to clone this udp stream so I can access ...
Håkon K. Olafsen's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

controlling access while caching video content on-site on client's network

we have many hours of video training courses that we want to deliver on-site to clients with encryption or something to control access Currently , we offer via website (eg like udacity), but some ...
AwokeKnowing's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

How to set up a camera recorder to stream on a website? [closed]

I've to set up a website which will broadcast live video. A camera recorder will be pluged to a laptop. The laptop will send the data to a server (same as the http server) The video will be ...
Boris Guéry's user avatar
4 votes
4 answers

Live video streaming: Microsoft or Adobe?

I am looking for a Live Video Streaming solution. The clients will be able to watch the video with a plugin (Flash or Silverlight), or a standalone application (Windows Media Player, FLV, etc). But ...
Kedare's user avatar
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7 answers

Remote Controlled IP Based Webcam

This may be a tumbleweed, but does anyone know of a webcam that can be remotely controlled via IP? (understanding you'll have to have static IPs, NATing, open ports in firewalls, yada yada yada) For ...
Malnizzle's user avatar
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3 votes
3 answers

Video streaming over multi display units [closed]

We have to share video across around 4/8 terminals at a public facility where we need to display live video from within the facility, as well as display messages(advertisements), and also play videos(...
ramdaz's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Server bandwidth for video streaming website

I need to put on a website videos that can ba shown using a common swf player (like flowplayer). Videos are about 3/4 minutes each (400 MB) in MPEG4/H264 compression. I was thinking to buy a normal ...
Marco Demaio's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Recommendations for building a simple, multi-tiered(?) webcam streamer

I have a webcam connected to a lightweight system (BeagleBoard) running Angstrom and I'd like to serve the webcam traffic up to one or more viewers. The problem I face is threefold: 1) I want ...
mjbraun's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

How to save stream in mp4 format?

By default nginx rtmp module records video stream in .flv format if record option is enabled, but I need .mp4 I found that video can be converted to .mp4 when record has finished with ...
Mike Bohoslavskyi's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Apache as a front end to Red5

I am having a video streaming website. Which is using Open Source Streaming Server Red5. Is it possible some how to redirect the traffic for rtmp via Apache to the said Red5 server.
Bond's user avatar
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3 votes
3 answers

How to play large embedded videos from my own hosted server?

First time posting here-I was sent here from Stackoverflow for this question. :-D I'm setting up an online music-lessons site. I have very large video files-500-600Meg each that I want to play from ...
Joel's user avatar
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0 answers

Does Nginx aio work with linux?

We have a VOD service and we are using nginx as webserver. Our system doesn't use nginx-vod-module instead it just has all the small m4s files for a dash stream. I came across this article(Thread ...
Mojtaba's user avatar
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0 answers

FFMPEG-generated DASH Manifest for Livestream is invalid, but is still playable on some players

I am trying to embed an RTSP stream from an IP Camera into a website. I've found out, that embedding an RTSP directly is tricky and resourceful, also it requires the user to take some crucial actions (...
Emil Avramov's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

How to use server_name with stream NGINX?

Current setup as follows: stream { server { server_name; # this line is resulting in an error proxy_pass http://localhost:1935; } } Works just fine ...
vy.pham's user avatar
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2 votes
3 answers

An equivalent of IceCast but for Live Video Streaming? [closed]

I am looking for a solution to Stream live video like that : A camera/webcam/video output ---> Stream server ---> Clients And if possible multiple Stream Servers like this (like IceCast): A ...
Kedare's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

NGINX Reverse Proxy, Config Video(MJPG) Stream to use a single connection to the Backend Server

I have a question/problem weather it is possible to configure a NGINX Reverse Proxy so that it does not Proxy every Request of a Video Stream to the Backend Server, instead Opening a Single Connection ...
Flo's user avatar
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2 votes
4 answers

Router for a heavy video streaming dependent network

I have a 50 Mbps WAN link and I use Asus RT-N16 with tomato firmware for NAT. My users view multiple streaming videos. At any given time there would be about 20 streaming videos which are being ...
nixnotwin's user avatar
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1 answer

Nginx automatically deletes cache which is set to be valid longer?

I set up a Nginx reverse proxy server serving mp4 files hosted on another server. Everything is working fine now except the cache. Although I have proxy_cache_valid set to 1 day (proxy_cache_valid ...
David Tran's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Set up nginx for access controlled video streaming

I am trying to create an application thats core it will be to show videos in a learning environment based on meteor/nodejs. The problem is the streaming itself. As described on many pages, node is not ...
Tobi's user avatar
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2 votes
3 answers

stress test video streaming [closed]

is there a way to stress test video streaming? Basically simulating a high number of people simultaneously streaming a video? This is an amazon 'cloud' service that will be enabled for my site.
poppet's user avatar
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2 answers

Do any media streaming servers for Linux support streaming (not just progressive download) of Windows Media formats?

Is it possible to build a Linux-only media streaming server which can do streaming of the formats supported by Windows Media Services? To the best of my knowledge, the popular streaming servers that ...
user47382's user avatar
2 votes
4 answers

hosting environment for delivering FLVs

What would be the ideal hardware setup for pushing lots of bandwith on a tube site? We have ever-expanding cloud storage where users upload the movies, then we have these web-delivery machines which ...
Gotys's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

VPN for Video stream

I work at a digital TV broadcast company (cable), we have 2 head ends, one in the US and one in the Caribbean, we currently connect both sites with a cisco L2TPv3 pseudowire VPN between both sites, ...
rantsh's user avatar
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2 votes
0 answers

What matters when optimizing a nginx server for audio/video streaming?

I am looking for opinions and resources. Serving rtmp, dash, hal with nginx-rtmp-module. Test streaming from another machine with ffmpeg, but will probably use OBS later on. Which nginx settings ...
treakec's user avatar
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0 answers

Buffering when serving videos through AWS CloudFront

We are hosting videos in AWS S3 in HLS format (lots of .ts files, + playlists .m3u8). We have configured AWS CloudFront with all Edge locations to serve those files. We have 2 apps, iOS and Android, ...
APE's user avatar
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2 votes
0 answers

vlc decoder error while streaming

I'm re-streaming rtsp stream with vlc for two cameras. The second camera doesn't have audio and it works fine, for the first one (which has audio) stream start fails 9 out of 10 times with error "core ...
NickSoft's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Content delivery: Alternatives to SHOUTcast

I've been using Icecast and SHOUTcast for several years now, to deliver audio and Video content. I wonder what kind of alternatives do I have to those two, especially when streaming video. On the ...
polemon's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

Would UDP over VPN eliminate packet loss?

I am receiving a MPTS UDP stream from a remote location and I am experiencing packet loss. I would like to know if there's any way to eliminate this packet loss while still using the UDP protocol? I ...
ipruthi's user avatar
  • 61
1 vote
2 answers

Can an internet connection be more robust when connecting through a VPN?

During live streams some viewers experiencing problems with the stream like dropouts and artifacts although they have a 100MBit line what makes me assume the problems are caused by packet loss. ...
TheLostOne's user avatar
1 vote
4 answers

How do I stream video fast and what is required? [closed]

My school is setting up a professional television studio that is going to be recording a 1080p stream into a server I am expected to design with a $5000 budget. I do not know what format the video ...
Tyler Romeo's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How to send a continuous stream through ssh

Given a named pipe, how can I send a continuous stream of this pipe through ssh? The netcat equivalent of what I am looking for is from client dd if=myfifo | nc -l 12345 from server nc <...
user123456's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Limit video streaming with lighttpd & Mod_h264 for x minutes

I'm running video streaming with lighttpd & mod_h264 on CentOS. Now, I want to set to client can only watch the movie for the first x minutes. Example: 10 minutes. Who can give me a solution for ...
longser's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

H.264 not streaming over dynamic DNS [closed]

I'm trying to view a network camera remotely so I registered with a dynamic DNS service. I can access the camera fine on the DNS associated URL and stream using MPEG but when I switch to H.264, the ...
User7391's user avatar
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1 vote
3 answers

Are there CDN for streaming video content with custom configuration of media servers

My company currently is using CloudFront as Content Distribution Network. But recently we need some additional configuration to the media server they are using for streaming our video content. But... ...
Kiril Kirilov's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How to enable streaming when file is delivered through PHP script?

I'm trying to enable mp4 streaming on my content server. Due to some security fanatics whom I working with all files are delivered through a php script and have the following url format: http://...
Evils's user avatar
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1 answer

CloudFront - first access

We are storing video files in Amazon S3-Buckets, and do the playout via CloudFront. Unfortunately, although CloudFront has an origin-pull mechanism, the files are only transferred from S3 to the edges ...
schneck's user avatar
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1 answer

How to share video file (DVD) in company's network to employees without them being able to take it home?

I have small network with 50+ users with SBS 2003, MOSS 2007 and File server (all Microsoft software). We've got some video's that we want to share with users without them being able to save it and ...
MadBoy's user avatar
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3 answers

Server 2008 Std. Audio and Video very choppy on termials

I have a server running Server 2008 std. and about 10 Wyse C10le that connect to it via RDP. My users are complaining about poor streaming quality and choppy video/audio. Is there anything I can do ...
msindle's user avatar
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How can I transcode a FLV video directly to mp3 on CentOS?

Okay so i have this idea for a weekend project where I want to transcode flv/mp4 streams directly into mp3 format. How can I easily do that via PHP/Apache on a CentOS Server? (hopefully not as CPU ...
BoRo's user avatar
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4 answers

Server for live audio/video streaming

I need to build a server for a website that will stream live audio and video. The functionality will be like with channels with one broadcaster and unlimited subscribers (who can only ...
user36465's user avatar
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Redirecting Netflix and Youtube traffic to another gateway by IP addresses on Mikrotik router

I help a friend in taking care of the network with few buildings with appartments for rent. During the holiday season all apartments are fully booked, and that means we have 40-60 guests. There are 18 ...
Kamil's user avatar
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1 answer

How to run multiple NGINX instances for servers to be developed together but deployed separately

I'm an NGINX beginner who is building both an adaptive live video server (HLS & DASH) and a caching HTTPS reverse proxy server. While the servers will be deployed to separate boxes, I'd like to ...
BobC's user avatar
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1 answer

Effects of packet loss on video streaming

We are sending an MPEG2-TS/H264 video stream over the network. This video stream is received correctly over the LAN, instead on the other end of a private WAN video quality is poor, thus suggesting ...
kuma's user avatar
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1 answer

Does multimedia redirection in RDP 7 support WebM now?

I was checking out this MSDN post describing multimedia redirection because it's high time we let our users view training videos through our app and not just email them a link. Windows Media ...
Peter Turner's user avatar
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3 answers

How to set up an HTTP video-streaming server for 'tablet independent viewing'?

I have a situation in our lab where we have a lot of video tutorials and a lot of different tablets are being used by the members of the group. Everyone wants to be able to 'stream' the videos from ...
PhD's user avatar
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How to cache streaming video and silverlight with squid windows reverse proxy

We have an intranet web server running a silverlight application (ACTUS media monitor if anyone cares to know). The server is used to record video and stream it to clients through a CDN solution. We ...
V. Romanov's user avatar
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Reliable Multicast Programming (PGM) on Windows

I want to use the Reliable Multicast Programming (PGM) protocol on Windows. I know Windows support it. However, it ...
Coder's user avatar
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Experience using Wowza Media Server for Amazon EC2?

Question 1: WHat have people's experiences been with using Wowza Media Server 2 for Amazon EC2 ( We're planning to use it to allow streaming experience ...
siliconpi's user avatar
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