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183 votes
12 answers

What does "Warning: untrusted X11 forwarding setup failed: xauth key data not generated" mean when ssh'ing with -X?

When I use ssh -X on my Mac (running OS X 10.6.7) to connect to my Ubuntu (11.04) box, I get the following warning: Warning: untrusted X11 forwarding setup failed: xauth key data not generated ...
Daryl Spitzer's user avatar
30 votes
1 answer

Changing the Sudo warning

The first time you try and sudo on a server you get the sudo warning; We trust you have received the usual lecture from the local System Administrator. It usually boils down to these three things: #1)...
Toby's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

DHCP Warning Sign Icon On Windows Server

I have a Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 Domain Controller. I have the roles AD, DHCP, and DNS installed on this server. I noticed today that there was a warning sign on my IPv4 setting, but not on my IPv6 ...
nate's user avatar
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4 votes
3 answers

nginx - could not build optimal variables_hash

For quite some time now nginx gives me this warning: nginx: [warn] could not build optimal variables_hash, you should increase either variables_hash_max_size: 1024 or variables_hash_bucket_size: 64; ...
BrainStone's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Turn off postfix warning postfix/smtpd: warning: <ipaddr>: hostname <fqdn> verification failed

I would like to turn off this warning Postfix warning: Apr 4 19:03:54 cm postfix/smtpd[7456]: warning: x1.208.40.68: hostname verification failed: Name or service not ...
Eugene van der Merwe's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

Sun X4100 power supply failure LED on, but PSU working

I have a Sun X4100 with dual power supplies. The "rear PSU" LED comes on after the system is powered on and has gone through the self-test. Both power supplies are working just fine -- I can take out ...
kaared's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Get PowerShell warning about scripts back

I've found several questions about how to suppress warnings like this: Security Warning Run only scripts that you trust. While scripts from the Internet can be useful, this script can potentially ...
jpmc26's user avatar
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1 answer

Microsoft Word Security Warning on downloading document

I have a java application running on Tomcat 7.x (using Java 7.x) hosted on Windows Server 2008/2012. When I try to download a document in IE 11 within the application, IE gives me the option of Open. ...
Maz's user avatar
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2 votes
0 answers

OpenVPN - How to suppress WARNING: this configuration may cache passwords in memory -- use the auth-nocache option to prevent this

In OpenVPN GUI, I am getting the red message WARNING: this configuration may cache passwords in memory -- use the auth-nocache option to prevent this. I do not want to always re-type my password ...
Honza Zidek's user avatar
2 votes
0 answers

How do you implement a login warning banner in Gnome 3? [closed]

This question documents how we used to inflict the mandatory login banners required on our Linux machines at work. Unfortunately, this procedure is no longer effective with Gnome 3 in Fedora 15 & ...
Bob Cross's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

HP Server attention light is blinking?

We have an older HP Server RP2470 running HP UX. I've been assigned to perform some hard drive clean up and OS Maintenance on the server before we move it into production. Everything is going just ...
Spirit's user avatar
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1 answer

OpenSSL warning while using x509 purpose command

I tried to find my root CA today and went through all my certificates using openssl x509 -in /path/to/certificate -purpose. As I found what should be my root CA I got this output: Certificate ...
func0der's user avatar
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1 answer

WARNING: Context manager doesn't exist

I have cluster setup with session replication. I have one load balancer with 2 tomcat instances as the worker nodes. In one of the node I am getting the WARNING. NOt sure what it really means. Session ...
nth's user avatar
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1 answer

make shutdown / reboot warn on a shared server in case of user sessions or high load

Is there an easy way to warn an admin on shutdown, reboot, poweroff, halt, ... about: ongoing computations (high load, high disk io) open bash / zsh / ... terminal sessions other logged in users ...
Jörn Hees's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Ultrium DT3 - Amber warning light and Red 3 on LED

Dell PowerEdge 2900 with IBM Ultrium DTO III installed. Tape drive ejects and accepts tapes and backup software successfully writes to tape but I have a red 3 on the LED of the tape unit and a ...
Klaptrap's user avatar
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1 answer

mysqld[1108] [Warning] Aborted connection 7466 to db: 'unconnected' user: 'unauthenticated' host: ''

I am running Ubuntu Server 20.04. It is a LEMP server running Mariadb. When I run the command sudo service mariadb status I get the following warnings: Jul 28 00:18:59 mysqld[1108]: ...
DanRan's user avatar
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1 answer

Getting libssl abd libcrypto conflict warning while compiling php on RHEL 7.8

I m getting following warning messages while compiling php on RHEL7.8 I am able to successfully compile and install php but I am not sure what will be the side effect of these warnings. Is there any ...
skb007's user avatar
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0 answers

Removing low Battery Indicator in Ubuntu 20.04

I have recently installed Ubuntu on a mini pc with a zx8350 cpu. The installation recognizes the CPU as a laptop CPU and automatically displays the "low battery" indicator even though the ...
Next Layer's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Warning: Unavailable Version of Java Requested

We are updating client computers to JRE 1.7 but a partner Web application has a mention of the older java version in its applet HTML tags (java_version=1.6*). Because of this mention, the applet ...
test1839's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

What does this VMWare warning really mean? ... "... Insufficient video RAM...."

Here is the actual warning from VMotiononing: Warning message from Insufficient video RAM. The maximum resolution of the virtual machine will be limited to ...
JustBeingHelpful's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Fujitsu Primergy TX1320M4 - additional backplane installation

I‘ve upgraded a Fujitsu Primergy TX1320M4 from four to eight 2.5 HDD by installing an additional backplane using the official upgrade kit. Both backplanes are connected to a PRAID CP400i. Disks which ...
JKB's user avatar
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0 votes
3 answers

What is the absolutely simplest way of sending notification from a linux server?

I have a server with smartmontools and I wish it sent med a notification/warning email whenever a disk fails. For this i need to setup a email server on the machine. However this will be the only ...
netbrain's user avatar
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1 answer

ssh warning message missing file issue

When I log into ssh (centos 6.5 64bit) Can't locate in @INC (@INC contains: /usr/local/lib64/perl5 /usr/local/share/perl5 /usr/lib64/perl5/vendor_perl /usr/share/perl5/vendor_perl /usr/...
user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Postfix postmap header_checks warnings

I have the following postfix header_checks and they have worked well for years: /^Date: .* 21.*/ REJECT Your email has a date from the far future. Fix your system clock and try again. /^Date: .* 20[3.*...
Pavman's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

Google Cloud Function warning "OpenBLAS WARNING - could not determine the L2 cache size on this system"

I get the warning OpenBLAS WARNING - could not determine the L2 cache size on this system, assuming 256k in the logs of the "LOGS" tab of the Cloud Function. There is already a Q/A on this ...
questionto42's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

What would initiate MariaDB to start to resolve IP addresses?

In my Windows Logs > Application I see these Warnings IP address '' could not be resolved: No such host is known. The IP is unknown to me. These Warnings get logged as: Log Name: ...
MeSo2's user avatar
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1 answer

ansible [WARNING]: Ignoring invalid attribute: update_cache

I'm not sure why I'm getting this warning. I've already checked the apt module and it says: update_cache bool Choices: no ← yes Run the equivalent of apt-get update before the operation. Can be run ...
Lethargos's user avatar
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1 answer

nginx: [warn] low address bits

So yeah, i got a list of blocked ip-ranges, and some of them gives me an error in gninx when i try to restart nginx. nginx: [warn] low address bits of are meaningless in /etc/nginx/...
0x0b's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

Monitoring router with Nagios using MRTG

I'm monitoring router's Bandwidth Usage in Nagios using MRTG. So if I'll not do this command periodically env LANG=C /usr/bin/mrtg /etc/mrtg/mymrtg.cfg I'll will get this warning in Nagios GUI MRTG ...
Andriy's user avatar
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0 votes
0 answers

Maria Database (Mariadb) - Aborted connection to db: 'unconnected' user: 'unathenticated' host: ''

I am running an Ubuntu based LEMP mail/web server, using MariaDB. When I run the command sudo service mariadb status I get the following warnings: Oct 24 00:32:44 mariadbd[1226]: ...
DanRan's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

Where to find report about ECC DDR single bit failure rates on Windows?

We have a windows server 2012 with ECC DDR3 installed. Recently the Dell admin software that came with it started reporting single-bit correction warnings on one of the modules: My question is, is ...
crokusek's user avatar
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DRBD what is the meaning of warning "nothing to do in stacked mode"

We just installed DRBD on one node (the second one is not installed). After doing drbdadm primary theres service drbd start everything is ok (resource available) but the following warning message ...
Déjà vu's user avatar
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How to monitor and get notify which VPS within one node is sending mass emails?

How to monitor and get notify which VPS within one node is sending mass emails (spam) ? Actually I have several nodes with CentoS OS and KVM VPS clients, some of them are sending bulk emails and ...
Michael G.Mendez's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Why doesn't Outlook warn me anymore when I add an already occupied meetingroom to the appointment?

We use outlook 2007 and Exchange 2003. When i add the meetingroom to the appointment it doesn't warn me anymore that the meetingroom is already occupied. The same happens to all my colleagues, so I ...
user avatar
-2 votes
1 answer

Nagios alert by email for WARNING [closed]

I want to set Nagios up to issue warnings (e.g. mildly high disk usage of clients) via email. I'm new to nagios core, so please assist me to achieve this. what changes I have to make in config files ...
Rahul's user avatar
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