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Questions tagged [visualization]

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18 votes
13 answers

How can I visualize hard disk space with millions of files?

We have a hard disk that is 600 Gigs and nearly full. It's been filled up with 18,501,765 files (mostly small 19k images) and 7,142,132 folders. It's very difficult to find out where exactly all the ...
9 votes
3 answers

Web-based disk space visualizer

I have a number of Linux webservers for which I'd like to track where disk space is going and keep disk space to a minimum. Typically I login on SSH and use du to find out where disk space is wasted ...
Martijn's user avatar
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9 votes
6 answers

Server and Network Dashboard

We have a Network Operations Center with a dozen large, widescreen displays showing us various performance graphs, server and network equipment alarms, and status pages. I lot of the pages were ...
Joseph's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

How to generate an ASCII representation of a Unix file hierarchy?

all. I'm looking for a quick and dirty way to generate some diagrams of some directories that have almost, but not exactly, the same hierarchy, so I can show them around at a meeting and we can decide ...
Jenn D.'s user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

Tool to visualize linux block devices (partitions, LVM PVs, LVs, mdadm devices...)

I'm looking for a tool that will scan my GUI-less server and create an easy to digest rough overview of all the block devices and their relationship (disk partitions, mdadm devices, LVM PVs & LVs ...
ndemou's user avatar
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4 votes
7 answers

graphic visualization of a process memory

Is there any tool that draws a graphic visualization of a process' memory? I'd like a graph showing the percentage of pages in physical memory and in the page file.
Luca Martinetti's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Difference between physical and logical environment

Could someone give me an explanation what is the difference between physical and logical server environments (or architecture/framework)? Any practical examples?
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3 votes
2 answers

Which tool: graph business services and their technology dependencies

I'm looking to give our company an overview of the business services that IT offers and their various dependencies. The purpose of this graph would be to show the dependencies of technology on ...
SeanKilleen's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Firewall rule visualisation tool [closed]

I am looking for tools that offer firewall visualisation. Google suggests fwbuilder, but to my understanding its visualisation is only a slightly improved table. EDIT: here's what I had in mind. This ...
Konrads's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

Bruteforce log visualization [closed]

Hi could you recommend good tool to visual bruteforce attacks withing normal connection to ssh/MTA...? I have seen for free only afterglow. Thanks in advance, Dawid
kamoks's user avatar
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1 vote
3 answers

Open source report framework [closed]

I'm looking for a open source report framework for statistics. A more detailed explanation is: We have a number of tests running on different servers collecting data (for example, login time) every ...
Tiax's user avatar
  • 11
1 vote
2 answers

Looking for data/event trend analysis and visualization

I have data like this: Date/Time, Source, EventType I want a tool to be able to run on this data (I can format it or put it in a database or anything), but I want to be able to see trends - like ...
Cade Roux's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Animated HTTP request visualisation on Apache [closed]

This is more a question to appease my memory in trying to remember what it was I saw a while ago. I remember being introduced to a realtime server visualisation tool that showed the current requests ...
Simon Bennett's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Visualizing DNS named query logs

Anyone out has suggestions as to what is available for visualizing logs produced by named?
romant's user avatar
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1 vote
5 answers

Visualization Tools for Web App and Database Servers Performance Monitoring

I am interested in finding solution for visualizing the performance of our web servers and database servers in real-time (or as real time as possible). I have seen some stuff for the MS Stack but I ...
nategood's user avatar
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0 votes
6 answers

Best tool to visualize network with 40,000 nodes and 5 million edges

I need a good software tool/app to visualize a network with 40k nodes, and 5 million edges. thanks in advance for your help
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0 votes
2 answers

Visualization of ASes, prefix and the Internet backbone

Last year, I had found a site that had an application (either Java or Flash, I can't remember) that displayed an interactive graph of the ASes in the backbone of the Internet. You could select any AS ...
0 votes
3 answers

good data visual package for unix?

Quite often I'm looking a large blocks of data (logs files) looking for oddities in timing from processes. While I can convert this to an .csv/tab file easy enough, I have issues trying to render it ...
Daniel's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

How do I display a top-ten list, grid or spreadsheet within Nagios?

tldr; I would like to show a list of the ten slowest Apache requests within the past 24 hours. Long version: I can modify Apache to include in a custom log the time to required to serve the request ...
David Hodnett's user avatar
0 votes
0 answers

Preprocessing failed for performance counters zabbix, MSSQL server

I've connected my MSSQL server to zabbix via ODBC. I'm receiving results for some items but for other items errors are returned: Preprocessing failed for: [{"object_name":"SQLServer:...
Xoryy's user avatar
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-8 votes
1 answer

software for rack visualisation [closed]

Can you recommend any (preferably open-source) software for server racks visualization? Ideally it should be able to draw cable links between pieces of equipment, and should be scriptable to some ...
abbot's user avatar
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