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Questions tagged [website]

A website is a set of related web pages containing content (media).

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197 votes
10 answers

Nginx enable site command

We all know how to enable a website using apache on Linux. I'm pretty sure that we all agree on using the a2ensite command. Unfortunately, there is no default equivalent command that comes with Nginx, ...
HXH's user avatar
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137 votes
4 answers

What type of DNS record is needed to make a subdomain?

I'm making a website, and I need a sub-domain. I need to add the new part to my website, but I don't know which type of DNS record to add in the DNS console to point to this new site. Is it A or ...
Keavon's user avatar
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69 votes
7 answers

Should websites live in /var/ or /usr/ according to recommended usage?

According to a guide on the Linux directory structure, /usr/ is for application files, and /var/ is for files that change (I assume this means "files that belong to the applications"). Is ...
Nick Bolton's user avatar
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42 votes
19 answers

Can anyone recommend a website monitoring service? [closed]

What are people using for website monitoring services? I am referring to a service that I can configure specific hits to my site to monitor if the site is up, and how fast it is responding to the ...
qxotk's user avatar
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39 votes
4 answers

Official online RPM package browser / search for CentOS [closed]

I am looking for something that resembles Debian Package Browser only for CentOS 5 and/or RHEL 5 [Red Hat Enterprise Linux].
unixman83's user avatar
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33 votes
20 answers

Web Host Recommendations [closed]

I'm presently using for website hosting. I've had some so-so experiences, and think they are a little overpriced. We have a fairly simple website - no e-commerce. We do need plenty of storage ...
31 votes
1 answer

Should my website have an IPv6 address?

My website only has an IPv4 address. With IPv6 being the future, is it possible that some users may not be able to reach the website if it does not have an IPv6 address? Also, does having an IPv4/IPv6 ...
Reado's user avatar
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31 votes
1 answer

illegitimate traffic from user agent Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/2009042316 Firefox/3.0.10 (.NET CLR 3.5.30729)

This is a rapidly changing event that has no answer yet. Please do not post your findings or assumptions as answers; reserve the answer field for when you actually have an answer. If you ...
25 votes
6 answers

What are the advantages of putting secret values of a website as environment variables?

The devops guidelines at suggest to put website secrets (database passwords, api keys, etc.) into environment variables. What advantages does that have instead of using ...
Aidas Bendoraitis's user avatar
23 votes
24 answers

Is Open ID better than the usual LogIn system? [closed]

We are developing a web system and considering using the Open Id feature. Do you think it is any better than the usual way of loggin users in? If we use the Open Id feature that means the users will ...
Saj's user avatar
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22 votes
2 answers

No targets available when trying to set alias target from Route 53 to S3

I'm trying to setup a simple Amazon AWS S3 based website, as explained here. I've setup the S3 bucket (, gave it the (hopefully) right permissions: { "Version": "2012-10-...
Amir Zucker's user avatar
19 votes
2 answers

What Does a Layer 3,4 Firewall do that a Layer 7 Does Not?

I'm thinking about going with a security vendor for hosted sites on my VPS, and I'm having a hard time understanding something. (Yes I know this is OSI terminology, and the sites in question are basic ...
David A. Wank's user avatar
17 votes
6 answers

How does an ISP block my website with a warning message [closed]

I have searched about this topic on Google but mostly I got the result how to unblock website blocked by ISPs. So, I have a website that is being blocked from viewing by audiences and when I go to my ...
MaXi32's user avatar
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14 votes
6 answers

First days online : how not to kill your site

Suppose you have this fancy new site, with lots of data (like big images), and you're about to put it online. If you do "too much" publicity, during the first days, the site will be overwhelmed with ...
mathieu's user avatar
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13 votes
2 answers

How to check HTTP response code of a secured website with Nagios?

I want to create a nagios check of my secure website. All the check needs to do is login to the site with login details that I pass the script. Does anyone know of a plugin or script that will allow ...
Simon Foster's user avatar
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13 votes
3 answers

What is the best Time-Of-Day to run the maintenance of an international (English) website?

If you want to have a non-country-specific website in English, what is/are the best time-of-day to run the maintenance? You can also answer by specifying what is the worst time-of-day to run the ...
monster's user avatar
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11 votes
11 answers

Penetration Testing [closed]

We're deploying a new website, hosted ourselves. Short of getting in white hats how would you go about penetration testing from outside the network?
Marko Carter's user avatar
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11 votes
8 answers

What is the first thing you do if your website was hacked?

What would you do as first thing if your website was hacked? Taking the site from net? or rollback a backup? not realy or? Did you made any experiences in this way?
10 votes
6 answers

Nagios Monitoring Text on a Website

I was wondering if I could get some help with monitoring text on a website. I.E. If I wanted to monitor for the text "Privacy", I thought I would use the following command: check_http -H ...
IOTAMAN's user avatar
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9 votes
5 answers

How to get nginx to redirect from www to non-www domain?

Let's say I want to redirect from to and I want to do this using nginx. I looked around and did not see any good documentation on this so I figured I would ask and answer ...
Jauder Ho's user avatar
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9 votes
3 answers

What's the best way to create a static backup of a website?

I have an old Joomla! site that I would like to convert to a static set of html pages (since it's not being updated anymore and I don't want the overhead of having a MySQL db running for something ...
CamelBlues's user avatar
9 votes
1 answer

What is the difference between a cache, a primed cache and an empty cache?

Can someone explain the following concepts to me as the relate to measuring the data transfer of data from my web site. Whats the difference between a cache, a primed cache and an empty cache? Can ...
Enrique's user avatar
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8 votes
8 answers

24TB RAID 6 configuration

I am in charge of a new website in a niche industry that stores lots of data (10+ TB per client, growing to 2 or 3 clients soon). We are considering ordering about $5000 worth of 3TB drives (10 in a ...
Phil's user avatar
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8 votes
5 answers

How should I check a site for dead links? [closed]

How should I check my website for dead links? I've used some web based utilities that were okay, e.g.: I've used some freeware apps in the ...
Jon Galloway's user avatar
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8 votes
4 answers

Why is the "www." sometimes necessary? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: vs Is there any particular reason that "www." is required for some websites? It seems to me that all this does is cause inconvenience (at best) ...
Andrew Keeton's user avatar
8 votes
9 answers

Recommendation: Company website forced to https?

My company wants their "informational" website to be rewritten from HTTP to HTTPS. Technically this is not a big deal for me. But i have doubts if this is state-of-the-art since the only reason they ...
zero_r's user avatar
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8 votes
6 answers

How long does it take for DNS to update new records? Strange DNS behaviour!

I had my personal site at freehostia and now i have shifted to some other server. It has been close to a week, and ofcourse as the NameServers changed for the new host, i made the required changes ...
Vivek Sharma's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

Using a CNAME record to redirect a subdomain to another website?

Under my current understanding, I am able to use CNAME records to redirect users to another domain. For example, I own ''. When a user goes to '', they should be ...
juggling_pro's user avatar
7 votes
3 answers

SEO Consultant Wants System Credentials

An SEO consultant has asked (demanded) credentials to the web environment so he can do ... Whatever it is that they do. I'm new to the company but an experienced Systems Engineer. I've just now been ...
gWaldo's user avatar
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7 votes
8 answers

How can I tell how often Google crawls my site?

I've started a relatively new website, and I submitted it to google and everything. I use google's webmaster tools as well. I'm wondering how to figure out the frequency of google's spider accessing ...
user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

IIS 7.5 Redirect / URL Rewrite to mobile version of website

I'm looking for an IIS solution (not programming) to redirect a website to a mobile version of the website. It looks like it might be possible, but not sure, with IIS Redirect or using IIS URL Rewrite ...
thames's user avatar
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7 votes
6 answers

Syncing multiple wordpress web servers in a farm

My company will shortly be setting up a blog, and I'm planning on setting up two web servers to host the wordpress website for redundancy. Normally when we do releases to a site in a farm we push to ...
mrdenny's user avatar
  • 27.2k
6 votes
9 answers

Successfully, permanently ban a user from a website? [closed]

I have a social networking website and I want to ban a user from the website. I've added his IP address to the ban list in the .htacess file and to the php level for banning that user, but he keeps ...
mahen3d's user avatar
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6 votes
9 answers

Basic wiki engine to a personal site

I am building a site for some tutorial material. I intend to use a wiki platform. DokuWiki and MediaWiki are very heavy, I have shortlisted two platforms - Boltwire - LionWiki I basically would like ...
Vivek Sharma's user avatar
6 votes
3 answers

Unused domain name getting routed to double click

I have an unused domain name which is registered by Network Solutions and which I thought was turned off. However, entering the domain in a browser results in getting redirected to a double click ...
Tyler Durden's user avatar
6 votes
4 answers

How to create a self-signed SSL certificate with subject alternate names (SAN) for IIS websites

Does anyone know how to create a self-signed SSL certificate for use with IIS (7) that has subject alternative names (SAN)s? I need the certificate to be able to validate the hostname AND the IP ...
Andy Arismendi's user avatar
6 votes
3 answers

How to update a live webserver?

I'm in the process of setting up a webserver and I was wondering what the best practice method of updating the website it contains would be. I'm aware that I should have some sort of 'test' server ...
radman's user avatar
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6 votes
3 answers

PHP + MYSQL site perfomance

I have to manage a site which wasn't developed by me. It is in PHP using a mysql database, which is located in the web server. The site, sometimes (when the visitors increase too much) stops ...
Diego's user avatar
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6 votes
5 answers

Is Page-Loading Time Relevant?

Take this (ServerFault) page for instance. It has about 20 elements. When the last of these has loaded, the page is deemed "loaded"--but not before. This is certainly the protocol used by our testing ...
doug's user avatar
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6 votes
7 answers

Troubleshooting Website problems within the local network

Have an external website which opens fine on some PC's, yet seems to time out (or symptoms of timing out, but never actually does) on others. Seems to only affect (some) of our newer HP Pro 3305 MT ...
HaydnWVN's user avatar
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5 votes
11 answers

Should I provide Favicon.ico for my website?

I don't have a favicon.ico. I noticed that many visitors repeatedly request it. Should I just put a blank GIF or ICO file? Thanks for the input. But I have one question that no one answered: should I ...
Unknown's user avatar
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5 votes
4 answers

How can I have a web site automatically open up at a certain time each day [closed]

We Have a web site that employees must check into at a specific time each day. How can I make the site automatically open on each users computer at a certain time each day. Thanks
BIgOne's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

correct file system permissions for joomla installation on linux

My question is pretty general. Lets assume I have a linux distribution web server, with the /var/www/ is the web directory. I used my superuser account to upload and unzip the Joomla installation ....
jeffery_the_wind's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Server admin community on a blog platform? [closed]

I'm wondering if there is a site out there where server admins congregate and post useful bits and pieces. Server Fault for example is a great Q&A site and Slashdot Journal Entries could be useful ...
Ben Short's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

AWL ELB error message

I am hosting a website on AWS and want to disable traffic coming from any cipher other than TLS 1.2. This is easy to do on the ELB, but want to create a custom 'landing page' for those users who need ...
Chri3's user avatar
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4 votes
8 answers

Determining if a bot is scraping utility bill content and how to block it

I work for a local government that bills for water usage and garbage collection. I received a call today from a customer that a "New York company" called him asking for his customer number and pin to ...
Mike Wills's user avatar
4 votes
6 answers

Recommended website performance monitoring services? [closed]

I'm looking for a good performance monitoring service for websites. I know about some of the available general monitoring services that check for uptime and notify you about unavailable services. But ...
Dennis G.'s user avatar
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4 votes
8 answers

Our web-developers have a project that requires accepting file-uploads. What should I ensure is covered?

A recent project requires one of our websites to accept file uploads from (logged in) users (primarily images and possibly some video). What are some (generic) things we need to take into account, ...
4 votes
4 answers

How can I render html at high resolution? [closed]

I want to create high-quality prints of a website, for a publication. Screenshots can get very gritty when printed out, for no good reason. Embedded bitmap images can't be improved of course, but ...
amarillion's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

When Should I Stop/Start an IIS Application Pool?

I was told that every time I refresh our web site, either individual pages or the entire site, I should first stop the application pool, update my website file or files, then start the application ...
Frank DiJohn's user avatar

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